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.商务英语翻译English-Chinese Translation for International Business一、课程性质商务英语翻译课程是商务英语专业选修课。本课程将基础英语翻译教学和商务英语翻译教学相结合,注重商务英语翻译能力的培养和训练,培养学生掌握关键的翻译技能,运用常用的技巧翻译商务文本的能力;引导学生利用参考书、字典、网络和权威的平行文本,独立翻译商务文本。 二、课程目标通过该课程学习,使学生能掌握和运用一些基本的翻译理论;在一些参考书的辅助下,较为熟练地翻译商务英语方面的资料;辨识一些商务文本存在的翻译问题和错误;运用所学翻译技巧和方法,翻译一些基本的商务文本和材料。三、课程内容体系本课程教学总学时为34课时,其中理论介绍4课时,实践30课时。本课程的主体内容包括:基本的商务英语翻译理论知识及基本方法和技巧;商务信函翻译;商务合同翻译;商务广告翻译;商标、商号和品牌翻译;公司简介翻译;商品说明书翻译;金融英语翻译;旅游服务翻译;餐饮服务翻译等。 四、课程考核方法本课程为考察课。学生总评成绩中,包括课堂表现、平时成绩以及期末考试成绩三部分,即:期末总评成绩占50%实训成绩,20%平时成绩,30%课堂表现。第一章 商务英语和商务英语翻译(Business English and its Translation)Teaching Objectives (教学目的):1. To make students understand the standard of translation in business English.2. To help students learn the language characteristics of business English. 3. To require the students to know the character of business Englishs translation.Teaching Requirements(教学要求):1. Students are able to get a clear picture of the text .2. Students are required to master the new words and phrases in this part.3. Students should read some reading materials and do exercises after class .Teaching methodology(教学方法):1. Communicative method (交际法)2. Cognitive method(认知法):3. Functional and notional method(功能意念法)4. The grammar-translation method Time Distributive(时间分配)1. Preparation and analyses of the text (2 hours)5. Analyses of the text A and exercises (1 hours)Focuses in teaching (教学难点)1. The language characteristics of business EnglishTeaching Procedures (教学过程)一、翻译的界定、翻译的标准、翻译的过程、翻译的方法二、商务英语、商务英语的语言特点和商务英语翻译1商务英语的界定商务英语是英语的一种社会功能变体,是专门用途英语(English for Specific Purposes) 中的一个分支,是英语在商务场合的应用,或者说,是一种包含了各种商务活动内容(包括技术引进、对外贸易、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同、国际金融、海外投资、国际运输等等)、适合商业需要的标准英文。商务英语源于普通英语,并以普通英语为基础。因此,商务英语完全具有普通英语的语言学特征。与此同时,商务英语又是商务知识和英语的综合,因而又具有独特性。2商务英语的语言特点作为英语的一个功能性变体,商务英语在语言使用方面有其显著特色,主要表现在以下几个方面:(1) 商务英语的语言形式、词汇以及内容等方面与专业密切相关,或者说商务英语所承载的是商务理论和商务实践等方面的信息,否则就不是商务英语。(2) 商务英语的用词明白易懂、正式规范、简短达意、语言平实。明白易懂: 多用 不用 正式规范: 多用 不用approval approbation prior to /previous to before think cogitate solicit seek简短达意: 多用 不用 多用 不用 continue make an appointment discuss have a discussionapply file an application assist provide assistanceadjust render an adjustment investigate hold an investigation介词和连词 多用 代替 多用 代替 in the nature of like for the purpose of for along the lines of like in the event of / that if on the grounds that since / because with reference/regard to about(3) 商务英语句子结构通常较为复杂,句式规范,文体正式,尤其在招标文件和投标文件以及合同中更是如此。但一篇文章如尽是短句,会让人觉得枯燥、琐碎;如果尽是长句,读起来又很吃力。好文章的句子往往长度适当,长短句搭配合理,简单句、并列句、复合句使用恰当。如:你方订购100支“冠军”牌网球球拍的决定,真可谓英明之举。这种球拍经久耐用,非常畅销。测试表明,“冠军”牌球拍比其它品牌价格高出10多美元的球拍还耐用。It s wise of you to have ordered 100 Champion tennis racquets/rackets which, youll find, will sell fast because of their good reputation of durability as tests reveal that they outlast several other racquets which cost over $10 more.(结构安排过于繁琐)最好改为:Your order for 100 Champion tennis racquets is a wise decision. Youll find that they sell fast because of their reputation for durability. In fact, tests reveal that they outlast several other racquets costing over $10 more.(4) 商务英语在陈述事物时往往具体、明确,绝不能含糊其辞、不着边际,应力戒笼统、抽象。如:Your kind order for the said matter has been shipped.(不具体)最好写出商品名称、数量等your order for 3,000 Apex cars has been shipped. 你方所订购的3,000辆Apex牌汽车已付运。(5) 在国际商务英语应用文特别是国际商务信函中,礼貌是其中非常重要的语言特点。 如:在交流时,态度友好诚恳,不要绕弯子,应该尽早把对方想了解的信息传递给对方,对方有过失时,不要蛮横指责,应考虑一下对方是否处于不得已的窘境;发现对方的优点时,不要吝啬Good, Cool, Excellent, Great, Terrific, Fabulous, Fantastic之类的赞美词;得到对方的帮助,要及时地向对方表示感谢。 3商务英语翻译课本参照刘法公先生在商贸汉英翻译专论一书中提出的“忠实、准确、统一”的商务翻译标准,提出我们认为切实可行的商务英语的翻译标准,这便是“忠实(faithfulness)、地道(idiomatic-ness)、统一(consistency)”。(见文中所述.)下面我们来用一段译文来说明:Party B guarantees that party B is the legitimate owner of the know-how(技术) and technical documentation supplied by Party B to Party A in accordance with the stipulations(契约;规定;条文) of the Contract, and that Party B is lawfully in a position to transfer the above-mentioned know-how and technical documentation to Party A. If any/ a third party bring a charge of infringement, Party B shall be responsible for dealing with the third Party and bear the full legal and financial responsibilities which may arise there from.译文:乙方保证是本合同规定提供的一切专有技术和技术资料的合法所有者,并有权向甲方转让。如果发生第三方指控侵权,由乙方负责与第三方交涉,并承担法律上和经济上的全部责任。分析:这是一份国际商务合同中的一部分,合同英文属于正式/庄严文体,不能允许文字上的随意性;因此,应坚持上述的翻译标准。4. Exercises (练习) (1) 从事商务英语翻译的翻译标准.是什么?(2) 从事商务英语翻译时要重点把握哪些语言要点?第二章 商务英语英汉翻译中的词语翻译(Chapter Three: On words Translation from English into Chinese)一、词语翻译的注意事项(1) 多留意常用词语,小心掉进常用意义的陷阱中例如:The undersigned(签过字的;在下面签了名的) Sellers and Buyers have agree to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated (规定;约定)below.译文:兹经买卖双方同意按下列条款成交。分析:这个译文中的 “the terms and conditions”应译成“条款”又如:exclusive territory “独占的区域”, exclusive contract “专销合同”(2)注意一词多义如:reference 一词的一般词义是“参考”,但它在不同的上下文就有不同的含义。因此,不能仅用“参考”二字“对号入座”。请看下例各句:1) Thank you for your reference (标识;编号)DT/ZI NO. 102, of 29th ,March. 感谢你方3月29日编号为DT/ZI NO. 102(的来信)。reference 在此例中指“编号” (number which makes it possible to find a document which has been filed)。2) We have had only one order from ABC CO., Ltd., so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience. 我们仅接受ABC有限公司的一笔订货,很遗憾我们不能提供有长期交往经历的资信情况。reference在此例中指“资信情况” (statement about a companys abilities)。3) Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No. 1529.现谈到你方的第1529号销售确认书。reference 在此例中指“谈到” (mentioning or dealing with)。4) The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission.关于佣金的分配问题,应授予销售公司同样的权利。 with reference to 在此例中指“关于”(about or concerning sb or sth)。5) A reference to your records will show that we have more than once asked you to establish L/C against S/C No. 2523.查阅你方记录可以看出,我方已多次催促,要求你方对第2523号销售确认书开立信用证。reference在此例中指“查阅”以上只是含有reference一词的部分词义。可见,如果把reference一概译为“参考”不仅词义不达义,而且还会影响商务英语中条款的效力。一词多义的选择和确定通常从以下几个方面着手:1) 根据词性确定词义(Considering the Part of Speech)2) 根据专业来确定词义(Considering the Profession)3) 根据词的搭配关系确定词义(Considering the Collocation)(3)注意词语意义的感情色彩词语意义的感情与文化背景和语境有着密切关系。文化背景:如:She is as fair as Helen. “她是一位绝代佳人。”Helen 是希腊罗马神化中的美女。对不熟悉这一文化背景的读者,若直译为:她和海伦一样美丽, 是很难理解的。(可采用两种方法:意译或直译加注。对于本句若采用直译,则需对对海伦进行注释。)语境:如:(1) The sun gives light and heat.太阳发出光和热。(2)The leading lights of diplomacy are having a meeting in New York. 外交界的头面人物正在纽约开会。(3) Could you give me a light. 借个火好吗?(4) Its beginning to get light 天快亮了。(5) A smile of triumph lit up her face. 她的脸上闪出胜利的微笑。(6) That match lights easily. 这火柴容易划着。(7) The bird lit on a branch. 鸟儿飞落在树枝上。(8) I had a light meal. 这顿饭我吃得很少。(9) Aluminum is a light metal. 铝是一种轻金属。所谓上下文(context) 是指该语言单位所在的语言环境(语境)。因此,上下文和语境实质上是一个概念,是指词语、句子、段落等与其所处的整个篇章或整部作品以及赖以产生的整个社会历史环境的关系。(4)仔细区分词语的语体(见书3.1.4例 P21)(5)注意表达方式的调整,使译文符合逻辑和实际情况(见上面讲过的“逻辑关系、语境”)(6)注意表达的简洁性,使句子既简洁又达意为了简洁,有些短语完全可以用一个简单的词代替。试比较下面两个句子:1Due to the fact that the payment by L/C will incur a much higher cost, it might be beneficial to us both parties to adopt D/P.采用信用证方式付款的话,费用会高出许多,鉴于这种情况,采用付款交单方式可能对我们双方都有好处。2Because the payment by L/C will incur a much higher cost, it might be beneficial to us both parties to adopt D/P.因为信用证方式付款的费用高得多,所以采用付款交单方式可能对我们双方都有好处。可以看出,第一句繁琐、生硬,而第二句却简洁、自然。二、 英语词语和汉语词语在表达上的差异英语词语和汉语词语各有各的特征,存在很大的差异。(1)现代汉语里的词语与英语里的词语不大相同现代汉语词语的涵义范围比较狭窄,词义比较精确、固定、严谨,其伸缩性和对上下文的依赖性比较小,具有较强的独立性。英语里每个词条往往有数种甚至数十种词义。如:challenge V. 本义:挑战;鞭策(某人)克服困难;对抱有怀疑或不认识,引申意义:对提出异议,重新考虑,使得成了问题,促使,首屈一指,需要有本义:1) I challenged him to a game of tennis.我邀他比赛网球,一较高下。2) This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer.这困难激励我,使我设法找出答案。3) She challenged the justice of the law.她质询新法律,认为它不够公平。引申意义:1)The United States Government does not challenge that position.美国政府对这一立场没有提出异议/质疑.2)Ive constantly challenge my own conclusion.我一直在重新考虑自己的结论.3)Recent discoveries have challenged their old notions.最近的发现使得他们原来的观点成了问题.4)His question challenged us to think.他的问题促使我们去思考.5)China challenged the world in discipline.中国的组织纪律在世界上是首屈一指.6)Survival in enemy-occupied territory challenged skill.在敌占区生存需要有高超的能力.challenge n. 挑战;质询1) To meet these challenges most effectively, China and the United States must act in concert.(P.87)为了最有效地迎接这些挑战,中国和美国必须协力行动。2) This job is too dull, I want one with more challenge.这工作太呆板,我要较具有挑战性的工作。3) The election of the new government was met by a challenge from its opponents.新政府的选举受到反对党的质询(认为合法性有问题)。challenging adj. 具挑战性的;有吸引力的1) His new book is full of challenging idea.他的著作充满挑战性的观念。2) Shes a challenging woman; isnt she!她真是个有吸引力的女人,不是吗!三、 Exercises (练习)1. 在商务翻译中,词语翻译应该注意哪几点?2. 将下面的句子译成汉语。 And that the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish the earth. Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. He likes mathematics more than physics.Like knows like.第四章 英汉翻译中的增词法与减词法翻译时,为了尽可能使译文的意义、语气、语态等切合原文,常常要在译文中增加一些原文没有对应的词,即原文中虽然无其词却有其意的词。一、 为了语法上的需要而增词英语的时间概念主要通过动词词形变化来表示,而汉语动词没有词形变化,其时间概念要靠副词表示。因此,把英语句子中的动词译成汉语时,有时增加有关副词。如:“现在、过去、曾经、原(先)、当初、刚才等等”。但是,严格来说,这不算翻译技巧中的增词,只是对不同现象的一种必要处理,因为初学翻译的人往往不善于增补这一类词。故也将其列为增词法的一种。例如:1) They are leading a happy life. 他们现在过着幸福的生活。2) First of all, it seems that a successful scientist is full of curiosity He is skeptical- he does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available. 首先,成功的科学家似乎总是充满好奇心。他习惯于怀疑除非是建立在现有的充分证据之上的论述,他才接受。(文中两个is都是一般现在时,英语的一般现在时用来表示在反复发生的或习惯性的动作,所以译为汉语时加“总是”和“习惯于”)3)Then the whole course of my life might have been different. 如果真是那样的话,我的生命路程也许会是另一番景象。(原文是虚拟语气,在句中增加“如果真是那样的话”表示说话人其实并没有走上另一条道路。)二、 为了表达的清晰和自然而增词在翻译中,为了表达的清晰和自然,可根据语义增加动词、形容词、名词、副词、量词、语气词等。例如:1)My grandparents believed you were either honest or you werent. There was no in between. 我的祖父母认为,你要么诚实,要么不诚实,不可能介于两者之间(或:没有中间道路可选)。(量词) 2) For months I have kept on my desk a picture from a tabloid. 几个月来,我桌上一直放着一幅从小报上剪下的照片。(动词)3)Science demands of men great effort and complete devotion. 人们要掌握科学知识,必须做出巨大的努力并表现出无限的热忱。(汉语不说“掌握科学”而是在“学科学”或“掌握科学知识”,在“努力”前补出“做出”,在“热忱”前补出“表现出”)三、 为增加背景知识或文化知识而增词(又称“解释性增词”)例如 1)Nixon learned that Geausescu would welcome a presidential visit. 尼克松了解到,齐奥塞斯库欢迎美国总统访罗。(本句上文提到美国总统访问罗马)2)that hopeful person soared into so pleasing a Cupid 这个很有希望的年青人就扮成极其讨人喜欢的插着双翅的爱神丘比特。(狄更斯艰难时世,原文Cupid 是希腊神话中的爱神,形象为手挽金弓金箭,长着双翅的美少年)3)Can the leopard change his spots? 豹子改不了身上的斑纹,这叫本性难移。(这句和汉语谚语“狗改不了吃屎”有相似之处。不过“狗改不了吃屎”只能用于贬义。而上句英语谚语是中性,可褒可贬。所以有时为了确保原意和保留形象,便采取了这种解释性的增词法)四、 语名词复数翻译的增词法由于汉语名词没有形式手段表示其单复数的区分,因此英语名词的复数在汉译时往往通过增词的方式体现出来。(请看书P.38)例如:1) Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。2) Newsmen went flying off to Yachen. 记者纷纷飞到雅典去了。3) The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men.连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。4)The mountains began to throw their long blue shadow over the valley. 群山已在山谷里开始投下蔚蓝色长影。5)Most were absorbed into the Russian empire through colonial expansion under the Tsars.大部分是在历代沙皇统治下,通过殖民扩张而并入俄罗斯帝国的。五、 英语翻译中的减词(省略)翻译法我们讲过,逐字翻译往往是不行的。省略是指原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的。换言之,省略是删去一些可有可无的,或者有了反而累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词。但省略并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去,省略的范围很广,一般是从语法和修辞角度来考虑的。例如:1) But its the way I am, and try as I might, I havent been able to change it.( 省主语)但我就是这个脾气,()虽然几经努力,()却未能改变过来。2) Even as the doctor was recommending rest, he knew that this in itself was not enough, that one could never get real rest without a peaceful mind.( 省泛指)医生尽管建议休息,他也知道休息本身是不够的,如果心情不平静,()是休息不好的。3) She laid her hand lightly on his arm as if to thank him for it.( 省宾语)她轻轻地把手放在他的胳膊上,好象表示感谢()。4) He declined to amplify on the Presidents statement, since he had not read the text.( 省从属连接词)他没有看到总统讲话的文本,不愿加以发挥。六、练习(第四章增词法与减词法)1. I knew it quite well as I know it now.我当时就知道的同现在一样清楚。(语法增加)2. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。(增加副词)3. This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.这部打字机真是价廉物美。(形容词前增加名词)4. Every measure has been taken to reduce the tension of the market.已经采取了各种措施来缓和市场紧张情况。(抽象名词后增加名词)某些由动词或者形容词派生出来的抽象名词, 翻译时可以根据上下文在其后增加适当的名词。to persuade 说服 persuasion说服工作 to prepare准备 preparation准备工作backward 落后 backwardness 落后状态 tense 紧张 tension紧张局势/关系/心情/情况arrogant 自满 arrogance自满情绪 mad 疯狂 madness疯狂行为5.The Americans and the Japanese conducted a completely secret exchange of messages.美日双方在完全保密的情况下相互交换了信件。(解释性增加)6. There were rows of houses which he had never seen before.一排排的房屋,都是他从来没有见过的。第五章 英汉翻译中的重复翻译法Teaching Objectives (教学目的):1. To make students understand the importance of repeating some words in translation2. To help students use the repeating method correctly.3. To require the students to know the character of repeating in translation.Teaching Requirements(教学要求):1. Students are able to get a clear picture of the text .2. Students are required to master the new words and phrases in this part.3. Students should read some reading materials and do exercises after class .Teaching methodology(教学方法): Communicative method (交际法) Cognitive method(认知法): Functional and notional method(功能意念法) The grammar-translation method Time Distributive(时间分配)1. Preparation and analyses of the text (2 hours) Analyses of the text A and exercises (1 hours)Focuses in teaching (教学难点)1. The repeat of words and phrases in translationTeaching Procedures (教学过程)一、重复法实际上也是一种增词法,只不过所增加的词是上文刚刚出现过的词,目的是为了明确、强调或生动,将一些关键词加以重复。例如:1)The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things, to make inventions and to make revolution. (重复谓语)中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、勇于革命的。2)Our policy must be made known not only to the leaders and to the cadres but also to the broad masses.(重复动词)我们的政策,不光要使领导者知道,干部知道,还要使广大群众知道。3)Happy families also had their own troubles.( 重复物主代词词 their )幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。4)He was proficient (精通的, 熟练的)both as a flyer and as a navigator.( 重复形容词proficient)他既精于飞行,又善于导航。5) In China, they “made mistakes”, suffered by them, acknowledged and studied them, thus planned victory.(重复代词)在中国,他们“犯过错误”,吃过错误的亏,承认错误,研究错误,从而制定了胜利的方针。6) Some play soccer and others played basketball.(英语原文中没有重复,汉译时采用一种在内容上而不是形式上的重复的手段。)踢足球的,踢足球去了,打篮球的,打篮球去了。(或者:有的踢足球去了,有的打篮球去了。)7) He wanted to send them more aid, more weapons and a few more men.(原文中动词send没有重复,译文中用“增加、增添、增派”三个不同形式重复同一个内容。)他想给他们增加些援助,增添些武器、增派些人员。8) The President announced, with obvious relish, that the planes took off from “Shangri-la ”, the fictional, remote retreat in the Himalayas.( 重复同位语Shangri-la)这位总统洋洋得意地宣称,这批飞机是从“香格里拉”起飞的,而“香格里拉”是个虚构的喜马拉雅山中的世外桃园。9) Long, long time ago there lived in England a wise and good king whose name was Alfred.很久很久以前,英国有个名叫艾尔弗雷德的英明国王。(重复为了加强语气。)10) What we want, first and foremost, is to learn, to learn and learn. 我们首先需要的是:学习,学习,再学习。(重复为了加强语气。)11) Courage in excess becomes hoolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice. 勇之过度则为蛮,爱之过度则为宠, 俭之过度则为贪。(原文affection 和thrift省略了定语in excess和谓语becomes,汉译时补上。)12.Yet he hardly expected the Germans to recover sufficiently to launch the stunning surprise that burst on thewestern Front as Christmas approached that winter.可是他万万没有料到,在那年冬天圣诞节来到之前,德军竟能重整旗鼓,恢复元气,发动一次令人震惊的奇袭,猛扑西线。to recover sufficiently 意为“充分地恢复”,此处译为“重整旗鼓,恢复元气”其实也是一种重复译法,只不过不是重复某种词,而是利用汉语的四字结构重复原文中某一词意,使译文达到了生动有力的效果。二、练习(第五章重复/增词法)1. I knew it quite well as I know it now. 我当时就知道的同现在一样清楚。 (语法增加)2. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。(增加副词)3. This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine. 这部打字机真是价廉物美。(形容词前增加名词) 4.The Americans and the Japanese conducted a completely secret exchange of messages.美日双方在完全保密的情况下相互交换了信件。(解释性增加)5There were rows of houses which he had never seen before.一排排的房屋,都是他从来没有见过的。6. The lion is the king of animals.狮子是百兽之王.7.In catching up with and surpassing the worlds advanced levels, time is the key factor. Time means life, time means speed, time means strength.赶超世界先进水平, 关键是时间。时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是力量。8. We must actively introduce new techniques, equipment, technologies and material.我们必须积极采用新技术,新设备、新工艺、新材料。第六章 英语翻译中的词类转换法Teaching Objectives (教学目的):1. To make students understand the transformation of parts of speech in translation2. To require the students to know the character of parts of speech in translationTeaching Requirements(教学要求): Students are able to get a clear picture of the text . Students are required to master the new words and phrases in this part. Students should read some reading materials and do exercises after class .Teaching methodology(教学方法): Communicative method (交际法) Cognitive method(认知法): Functional and notional method(功能意念法) The grammar-translation method Time Distributive(时间分配)1. Preparation and analyses of the text (2 hours) Analyses of the text A and exercises (1 hours)Focuses in teaching (教学难点)1.The method of transforming parts of speech.Teaching Procedures (教学过程)英汉两种语言的使用范围和表达方式不尽相同,翻译时有些句子可以逐词(word-for-word)对译,如:She is a beautiful girl.“她是个漂亮姑娘。”此译文中的词性基本上与英语相当。但在大多数情况下,翻译句子时不能逐渐词对译,如:He is a liar. 就不能直译为“他是个说谎的人,”因为汉语习惯不这样说,可译为“他爱说谎。”这样,汉语各词的词性与英语就不对应了。又如:He took his students to the factory for a visit. “他带学生到工厂去参观。” 原文中只有一个动词took,译成汉语后却出现了4个动词。可见在翻译中,有时要把原文的一种词转换成译入语的另一种词类。随着词类的变化,句子的结构也产生了变化。一、转译成汉语动词在英译汉时,英语中的许多意思都可以用汉语的动词来表达。例如:1)We mustnt lose sight of the fact that air pollution is going from bad to worse in our city.(名词转译成汉语动词)我们不能忽略这一事实,空气污染在我们城市中日益严重。 (具备动词概念的名词)2)The airline has been in operation for many years.(名词转译成汉语动词)这家航空公司已经营多年。3)Do you see the boy in blue? (介词转译成汉语动词)你看见那位穿蓝衣服的男孩子吗?4)We were all in favor of his suggestion. (介词转译成汉语动词)我们全体赞成他的建议。5)Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.(形容词转译成汉语动词)医生们说他们不敢肯定能否救得了他的命。6)He was not aware of her presence till she spoke to him.(形容词转译成汉语动词)直到她开口说话他才意识到她在面前。英语中表示知觉、情欲、欲望等心理状态的形容词,在系动词后做表语,往往可转译成汉语动词。常见的形容词有“confident, certain, careful, cautious, angry, sure, glad, ignorant, afraid, doubtful, aware, concerned, sorry, delighted, ashamed, thankful, anxious, grateful, able”7) She opened the window to let fresh air in. (副词转译成汉语动词)她把窗户打开,让新鲜空气进来。二、 转译成汉语名词1 动词译成汉语名词1)Formality (拘泥形式, 拘谨;遵守礼节)has always characterized their relationship.他们之间的关系,有一个特点,就是以礼相待。2)This store features round-the-clock service.这家商店的特点是昼夜服务。3)Your work is characterized by lack of attention to detail.你工作的毛病是不注意细节(或:粗心大意)。如果英语动词译成汉语动词时跟前后的修饰语不好搭配;或搭配起来不符合汉语习惯,可以把动词译成名词,再在名词前加上与之搭配的动词。4)The youths always dream fondly of their future.年轻人对前途总是怀有美好的梦想。5) Independent observers have commented favorably on the achievements you have made in this direction.有独立见解的观察家们对你们在这方面所取得的成就给予了很高的评价。2 形容词译成汉语名词1)They did their best to help the sick and the wounded.他们尽了最大的努力帮助病号和伤员。2)Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and protested the poor.罗宾汉和他的伙伴们痛恨阔人热爱并保护穷人。3)Steven was eloquent and elegant- but soft.史蒂文森有口才,有风度。三、 其他转译法1) You are a greater blockhead than I had supposed you to be.你比我所想象得要傻的多。(名词 形容词)2) His address impressed me deeply.他的话给我留下很深的印象。(副 形容词)3) He is the right man Im looking for.他正是我要找的人。(形 副词)四、练习1They went on strike in demand of a 40 per cent wage increase.他们举行罢工,要求工资增加40%。(名词动词)2Difference between the social systems of states shall not be an obstacle to their approachment and cooperation.国与国社会制度的不同不应妨碍彼此的接近与合作。(名词动词)3The road to development is long but we are firmly on it.发展的道路虽然漫长,可我们已坚定地走上了这条路。(介词动词)4Dont b


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