2012高考英语人教版必修3Unit1《Festivals around the world》单元强化训练

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111.单词拼写1Its difficult to get used to another countrys customs (风俗)2He is a famous poet and his poems are popular with the youth.3Do you know when India gained its independence(独立)from Britain?4She should apologize(道歉)to her teacher for coming late.5He travelled around the country gathering facts about folk songs.单项填空1She found the beautiful dress she had been_to_to others.Alooked forward;soldBlooking forward;was soldClooking forward;soldDlooked forward;selling【解析】she had been looking forward to是定语从句,修饰先行词the beautiful dress,谓语是was sold。【答案】B2It is _ to eat Yuanxiao on the Chinese Lantern Festival in China.AhabitBa habitCa customDcustomer【解析】考查名词词义辨析。habit指“个人生活习惯”,而custom通常指“社会风俗”;customer指“顾客”,故C项符合句意。【答案】C3Mr.Li suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was going in the right direction.Ato have seenBhaving seenCto seeDseeing【解析】as if后接动词不定式构成省略语。as if to see.相当于as if he was to see.。如果as if引导的从句是“主语系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词。【答案】C4Suddenly I _ hope.I decided to stick with competition next term.AlostBgainedCkeptDtook6The Dragon Boat Festival had its _ as an event in memory of Qu Yuan,a great poet in China.AreasonBexplanationCoriginDresource【解析】reason意为“理由;原因”;explanation意为“解释;说明”;origin意为“起源;由来;起因”;resource意为“资源”。由句意可知C项正确。【答案】C7When does the ceremony _?All the lovely boys and girls in our school are waiting for it.Sorry,I have no idea,but in my opinion,8:00 am.AhappenBtake placeCtake part inDturn out【解析】happen常指偶然发生,take place常指按计划,安排发生/举行;take part in“参加”;turn out“结果是,证明是”。由句意“仪式什么时候举行”可知,选B。【答案】B8The traffic problems we are looking forward to seeing _ should have attracted the governments attention.AsolvingBsolveCto solveDsolved【解析】考查非谓语动词。we are looking forward to seeing solved是the traffic problems的定语从句,实际是see the traffic problems solved,因为交通问题与解决是被动关系,故应用过去分词。【答案】D9He stood still in front of the shop windows as if he were _ something in them.AadmiringBlookingCrespectingDliking【解析】admire“钦佩,赞赏”;look at sth.“看着某物”;respect“尊重,尊敬”。句意为:他静静地站在橱窗前,仿佛在欣赏里面的物品。【答案】A10Whats the matter with Mary?She was seen crying when she was coming out of the teachers office.She _ by the teacher.Amay be scolded Bshould have been scoldedCmust be scolded Dmust have been scolded【解析】因为“她被人看见从老师办公室哭着出来”,所以推断“她那时一定是受到了责备”。根据语境,说话人在对过去的情况进行肯定的推测,故排除A、B、C项。【答案】D11World Expo 2010 Shanghai China,a grandscale global event,has _ the significant theme Better City,Better life.AabandonedBadoptedCadvocatedDadapted【解析】句意为:2010年中国上海世博会是一次规模盛大的全球盛会,它所采纳的主题是“城市让生活更美好”,其意义十分深远。abandon“离弃,丢弃;抛弃”;adopt“收养;采纳”;advocate“拥护,提倡”;adapt“使适应(适合),修改,改编”。【答案】D14_,he was_after the long race.AObvious;hold his breathBObviously;out of breathCClear;held his breathDObvious;breathed【解析】句意为:一段很长的比赛后,很明显,他已经上气不接下气了。obviously“明显地”;out of breath“上气不接下气”。【答案】B15An Asian normally does not open a gift in the presence of the giver,_ an American tends to open it immediately when he gets it.AsinceBwhileCwhenDas【解析】句意为:亚洲人通常不当面打开礼物,而美国人一接到礼物就想马上打开。while表对比, “然而”。由句意可知B项正确。【答案】B.完成句子1In order to complete the task on time,they work day and night(日夜)2. My teacher often reminds me of(提醒我)my handwriting.3People love to get together to eat,drink and have fun(玩得开心)with each other.4Dont you realize they were making a fool of(捉弄,愚弄)you?5The guide gathered(集合)the tourists and set out(出发).阅读理解AIt was a proud moment for all Chinese when 8,000 pictureperfect soldiers,tanks and missiles,60 beautiful floats(花车),and 100,000 welltrained people all passed by Tiananmen Square and 151 planes flew over Beijing on October 1.President Hu Jintao,in a Mao jacket,reviewed the thousands of soldiers. “Today a socialist China that faces the future is standing tall and firm in the East,” he announced.China holds grand celebrations every 10 years to celebrate the founding of the country.But this years parade topped those in the past.Behind the celebrations is the great progress China has made.When the country was founded,it was poor,but now China has the worlds third largest economy.China has more Internet and mobile phone users than anywhere else and is the worlds largest car market.Almost all Chinese families have at least one television and,in the cities,a washing machinerare things 30 years ago.Some 15 million families own cars,said Xinhua New Agency.On the parade floats could be seen models of highspeed trains,giant computers,cars and bundles of wheat and rice.“I never thought China would be able to have such a great celebration,and at a time when the world economy is slowing down.The parade showed me how powerful my country is and it makes me feel proud of it,” said Jia Yanxin,16,from Beijing Yuying High School.Despite the pride,China still has a lot of progress to make:although it has the third largest economy in the world,the average urban income(15,781yuan in 2008) is still low.Also,there is a widening gap between rich and poor and environmental problems.However,the celebration was not just a showcase(展示)of the countrys success.It was not just a parade.It was the Chinese peoples march into their own future,as China Daily said.“China has grown from a baby to a grownup with responsibilities.I believe it will go much further over the next 10 years,” said Gong Chen,16,from Beijing No.8 High School.1Whats the passage mainly about?AThe grand celebration of Chinas 60th anniversary.BChinas future after the celebration.CThe greatest progress China has made over the last 30 years.DThe comparison between Chinas past and its present.【解析】归纳概括题。全文主要围绕国庆60周年庆典进行了描述和分析,因此A项为最佳选项。B、C、D都只是文章的一部分,不是文章的中心。【答案】A2Which of the following is NOT true?AChina has the largest number of Internet and mobile phone users.BThe economy of China ranks third.CAlmost all Chinese families now have at least one TV and a washing machine.DChina is the largest car market in the world.【解析】细节理解题。由第四、五段可知A、B、D正确。C项描述与第六段首句不符。【答案】C3It can be inferred from the passage that_.Awe can see highspeed trains,giant computers,cars and bundles of wheat and riceBthis years parade is better than any one in the pastCChina has the largest number of car usersDthere were 10,000 people taking part in the parade【解析】推理判断题。A项与第七段描述不符,我们看到的是模型,而不是实物;C项不能从文章中推出;D项与第一段描述不符。B项由第三段最后一句可推知。【答案】B4There is still a lot of progress to make for China in the following aspects except_.Athe average urban incomeBthe gap between rich and poorCenvironmental problemsDpride in our countryBCariff,Wales Poets,singers and musicians from across the globe gathered in Wales to celebrate the tradition(传统) of storytelling.“It might seem strange that people still want to listen in age of watching television,but this is an unusual art form whose time has come again,” said David Ambrose,director of Beyond the Border,an international storytelling festival(节) in Wales.“Some of the tales,like those the Inuit from Canada,are thousands years old.So our storytellers have come from distant lands to connect us with the distance of time,” he said early this month.Two Inuit women,both in their mid60s,are among the few remaining who can do Kntadjait,or throat singing,which has few words and much sound.Their art is governed by the cold of their surroundings,forcing them to say little but listen attentively.Ambrose started the festival in 1993,after several years of working with those reviving (coming back into use or existence) storytelling in Wales.“It came out of a group of people who wanted to reconnect with traditions and as all the Welsh are storytellers,it was in_good_hands here.”Ambrose said.6Ambrose believes that the art of storytelling _.Awill be more popular than TVBwill be popular againCstarted in WalesDare in the hands of some old people【解析】推理判断题。根据.but this is an unusual art form whose time has come again 可以推断这种讲故事的传统会再度受到欢迎。【答案】B7From the tales told by the Inuit,people can learn _.Aabout their life as early as thousands of years agoBwhy they tell the stories in a throatsinging wayChow cold it has been where the Inuit liveDhow difficult it is to understand the Inuit【解析】细节理解题。根据 Some of the tales, like those the Inuit from Canada, are thousands years old 可推知此题答案为 A。【答案】A8According to the writer,which of the following is NOT true?AStorytelling once stopped in Wales.BStorytelling has a long history in Wales.CStorytelling is always well received in Wales.DStorytelling did not come back until 1993 in Wales.【解析】细节判断题。文中说Ambrose started the festival in 1993,Ambrose 1993年创办了这个节,但并不等于说讲故事的传统是1993年才恢复的,这是两码事。故选D。【答案】D9The underlined phrase “in good hands” means _.Acontrolled by rich peopleBgrasped by good storytellersCtaken good care ofDprotected by kind people【解析】词义猜测题。从 as all the Welsh are storytellers 可以推断出 in 111


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