《unit 2 整单元》课件十(149张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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Unit 2 Robot,Is it a real girl?,What is a robot?,A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans.,Have you ever played robot toys?,robot,some real robots,Guess what these robots are doing,Playing football,Driving,playing music,dancing,Discussion,what can robots do in our daily life ?,say hello to people,talk with people,Robots,Play with human,do research,Talk with human,Do the housework (cleaning,cooking ),And so on,Take care of children,act as a policeman /a seller,Do some shopping,What can a robot do?,clean the plane,Do the labour work,lead the way,play sports,Nowadays robots can be made into all kinds of shapes for various uses.,Listening and reading task,1,2,3,4,Vacuum cleaner,-clean the house , if you programme it, it can clean when you are away -,Personal robot “PaPeRo“,understands, speaks recognize, check your email. help children, talk to them about their day at school and play games.,Tiny helicopter,fly into dangerous areas.,Walking chair,It helps people who cant walk to go up and down stairs.,What can a robot do in the future?,终结者(阿诺.施瓦辛格)T800,1,2,Transformers,“ I, ROBOT”,Speaking & Writing,Imagine you are engineers in a company that makes robots and you have been asked to design a new type of robot. Your robot can be used :,In the home (2) In a workplace (3)In the street (4)In the natural environment (5)In space or anywhere else,You are divided into groups of four to design your robot. You can follow the steps as below:,1.Decide the purpose of the robot. 2. Make a list of the abilities the robot has. 3.Draw a picture on a piece of paper and name its parts and explain what each part does. 4.Write a paragraph describing the robot and what it can do. 5. Introduce your design to your classmates.,spider,snake,mantis 螳螂,Its your time to show your groups robot.,Do you think it is possible for a robot to: think for itself? have feelings? have its own needs and desires? look and feel like a human being?,Now read a story about a robot. It was originally written by science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov, and published in 1951.,Here the story has been retold by another writer.,Satisfaction Guaranteed,Characters in the story: Larry Belmont - employed in a company that makes robots Claire -Larrys wife,a housewife Tony - the robot Gladys Claffern - a woman that Claire envies,scanning,1. What did Tony look like? 2. What did Tony do to make Claire and her home elegant? How did Claires attitude change to Tony in different occasions? 4. Why Tony hugged Claire before the party? 5. Why did Tony open the curtains? 6. What did Tony do to prevent Claire from being hurt? 7. Why did Tony have to be rebuilt? 8. Claire spent three weeks with Tony in her house? What sentences in the story show that she kept-,1. What did Tony look like? He was tall and handsome although his facial expressions never changed. His hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep. 2. What did Tony do to make Claire and her home elegant?,Scanning,Tall, handsome, black hair, deep voice,Facial expressions never changed,2. What did Tony do to make Claire and her home elegant?,haircut,make up,a list of items,accompany her to shops.,attitude,improvements,impressed,rude,dislike him,Before he arrived,Occasion,Claire,When he arrived,was alarmed,When he offered to help her dress,felt embarrassed,When he offered to help her improve her house and herself,admired him,3. The Change of Claires Feelings to Tony,called him a dear,Occasion,Claire,felt his warmth,When she fell off a ladder and was caught by Tony,When he helped her with the salesman,The Change of Claires Feelings to Tony,Occasion,Claire,She remembered Tony was just a machine,When she heard Gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as Tony,cried all night,felt being envied,The Change of Claires Feelings to Tony,Review Claires emotional development.,At first refused to have Tony at her house,accept him, trust him, proud of him, love him, sad to remember he was just a machine,4. Why Tony hugged Claire before the party? To make Gladys and other women envy Claire. 5. Why did Tony open the curtains? He wanted Claires guests to see him and Claire together so that she would be envied by women guests .,6.What did Tony do to prevent Claire from being harmed? By making her feel good about herself. He helped her make her and her home elegant so that she would not feel like a failure. 7.Why should Tony be rebuilt? Because the company felt that it could not have women falling love with a robot. 8.Claire spent three weeks with Tony in her house .What sentences in the story show that she kept forgetting and then remembering that she was a machine?,How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine. He held her family in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day. Then she remembered-Tony was just a machine. She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed.,1. We can infer that when Claire first saw Tony, she felt alarmed by _. A. his appearance B. his ability C. his facial expressions D. his cleverness,A,2. Why did Claire buy the items from the shop? A. Because her husband was to return. B. Because Tony was to leave. C. Because Tony wanted the house transformed. D. Because she thought she needed them.,C,3. As a result, the experiment shows _. A. Claire and Tony fell in love with each other B. Tony had to be rebuilt C. Tony was angry with his designer D. Both A and B,4. All the following statements are true except _. A. Tony tried to please Claire B. Claire tried to displease Tony C. Tony managed to protect Claire D. Gladys admired Claire for Tony,Unit 2 Language points,cn. satisfaction 令人满意的事物 v satisfy adj. satisfied 满意的 adj. Satisfying ,satisfactory 满意的/ 良好的 圆满的 Its a satisfactory/satisfying excuse for his absence.,1 satisfaction,2. experiment with: vt. 试用(用.作试验),Small businesses are anxious to experiment with computers . 小型企业都急于试 用计算机。,experiment n do an experiment perform an experiment carry out an experiment,3. test out 考验,Scientists test out theories by experiment. 科学家靠实验检验理论。 test vt.测验;检验;试验;检查 The teacher tested the children on their homework. 老师就孩子们的家庭作业进行检查。,4 absent adj. 1. 缺席的,不在场的(+from) He is absent from Hong Kong. 他不在香港。 2. 茫茫然的,心不在焉的 He looked at me in an absent way. 他茫然地望着我。 He had an absent look on his face. 他脸上露出心不在焉的神色。,5. alarm n. 警报,恐慌 a fire alarm I raised/sounded the alarm as soon as I saw what was happening. “Dont touch it.” He cried in alarm alarm v.警告,使恐慌 The news has alarmed the nation. adj. alarmed alarming (惊人的;吓人的) The news is really alarming.,6 embarrass 【 vt. 】to cause to feel ashamed or uncomfortable使困窘/ 使局促不安 Are you trying to embarrass me? 【 adj. 】 embarrassed embarrassing. I felt embarrassed by my being late. 【 un. 】 embarrassment,7 sympathy 【 un. 】同情(心) pl 支持 express/feel/have (no)sympathy for 对同情 show (no) sympathy to 我对珍妮一点都不同情,那都是她自己的错。 I feel no sympathy for Jenny. Its all her own fault. in sympathy with sb / sth 出租车司机们还在罢工以支持公交车司机。 The taxi drivers went on striking in sympathy with the bus drivers. out of sympathy with 不赞成 win sympathy of 赢得-的赞成,支持,赞同,支持,8 pile,n. 堆, 叠 vi. 堆起, 堆积 vt. 把堆起 There were a pile of magazines on the desk . Ive got piles of work to do this evening . The fallen leaves piled up .堆积 a pile of / piles of = lots of 成堆的/ 成批的,9. or rather ad. 确切地说(说得更准确些),This new product, or rather, this new style of shirt, is not very attractive,American, or rather Afro- American is good at Jazz music. 美国人,或者更确切地说非洲裔美国人擅长爵士 音乐。,【 n. 】 reach within ones reach out of ones reach = beyond ones reach,10.reach for / reach out ones hand for,e.g. He reached out his hand for an apple.,reach into把手伸进,I saw my younger brother reaching into the cake tin .,11. accompany v. 陪伴,伴奏 我想让你陪我去超市。 Id like you to accompany me to the supermarket. 雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. accompany sb on sth 同某人一起做某事 accompany sb to a place 陪某人去- accompany sb at/on 用-为某人伴奏 He accompanied this singer at the piano.,12. turn around 同turn round 转过身 与turn有关的短语: turn back 折回, 翻回 turn in 上交 turn down 拒绝, 调小/低 turn out 结果是; 生产 turn on 开(灯等) turn off 关(灯等) turn up 出现;到达 turn to 转向,求助于,13.As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern.,1).谓语是go, come, run,等表示位置转移的动词和be动词, 2). 句中有表示方位的副词 there, here, up, down , in ,out, away 等, 为强调该副词,可将副词置于句首, 构成倒装。,注意:若主语是名词,用倒装, 若是代词,则不倒装。 There came the bus! Here he is !,there stood. 此句为存在结构,常用于这种结构的动词有stand, seem to be, happen to be, be likely to be, live, come, enter, lie等 There happened to be nobody in the room.,14 affair 【 cn. 】事情/ 暧昧关系/ 私通 pl 业 务 / 事务/ 事态 Affairs at present in that country are unsettled . 那个国家当前的局势动荡不安. current / foreign / world affairs 时事/ 外交事务/ 世界事务 affairs of state 国事/ 国务/ 政务,15. fall off:跌落 fall off the ladder/tree fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 fall apart 破裂, 破碎 fall back on sb. /sth. 有困难求助某人 fall behind sb. /sth. 落后于某人 fall behind 落在-后面 fall behind with 没有及时做,拖欠 Eg. He fell behind with his school work again.,16. declare vt. (1) 宣布;宣告;声明+(that) to make known formally or officially The new Congress declared a state of war with Germany. 新的国会向德国宣战了。 (2) 宣称;断言+(that) The accused man declared himself innocent. 被告声称他是无罪的。 (3) 申报(纳税品等) I have nothing to declare. 我没什么要申报的。 declaration n.,1).I have known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已超过二十年了。,2). Kate was more than a teacher. 凯特不仅仅是位教师。,3). I am more than happy to see you . 看到你,我非常高兴。,4). He is more scared than ill. 他与其说是病了,倒不如说他是受了惊吓。,17.,17. more than 1).more than + 数词 -“多于,大于, 超过” 2).more than + n -“不仅仅是,不止” 3).more than + adj / adv / v -“很 / 非常” 4).more + adj / adv / n / v + than -“与其说, 不如说”,18.It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains It is / was + 强调部分 that / who + 其它 1).It is not where you come from or what you are, but the ability to do the job_ matters. A. one B. that C. what D. it 2). It was after the invention of printing _to publish large numbers of books and pictures . A. were people able B. that people were able C. when were people able D. people were able,B,B,19 envy un He was filled with envy of me / at my success . feel envy of sb / at sth 对感到妒忌 out of envy 出于妒忌 with envy 羡慕地 They looked at her with envy. Vt. envy sb sth/doing sth I dont envy you your journey in such bad weather. He envied me passing the exam.,20. leave / let alone / be 不管/ 不打扰/ 不理会 Ive told you to leave my things alone . Let me be , I want a rest . leave + 宾语+ 补足语 使处于状态 Leave the door open.,Using Language Reading,Whos the original writer of “Satisfaction Guaranteed”?,Isaac Asimov,阿西莫夫是一位多产得惊人的作家,自50年代初,至今已出版了300多部著作。,在家中图书室(1976年),Old photo,阿西莫夫与珍尼特,演讲,军旅戎装,阿西莫夫追悼会现场,作品:,I, Robot,作品100,最新科学指南,First reading,Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died? Which paragraph tells you about the education? Which paragraph tells you about awards he received?,P2,P3,P5,Date Event Born in Russia. _. _. Parents bought a candy store. _. Mother had her third child. _ Started to take himself seriously as a writer. _ _.,Sister born,Moved with family to New York,Started working in a candy store,1931,Began having stories published in science fiction magazines,Read about Isaac Asimov and complete the timeline of the events in his life.,Date Event _ Gained Masters degree in chemistry. Finished working in the candy store. _. 1942-1945 _ _. _ Got PhD in chemistry. _ Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine. Published his first novel. _ . Developed three laws for robots.,1941,Got married,Worked as junior chemist, Philadelphia Navy Yard,1948,1949,Published “I, Robot”,Date Event 1951-1953 Published “The Foundation Trilogy” and won an award for it. _ Published first science book _ Became a full-time writer. Divorced his first wife. _. _ Had a blood transfusion. Became infected with HIV. 1992 _.,1953,1958,Married for a second time,1983,Died in New York,Detailed reading : Whats the main idea of the text ?,Introduction to a famous American science fiction writer Isaac Asimovs life and works.,2 How many years did Isaac Asimov work in store? A 5 B 9 C 11 D 13,D,3. What was Asimov best known for? A. His mystery stories. B. His science fiction stories. C. His science and history books. D. His books about the Bible and about Shakespeare.,B,4. All the followings are true except_. A. Asimovs talent for writing wasnt obvious when he was young. B. He began having his stories published in science fiction magazine in 1939. C. He published his first novel in 1950. D. He published his first science book in 1953.,A,5. Why could Isaac Asimov become a writer ? A A friend of his made him a writer B His parents wanted him to be a writer C He had the talent for writing D He had so many experiences in his life .,C,6. In which book did he develop a set of three laws? A. The Foundation Trilogy B. I, Robot C. In his first novel D. In his first science book.,B,7. What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimovs three laws didnt exist? A. Maybe robots will harm or injure human beings. B. Maybe robots will disobey human beings. C. In order to protect their own existence, robots may injure human beings. D. All of the above.,D,Discussion: Isaac Asimov developed three laws for robots. The first law was: “A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.” What might the other two laws be?,1. biography n.传记,bio(尤其供公开发表的)个人简历(biography的缩写) bio cards传记档案卡; bio information传记资料,bio-表示“生命, 生物”之义 biophysics生物物理学 biochemistry n.生物化学,Language points,The singer and dancer _( be ) coming for a visit . The singer and the dancer _ (be) coming for a visit . A knife and fork _ ( be ) on the desk .,is / was,are/ were,is / was,2 an American scientist and writer 一位科学家兼作家,3. Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to .and an amazing mind with which he searched for . “介词which/ whom”的结构引导定语从句,阿西莫夫不仅有着超凡的想象力,使他能对未来世界进行探索,而且还有惊人的智力,使他能对现在和过去的各种事物作出解析,The Nile , _electricity is produced ,no longer destroys villages and crops . A which B from which C form it D from that - How do you like the cake ? - Its quite different from _I had last month . A that B which C the one D the one what,B,C,4. From 1942 to 1948 he worked as a junior chemist junior adj. younger , lower in rank 较年轻的/职位稍低的 senior: older; higher in rank 较年长的;职位稍高的,He is the junior employee in the firm .,He is two years junior to me.,5 he started to take himself seriously as a writer. take sb/ sth seriously: regard sb/ sth as important and worth treating with respect He takes things too seriously.,You cant take her promises seriously; she never keeps her word.,If you cant treat your study seriously, you will fail in the coming examination.,反义词:take for granted认为是理所当然的,想当然,不把当回事,take it easy,6 Soon after his divorce in 1973, divorce n.: legal ending of a marriage离婚, 脱离 vt.: put an end to a marriage by law使离婚, 与.脱离 ask for a divorce; get divorced; divorce from His wife asked for a divorce. They got divorced last year. She divorced her husband two years ago. We shouldnt divorce theory from practice.,9 award ( vt / n ) honour / prize / reward He won the _for the best student of year . Its an _to hear you speak so highly of me . He won the Nobel _for literature . He got a _of $ 100 for helping them.,award,honour,Prize,reward,娱乐机器人 科幻小说 有他自己需要和渴求 用-做试验 考验,试验 离开三个星期 感到恐慌 更像人类而不是机器人 他的面部表情 在第二天早上 感到窘困,尴尬 对表示同情 提升他的社会地位 答应使她变的优雅,entertainment robots science fiction have its own needs and desires experiment with test out be absent for three weeks feel alarmed seem more like a human than his facial expression on the second morning feel embarrassed feel/have/express sympathy for improve his social position promise to make her elegant,一堆书 更确切的说 诧异的看着他的手指 伸手去- 被感到惊讶 陪她去商店 在柜台处 打电话给Tony 转身 从她惊讶的表情上 与有暧昧关系 因生气而哭泣 有条不紊的进行着装修 从梯子上掉下来,a pile of books or rather look at his fingers with wonder reach for/reach out ones hand. be amazed by/at accompany sb to shops at the counter ring Tony up turn around by the amazed and surprised l- have an affair with weep with anger work steadily on the impro fall off the ladder,及时的接住她 紧紧地抱在怀里 钟敲了8下 感到不仅仅有做的渴望 因-而留下深刻印象 小声对-说 被-嫉妒 别管我 很满意 保护人类不受伤害 失败感 让女士爱上他 一部数码相机 留出一点时间,catch her in time hold her firmly in his arms the clock strikes eight feel more than the desire to be impressed by whisper to sb be envied by leave alone be very pleased with protect humans from harm a sense of failure have women falling love with a digital camera set aside some time,曾经 喜爱那些设计 对-严格的/理解的 动手和主人打架 想起警报 总共 一定会引起麻烦 一位美国的科学家和作家 由于HIV病毒感染 一次输血 兼职 获得化学硕士学位 和职员们一起 作为一个初级的化学师,at one time favour designs be firm with- get into physical fights with set off the alarms in all be bound to cause trouble an American scientist and wr- as a result of an HIV infection a blood transfusion work part-time gain a masters degree in chem join the staff as a junior chemist,成为一名专职作家 有写作的天赋 开始认真的从事写作了 他的一生 获得许多奖项 大致上是根据 创造了一种理论框架 给与评价,become a full-time writer have a talent for writing take himself seriously as throughout his life receive many awards be loosely based on invented a theoretical give your assessment,Revision of The passive Infinitive,一、 不定式的被动形式有下列用法,1作主语: It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here. 2作宾语: She asked to be sent to work in Xinjiang.,一 当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一般要采用被动形式。,3构成复合宾语: He wanted the letter to be typed at once. She didnt like herself to be praised like that. 4构成复合谓语: The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room.,5作定语: Are you going to the meeting to be held in the teachers office? 6作状语: She was too young to be assigned such work.,二、不定式有时还可以有完成式的被动式,在句中作主语、宾语、定语,或者构成复合宾语、复合谓语等,如: It is a good thing for him to have been criticized.(主语) She preferred to have been given heavier work to do. (宾语)),He thought it an honour to have been invited to the party. (复合宾语) The book is said to have been translated into many languages. (复合谓语) She was the first woman to have been elected to such a post. (定语),三、不定式的主动形式表示被动,1在there be结构中。 例如: There is a lot of homework to do There is no time to lose .,三、不定式的主动形式表示被动,2在“npron + be + adj + to do”结构中。常用的形容词有easy,difficult,hard,impossible,nice,pleasant,light,heavy,interesting,important,expensive,cheap, fit, dangerous等。,例如: He is hard to convince. He is an impossible person to work with,3.在“tooto do; enoughto”结构中。如: The problem is too difficult to work out The house is big enough to live in.,4在“with+n+to do”结构中。 例如: With nothing to do,he lay in bed With so many exercises to do,I cant go to the cinema,5当不定式的逻辑主语在句中出现时。 例如: I have a letter to type today (I是to type的逻辑主语) Do you have anything to say? (you是to say的逻辑主语),6当不定式隐含在for sb to do结构中 时。 例如: This is the best book to read (=for usyou to read) The important thing to do is to lock the door when we leave the house,1.The book is so interesting that it is sold well.,“Sell”此处为不及物动词“销售起来、有销路”的意思;作及物动词为“卖、出售”) 又如:This kind of cloth washes well.(耐洗),主动形式表被动意义: Im to blame. Sandstone cuts easily. This pen writes quite smoothly. The match would not strike. In such weather meat wont keep long. This cloth feels soft/ smooth. There is a notice which says/reads “Please keep off the grass.”,1. 某些感官动词加形容词及少数其他的动 词可以表示被动意义。 cook, smell, taste, was


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