2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1《Living well》(新人教版选修7)

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2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1《Living well》(新人教版选修7)_第1页
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2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1 Living well(新人教版选修7),作,佳,诵,读,(2010辽宁沈阳阶段测试)面对中学生“出国热”,社会对此有不同的看法,请你以“Studying Abroad”为题,就以下提供的信息和自己的看法完成一篇作文。,注意: 1词数120左右; 2文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:媒介,中间人mediator Studying Abroad In recent years, studying abroad has been popular. _,【经典范文】,点,考,锁,定,.重点词汇 1_ n缺席,不在某处_adj.缺席的,不在的 2_ adj.适合的;适宜的_vt.适合,适宜 3_ n协助,援助_vt.帮助,协助,援助 4_ n行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持 5_ vi.& vt.辞职;辞去(工作、职位等) 6_ n伤残;无力;无能_adj.伤残的,7_ n雄心;野心_adj.有雄心的;有野心的 8_ adj.有益的;受益的_v&n.使受益;益处 9_ vt.使适应;改编_n适应;改编本 10_ vt.使不悦;惹恼_adj.颇为生气的 11_ vt.废除;废止 12_ vt.祝贺;庆贺_n祝贺;贺词,13_ adj.足够的;充分的 14_ n(接近的)方法_adj.可接近的 15_ n赞成;认可_vi.赞成;认可,答案 1absence; absent 2.suitable; suit 3.assistance; assist 4conduct 5.resign 6.disability;disabled 7.ambition;ambitious 8.beneficial;benefit 9.adapt;adaptation 10annoy;annoyed 11.abolish 12.congratulate;congratulation 13.adequate 14.access;accessible 15.approval;approve,.短语回顾 1be beneficial_对有益 2_other words换句话说 3adapt_适合 4cut_切去;省略;停止(做某事) 5out of_上气不接下气 6all in_总而言之 7sit_闲坐着,8as well_和;也 9_many ways在很多方面 10make fun_取笑 11_mind不必担心 12_the best(祝你)一切顺利 13meet_遇到;经历;会晤 答案 1to 2.in 3.to 4.out 5.breath 6.all 7.around 8.as 9.in 10.of 11.never 12.all 13.with,.句式填空 1疑问词不定式在句中作宾语 Unfortunately, the doctors dont know_(如何治好我的病),but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. 2every time从句 _(每次缺课回来后),I felt stupid because I was behind the others.,3as形容词a/an名词as用来比较说明前后两者在某方面相同 Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement_(像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满) 4beto do表示一种“可能”或“应该”发生的事情 I read in the newspaper today that_(您将成为)the architect for the new Bankstown cinema.,答案 1how to make me better 2Every time I returned after an absence 3to live as rich and full a life as you do 4you are to be,频,高,考,点,考点单词 1ambition n雄心;野心;志向;抱负 Her ambition is to become part of the national team for the next Games. 她的志向就是成为下届运动会国家队的队员。 Mothers are often highly ambitious for their children. 做母亲的往往都希望孩子出人头地。 ambition to be/to do sth.做某事的雄心 ambition of being/doing sth.做某事的夙愿,achieve/realize ones ambition达到目标/实现抱负 be ambitious to do sth.有雄心做某事 be ambitious for sth.有雄心/野心得到某物 be ambitious for sb.对某人抱有很大希望,即境活用1 She fulfilled her_to become a doctor after graduating from university. Aintention Battempt Cattention Dambition 解析ambition抱负。intention 打算;attempt 努力;attention 注意力。 答案D,2adapt vt.使适应;改编 He could not adapt his way of life to the company. 他的生活方式无法适应公司。 The material can be adapted for use with older children. 这些材料改一下可以给大一点的孩子用。 adapt oneself to使自己适应 adapt sth. to使某物适应或适合 adapt to适应于 adapt from.根据改编/改写,adapt.for为改编/改写;使适应 adaptable adj.适应性强的;可改编的 adaptation n适应;改编,【易混辨析】 adapt/adjust adapt指通过修改或改变,使某物适应新条件或环境;而adjust指“调整,调节”,以使两者相互适应,多用于搭配adjust to。意为“适应”时,两者可通用。 You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。 You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes. 你把望远镜调节到适合你的眼睛之后,你才看得见。,即境活用2 This plant can _ environment easily. Aadapt to Brefer to Ccontribute to Dsubscribe to 解析adapt to适应。refer to 谈及;contribute to 对做贡献;subscribe to 同意,赞成。 答案A,3annoy v使不悦;惹恼 Dont annoy your neighbour by singing loudly. 不要大声唱歌,以免打扰邻居。 annoy sb. with/by.因而使某人烦恼 be annoyed with sb.生某人的气;对某人烦恼 be annoyed at/by sth.因某事生气 be annoyed that.因而生气,be annoyed to do sth.做而生气 annoying adj.使人烦恼的;讨厌的 annoyance n恼怒,烦恼,不高兴,烦恼的事情,即境活用3 I got_by what he said. Aannoyed Bannoying Cannoy Dto annoy 解析get annoyed烦恼的。 答案A,4conduct n行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持 Why has his fellow students conduct changed towards Marty? 为什么他的同学们对待马蒂的行为发生了变化呢? I think he conducted himself well, considering the difficult circumstances. 考虑到那种困难的情况,我认为他的表现很好。,good/bad conduct优良/恶劣行为 conduct sb. to.引领某人去 conduct sb. in/out带领某人进/出 conduct a survey/an interview/an experiment 进行调查/采访/试验 conduct oneself well/badly举止端庄/行为恶劣,即境活用4 Our teacher_this experiment. Aconducted Bconfused Cconfirmed Dconvinced 解析conduct指导。confuse 使迷惑;confirm 证实;convince 使相信。 答案A,5congratulate vt.祝贺;庆祝 Joan congratulates Barry and wishes him future success. 琼向巴里表示祝贺,祝愿他未来成功。 She congratulated me warmly on my exam results. 她热烈祝贺我考试取得好成绩。 congratulate sb. on.向某人祝贺 congratulate oneself on庆幸;感到幸运,congratulations to sb. on sth.就向某人祝贺 offer sb. congratulations on.向某人祝贺 Congratulations!祝贺你!(口语),即境活用5 Lets_you on your success. Acongratulate Bcelebrate Cimpress Dexpress 解析congratulate祝贺。celebrate 庆祝节日;impress 给留下印象;express 表达。 答案A,6adequate adj.适当的;足够的 Adequate access for wheelchairs. 为乘坐轮椅的人提供充分的便利。 be adequate for.足够的;充足的 be adequate to (doing) sth.胜任(做) be adequate to do sth.足可以做,即境活用6 The food supply was_for peoples need in the quakestricken areas under the leadership of the government. Aadequate Bstrict Cnecessary Dimportant 解析adequate足够的。strict 严格的;necessary 必需的;important 重要的。 答案A,7access n(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性 Only high officials have access to the president. 只有高级官员能接近总统。 A manager should be accessible to his staff. 经理应该让职员感到平易近人。,gain/have/obtain access to.得以接近/进入/会见;使用 have access to能接近或使用 within easy access of在容易到的地方 be accessible to.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 【易错提示】 access前通常不加冠词,且access短语中的to为介词。,即境活用7 (2012安徽铜陵三中测试)The increase in home computers means that families have much easier_to information. Ameasure Baccess Cway Dmethod 解析have access to有使用的机会。 答案B,8absence n缺席;不在某处 His repeated absence from school is worrying. 他一再缺课使人担忧。 She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence. 她从不趁人不在时说别人的坏话。,in the absence of.某人不在时;缺少 during/in ones absence在某人外出期间 absence of mind心不在焉 absence of sth.缺乏 be absent from缺席,即境活用8 In the_of evidence, the police could not take action against the man. Alack Babsence Cshortage Dfailure 解析in the absence of缺少。 答案B,9resign vi.& vt.辞职;辞去(工作、职位等) He resigned his post as chairman. 他辞去了主席职务。 resign ones position辞职 resign from ones post辞职 resign oneself to听任摆布 resign officeleave office辞职,【思维拓展】 be in office在职;当权 take office就职 hold an important position担任重要职务 on duty上班 off duty下班 lose ones place失去职位,即境活用9 The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor that he had planned to_. Adischarge Bdismiss Cresign Dremind 解析resign辞职,符合句意。discharge不负责;dismiss解雇,开除;remind提醒。 答案C,考点短语 1cut out切去;删去;停止做某事 I like your article, but would you cut out the reference to the Kennedys? 我欣赏你这篇文章,但你能把涉及肯尼迪家族的部分删掉吗? The children were fighting so their mother told them to cut it out or go to bed. 孩子们在打架,妈妈让他们住手,否则都上床睡觉。,【思维拓展】 cut into插进来;参加(谈话);打断(别人的话) cut off切断;隔断;断绝 cut in插入;插话;插队;超车 cut down砍倒;削减;压缩;缩减,即境活用10 Im sick of you two arguingjust_it_! Acut; off Bcut; up Ccut; out Dcut; down 解析cut out停止做某事。 答案C,2all in all总而言之;总体来说 All in all,I have a good life. 总而言之,我生活得很好。 All in all, its been a pretty bad year for John. 总的来说,对约翰来讲这是糟糕的一年。,【思维拓展】 in all总共 at all根本;到底;究竟;全然 not at all一点也不 above all首先;最重要的是 after all毕竟;别忘了,即境活用11 The hostess was friendly and the food was delicious._,the party was pleasant. AAfter all BAbove all CIn all DAll in all 解析all in all总而言之。after all 毕竟;in all 总计;above all 首先。 答案D,3meet with遇到;经历;会晤;受到 I hope my suggestions will meet with your approval. 我希望您能赞成我的建议。 I met with some difficulties when I tried to enter the country. 我在入境时遇到了一些困难。,【思维拓展】 meet sb.会面;迎接某人 meet ones wishes/demands/needs满足某人的愿望/要求/需要 meet with failure经历失败 meet with sb.会见某人 【易错提示】 meet with指比较正式地接见、会晤某人;表示“遇到”时,强调偶然性,等于come across。,即境活用12 I_some trouble when I took this exam. Amet with Bagreed with Cwent with Ddisagreed with 解析meet with遇到。agree with 同意某人;go with 与配套;disagree with 不同意。 答案A,4in other words换句话说 His wife is my daughter. In other words, I am his motherinlaw. 他妻子是我女儿。换句话讲我是他的岳母。,【思维拓展】 have a word with.和说句话 have words with.和争吵 keep/break ones word遵守/违背诺言 in a/one word总之 get in a word/get a word in插话 Word came that.有消息说,即境活用13 She is organized, friendly to people, hardworking and clever._, I cant speak too highly of her. AIn other words BIn a word CAs a result DIn addition 解析in a word总之。in other words 换句话说;as a result 结果;in addition 另外。 答案B,5never mind没关系,不必担心 We havent done very well, have we? Never_mind. At least we tried. 我们做得不好,是不是? 没关系,至少我们尝试过了。,即境活用14 Sorry, I made a mistake again. _.Practice more and youll succeed. ANever mind BCertainly not CNot at all DDont mention it 解析never mind没关系,不要紧。 答案A,6out of breath气喘吁吁 After climbing that long flight of stairs,she was completely out of breath. 爬完这么长的一段楼梯后,她已经完全喘不过气来了。 He ran out of breath by then. 那时他跑得喘不过气来。,即境活用15 Having lived in the town for quite a few years, Mr. Johnson no longer felt_among the local people. Aout of order Bout of place Cout of control Dout of the question 解析out of place不适宜,符合句意。out of order出故障;out of control失控;out of the question不可能。 答案B,重点句型 1I used to climb trees, swim and play football. 我常常爬树、游泳、踢足球。 句中used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事或存在某种状态”,暗示现在不做或不存在了。对比下列句型: be used to do sth.被用来做 be/get used to(doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事 Did there used to be a hotel on that corner? 那个拐角处过去有家旅馆吗?,【易错提示】 used to do/be变否定句和疑问句时可以直接在used后加not或将used提到主语之前,也可以使用助动词didnt或did。 【易混辨析】 used to/would used to强调过去经常做,与现在无关,既可以表示动作也可以表示状态。 would多表示动作,并不暗示现在如何。,即境活用16 My parents_live in the countryside, and now they have_the life in the big city. Awere used to; used to Bused to; become used to Cused to; used to Dwere used to; become used to 解析used to do过去常常做;become used to习惯于。 答案B,2Sometimes.too, I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered. 有时我太虚弱不能去上学,因此我的学业受到了影响。 句中too.to结构表示否定意义“太不能”;但用于下列情况时则表示肯定含义: 当too或to前有否定词构成双重否定时。 Actually, Chinese is not too difficult to learn. 实际上,汉语并不太难学。,当too后是glad, pleased, happy, delighted, satisfied, ready, willing, good, careful, eager, anxious等形容词或副词时,too.to无否定意义。 They are too anxious to leave that desert. 他们急于离开那处沙漠。 He is too ready to help others.他非常愿意帮助别人。 与can not或can never连用时。 You can not be too careful when doing your homework. 做作业时无论怎么仔细都不过分。,即境活用17 Must I turn off the gas after cooking? Of course. You can never be_careful with that. Aenough Btoo Cso Dvery 解析can never be too怎么都不过分。 答案B,3Access to the cinema for people in wheelchairs and those who have difficulty walking. 为坐轮椅的人和行走不便的人进入影院提供的便利通道。 (1)have difficulty (in) doing sth.做有困难 其中difficulty为不可数名词,其前可有修饰语,如no, much, any, little, a little等。 have difficulty with sth.在某事上有困难 do sth.with difficulty/without difficulty 做某事费力/毫不费力,(2)have trouble(in) doing sth.做有困难,很费力 (3)当difficulty指具体的困难、难处、难点时,是一个可数名词,如果不是则没有复数形式。,即境活用18 He has trouble_the twins, for they are so alike. Adistinguished Bdistinguishing Cto distinguish Dto be distinguished 解析have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难。 答案B,堂,课,双,基,.词义辨析 1It seems that nothing can stop him from achieving his _ to make his mark in the world. Aconclusion Bchallenge Cdignity Dambition 解析ambition 雄心。conclusion 结论;challenge 挑战;dignity 尊严。 答案D,2His _ from home for such a long period of time might have contributed to his sons addiction to the Internet. Aabsence Bconduct Coccupation Dtradition 解析absence 不在。conduct 行为;occupation 职业;tradition 传统。 答案A,3I was very _ with John because he promised to help me, but then he did not. Asuspected Bexposed Cadmired Dannoyed 解析annoyed 懊恼的。suspect 怀疑;admire 钦佩;expose 暴露。 答案D,4The survey _ last week was aimed at finding out how many people preferred western food. Acommitted Bconducted Cguaranteed Dtransformed 解析conduct 做。commit 犯;guarantee 保证;transform 改变。 答案B,5There are many bad customs and laws that I think ought to be_. Aresigned Babused Cabolished Dattempted 解析abolish 废除。resign 辞职;abuse 滥用;attempt 努力。 答案C,6Many people consider a dog to be a very pleasant _for their old age. Acertificate Bfellow Ccompanion Dcommunity 解析companion 陪伴。certificate 证书;fellow 伙伴;community 协会。 答案C,7Despite his cries, no one came to his_. Aservice Bapproval Csurvival Dassistance 解析assistance 援助。service 服务;approval 同意;survival 幸存。 答案D,8There is more than _ rain this year, so some parts of the country have been flooded. Aadequate Babsolute Cdesperate Dawkward 解析adequate 充足的。absolute 绝对的;desperate 绝望的;awkward 困窘的。 答案A,9Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids. Aaccessible Bclumsy Csteady Dsensitive 解析accessible 可接近的。clumsy 笨拙的;steady 平稳的;sensitive 敏感的。 答案A,10He sold his house last week and made a _ of $3,000 on the sale. Aaccess Bprofit Centry Dbenefit 解析profit 利润。access 接近;entry 进入;benefit 利益。 答案B,.短语填空 in other words; out of breath; in particular; adapt to; have trouble; sit around; meet with; bump into; at a time; in comfort 1By the roadside several young girls were _,looking bored. 2No matter what difficulty you _, you must carry out your plan. 3The little boy tossed the peanuts into his mouth one_.,4The bus _ the back of the car. Luckily, nobody was hurt. 5I like to travel _, so I always go first class on the ship. 6Most students have little difficulty _ college life. 7They asked him to leave_, he was fired. 8Is there anything _ youd like for dinner? 9Hes been _ making himself understood in English.,10We were _ halfway up the mountain. 答案 1sitting around 2.meet with 3.at a time 4.bumped into 5.in comfort 6.adapting to 7.in other words 8.in particular 9.having trouble 10.out of breath,.单词拼写 1Anyone with common sense knows fresh air is_(有益的)to our health. 2Your_(鼓励) has made me more confident in my future. 3He was_(心烦的) to find that supper was not ready when he got home. 4If youre afraid of losing your_(尊严),you cant expect to learn to speak a foreign language.,5There are four emergency_(出口)in the department store. 6Your technical_(援助) in the project is greatly appreciated. 7The little girl will be a(n)_(同伴) for my young daughter. 8In the end, he achieved his_(抱负) of competing in the Olympic Games.,9How can we make English language fun to learn and_(可使用的) to all the Chinese? 10Robert replaces Jacob Winters, who_(辞职) from the firm last month. 答案 1beneficial 2.encouragement 3.annoyed 4.dignity 5exits 6.assistance panion 8.ambition 9accessible 10.resigned,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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