Unit 3《Life in the Future》同步练习4(人教版必修5)

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Unit 3《Life in the Future》同步练习4(人教版必修5)_第1页
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Unit 3《Life in the Future》同步练习4(人教版必修5)_第2页
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111Life in the future综合练习单词拼写:根据下句子及所给汉语注释或英语首字母,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,(每空只写一词)1He was a very rich man in the city. His w was estimated at 80 million dol1ars.2Personal p of guns causes lots of troubles in western countries.3The driver r the speed when the car was passing through a town.4During the Spring Festival the railway lines were busy t passengers from one place to another.5Whether he v for or against the proposal doesnt seem to matter very much.6With the development of agriculture and i, great changes have taken place in China.7Andrew s did not know what to say in such a chance.8What terrible weather! I dont think there is any p of your getting away before midday.9The _(大多数)of people are for the plan that the hotel be built near the sea.10The restaurant is often praised for its delicious food and _(满意)service句型转换:根据所给句子的意思,在下列的空格中填入适当的词,不改变原句的意(每空填一词)1I hear the Air Festival will be over in two or three days. I hear the Air Festival _ _ _ _ _ in _ _ of days.2We must check the machine before we use it. Before _ _, the machine must be checked.3One of the commonest and most dangerous causes of home accidents is carelessness in using electrical equipments. One of the commonest and most dangerous causes of home accidents is _ _ _ electrical equipments.4Today our knowledge of food and what it does for our bodies is far more advanced than that of the ancients.Today _ we know about food and what food does for our bodies is _ more advanced than the ancients _.5The written examination was probably not known until the 19th century.It _ _ _ the 19th century _ the written examination was probably known.动词填空:用所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子1What you consider it _(be)right may not be right.2As a result the cost of production _(cut)by 25.2 percent so far.3Which jobs _ we _(suppose)to take?4Could you tell me where the booking office _(be)?5The thief stole all the money from that apartment without _(find).6She hesitated whether she _(take)our advice.7Il1 show you what I _(put)down in my note- book.8Joe said they _(get)two first places in the sports meet.9The young people went there _(train)to become real soldiers.10When they came back home, they found the gas _(burn)and the TV set _(steal).完成句子;根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。(每空填一词)1很可能年底这个问题会得到解决。 _ _ _ _ that the problem will _ _ before the end of the year2我买了一本书,我肯定你会感兴趣。 I bought a book _ I am sure will _ you3他们不敢相信这饭店要关门了。在这里他们吃过很多次美餐。 They cant believe the restaurant will _ _, _ they had many _ _.4她通过入学考试的消息使得她父母十分高兴。 The news _ she _ _ the entrance examination _ her parents very _ .5国家无论大小都有它的长处与短处。 Every country, _ _ _, has its strong points and _ _.参考答案1wealth2possession3reduced4transporting5votes6industry7simply8possibility9majority10satisfying1is coming to an end; a couple2being used3careless use of4what, much, did5was not until, That1to be2has been cut3are;supposed4is5being found6should take7have put8had got9to be trained10burning:stolen1It is quite likely, be settled2which, interest3be closed,where,nice meals4that, had passed, made, happy5big or small, weak ones111


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