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防守原则及防守阵形,1,防守原则,防守原则: 是当一个队失掉控球权时每个队员必须遵守的确定个人基本行为方式的准则。 这些原则指出了在对方一次进攻的整个防守过程中,守方在不同时间和不同场区应该完成的战术任务和要求,以及需要采取的方法和手段。,2,防守原则,延缓 纵深-保护 集中-收缩 平衡 控制及限制,开始防守,组织防守,保护球门,3,防守 1/3,中场 1/3,进攻 1/3,- 对对手实施高压,- 做好保护,把对手限制在 危险区外,限制对手有效 的组织,- 限制向前传球,- 延缓对手,- 使对手犯错误,- 把球挤向边路,4,1. 延缓,当本方失去控球权的瞬间,每一个队员都要意识到不能让对手发动快速进攻。 离球最近的队员要以最快的有效方法封堵对方控球队员向前传球或运球发动进攻的路线。 以争取让本队其他队员有时间回防到位,形成稳固的防守体系。,5,2.纵深布防,失球后回到球与球门之间 防守线的建立(三条线) 对盯人队员和空当进行保护 -保护距离 -保护角度 -与施压队员之间的沟通,6,3. 集中-收缩,缩小每条防守线间的空当 缩小每一名防守队员之间的空当 在危险区域要尽可能紧的盯人 提高对持球队员施加压力的能力 确保在危险区内有足够多的防守队员,7,4. 平衡,为限制对手进攻的活动,其他队员要完成平衡的任务 他们的职责是: 盯防对手 控制区域 对其他队员的位置进行保护,8,5. 限制与控制,防守时注意力集中并且思想上保持警觉 盯住持球队员还是紧跟向前跑动队员的抉择 截断传球,上抢和诱惑对方的抉择 位置感和防守姿势 明白关键的区域和时刻,9,这些原则能够运用 在所有阵形中,在观察比赛胜负的时候,教练员需要根据比赛的原则进行分析,导致失败的原因可能是在关键时刻没有达到相关的原则的要求。,10,第一防守者:最靠近对手控球的队员 夺回球或阻止对手前传 - 对控球队员快速施压,限制对手活动空间 控制引导对手进攻方向 当有队员支援时,对控球人实施抢截 注意力集中在球上,保持双脚平衡和正确身体姿势 选择正确的上抢的角度和速度,11,第二防守者:最靠近第一防守者的队员 快速保护和支援 可能同时盯防对手支援的队员,对手控球队员的身体朝向决定第二防守者防守的重点对象 总是寻找双人夹抢有球队员的机会 对有可能接球队员实施紧逼 总是与第一防守者呼应沟通,12,第三防守者:除第一和第二防守者外的其他防守队员 完成集中、移动、支援和沟通任务 紧跟向前插上的队员 不要让对手抢在里线 总是准备平衡防守 时刻准备成为第一或第二防守者 总是观察场上情况,呼应其他队 总是寻找断球的机会 总是准备对可能接球的队员实施逼抢,13,1. THE BEGINNING OF DEFENCE,As soon as team loses possession of the ball every player of the team will become a defender and the whole team has to participate in protecting the goal. losing possession of the ball visual signal for the beginning of defence. every player turns around and faces the ball and tries to be in the goal side of the ball,14,1. THE BEGINNING OF DEFENCE,the player who is nearest to the opposing player in possession, challenges his opponent other players have to revert to defence and is picking up the nearest opponent the team is falling back to get itself organizes in front of its own goal with a reinforced defence by employing delaying tactics up front or in the mid-field,15,2. THE ORGANIZATION OF DEFENCE,The objective is to create depth in defence and to keep the opponents playing spaces as narrow as possible. each attacking forward is marked by an opposing player and each defender should be aware whom he is responsible for. the defender has to position himself on the “Inner Line”, i.e. to be closer to his own goal than the player whom he is covering.,16,2. THE ORGANIZATION OF DEFENCE,the libero or sweeper, an extra free player, covers the area behind his teammates in front of him ensuring that the opponent strikers do not succeed in gaining advantages. every player has to be strong in1v1 situation in order to fairly dispossess the opponent, once the opponent is dispossessed, the player has to move away quickly or to play the ball early to a teammate,17,3. GOAL PROTECTION,The objective is not to concede a goal and the means are :- Tight marking the opposing player with the ball and the other opponent must kept under pressure by means of hard,but fair, and close marking. Inner line - the defenders has to position himself between opponent and his goal prevent the attacker from going for goal.,18,3. GOAL PROTECTION,Individual tactical defending behaviour - the actual situation of when and how to use means of combating is one of tactics and depends largely on the tactics of the opponent, but the defender must not allow himself to be provoked by the opponent. Full concentration - every player must concentrate on the game so that he can recognize dangerous situations during the whole match,19,3. GOAL PROTECTION,Combating in the 1v1 situation - near and in the penalty area the ball has to be won latest from the player in possession otherwise the opponent is likely be score. The defender must be in perfect balance and apply a challenge to the striker at the right time when he has an excellent chance of winning the ball.,20,


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