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Unit 6 Man and AnimalsIn-class reading参考译文人和动物的好斗性1 人类肯定是所有动物中最好斗和最残忍的。我们会说暴徒的行为 “就像野兽”,然而事实上,没有任何一种动物像人类那样残暴。当地盘性的动物或鸟类侵入别的同类动物的领地时,后者只会做一些表示敌意的姿态以吓跑入侵者。而且,万一有争斗,任何一方都不会受重伤,因为败方只要做出姿态表示投降便可保全性命。一般情况下,动物之间只会为了食物而杀戮,同类动物之间自相残杀是极少见的。2 然而,如果动物发现自己处于异常环境下,它会表现出不同寻常的攻击性。有一只老虎从丛林跑到村庄来,袭击了人。后来人们发现原来它的爪子受了伤。显然,它就不能像平时那样去猎食了。假如不是受了伤,这只老虎毫无疑问还会呆在丛林里,并像往常那样去猎取食物。关在动物园笼子里的动物,往往会比在野外时更加好斗。比如说,关在笼子里的狮子一旦能自由自在地徜徉在非洲的大草原上,那么它会一直活力充沛,长途跋涉,与家族同类一起追捕食物。在动物园里,也许它吃得更好,能得到精心的照料,但是,由于离群索居,它显然会感到倦怠,情绪沮丧。3 一些动物学家和心理学家把现代人比作关在笼子里的狮子。他们认为,人们生活在拥挤不堪的城市里,生活条件与动物园里的动物很相似,这种状况使得这些居民特别地好斗。如果人口增长速度不是这样快,人们就会有更多的空间和自由。在史前时代,60人左右的群体拥有数公里的空间来活动和觅食。假如现在还有这样的条件,人类就不会比其他动物更加好斗。实际情况是,在同一栋办公大楼里工作的人,有可能多达3万人。在这种条件下,人们之间变得寻衅好斗也就不足为奇了。实际上,要他们不这样几乎是不可能的。这些年来,随着世界人口的增长,人类肯定是更加好斗了。4 然而,好斗本身并不一定是坏事。一些心理学家认为好斗是一种必须得到满足的基本的人类本能。如果没有建设性的手段来满足这一本能,人类就会采用破坏性的手段。人类坚持自己的权利和主张的冲动使其能够在这充满危险的世界上生存下来;然而,具有讽刺意义的是,倘若人类找不到其他非暴力的办法来发泄其好斗的本性,他们便有可能自我毁灭。实际上,人类作为个体要想坚持自己的权力和主张已经越来越困难了,因为城镇、国家以及组织机构变得越来越庞大,而权力则变得越发集中,越发遥远了。一个人也许曾经是个体手工业者,而且还是本行业的能工巧匠,而现在却可能在工厂里干着单调乏味的工作。一家小公司曾经团结合作生产出高质量产品,而现在可能被并入了一家大机构,员工的工作很机械,也没有自我发挥的机会了。在这样的条件下,人们无法将自己争强好斗的特性发挥在创造性的工作上,很可能就表现出怨恨、愤怒等情绪。在国与国之间,敌对情绪的日积月累最终会以大规模的毫无人性的战争形式爆发出来。一个不大愿意对他面前的人拔拳相向的人,也许会从飞机上投下一枚炸弹使成千上万的人死亡;对他来说,那些人太遥远,已经不算是人了,仅仅是他日常工作报表上的数字而已。5 然而,这种状况至少还是能够得到改善的。鼓励所有可能领域中的竞争,应该会逐渐减少而不是增加战争的可能性。安东尼斯托尔在他的人类的好斗性一书中,建议联合国组织国际性的体育比赛,还可以开展诸如最佳房屋或医院设计、最安全汽车竞赛等活动。他说,甚至那些把大量的财力和人力用于太空竞赛的做法,也是值得欢迎的,因为这种竞争与动物之间惯常的冲突类似。只有将人类的敌意和好斗性通过建设性活动和非暴力的竞争方式发挥出来,人类才得以继续生存下去。After-Class Reading课外阅读参考译文从事工作的动物们动物不仅能成为很好的宠物,有时还能成为干活的好手 只要它们具备合适的特长并训练得当1 每天早晨,阿莉醒来后就陪她的朋友到盥洗室。她打开灯,把毛巾打上肥皂,然后开始给她朋友洗脸。阿莉是个特别尽心的伙伴吗?是的。阿莉是一只僧帽猴,每天帮助她的残疾朋友料理日常生活。2 许多动物能帮助人们改善生活,甚至拯救人的生命,像阿莉这样的猴子只是这些动物中的一种。但并不是所有的动物都适合做各种工作。要根据动物各自的特长或特点,“雇用”它们来做特定的工作。通过不同的条件反射作用 (训练动物对某种刺激物或信号做出特定的反应),人们能教动物执行一些特殊的任务。3 有史以来,人类一直依赖动物的特长完成某些工作。例如,阿肯色州亨德森州立大学的动物行为学家玛丽安贝利说,与人相比,狗“追踪气味的本领要高超得多”。那是因为狗的鼻子里有数百万个嗅觉感受器,或嗅觉神经。4 正因如此,早在古埃及时,猎人就用狗来追踪猎物。如今,狗被用来嗅查学校衣物柜里的违禁品或地震中被埋在倒塌的楼房或公路废墟下的地震受难者。5 灵长目动物也许不是灵敏的嗅探者,但他们肯定能助人一臂之力 也许是“二”臂之力。高位截瘫患者 指脖子以下都已瘫痪的病人手(和脚)都不能动,猴子是他们的最佳帮手。贝利解释说,猴子像人一样,拇指是和别的指头相对的,因此猴子能拾取东西。僧帽猴能学会开门、擦净溢出物、拧开瓶盖。他们甚至能从冰箱里取三明治,把你最喜欢的录像带放进录像机。6 说到录像机,动物甚至能帮助科学家摄制录像。珍妮弗赫利是加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯长海实验室的动物研究员,她正在训练两只海狮,让它们背着摄像机拍摄鲸鱼的真实行为。7 赫利说,她永远也不可能潜到鲸鱼活动的深度,但是海狮能行。鲸鱼在海狮身边行动自然,因为这些哺乳动物是鲸鱼真实生活环境的一部分而人类或者外形像潜艇一样的研究船则不然。8 那么怎么让动物员工干活呢?答案是:职业培训。训练人员通过一种叫“条件反射”的训练过程教动物们听从他们的指令。9 动物行为学家贝利说,大多数训练人员采用正强化手段训练动物,做对了就奖赏它。比如,为了教狗如何利用嗅觉找出毒品,训练员就把一条带有毒品气味的毛巾藏起来,让狗去找。正在纽约负责一项嗅犬缉毒课题的莫里斯伯科威茨说,“狗乐于把东西找回来,因此毛巾就成了它的奖品。”10 伯科威茨说,在多次重复这种捉迷藏游戏后,狗开始把气味与奖品联系起来。当他发出命令或者说给狗某种刺激后,狗就会找出毒品 (这就像为了考试努力学习以便取得好成绩一样)。11 在“帮手助残猴”中心,僧帽猴要接受两次训练才与残疾人合作。首先,猴子要放在收养人家里与人交往。在五年的时间里,这些收养的人家会帮助猴子适应人类环境,使他们信任人类并喜欢与人相处。12 贝利说,很重要的一点是,要在猴子4到6周大的时候就收养它们。 她说:“这正好是猴子开始与其他猴子正常交往的时候。”13 然后,帮手中心的训练人员训练猴子做一些具体的工作去帮助某个人。比如,可能训练猴子抓痒,或把软盘放进计算机的驱动器里。训练人员采用正强化手段来奖赏猴子,比如,给它们食物、饮料、表扬和关爱。这个训练阶段会持续一年。课内阅读练习答案 Part One Preparation1. Animals and the Human World Animal namesant, antelope(羚羊), bat, bear, beaver, bee, bird, bull, butterfly, camel, cat, chicken, cod, cow, crab, crocodile, cuttlefish (乌贼), deer, dog, dolphin, donkey, dragonfly, duck, eagle, eel, elephant, fish, fly, fox, frog, goat, goose, giraffe, hippo (河马), horse, koala, leopard, lion, lizard, mandarin duck(鸳鸯), monkey, mosquito, mouse, mule, ostrich, owl, ox, panda, parrot, peacock, penguin, pig, pigeon, pony, rabbit, rat, rhino (犀牛), salmon, scorpion (蝎), sea lion, shark, sheep, shrimp, skunk, sloth, snail, snake, spider, squirrel, swallow, tiger, tortoise, turkey, turtle, weasel (黄鼠狼), whale, worm, zebra, etc.Samples1) Id vote for sheep. They were among the earliest domesticated animals and were a mainstay of the earliest human civilizations. Aside from being a source of meat and milk they also gave rise to some of the first textile industries. Besides, sheep are very gentle. They eat only grass but give so much to us. 2) Dogs contribute the most to humans. Thanks to their great sense of smell and ability to learn new things, dogs can be helpful to humans in many ways. For example, hunters used dogs to track down prey in ancient times. Today, they can be employed to sniff out earthquake victims buried beneath the rubble of a collapsed building. They also provide companionship for those who are lonely. 3) Dont forget one of the quiet animals - the earthworm. Earthworms help to make the soil fertile. They dig tunnels to cause soil to be loose and make it possible for air and water to reach the roots of plants. Earthworms also benefit the ecosystem. In forest ecosystems earthworms can help consume all the litter deposited on the soil surface within a period of several weeks.2. Test Your Animal KnowledgeSection A: What is it?1) A squirrel2) An owl 3) A dolphin 4) A tiger 5) A sloth6) A bat7) A beaver8) A lion 9) A penguin 10) An ostrichSection B: Which is the best choice?1) B2) C3) D4) C 5) B6) A7) D8) C9) C10) C3. The Pet Show May: dog, speak, third Beth: bird, jump, first Kim: snake, roll over and play dead, second Since the snake rolls over (Clue 3) and the bird does not speak (Clue 2), the bird must jump. The pet that jumps took first place (Clue 4), and the bird is owned by Beth (Clue 5), so Beth owns the first-place pet. Since Beth owns the first-place pet and May owns the third-place pet (Clue 1), then Kim must own the second-place pet. Since the snake took second (Clue 6), it must belong to Kim. If Beth owns the bird, and Kim owns the snake, then May must own the dog. Since the bird jumps and the snake rolls over, the dog must speak. Since May owns the dog, and Mays pet took third, the dog must be the third-place pet.Part Two Reading-Centered ActivitiesI. Pre-Reading1) No, not at all. Actually I love dogs and we keep a dog at home. When Im at home, the dog will be always around me. We often share food at meal time. For example, I have the meat and shell eat the bone. Were very good friends.Yes, extremely frightened. Im terrified of them because I feel they can easily become fierce and nasty. In fact, Im frightened by their barking. When they bark loudly Im afraid theyre ready to attack at any moment. Some dogs attack and bite people. 2) When animals are threatened;When they are attacked or hurt;When they want to protect their young;When they are cornered.3) When people are in the following situations:in war;in self-defense;being extremely angry;lacking space and freedom. 4) Fighting, beating, slapping, invading, killing (in war), etc.II. In-Class ReadingIII. Post-ReadingReading Comprehension1. Understanding the Main Idea of the PassageA Comparison of Animal and Human AggressionAnimalsHuman beingsCauses of aggression1) Abnormal conditions.6) Living conditions in crowded cities.Consequences2) Animals may show abnormal aggressiveness.7) People behave aggressively toward each other.Examples3) The tiger that had an injured paw came out of the jungle into a village and attacked a man.4) Caged animals often become more aggressive than they would be in the wild.8) People who are not able to assert themselves may express aggression through resentment and anger.9) At the international level an accumulation of hostile emotions may find expression in large-scale impersonal warfare.Possible solutions5) Animals live in their natural/ normal conditions/environment.10) Hostility and aggression are expressed in constructive activity and non-violent competition.2. Understanding Specific Information 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) D 6) B 3. Questions for Group Discussion 1) Yes. There were 2 world wars before, during which large numbers of people were killed and the great majority of them were innocent. Human beings or the whole world could be destroyed if nuclear or biological weapons should be used by violent or insane people. We have never heard of anything comparable to these in the animal world. Besides, humans have killed large numbers of animals for food, clothes, medical research, pleasure, or for no reason at all. So I think humans are much more aggressive than animals. No, animals are, in general, more aggressive than humans. Humans are good by nature, while animals have no power of reasoning. Whats more, animals have more physical force and other defenses such as claws and fangs. Without weapons, man is weaker and less aggressive than animals. In addition, there are many kind and charitable humans, who are always ready to help the needy. In normal conditions, nations can support each other. None of these can be found among animals. 2) Yes, sports are generally a good way to channel energy and aggression, especially boxing, wrestling, ball games, etc. International sports enable athletes from different countries to meet and compete for medals. To prepare for international sports competitions, they have to improve their skills, strengthen their muscles, develop effective strategies, etc. Others, non-athletes, will feel supportive of them, excited with them, and proud of them, and cheer for them. No, the Olympic Games are just sports competitions. They wont change the political ideas of nations. We have never heard of any sports games that have stopped disputes, conflicts, wars, etc., but on the other hand there were athletes who were prevented from participating in the Games because of international conflicts. And there have been acts of terrorism, and examples of unfair judgments and aggressive behavior at the Olympic Games. Vocabulary 1.VerbNounAdjectiveAdverbaggressaggressionaggressiveaggressively/violenceviolentviolentlybehavebehavior/territoryterritorial/hostilityhostile/disabledisabilitydisabled/comparecomparisoncomparative/comparablecomparatively/comparablydestroydestructiondestructivedestructivelyresentresentmentresentfulresentfullyconstructconstructionconstructiveconstructivelycompetecompetitioncompetitivecompetitively/evidenceevidentevidently2. violent non-violent doubtfully undoubtedly satisfied dissatisfied normal abnormal constructive destructive personal impersonal diminish increase encourage discourage3. 1) intrude2) conflicts3) accumulation4) remote5) injuring6) assert7) competition8) instinct9) evidently10) scale 4. Aggression is the evident basis for fighting instinct in beast and man, which is directed against members of the same species. It is theorized that in natural conditions aggression helps to ensure survival of individuals (and thus the species), by preventing too dense a population from developing and exhausting all of its food sources. Fighting is generally considered to be a trait characteristic of males and uncharacteristic of females. However, many but not all female mammals exhibit aggression during the postpartum (产后的) period in defense of their young. The great animal behaviorist Konrad Lorenz observed that in every individual the readiness to fight is greatest in the most familiar place: in the middle of its territory. As the distance from territory increases, readiness to fight decreases proportionately. This was not the case with my pet rat; he was ready and willing to beat up his neighbors the minute he stepped through their door. What causes some rats to be more aggressive than others? There is certainly evidence that aggression has a genetic basis, at least in some animals. Translation1) If I had to select one plan, I would not hesitate to support the latter. 2) He seemed not guilty, but the evidence suggested otherwise.3) I warned him off going to the east coast because it was full of tourists.4) The fact that something is cheap doesnt necessarily mean its of low quality.5) Without anyone to turn to for help, making an appropriate choice can be difficult.6) His sadness at the death of his wife found expression in his music.7) Only when people overcome their shyness do they live more confidently.8) Im not buying the children anything else todayIve spent far too much money as it is.Part Three Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) A 2) B 3) C 4) A 5) C 6) B 7) A 8) B 9) B 10) C2. Translation 1) show abnormal aggressiveness2) Unless otherwise stated 3) This was not bad in itself 4) channel his energies into 5) far superior to others in intelligence 6) in response to 7) positive reinforcement8) Speaking of music3. Do You Know What They Mean?Step One:1) It is risky to sacrifice one thing or accomplishment which has been attained, for the uncertain hope of gaining more.2) When one is close to ones limits (of strength, tolerance, endurance, patience, etc.), an otherwise insignificant thing can surpass these limits and cause disaster.3) One cannot rely on expectations or assumptions; it is better to rely only on what is certain.4) Too much curiosity can cause one to abandon caution and encounter unseen danger.5) Dont stir up trouble when all is calm.6) Dont be discouraged if you dont get the one you want others are available.7) People should be treated equally, regardless of their gender.8) Changing ones mind in the middle of a task or event will cause more problems than if the task/event had been thought through beforehand. 9) Its too late to protect yourself after something bad has happened; take appropriate precautions.10) One may suggest something to another, but cannot force the other to do what he does not wish to do.Step Two:Sample 1:Mark: Hey Tony. Still daydreaming?Tony: Yeah. I was just thinking about how great its going to be after I start my own business.Mark: Whats your plan?Tony: Well, Ill start out with this small restaurant. Then Ill expand my business gradually. In five years, Ill have my chain restaurants around the world. Ill earn millions of dollars and buy a big house on the coast, andMark: Hold on a second! You just pictured the future of your business?Tony: Well, I did, why not?Mark: Do you know the old saying “Dont count your chickens before they hatch”?Tony: Yes, I know. But its all right to dream, isnt it? Sample 2Kelley: Have a look at this ad in the newspaper.Jenny: Why?Kelley: It says the hotel has some part-time job vacancies. Jenny: So why do I need to notice?Kelley: Isnt your major hotel management? You may gain some experience by working part-time there.Jenny: Yeah, maybe. But Im not sure if I really need a part-time job.Kelley: Didnt you complain to me a moment ago that you need some extra money?Jenny: Yes, I did, but Im still wondering ifKelley: Ok. Its up to you. I guess I can lead a horse to water, but I cant make it drink.4. Interesting Facts about AnimalsSampleMandarin ducks are the symbol of love and loyalty. But according to scientific observations, it would seem that the male mandarin duck is not really that loyal. The couple stay together in the spring but when the mating season is over, the male goes away and does not wait for the ducklings to hatch or help to look after them. However, swans pair for life and remain loyal to each other in their relationship. I think they are qualified to replace mandarin ducks as the symbol of love and loyalty. It is said that the couple will stay together all their life. When one of them dies, the other becomes so sad that it doesnt eat and may dash around until it kills itself. (More for teachers reference)l A newborn kangaroo is about 1 inch in length. l Each year, insects eat 1/3 of the Earths food crop.l A rat can last longer without water than a camel can. l A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime. l The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.l A bird requires more food in proportion to its size than a baby or a cat.l The animal responsible for the most human deaths world-wide is the mosquito.l There are more than 100 million dogs and cats in the United States. Americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year. 5. How Man Uses AnimalsSTEP ONE 1) for sports and entertainment: bull fighting, horse-racing, fishing, rooster fighting, cricket fighting, greyhound racing, dog sled racing, monkey show, equestrian, etc.2) for food: meat, milk, eggs, blood, bones, honey, edible birds nest, bears paw, etc.3) for pets: dogs, snakes, turtles, cats, fish, rabbits, parrots, guinea pigs, etc.4) for various products: ivory, fur, leather, wool, silk, oil, bones, feathers, horns, etc.5) for work: horses, dogs, camels, oxen, elephants, monkeys, pigeons, donkeys, buffalo, etc. STEP TWO Samples If we were forbidden to use or abuse animals in all of the ways mentioned, life for man would be quite different and difficult, too. If we were not allowed to use animals for sports and entertainment, we would have fewer activities. More people would become jobless. If we were not allowed to use animals for food, peoples health would be much poorer. We would suffer a lot of illnesses because of the lack of proteins. Perhaps people would be less intelligent for the lack of certain trace elements (微量元素). If we were not allowed to use animals as pets, some old people and children would be much more lonely, because pets are their good companions. Some stray animals would not be taken good care of. But animals would enjoy more freedom by living in their natural environment. If we were not allowed to use animals for clothes, people especially women, would have fewer choices for clothing. But the animals would be well protected, people wouldnt hunt them for money, and the balance of nature could be kept. Some animals would not be extinct. If we were not allowed to use animals for assorted products, some animals such as elephants and whales, would face less danger of extinction. If we were not allowed to use animals for work, people themselves would have to work harder. Or, they would have to think of other ways to make their work easier. 6. Debate Possible answers: Animals should be trained to help humans because: in this way we can make better use of the resources on the earth; we can develop a closer relationship between humans and animals; we can protect them better by giving them food and shelter. animals are savage and wild and thus should not enjoy the same rights as humans; some animals have to be trained, for example, dogs; those who say no to this question are killing animals for such things as food and leather; otherwise we have to train ourselves for a living. Animals should not be trained because: animals should have the right to live freely; animals shouldnt be enslaved as the blacks used to be; the eco-system has been interfered by training animals to serve humans; animals are not belongings of human beings; animals should live peacefully in nature; humans are selfish in doing so. Additional Activity:Do Animals Love Each Other? Directions: Read the short story to your students and ask them to discuss in groups the following questions. Story:One evening a work elephant and her three-month-old calf were trapped in flood waters in a river. The elephant tried to use her trunk to hold the baby against her body, but the fast-rising waters washe


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