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人教版八年级上期中考试英语卷(带解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They spent a lot of time _ for the opening ceremony. And it was great success.AprepareBpreparedCto prepareDpreparing2 . Students are tired of doing the same exercise _Aday by dayBday after dayCday to dayDday before day3 . Julia plans _ a very_ vacation.Ahave, excitedBhave, excitingCto have, excitedDto have, exciting4 . Does your pen pal ,Tom, like our school?Yes, he does . He is very glad to _ here.AbeB/ClivesDis5 . Julie would like _ TV.AwatchBwatchesCwatchingDto watch6 . Could you _ me your bike, please?Sorry, Im using it. You can _ Jacks.Aborrow; lentBborrowed; lendClend ;borrow7 . Tony is _ late for class. And he is always the first one to arrive at the school.AsometimesBneverCalwaysDusually8 . He left me without _ goodbye to me.AsayBsaysCsayingDto say9 . Im so hungry, can I have _?Aanything eat Bsomething eatingCanything to eat Dsomething to eat10 . I cant find _ English book. May I use _?Amy; mineByour; mineCmy; yoursDyour; yours11 . Dont forget_ the pen_ him.Ato return, toBto return, for Creturning, to Dreturning, for12 . How many children are there in your family ?So many there used to be, but now I am_ an only child.AespeciallyBfinallyCprobablyDrecently13 . The money they raised from the concert is_ it was expected.Atwice asBtwice moreCtwice as many asDtwice as much as14 . He hasnt seen his mother for five years. He isforwardhis mother at once.Alook; to seeBlook; to seeingClooking; to seeing15 . I met the famous movie star and got hisyesterday.AautographBcarCwalletDclothes16 . I visit my parents _a month.Atwo timesBsecond timeCthe second timeDtwice17 . (题文)-Shall we go to play football after 4 p.m. today?-_ , but Ill have to go to the Reading Club then.ANo. thanksBOKCId love toDNo way18 . Everyone here_Huangguoshu Waterfall.AlikeBlikingCto likeDlikes19 . Today is _Day .There are many presents on the _desk .ATeachers ; teacherBTeachers ; teachersCTeacher ; teachersDTeacher ; teachers20 . Tickets for Friday?Sorry weve got _ left.AnothingBnoneCnoDno one二、完型填空It is Sunday today. Steve and his parents go to his uncles home for_Steves uncle Bruce_a white dog. Its_is Paul. Its only one year old.After lunch, Uncle Bruce says, “I will(将要) go to Sydney,_I cant take Paul there. You know, I dont want_a dog in a big city(城市).”“Can I have Paul, Uncle Bruce?” says Steve. “We dont have a_”Uncle Bruce look at Steves mother and father.“Please, Mum. Let_have it,” says Steve.“You can ask your_,” says Steves mother.“Please, Dad?”“Yes, you can have it.”“Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Uncle Bruce._here, Paul. Lets play the ball.”“Look, the dog is his now.” Uncle Bruce laughs.Steve is_to be with Paul. Its Steves favorite now.21 . AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDdinner22 . AhaveBhasCisDare23 . AnameBbookCcolorDfood24 . AandBorCsoDbut25 . AhaveBhasCto haveDhaving26 . AcatBdogCgirlDboy27 . AIBheCherDme28 . AuncleBauntCfatherDbrother29 . ATakeBComeCGoDFind30 . AinterestingBboringCrelaxingDhappy三、阅读单选Mr. Smith likes playing cards(扑克)at night and goes to bed very late. He often oversleeps(睡过头). Mrs. Smith has to wake him up(不得不把他叫醒),so he wont be late for work.One day,they have a big fight(打架). They do not speak to each other. In the evening,Mr. Smith gives his wife(妻子)a piece of paper. The paper says “Call me at seven oclock in the morning”. Then he goes to bed.The next morning,when Mr. Smith wakes up,its already 9:00. He is very angry. He gets up and puts on his clothes. He finds(发现)another piece of paper on the table. “Its seven oclock. Get up!”31 . What does Mr. Smith like doing?AHe likes playing cards.BHe likes playing ball games.CHe likes fighting.DHe likes writing letter.32 . Why does Mr. Smith oversleep?AHe works very hard.BHe cant sleep at night.CHe goes to bed late.DHe watches TV too late.33 . Why dont they speak to each other?ABecause Mr. Smith is ill.BBecause they have a big fight.CBecause they are both late.DBecause they dont have dinner.34 . What time does Mr. Smith get up the next morning?AHe gets up at 8 oclock.BHe gets up at 9 oclock.CHe gets up at 7 oclock.DHe gets up at 10 oclock.35 . What does Mrs. Smiths paper say?AIt says “Call me at 9 oclock in the morning”.BIt says “Dont be late”.CIt says “Get up,pleaseDIt says “Its 7 oclock. Get up”.Life is not easy, so Id like to say, Whatever happens, believe in yourself. When I was a young boy, I was so shy that I was afraid to talk to anyone. My classmates often laughed at me. I was sad and could do nothing.Later, something happened. and it changed my life. It was a speech competition(比赛).My mother encouraged (鼓励) me to take part in it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak before all the teachers and students of my school!Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to win. Then mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I chose the topic Believe in yourself. I did my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 times. With mothers great love, I did well in the competition. I couldnt believe my ears when the news came that I won the first place. I heard the cheers (赞美) from the teachers and students. They all said Congratulations(祝贺)!” to me.When I do everything now, I try to tell myself to be confident and I will find myself.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。36 . The writer was _ when he was young.AshyBbraveCsmart37 . What does the underlined word (划线单词)mean?A书法B绘画C演讲38 . Which the following statement is TRUE?AI wanted to take part in the competition myself at first.BMy father helped me a lot.CMy mother encouraged me to take part in the competition.39 . What did the writer do to prepare for the competition?AHe spoke before his classmates every day.BHe talked about the topics with his teachers.CHe practiced the speech more than one hundred times.40 . What happened after the competition?AThere was something wrong with his ears.BThe writer won the 2nd place in the competition.CMany people said congratulations to him.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Everyone has a family name. My name is Jane Armstrong. Armstrong is my family name. What does Armstrong mean (意思是)? Does it mean my arms are strong? But I am a slim girl. I dont like strong arms. My best friend is Lucy Long. Is she a long or a tall girl? No, she isnt. She is short. But she has long hair.Some family names come from jobs. My cousins name is James Cook. Does it mean he can cook? No, he cant. And he doesnt like cooking at all. He only likes eating nice food. And he likes the TV show A Bite Of China (舌尖上的中国), because it is all about nice food.Some people get family names from places. Ann Hill is my classmate. Is there a hill(小山) near her home? Yes, there is one behind her home. But her uncle, Tom Hill, lives 20 kilometers from a hill.41 . What is Jane Armstrong talking about?AHer friends.BHer family.CFamily names. DHer name.42 . Jane Armstrong _.Ais a girl with strong armsBwants to have strong armsChas very strong armsDdoesnt like strong arms43 . Lucy Long _.Ais a tall girlBhas long armsChas long hairDwants short hair44 . Which of the following is Right about Janes cousin?AHe cooks well.BHe enjoys cooking.CHe wants to be a cook.DHe likes eating.45 . Ann Hill lives _.A20 kilometers from a hillBbehind a hillCin front of a hillDon a hill四、填写适当的单词补全句子用所给词的正确形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)46 . I want_(buy) a book.47 . Hed like _ (go) with tom.48 . They all enjoy _ (speak) English.49 . This story is as _ (interest) as that one.50 . He is much _ (athletic).51 . This coat is pretty _ (beautiful).52 . Thanks for _ (ask) me.53 . They _ (be) also students five years ago.54 . I have to _ (visit) my best friend Lin, tomorrow.55 . How often does Tom_ (get to) there?五、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,从方框内选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。magazine, hard, two, listen, little56 . Whats the use of _ to the tapes?57 . I am busy now. I have _ free time than before.58 . Mrs. White goes shopping once or _ a week.59 . The boy is too young. He can _ read and write.60 . My father likes reading _ after supper.六、多任务混合问题(A)Have you ever thought about the life with robots 100 years later?We can imagine that all the housework,(B)_ washing dishes,cleaning the windows and so on,will be done easily and automatically. It is just because we have robots.(C)As long as they are at home,we will not need to go shopping and cook by ourselves anymore. If any family member gets ill,we can still stay in our apartment,because the robot is the doctor.But I think it cant think for itself,because we human created it. It will always be controlled by us. All in all,robots may be everything except humans in the future.61 . 任务一完成文中(A)处画线句子的同义句。Have you ever thought about the life with robots _?62 . 任务二选择一个恰当的词组填入(B)处。_Afor exampleBsuch asCas for63 . 任务三将(C)处画线句子翻译成中文。_64 . 任务四判断句子正(A)误(B)。The writer thinks in the future robots can control humans. _65 . 任务五选择。_Which of the following is not true?ARobots can think for themselves.BRobots can wash the clothes.CRobots can be a doctor.七、将所给单词连成句子连词成句,标点已给出。66 . sorry cant I you I am today visit.67 . serious something is there his father with.68 . often does watch TV how she?69 . takes two it hours some washing do to her.70 . hope I see to you again.八、汉译英:单词/短语根据汉语意思完成句子。(10分,每空一分)71 . 当他长大的时候他想打一个科学家。He wants to be a scientist when he _ _.72 . 我不同意你的观点。I _ _ you.73 . 请把桌子上盖上一块布。Please _ the table _ a piece of cloth.74 . 昨天这座楼突然倒塌,死了很多人。The building _ _ yesterday and many people died.75 . 在大街上踢足球是很危险的。_ _ to play football in the street.九、材料作文书面表达 (15分)76 . 同学们, 有人说2012年12月21日是世界末日。现在这个谎言已被事实证明是假的。我们的生活仍然要继续。对你来说,将来你都有哪些计划和打算呢?请写出你的想法。(5分)注意:1. 使用be going to结构。2. 至少写五句话。 . 假定今天是12月5日(星期六,天气晴朗),你和同学们去敬老院看望老人们。请你根据下面所给内容提示写一篇日记,记录本次活动并简要谈谈个人感受。内容提示:1. 早上6点半起床,吃了早餐。2. 乘坐公共汽车和同学们到达。3. 给老人们买了一些礼物和水果,帮助打扫屋子,整理床铺。4. 午饭后唱歌跳舞,大家很开心。5. 下午5:00,乘车返回家。写作要求:(1)词数60-80 左右,已给出的句子不计入总词数。(2)紧扣要点,适当发挥。注意文章的条理性和连贯性。Saturday, December 5 SunnyToday my classmates and I went to Old Peoples Home.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、将所给单词连成句子1、八、汉译英:单词/短语1、九、材料作文1、


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