Unit 4《Astronomy the science of the stars》Language study-教案17(人教版必修3)

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Unit 4《Astronomy the science of the stars》Language study-教案17(人教版必修3)_第1页
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Unit 4《Astronomy the science of the stars》Language study-教案17(人教版必修3)_第3页
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111Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the starsTeaching goals 教学目标1 Target language目标语言a重点词汇和短语 suffer, settle , realize , worry about , have got to, tie up b重点句子: He was very disappointed. What it was to become was a mystery. To save money, you must use as few words as possible.c. Practise talking about problems in study or lifeMy problem isThe difficulty isMy trouble isThe question isMy advice isWhat I think about it isThe fact isMy suggestion is2 Ability goals 能力目标Learn to use Noun Clauses as the subject.3 Learning ability goals 学能目标Let Ss learn how to use Noun Clauses as the subjectTeaching important points教学重点 the use of Noun Clauses as the subjectTeaching difficult points教学难点 How to teach the Ss to learn to use Noun Clauses as the subjectTeaching methods教学方法Learn grammar through practiceTeaching aids教具准备A projectorA blackboardTeaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision 1. Check retelling of the passage.The explosion of the earth produced water vapor, which turned into water when the earth cooled down. Water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases into the oceans and seas. That made it possible for life to begin to develop. The arrival of small plants encouraged the development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. Many millions of years later the first green plants began to appear on land. Later land animals appeared. Some were insects. Others, called amphibians, were able to live on land as well as in the sea. When the plants grew into forests, reptiles appeared for the first time. Later, dinosaurs developed. They became the most important animals on the earth for millions of years. After they disappeared, mammals became more important. They were the last group of animals and they were different because they produced their young from within their bodies. Small clever animals, with hands and feet, appeared and spread all over the earth. As time went by, they covered the earth and have become the most important animals on the planet.2. Translate the following sentences.1. 你迟早会成功的。2. 我的车与你的不一样。3. 站在门旁边的那个人是谁?4. 他总是第一个来,最后一个离开。5. 既然你已经长大了,你自己决定吧。Suggested answers:1. Youll succeed in time.2. My car is different from yours.3. Who is the person standing by the door?4. Hes always the first to come and the last to leave.5. Now that you have grown up you can decide it yourself.Step II Word studyThis part is a consolidation of the words learnt in this unit. Ask the Ss to do the exercise independently.1.Page27.First let Ss finish Part1 and 2. (3 minutes)T: Now please open your books and turn to Page 27. First lets learn about language. Use the words youve learnt in this unit to fill in the blanks and complete the form with suitable words. 2. Check the answers with the whole class.3. Give the Ss three minutes to finish Part 3.T: Divide the words into two groups. Do you know what do fierce and peaceful mean?“Fierce” means violent and angry or strong. “Peaceful” means quiet and calm.4. Let Ss read Part 4 for a while and finish it.5.Turn to Page63 Part 1 and 2. First let Ss finish them and check the answer.Key to the exercises:Part1 Across: 2.float 5.mass 6.presence 8.carbon 9.mobileDown: 1.planet 2.force 3.astronomy 4.explore 7.circlePart2 1.energetic 2.surface 3.depends on 4.gradually 5.exists 6.preventfrom 7.spread 8.are multiplying 9.Now that6. Part3 can be homework if time is limited.Step III PreparationShow some example sentences on the screen.1 A tree has fallen across the road.2 You are a student.3 To find your way can be a problem.4 Smoking is bad for you.5 “How do you do?” is a greeting.6 What she said is not yet known.7 That we shall be late is certain.8 Its certain that we shall be late. T: Look at the screen. What part does the underlined part serve as in each sentence? Or find its subject in each sentence.S: .All the underlined parts serve as subject in each sentence.T: Now look at sentence 6 and 7. Find out the subject of each sentence.S: “what she said, that we shall be late” .T: We can see from these sentences that a sentence serves as subject, so we call it Subject Clause. Now look at sentence 8. Whats the subject?S: “it.”T: Yes. But its not the real subject. Whats the real subject?S: “we shall be late.” T: You are quite right. When the subject in a Subject Clause is long, we usually use “it” serves as subject, and the real subject is put at the back of the sentence led by “that”. Are you clear?S: Yes.T: Now remember some words that can lead Subject Clause. Turn to Page95. They are “that, whether, who, what, which, when, where, how, why”. All of you should learn them by heart. Now turn to Page28. What I want you to do is to find three more sentences with subject clauses from the reading passage.Step IV Grammar1.Give them some time to find the sentences in the passage. Then collect answers from the class.Show the answers:1. Because it was not clear whether the solid shape was to last or not.2. What scientists think is that the earth was different because of 3. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on 2.Show typical examples of how to make a Subject Clause. Guide the Ss to find out what changes we have to make when we make a sentence or combine two sentences using Subject Clause. Teachers show the example and Ss write down the sentences.Its certain.Well be late.Its certain that we will be late. orThat well be late is certain.Is he coming or not?We dont know.Whether he is coming is not known.What does he want to tell us?We dont know.What he wants to tell us is not known.When will you come back?It doesnt matter.When you will come back doesnt matter.T: Now well come to Part2. The sentences on the left are complex and noun clauses. The sentences on the right are simple sentences. What we should do is to make a change between them. Now finish Part2 as soon as possible. Pay attention to that “die out” means “extinction”.Ss do it and discuss the answers.Show the answers:How fish developed from early shellfish is well-known.What reptiles look like and how large they are is strange. The extinction of dinosaur is a mystery.The importance of early plants was not known to scientists.3.T: Turn to Page64. Read the following passage quickly and finish the eight sentences.Check the answer: 1.what 2.what 3.why 4.what 5.where 6.when 7.how 8.what4.Have a discussion in pairs. The topic is “My Problem”. One talks about problems in his study or life, the other gives some advice. Remind the students to use the following structures:My problem isThe difficulty isMy trouble isThe question isMy advice isWhat I think about it isThe fact isMy suggestion isSample dialogue:S1: How are you getting on with your English?S2: Not very well.S1: Whats wrong?S2: My problem is that I cant remember so many words.S1: You should spend more time in remembering them.S2: The fact is that I have spent too much time. And the question is that I remember them quickly and I forget them quickly, too.S1: My advice is that you can remember the words in sentences.S2: Good idea! Ill take your advice.Step V Homework1. Finish Part3 (P29)2. Finish Part3 (P64)111


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