module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》listening 课件(14张ppt)(外研版必修2)

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module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》listening 课件(14张ppt)(外研版必修2)_第1页
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module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》listening 课件(14张ppt)(外研版必修2)_第3页
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Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits -listening,Listening:,Activity1,chest heart lung stomach throat,1.When we breathe, the air goes into our . 2.The sends blood round the body. 3.Your is inside your neck. 4.Your lungs are inside your . 5.When we eat, food does onto the .,To do an _ is to have a photograph of inside the body. _ is something that shows that your are ill. To _ is to take the air in and out of your lungs. If your chest hurt when breathing, you must have got _. If you _, you feel hot. A _ is a piece of paper on which a doctor writes down the medicine a sick person needs,Pre-listening 2. Vocabulary (activity 2),X-ray,Symptom,breathe,pneumonia,have a temperature,prescription,breathe, have a temperature, pneumonia, X-ray, symptom, prescription,First listening Part 3 Predict the answers to Part 3. Listen and then put the sentences into different boxes below.,In fact, I feel awful. My chest hurts when I breathe. Yes, Ive got a sore throat and a cough. How long will I be off work?,How long have you had the temperature? Can you lie down, please, and Ill examine you? We may need to take you into hospital. Ill write you a prescription. And how are you planning to get home now?,Said by doctor:,Said by patient:,Second listening Part 4,What is the matter with Mr Chen? What does the doctor say he will do?,His chest hurts when he breathes and he has a temperature, a sore throat and a cough.,The doctor says she will examine Mr Chen and write him a prescription.,Third listening Part 5,Correct the mistakes in the sentences: Ive got a temperature of 37 oC. Can you breathe deeply? Well, Im sorry, but youve probably got pneumonia. My sisters going to visit her this afternoon. My wifes going to pick me up in half an hour. I should imagine about three weeks, at least.,38,take a deep breath?,afraid,wifes,two,a quarter of an hour,Activity: Fill in the blanks.,When you have pain in a tooth, youve got _. If your arm hurts and you cant move it, youve got a _. If you got a headache in which you dont like the light, youve got _. When you have a _, you make a noise with your throat. If your stomach hurts, youve got _. If you have pain in your throat, youve got a _.,broken arm, cough, migraine, sore throat, stomachache, toothache,toothache,broken arm,migraine,sore throat,stomachache,cough,Pronunciation - Liaison,Listen and mark the sounds which are linked. My chest hurts. Ive got a temperature. Ill write you a prescription. Pick me up at the hospital. Ill be off work for a week. She will visit you this afternoon.,Pronunciation - Practice,Zhou Kai went and did as he was told. A lot of my school friends eat sweets every day. I think I dont get these things because I take a lot of exercise and am very fit.,Speaking 2 - Brainstorming,Group 1&2 How many sentences used usually by a doctor seeing a patient can you bring out? Try. Group 3&4 How many sentences used usually by a patient seeing a doctor can you bring out? Try.,Task: Seeing a doctor(10m),Work with your partner. Tell your partner about your health problems. Partner should give suggestions. You may want to use the following:,Doctor: What seems to be the problem? How long has this been going on? Have you any other symptoms? Do you have a sore throat or nasal congestion? It sounds like you have the flu. Take the medicine and get enough rest.,Patient: My head hurts and I feel really tired all the time. It started two weeks ago. I get dizzy sometimes and my legs feel week. I just have a cough and pain in my chest. What do you think the problem is? What do you think I should do?,Everyday English:,1 Terrific!means _ (a)Wonderful (b)Quite good,2 To be off work means _ (a)not to go to work (b)to stay longer at work,3 Oh dear!means _ (a)Thats bad news (b)My good friend,4 That couldnt be better means _ (a)Thats excellent news (b)Well done,5 I have a sweet tooth means _ (a)I like sweet things (b)I have toothache,6 Im crazy about football means _ (a)I love football (b)Football is crazy,a,a,a,b,a,a,Homework:,Make up and write down a dialogue between a patient seeing a doctor, using as many sentences learnt today as possible.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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