2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:4-3 Everyday English,Function,Reading

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2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:4-3 Everyday English,Function,Reading_第1页
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2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:4-3 Everyday English,Function,Reading_第2页
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2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:4-3 Everyday English,Function,Reading_第3页
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Section Everyday English,Function, Reading and Writing & Cultural Corner,Step One:Fast reading Read the text (P39) carefully and arrange the following sentences in order of time. aVisitors from all over the world take part in the carnival and it has become a celebration of life itself. bMillions of people were taken by force from Africa to America as slaves.,cEuropeans arrived in America and opened huge farms and plantations to grow cotton,fruit and vegetables. dThe slaves began to hold their own carnival celebrations and they were continuing their own African traditions. eThe white inhabitants took part in the carnival and it became a way to unite different communities. fWhen the slave trade was abolished in 1838,carnival became more colourful and more exciting. 答案: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.f 5.e 6.a,Step Two:Detail reading Read the text (P39) again and decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F) 1The slave trade lasted more than two hundred years. 2The Europeans walked round a village,wearing masks and singing to bring good luck. 3In 1838 carnival became a celebration of freedom for Americans. 答案: 1.T 2.F 3.F,relaxing adj.使人放松的 Calypso is greatits exciting and relaxing at the same time!(教材P38)即兴讽刺歌太好了令人兴奋的同时也使人放松。,I find stamp collecting relaxing and it takes my mind off my work.我觉得集邮是一种休息,因为它可以使我的注意力从工作中转移开来。 Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving. 乘火车旅行比开汽车轻松得多。,relax v(使)放松 relaxed adj.轻松的,无拘无束的;舒适的 relaxation n放松,放宽;消遣,娱乐,A nice hot bath should help to relax yourself. 好好洗个澡会帮你放松。 I felt relaxed lying in the sun. 躺在阳光下,我觉得轻松自在。 Please have some relaxation after the midterm exam. 期中考试完放松放松吧。,1There was a_expression on his face.Maybe he had finished his work successfully. Arelaxing Brelaxed Cpuzzled Dpuzzling 解析: 句意为:在他脸上有一种放松的表情。可能他已经成功地完成了工作。relaxed (人感觉)放松的;relaxing (令人)放松的,松弛的;puzzling令人迷惑的;puzzled感到迷惑的;由句意可知选B。 答案: B,mark (1)vt.标志(着);做记号于 mark.with.用在做标记 mark.on.在上做记号,This marked the beginning of the slave trade.(教材P39) 这标志着奴隶贸易的开始。 The appearance of computers marked a major advance in information.电脑的出现是信息的一大进步。 Please mark your new books with your names. Please mark your names on your new books. 请在新书上写上名字。 (2)n.记号;分数;污点,痕迹 I got full marks in the spelling test. 我在拼写测验中得了满分。,2The judges said it had made more of an impact than any other device and_the start of a “laptop for everyone” era. Asigned Bmeant Cremarked Dmarked 解析: 句意为:评委们说它比其他设备有更大的影响,它标志着每个人的手提式电脑时代的开始。sign示意;mean意味着,意思是;remark评论;mark标志着。由句意可知D项正确。 答案: D,abolish vt.废除 When the slave trade was abolished in 1838 the former slaves took over the carnival.(教材P39)当奴隶贸易在1838年被废除的时候,以前的奴隶延续了这个节日。 Many bad customs have been abolished in new China. 在新中国许多不良习俗已经被废除。 This tax should be abolished. 这种税应该取消。,3Is this course rather difficult for you? Yes.Thats why I_it. Aadmitted Badopted Cabandoned Dabolished 解析: admit承认,接受,招收;adopt采纳,采用,收养;abandon放弃,遗弃;abolish废除,废止。 答案: C,celebration n庆典,庆祝 Carnival became a celebration of freedom.(教材P39) 狂欢节成为庆祝自由的庆典。 Hundreds of thousands of visitors came to Beijing for the threeweek celebration of Olympic sports. 成千上万的参观者为了三个周的奥运盛会来到北京。,4We held a party_their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Ain favour of Bin terms of Cin place of Din celebration of 解析: in celebration of为庆祝,符合题意。in favour of支持,对有利;in terms of就而言;以方式;in place of代替。 答案: D,consist of由组成;由构成 a food that consists of a tube of skin containing meat mixed with herbs(教材P35)一种把带有香料的肉灌进肠里的食物 How many countries does the UK consist of? 英国是由几个部分(国家)组成的? The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括大不列颠与北爱尔兰。 His job consists of helping old people who live alone. 他的工作包括帮助独居的老人。,辨析:consist of与make up,5How delicious the soup is!Who made it? Its me.It_tomatoes,meat and peas. Ais made up of Bis consisted of Cconsists in Dmakes up 解析: 句意为:它(汤)是由西红柿、肉和豌豆做的。由句意可知此空应选被动形式,排除D项,B项无被动形式,排除B项;C项“在于”不合题意。 答案: A,give up放弃 If you give up something you dont have it any more. (教材P37)如果你放弃了某物,你就不再拥有它了。 He has decided to give up smoking. 他已决定戒烟。,give away赠送;泄露 give back归还;恢复健康 give in to向让步,屈服于 give off发出,放出(气体、气味等) give out分发;宣布;耗尽,用完;精疲力竭,He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk. 他决定把他所有的财产赠送给他人,出家为僧。 The food gave off a bad smell. 食物发出难闻的气味。 I cant walk any farther;my strength has given out. 我再也不能往前走了,我的力气已用尽了。,6Hell_most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired,just as Bill Gates did. Agive away Bgive in Cgive out Dgive up,解析: 考查动词词组辨析。give away赠送,分送,颁发,放弃(机会);give in屈服,投降,退让(to);give out用完,散发,公布,发表,耗尽;give up放弃,认输,抛弃,停止(做某事)。句意为:当他退休的时候,他要像比尔盖茨那样把大部分的财产捐赠给穷人。只有give away合乎语境。 答案: A,take over接管,接手 When the slave trade was abolished in 1838 the former slaves took over the carnival.(教材P39)在1838年废除奴隶贸易后,原来的奴隶沿袭了狂欢节(这个习俗)。 Mr Wang was in hospital;I had to take over his work. 王先生住院了,我得接替他的工作。 He took over the company from his father after graduation. 毕业后他从父亲手里接管了这家公司。,take in收留;欺骗;吸入;包括;理解;领会 take off脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞;(事业)成功 take on显现;承担(工作、责任等) take place发生 take up开始从事;继续,接下去,The price took in the cost of all the accommodation and food. 这个价格包括食宿等一切费用。 Ill take up the story where you left off. 我将从你停下的地方把这个故事继续讲下去。 After being rebuilt,the old temple has taken on a new look. 重修之后,古庙呈现一派新气象。,We will take off immediately.Please be seated and fasten your seat belt. 我们马上就要起飞。请坐好,系紧安全带。 The kind old lady offered to take in the poor homeless stranger. 那位好心的老太太愿意收留那个贫困无家可归的陌生人。,7It is reported that a foreign company will_the small factory. Athink over Btake over Cturn over Dhand over 解析: 句意为:据报道一家外国公司将接管这个小厂。take over接管,符合句意;think over仔细考虑;turn over耕地;翻身;hand over上交;均不合题意。 答案: B,The arrival of Europeans in America,and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton,fruit and vegetables,meant there was an immediate need for people to work on them.(教材P39) 欧洲人到了美洲,开辟了栽种棉花、水果和蔬菜的大农场与大种植园,这意味着急需干活的人手。 句中“There is/was no need for sb.to do”是一常见句型,意为“某人(没)有必要做”。,Is there any need to explain further? Is there any need for further explanation? 有必要更进一步说明吗? Theres no need for you to wait. 你不必等。,There is no possibility that.不可能 There is no doubt that.毫无疑问 There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义,There was no point for you in arguing with himhe wouldnt listen to you. 跟他争论没意义他不会听的。 Is there any possibility that he will be elected chairman? 他有被选为主席的可能吗?,8Why did you tell your mother the real result of the examination? Theres no_in pretending this doesnt happen. Aneed Bsense Cwonder Ddoubt,解析: 本题考查名词辨析。there is no sense in doing sth.做某事没有意义,符合句意“假装事情没有发生是没有意义的”。there is no need to do sth.没有必要做某事;it is no wonder that.难怪;there is no doubt that.毫无疑问。 答案: B,9_is now no _ that global warming is a security threat to us all. AThere;doubt BThere;need CIt;doubt DIt;need 解析: There is no doubt that.“是毫无疑问的”,为固定搭配,符合题意。There is no need that.是没有必要的。 答案: A,.单词拼写 1That yellow bus_(运送) passengers from the airport to the city. 答案: transports 2He enjoyed complete_(自由) to do as he wished. 答案: freedom 3Japan is a country which depends much on_(进口) goods from other countries. 答案: importing,4How many people attended the_(庆典)? 答案: celebration 5A holiday will help you r_after your exams. 答案: relax 6Foreign t_is important to most countries. 答案: trade 7Do you know the o_of the Yangtze River? 答案: origin 8These pancakes made by my mother are really t_. 答案: tasty,.重点短语 1consist_ 由组成,由构成 2gvie_ 放弃 3go_about 喜欢 4more_less 或多或少,大约,5_ones blood 家传,天生就有 6wash sth._ 冲洗某物,冲下 7_force 用暴力 8take_ 接管 答案: 1.of 2.up 3.wild 4.or 5.in 6.down 7.by 8over,.同义句转换,每空一词 1The medical team is made up of twenty doctors. The medical team_ _twenty doctors. 答案: consists of 2When I asked him about the work,he said it was almost finished. When I asked him about the work,he said it was_ _ _finished. 答案: more or less,3Darren has decided to stop playing football at the end of this season. Darren has decided to_ _football at the end of this season. 答案: give up 4To be honest,I like rap music,but Im not crazy about it. To be honest,I like rap music,but I_ _ _ _it. 答案: dont go wild about,练考题、验能力、轻巧夺冠,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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