贵州省2019版英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 10(I)卷

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贵州省2019版英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 10(I)卷_第1页
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贵州省2019版英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 10(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Now some old peopletheir pets as their family membersAregardBsellCbuyDlook2 . _ are you going to start to take acting lessons?Next month.AWhatBWhenCWhereDHow3 . Walk along the road, turn left_ the first crossing and then youll see it_ your right.Aat; onBon; atCin; onDat; in4 . It will take me _ three hours to do my homework tonight.Aa littleBa bitCat leastDat most5 . (题文)We all know some of the polices duties are to keep order and _ the law.Atake outBfind outCcome outDcarry out6 . According_the ancient legend(传说),the river is a goddess(女神)AtoBforCwithDfrom7 . Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it?Aask; writeBto ask; writingCask; writingDto ask; to write8 . Mr. Brown _ his hometown for a long time. He really misses it.AleftBhas leftCwent away fromDhas been away from9 . _ is your school?I cant remember it well. I_ for ten years.AHow big, have leftBWhat big, have been awayCHow big, have been awayDWhat big, have left二、完型填空After thirty years in the classroom, I have come to realize that teachers behavior can make a world of difference for a child. This is one such _.While I was attending a party being _ at a high school one evening, I looked around and noticed a young girl who looks a little familiar(熟悉). I thought she had been a_ of mine. I tried to remember her name but I couldnt. I didnt feel _ with myself, as I have always been able to _ the students that I knew in the past.Her eyes met mine and she threw her arms _ me and said, “Mrs. G, its me, Sarah, and Im still writing!” The memories_. I felt something different in my heart. You see, Sarah was _ a student in my classroom. Sarahs mother had gone to a big city and had remarried. And her father had _ her. She was sent to live with her grandparents the year I met her. Sarah was _, often in trouble and often in the office.It was during one of those office visits that I first met her. She was writing at that time. I introduced myself to her and asked her_ she was writing. Sarah shared her story with me. I knew it was a way for her to get away from her pain. So she always put her_ on paper. Every morning before she went to school, she would come into my classroom and we would work on her _skills.Our conversation that evening was filled _ hope. She expected to go to college. Driving home, I realized the influence for both good and bad _ teachers have put upon their students. Taking the time to connect with a child has the power to change that childs life. Thats why I teach.10 . AclassBchildChistoryDstory11 . AstartedBplannedCheldDkept12 . AstudentBfriendCteacherDfamily13 . AsatisfiedBproudCpatientDstrict14 . AforgetBrememberCmissDknow15 . AinBatCaroundDunder16 . Abroke upBwent byCstood outDcame back17 . AalreadyBstillCjustDnever18 . ApassedBleftCmissedDlost19 . AnervousBworriedCshockedDangry20 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwho21 . AdecisionsBeffortsCthoughtsDactions22 . AreadingBwritingCspeakingDlistening23 . AawayBforCofDwith24 . AthatBwhereCwhatDwhen三、阅读判断阅读判断。A new library opened last month in Norway. But it may be a little hard for you to visit. It is 150 meters under the ground. It is inside an old mine(矿井) on the island of Svalbard. The island is about 1,000 km from the North Pole(北极).The library is called The World Arctic Archive. In fact, its not made for people to visit. It is to protect the worlds most important books from natural disasters(自然灾害) and wars,reported the Daily Mail. Some people also call it the doomsday(世界末日)library.According to the company that built the library, Svalbard was the best place to build it. Deep in the permafrost(永冻土层), its about minus 10 degrees, the company told The Verge. In this environment, the books can last for more than 500 years.So far, three countries-Norway, Mexico and Brazil have put books in the library. The Brazilian Constitution(宪法) is one of the books.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)25 . A new library opened last week in Norway.26 . The new library is inside a new mine on the island of Svalbard.27 . In fact, the library is made for people to visit.28 . The books can last for more than 500 years in this environment.29 . So far, three countries have put books in the library.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)30 . My uncle began to learn French in his _. (fifty)31 . Chinese animated film Ne Zha has proved to be a big _ in this summers box office. (win)32 . The president is in Brazil for an _ visit. (office)33 . The island offers such a wide _ of scenery and wildlife. (vary)34 . Learning and practising will surely _ us to make greater progress. (able)35 . Hundreds of _ citizens were sent to the hospital after the earthquake. (wound)36 . The two expensive cars were _ destroyed in the accident last night. (complete)37 . A number of famous singers, _ Shila Amzah, joined in the singing contest. (include) 五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。38 . 我们想出了一些主意来解决这个问题。We_some ideas to solve this problem.39 . 去年她参加了一个志愿者课外阅读计划的选拔。She _ a volunteer after-school reading program last year.40 . 聚会之后我们花了一个小时打扫大厅。After the party, it took us an hour _ the hall.41 . 由于下雨我们推迟了野餐。We _ the picnic because it rained.42 . 我打算建立一个足球俱乐部。I _ a soccer club.六、语法填空Martin is a manager. His computer and phone43 . (be) important for him. In the office, he 44 . (work) on the computer. When he isnt in, he can work on 45 . (he) phone. How can he do that? The phone can work like46 . (冠词) computer. Thats really good 47 . (介词) his work.七、话题作文48 . 书面表达每个人都有自己的梦想和理想,为了理想而努力可以成就一个人的事业。请根据提示内容,以“My Dream”为题,写一篇英文短文,向同学们介绍一下自己的梦想。要求:1.参考提内容,可适当发挥2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整3. 文中不得出现任何真实(姓名、校名和地名等);4. 词数:不少于70词。(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。)My DreamEverybody has his dream. My dream is to be_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读判断1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、语法填空1、七、话题作文1、

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