浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高三英语人教版必修1《Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –A Moder Hero》教案(课时1)

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浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高三英语人教版必修1《Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –A Moder Hero》教案(课时1)_第1页
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浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高三英语人教版必修1《Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –A Moder Hero》教案(课时1)_第2页
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浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高三英语人教版必修1《Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –A Moder Hero》教案(课时1)_第3页
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111Teaching reference Unit The first period: Teaching Contents analysis(教材分析): 1. Some sentences for the students to recite.2. The followings to review: 1_ adj. 热心肠的2_ adj. 和平的3_ n律师4_ n进攻;攻击5_ adj. 愿意的;自愿的 6_ adj. 不公平的;不公正的7_ v逃脱;泄露8_ n毛毯9_ n报酬;奖金10_ v判决;宣判11_ n总统;会长;校长;行长12_ n意见;主张;看法13_ adj. 积极的;活跃的 _ n活动14_ adj. 慷慨的;大方的 _ n慷慨;大方15_ adj. 自私的 _ adj. 无私的;忘我的 _ adv.无私地;忘我地16_ v献身;专心于 _ adj. 忠实的;深爱的 _n献身;忠实17_ v建立;建设 _ n创建者18_ n指导;领导 _ v指导19_ n暴力;暴行 _ adj. 暴力的20_ adj. 相等的;平等的 _ adv.平等地 _ n平等 21_ v教育;训练 _ n教育;训练 _ adj.受过教育的;有教养的22_ n亲戚;亲属 _ n关系;亲戚23_ n恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动_ adj. 可怕的;恐怖的1warmhearted2.peaceful3.lawyer 4attack5.willing6.unfair7.escape8.blanket 9reward10.sentence11.president12.opinion 13active;activity14.generous;generosity15.selfish;selfless;selflessly16.devote;devoted;devotion 17.found;founder 18guidance;guide19.violence;violent20.equal;equally;equality21.educate;education;educated22.relative;relation23.terror;terribleStudents analysis(学情分析): To most of our students, I dont think they are interested in English. That is to say, we must pay more attention to those studentsstudents Band C. First, we must raise their interest. Second, we must begin with the Transtive Verbs.Teaching goals for the students(教学目标):To students A and B, after this period, they must know how to use the followings:1. Vacabularies:掌握这种句型的关键是要明确哪些词的后面可以接及物动词宾语宾语补足语。常见的后跟双宾语的动词有:see, hear, make,find 等等2. Some phrases for Ss A B and C: .1warmhearted2.peaceful3.lawyer 4attack5.willing6.unfair7.escape8.relative;relation9reward10.sentence11.president12.opinion 13educate;education;educated14. equal;15.selfish;selfless;selflessly16.devote;devoted;devotion 17.found;founder 18terror;terrible3Some important sentences from Unit One for students A:简单句的五种基本句型(五)主语及物动词宾语宾语补足语1.Let us be friends.2.I wont let you down.3.I heard my name called.4.I hear someone calling my name.5.They named their daughter Mary.6.He found his new job rather interesting.7.She always keeps everything in good order.8.They invited me to speak at the class meeting.9.I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.10.She was made to clean the windows by her mother.Difficult points: 及物动词宾语宾语补足语Teaching procedures:Step I.板书并讲解:1devote v致力于;献身;忠诚的(1)devote oneself to. 献身于;致力于;专心于devote ones life to. 把一生致力于/奉献于devote ones energy/time /effort/money to sth.把精力/时间/努力/金钱投入(花费)在(2)be devoted to sth./ sb.致力于;献身于;忠诚/热爱【例句】伟大人物就是一生致力于帮助他人的人。A great person is someone who helping others.(课本P33)我认为我们不应该在这个问题上再花时间。I dont think we should this question.她虽然人在监狱,但深爱自己的孩子。She her children though she was in prison.【提示】devote.to/be devoted to.中to用作介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。用上述单词或短语完成下列情景Li Hua is my (1)_ (忠实的) friend.After he graduated from a university in 1980,he went work in Tibet.Since then he (2)_(致力于) improving the education of the local people.He (3)_(花费) a lot of time _ raising money to build more schools. Sometimes he himself devoted some of his time to (4)_(教学) in a school.His (5)_(热爱) to his work touched the people deeply.They all think highly of my friend.【答案】(1)devoted(2)has been devoted to/has devoted himself to(3)devoted;to(4)teaching(5)devotion2found v建立;建设【例句】经过多年的奋斗后他于1911年在中国创建了第一个共和国。He the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years fighting.(课本P33)这个富人在他出生的镇上创办了一所医院和学校。The rich man a hospital and a school in the town where he was born.毕业后,他在一个沿海城市创立了自己的公司。He in a coastal city after his graduation.辨析found/set up/put up/build upfound“创立;建立”,强调开创性。set up“建立;成立;支起来”,宾语可为具体的房屋、机构、团体或基金等。put up“建起;修建;竖起”房屋等,此用法同set up。build up“(逐渐)建立;(逐步)建设;增强”等意义。Many tents have been set up for the victims of the earthquake.The boys put up tents in the woods.He has built up a good business.动词填空(1)They decided to _ (成立) up a fund to help the students from poor families.(2)She went on holiday and soon _ (增强) up her health.【答案】(1)set(2)built3equal adj. 平等的;相同的 n相同的人/物 v等于;比得上(1)(be) equal to sth./doing sth.等于;相当的;能胜任;能应付的be equal in sth.在某方面相等(2)equal sth.与某物相等equal sb.in sth.在某方面与某人匹敌(3)without equal / have no equal无与伦比;无敌【提示】equal无比较级形式,作“胜任”讲时,仅用作表语。【例句】但是,我乐意帮忙,因为我知道,这是为了实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people .(课本P34)二加二等于四。Two plus two four.一个鸡蛋的蛋白质含量和半磅牛排相当。An egg half a pound of steak in protein value.尽管她很年轻,但在音乐方面没有人能比得上她。Though she is young,she music.在这个社区,没有人能比得上他的服务。No one has his service in this community.【即时应用】Fitness is important in sport,but of at least _ importance are skills.AfairBreasonable Cequal Dproper【解析】句意:健康在运动中很重要,但是,技巧至少同等重要。根据句意应使用equal。【答案】C4escape v逃跑;(液体、气等)漏出;避开(注意等);逃过(记忆) n逃脱;逃避;泄露(1)escape from. 从逃跑/漏出escape punishment/being punished逃避惩罚ones name escape sb.想不起某人的名字escape the notice of sb.逃过某人的注意(2)make ones escape逃跑【例句】那是一座任何人也逃不出去的监狱。It was a prison from which no one .(课本P38)他们砸开了门,设法从失火的楼里逃了出来。They managed the burning building by breaking down the door.只要违反了学校规定,没有人能够逃避惩罚。No one can punishment if he or she breaks the school rules.我非常抱歉一时想不起你的名字了。I am terribly sorry that your name for the moment.【提示】escape用作及物动词,后可接名词、动名词,但不可接动词不定式作宾语。单句改错(1)My deskmate narrowly escaped hurt in the car accident._(2)The thief made his escaping by jumping into a passing car._【答案】(1)escaped后加being(2)escapingescape5reward n报酬;回报;奖金 v酬谢;奖赏(1)reward sb.with sth.用奖赏某人reward sb.for sth./doing sth.因(做)某事奖励某人in reward for为报答;作为的奖赏(2)give sb.a reward for. 因奖励某人receive/be given a reward for. 因而得到奖赏【例句】从南非新政府得到的这份工作和薪金,是我毕生为争取黑人的平等权利而斗争所得到的回报。.the job and the pay from the new South African government were my after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks.(课本P38)我不指望得到什么报答,我做这件事只是因为我喜欢。I dont expect anything ;I did it because I enjoyed it.他们奖给那个男孩5美元,酬谢他把走失的狗送回来。They the boy D|S5 for bringing back the lost dog.辨析reward/prize/award:reward指给予善行、业绩等的报酬或奖赏。prize指竞赛等给予获胜者的奖品或奖金。award多指由政府或某一机构所给予的正式奖励。He didnt receive a reward for his new invention.Our monitor won the first prize in the English speech contest. He received an award by the government for his study of cancer.介词填空(1)_ the opinion of most people,its interesting enough to be a pilot of a fighter.(2)To be frank,they all have a low opinion _ your design.【答案】(1)In(2)ofStep II:板书并讲解:1.Let us be friends.2.I wont let you down.3.I heard my name called.4.I hear someone calling my name.5.They named their daughter Mary.6.He found his new job rather interesting.7.She always keeps everything in good order8.They invited me to speak at the class meeting.9.I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.10.She was made to clean the windows by her mother. (要求死记)宾语与宾语补足语构成复合宾语,该句式中的宾语补足语可由形容词、名词、介词短语、副词、带to或不带to的不定式、现在分词和过去分词充当。Step III: Summary: To most of the students, they can master the phrases by heart, but to students A, theyd better to know how to use different kinds of transtive verbs.Homework for the class: 1. Learn the words and phrases by heart.2. Exercises III in Book 361.短文填空(For students ABC:)Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa in 1918.As a young man,he was very 1._ in politics.In 1937 he entered a university and completed his law degree and became a lawyer in 1940.In 1944 he 2._ the ANC Youth League and started to work 3._ for the black people.In 1952,he set up a law office to help poor black people in Johannesburg,but it was closed by the government later this year because he 4._ antiblack laws.In 1962 he was 5._ to five years for encouraging 6._against antiblack laws.In 1963,he and his supporters began to blow up government buildings.Just for this reason,he was sentenced to prison and was in prison for almost thirty years.When he was in prison,he tried his best to help his friends to be 7._.In 1990 he was released from prison and became 8._ of the ANC in 1991.In 1993,he was 【答案】1.active2.founded3.selflessly4.attacked5.sentenced6.violence7.educated8.president9.rewarded10.peacefulFor students AB:1.Let us be friends.2.I wont let you down.3.I heard my name called.4.I hear someone calling my name.5.They named their daughter Mary.6.He found his new job rather interesting.7.She always keeps everything in good order.8.They invited me to speak at the class meeting.9.I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.10.She was made to clean the windows by her mother.111


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