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.Oo:Hello, Moon!What a beautiful moon!With balloons,a rooster flies up.With balloons,a goose flies up.With balloons,a kangaroo flies up.With balloons,a racoon flies up.With balloons,a cuckoo flies up.Hello,Moon!Hello,Moon!Oo;No Book, Just CookMr.Hook wants to be a cook“I need a good cook book.”He looks for the book here.He looks for the book there.Mr.Hook looks for the book everywhere.Mr.Hook Meets a good cook.“Can I have your good cook book?”“No book, just cook!”From day to night, Mr. Hook cooks and cooks.From night to day, Mr.Hook cooks and cooks.NowMr.Hook is a cook, a very,very good cook.And he writes a book, How to Cook.Oa:Coats on Sale“Coats on sale!”“On sale?”Mr. Goat goes to the coat shop on East Road.“Sorry! These coats are sold out.”He goes to the coat shop on west Road.“Sorry! These coats are sold out.”He goes to the coat shop on south Road.“Sorry! These coats are sold out.”He goes to the coat shop on North Road.“The last coat! The last coat!”“North Road is my lucky road!”“$100,please.”“Ahhh?”Or:Hortons HornsHorton wakes up in the morning.“Horns?!”“Thats horrible!”Horton feels sad.A bird stops on one of his horns.“Wow! My horns are useful!“My horns can be a hanger!”“My horns can help mom knit.”“My horns can help dad open cans.”“And my horns can help my friends do sports.”Horton is happy with his horns now.Ou:A Round HouseThere is a house, a round, round house.In the round, round house,There is a round, round mouse.In his round, round mouth,There is a round, round ball.Look out! The ball rolls!The ball rolls around the house.The mouse runs after the ball.Wheres the round ball?There is no round ball,Only the round, round houseAnd the round, round mouse.Ow:Yellow PillowMr. Low has a yellow pillow.A crow wants the pillow.But the pillow is under MR. Low.The crow knocks at the window.Mr. Low opens the window.Nobody is there but some crows in a row!Again the crow knocks at the window.Again nobody is there but some crows in a row!The crow comes near the window.Mr. Low finds the crow.“Go away!”Mr. Low throws the pillow at the crow.“Hooray!” The crow gets the yellow pillow.Ph:A Photo of an Elephant FamilyPhilip the elephant wants a photo of his family.So he calls a photographer.The photographer comes with a camera.The elephants stand in a row.The photographer cants get all the elephants in.The elephants stand in a line.The photographer still cant get all the elephants in.“Its not easy to take a photo of an elephant family!”Finally, the photographer gets a good idea.(Whirr)Now Philip the elephant has a photo of his family.Sh:Three FishRed fish,.Yellow fish. Black fish.Three fish are in the sea.Look out! A whale!“Where are we?!”“Where are we?!”The red fish finds some shoes.The yellow fish finds some shorts.The black fish finds some brushes.Look! Red fish. Yellow fish. Black fish.Three fish go back to the sea.Ai:Wait!Wait!Wait!Two snails are going to Spain.“Wait!Wait!Wait!”The train driver doesnt wait.“Wait!Wait!Wait!”The mailman doesnt wait.“Wait!Wait!Wait!”The sailor doesnt wait.The snails have to walk to Spain.“Its such a long way!”“Lets have some fun!”“Catch my tail!” “Catch my tail!” Where are they?Oh!They are in Spain!Ch:The OstrichAn ostrich is having her lunch on the beach.The ostrich eats some cheese.Oh!Too much cheese!“Not too much for an ostrich.”The ostrich eats some chips.Oh!Too many chips!“Not too many for an ostrich.” The ostrich also eats a small peach,a big peach,and a very,very big peach.Oh no!Oh no!Oh no!The ostrich really eats too much!Dr:Dragon and DrumOn the wall there is a drum.On the drum there is a dragon.The drum wants to ride the dragon.And the dragon wants to play the drum.The dragon lets the drum ride.But the drum doesnt let the dragon play.The dragon is vey angryHe drops the drum.Now there is no drum,and there is no dragon.Ea:A pea in the SeaThe peacock drops her pea in the sea.Its not easy to pick up the pea.The peacock goes to Mr.Flea.“Please!Please pick up the pea for me.”Mr.Flea jumps into the sea.But he cant find the pea.Mr.Flea drinks up all the water in the sea.Now the peacock has her pea.And Mr.Flea has a cup of tea.Ea:Sound in Lears EarOne day, Lear is reading with his friends.Lear hears a sound.“Can you hear?Coo-Coo!Coo-Coo!”Mouse cant hear.Giraffe cant hear.“Thats strange!”Lear covers his ears,but he can still hear it.“Something is wrong with my ears.”Mouse puts his ear near Lears ear.“Oh dear,I hear it!”He looks into Lears ear.Oh dear!A bird is in his ear!The bird files out.Now everyone can hear the sound.Ee:The Green Family Goes Out“One,two,three.Three sheep.”“One,two,three.Three geese.”The Green family is going out in a jeep.The jeep stops under a tree.“One,two,three.Three geese .One,two”“Where is the little sheep?!”“Little sheep!Little sheep!”“Little sheep!”They find the little sheep in a tree.The jeep stops under the tree.“One,two,three.Three geese .One,two”“Where is the little goose?!”Er:The Tiger and the Rooster A tiger wants to eat a rooster.The tiger dresses up as a rooster dancer.But the rooster knows it is the tiger.The tiger dresses up as a rooster singer.But the rooster knows it is the tiger.The tiger holds a beautiful flower and waits at a corner.The rooster loves the flower!So he runs to the tiger.The rooster is in danger!but whats wrong with the tiger?Oh!Here comes the farmer with a hammer!Ir:Run after a BirdMr.Dirt goes out with a bird.He runs across thirteen hills.He runs over thirty rivers.He runs through thirty trees.He runs over thirteen umbrellas.He runs under thirteen shirts.And here he is,dirty and thirsty.ng:A Long,Long SongRing,ring,ring a bell.The king is going to sing a song.Its a long,long song.Sha La La,Sha La La“Dear king,the song is too long.”“Maybe the song is a little long.”But the king really likes this long,long song.Sha La La,Sha La LaThe king sings the song all day long.“Maybe the song is too long.”Wh:Whistle for WhaleWally whistles in the morning.“Why do you whistle?”“I whistle for my Whale.”“What?Whale?”“Whale?”“Where is the whale?”“Oh!A whale!I like whales!”Wally whistles and whistles.A dog runs over.“Look!This is my Whale!”Sp:A Special SpiderSpence is a special spider.He is red.“Thats not special.We are red too.”Spence can do sports.“Thats not special.We can do sports too.”Spence can speak Spanish.“Oh!Thats a little special.We cant speak Spanish.”Spence can walk to space.And he can help you walk to space.“Wow!Thats really special!”Ck:Tick-Tock Goes the ClockGranny Mock picks up a clock.“Tick-tock,tick-tock,”goes the clock.“Stop!Dont tick-tock.”Granny Mock puts the clock in a sock.“Tick-tock,tick-tock,”goes the clock.“Stop!Dont tick-tock.”Granny Mock locks the clock.“Tick-tock,tick-tock,”goes the clock.“Stop!Stop!Dont tick-tock.”Granny Mock kicks the clock out.“No clock,no tick-tock!”“Tick-tock,tick-tock!”The duck comes in with the clock.Th:Tow ThievesMr.North is a thief in North City.Mr.South is a thief in South City.Mr.North steals things in South City.And Mr.South steals things in North city.One day,Mr.North lost something.“It must be Mr,South.”Mr.South lost something too.“It must be Mr.North!”What will Mr.North and Mr.South do?Mr.North steals everything from Mr.South.And Mr.South steals everything from Mr.North.Th:Flowers for MotherThis flower is red.That flower is pink.Those flowers are purple.These flowers are yellow.“Maybe she loves pink.”Brother picks the pink flower.“Maybe she loves red.”Sister picks the red flower.“Maybe she loves purple.”Tommy picks the purple flowers.Where is mother?“She lovers yellow best!”Mother picks the yellow flowers.Happy Mothers Day!Happy Mothers Day!ar:Party SharkMr.Shark loves parties.One day,he gets a card.“Dear Mr.Shark,please come to our party on Mars on the 10th”“The 10th ?Thats tomorrow!”Mr.Shark starts in the dark.He goes through a park,a farm and a garden.“Good morning,Mark!Wheres the party?”“No party today!”“Oh,on!”The party is in a month!“Goodbye,Mark!See you next month!”“Goodbye,Mr.Shark !Youre really a party shark!”all:Make a CallMr.Tall is tall.Mr.Small is small.“Hello,Mr.Tall.Lets paint walls!”“What?Play ball?”Mr.Tall cant hear Mr.small.“Not ball!Walls!”“OK,lets play ball.”Mr.Tall still cant hear Mr.Small.“How can we talk?”Quack,quack!Mr.Small gives Mr.Tall a call.“Hello!Mr.Tall?”“Hello!Now Mr.Tall can hear Mr.small.“OK!Lets paint walls.”“And we can play ball!”They paint walls and play ball together.Ur:Purple purseA nurse finds a purple purse.Whats in the purple purse?A turtle!The turtle finds a purple purse.Whats in the purple purse?A turkey!The turkey finds a purple purse.Whats in the purple purse?AHHHThe nurse is in the purple purse!Tr:Travel by TreeIn a small country,a small ,small country,there is a big tree,a big, big tree.Everybody lives in the tree.They travel around the tree by train.But one dayThe tree falls down.That is awful!They are in trouble.They cant travel by train.But they find an amazing way.They can travel by tree!.


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