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合同登记(备案)号:房 屋 租 赁合同书房屋租赁合同登记(备案)须知一、办理房屋租赁合同登记(备案)需提交的资料:(一)房地产权利证书或者证明其产权(使用权)的其他有效证件(提供原件并留复印件)(二)出租人、承租人身份证明或者法律资格证明,包括: 1、单位 机构设立文件或营业执照(提供原件并留复印件)。 法定代表人证明书原件。 2、个人 身份证或其他有效身份证明(提供原件并保留复印件)。(三)房屋委托他人代管的须提供授权委托书、代管人身份证明;委托他人代为出租或者承租房屋的,受委托人应提供授权委托书及本人身份证明。(四)共有房屋出租的,须提供所有共有人同意出租证明和授权委托书。(五)房屋租赁合同。 以上(三)、(四)所提到的授权委托书均收取原件,境外当事人的委托书应按规定经过公证或认证。 二、关于房屋租赁合同备案的说明: 根据深圳经济特区房屋租赁条例第六条、第七条第二款的规定,出租房屋不能按照条例规定登记的,当事人应持出租房屋的有关资料及当事人身份证明,到区主管机关办理备案。合同范本房屋租赁合同出租方(甲方): 通信地址: 邮编: 联系电话: 营业执照或身份证号码: 委托代理人: 通信地址: 邮编: 联系电话: 营业执照或身份证号码: 承租方(乙方): 通信地址: 邮编: 联系电话: 营业执照或身份证号码: 委托代理人: 通信地址: 邮编: 联系电话: 营业执照或身份证号码: 依据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法、深圳经济特区房屋租赁条例 及其实施细则、深圳市人民代表大会常务委员会关于加强房屋租赁安全责任的决定的规定,经甲、乙双方协商一致,订立本合同。第一条 甲方将位于深圳市 ,房屋(间)编码为 的房屋(以下简称租赁房屋)出租给乙方使用。租赁房屋建筑面积共计 平方米,建筑物总层数 。租赁房屋权利人: ;房地产权利证书或者证明其产权(使用权)的其他有效证件名称及号码: .第二条 租赁房屋的单位租金按房屋建筑面积每平方米每月每人民币 元(大写: 元)计算,月租金总额为人民币5000元(大写:伍仟元整 元)。第三条 乙方应于 年 月 日前交付首期租金,金额为人民币 元(大写: 元)。第四条 乙方应于: 每月3日前; 每季度第 个月 日前 每半年第 个月 日前 每年第 个月 日前;向甲方交付租金;甲方收取租金时,应向乙方开具税务发票。(上述四种方式双方应共同选择一项,并在所选项内打“”)第五条 乙方租用租赁房屋的期限自2010年10月1日至2012年9月30日止。前款约定之期限不得超过批准的土地使用年限,且不得超过20年,超出部分无效。第六条 租赁房屋用途: 。未经甲方书面同意乙方不得将租赁房屋用于其它用途。第七条 甲方应于 2010 年 10 月 1 日前将租赁房屋交付乙方使用,并办理有关移交手续。 甲方迟于前款时间交付租赁房屋,乙方可要求将本合同有效期顺延,双方应书面签字确认并报合同登记(备案)机关备案。第八条 交付租赁房屋时,双方应就租赁房屋及其附属的当时状况、附属财产等有关情况进行确认,并在附页中补充列明。第九条 甲方交付租赁房屋时,可向乙方收取 贰 个月(不超过三个月)租金数额的租赁保证金, 即人民币10000元(大写: 壹万元整 元)。 甲方收取租赁保证金,应向乙方开具收据。 甲方向乙方返还保证金的条件:1、租赁期已满 ;2、房屋内无人为损坏 ;3、乙方结清所有费用,含水电、管理费等 ; 只满足条件之一 全部满足 (上述两种方式双方应共同选择一项,并在所选项内打“”) 返还租赁保证金的方式及时间: 。出现下列情形之一的,甲方可不予返还保证金:1、租赁期未满 ;2、房屋内有人为损坏 ;3、未结清所有费用,含水电、管理费等 ;第十条 租赁期间,甲方负责支付租赁房屋所用土地的使用费及基于房屋租赁产生的税款、房屋租赁管理费、 费;乙方负责按时支付租赁房屋的水电费、卫生费、房屋(大厦)物业管理费、TV、网络、租赁税费等因使用租赁房屋所产生的其他费用。第十一条 甲方应确保交付的租赁房屋及其附属设施的安全性符合有关法律、法规或规章的规定。第十二条 乙方应合理使用租赁房屋及其附属设施,并不得利用租赁房屋从事违法行为;对乙方正常、合理使用租赁房屋,甲方不得干扰或者妨碍。第十三条 乙方在使用租赁房屋过程中,如非因乙方过错所致,租赁房屋或其附属设施出现或发生妨碍安全、正常使用的损坏或故障时,乙方应及时通知甲方并采取可能之有效措施防止缺陷的进一步扩大;甲方应在接到乙方通知后3日内进行维修或径直委托乙方代为维修;乙方无法通知甲方或甲方接到通知后不在上述约定的时间内履行维修义务的,乙方可代为维修。 发生特别紧急情况必须立即进行维修的,乙方应先行代为维修并及时将有关情况通知甲方。上述两款规定情形下发生的维修费用(包括乙方代为维修及因防止缺陷扩大而支出的合理费用)由甲方承担。 乙方未尽上述两款规定义务,未能及时通知或采取可能之有效措施,导致损失扩大的, 该(扩大)部分维修费用由乙方自行承担。第十四条 因乙方使用不当或不合理使用,导致租赁房屋或其附属设施出现或发生妨碍安全、损坏或故障等情形的,乙方应负责维修或赔偿并及时告知甲方。 第十五条 租赁期间,乙方可将租赁房屋全部或部分转租予他人,并到房屋租赁主管机关办理登记(备案)手续。但转租期限不得超过本合同约定之租赁期限; 租赁期间,经甲方书面同意,乙方可凭该同意转租的书面证明到房屋租赁主管机关办理登记(备案)手续。但转租期限不得超过本合同约定之租赁期限; 租赁期间,乙方不得将租赁房屋全部或部分转租予他人。(上述三款双方应共同选择一项,并在所选项打“”)第十六条 本合同有效期内,甲方需转让租赁房屋的部分或全部产权的,应在转让前一个月书面通知乙方。乙方应在收到甲方书面通知后7个工作日内给予甲方答复,乙方在同等条件下有优先购买权。租赁房屋转让他人的,甲方有责任在签订转让合同时告知受让人继续履行本合同。第十七条 本合同有效期内, 发生下列情形之一的,允许解除或变更本合同:(一) 发生不可抗力,使本合同无法履行;(二) 政府征用、收回或拆除租赁房屋;(三) 甲、乙双方协商一致。第十八条 出现下列情形之一时,甲方可就因此造成的损失,1. 要求乙方回复房屋原状;2. 向乙方请求损害赔偿;3. 不予退还租赁保证金;4. 要求乙方支付违约金人民币 元(大写: 元)。(上述四种方式由双方协商选取,但第3、4项不能同时选取;在相应内打“”)(一) 乙方拖欠租金达30天(壹个月)以上;(二) 乙方拖欠可能导致甲方损失的各项费用达1500元以上;(三) 乙方利用租赁房屋进行非法活动,损害公共利益或者他人利益的;(四) 乙方擅自改变租赁房屋结构或者用途的;(五) 乙方违反本合同第十四条规定,不承担维修责任或支付维修费用,致使房屋或设备严重损害的;(六) 未经甲方书面同意及有关部门批准,乙方擅自将租赁房屋进行装修;(七) 乙方擅自将租赁房屋转租第三人的。除追究乙方损害赔偿责任或违约责任外,甲方有权依据上述情形向乙方提出变更合同条款或解除合同,解除合同通知书一经合法送达,甲方有权申请单方解除合同登记(备案)。第十九条 出现下列情形之一时,乙方可就因此造成的损失,1. 向甲方请求损害赔偿;2. 请求甲方双培退还租赁保证金;3. 甲方支付违约金人民币 元(大写: 元)。(上述三种方式由双方协商选取,但第2、3项不能同时选取;在相应内打“”):(一) 甲方迟延交付租赁房屋 天( 个月)以上;(二) 甲方违反本合同第十一条约定,租赁房屋的安全性不符合相关法律、法规或规章的规定的;(三) 甲方违反本合同第十三条规定,不承担维修责任或支付维修费用的;(四) 未经乙方同意或有关部门批准,甲方将租赁房屋进行改建、扩建或装修的;(五) 甲方无正当理由,单方要求提前解除(终止)合同的。除追究甲方损害赔偿责任或违约责任外,乙方还可依据上述情形向甲方提出变更合同条款或解除合同,解除合同通知书一经合法送达,乙方有权申请单方解除合同登记(备案)。第二十条 本合同终止后,乙方应于3日内迁离并返还租赁房屋,并保证租赁房屋及附属设施的完好(属正常损耗的除外),同时结清应当由乙方承担的各项费用并办理有关移交手续。乙方逾期不迁离或不返还租赁房屋的,甲方有权依法律规定或依合同约定收回租赁房屋,并就逾期部分向乙方收取相当于双倍租金的赔偿金。第二十一条 本合同约定之租赁期间届满,乙方需继续租用租赁房屋的,应于租赁期届满之日前1个月向甲方提出续租要求;在同等条件下,乙方对租赁房屋有优先承租权。甲、乙双方就续租达成协议的,应重新订立合同,并到房屋租赁主管机关重新登记(备案)。第二十二条 甲乙双方应当签订深圳市房屋租赁安全管理责任书。甲方提供的出租房屋应符合安全使用的标准和条件,不存在任何安全隐患。出租房屋的建筑、消防设备、燃气设施、电力设施、出入口和通道等应符合市政府规定的安全生产、消防、治安、环保、卫生等管理规定或标准。乙方应严格按照政府职能部门规定的安全、消防、治安、环保、卫生等管理规定或标准使用出租房屋,并有义务保证出租房屋在使用中不存在任何安全隐患。本合同约定的各项条款,甲乙双方均须自觉履行,如有一方违约,按合同约定承担相应违约责任。第二十三条 甲、乙双方可就本合同未尽事宜在附页中另行约定;附页之内容作为本合同的一部分,经双方签章后与本合同具有同等效力。甲、乙双方在租赁期间对本合同内容达成变更协议的,双方须在变更协议成立后十日内到房屋租赁主管机关登记(备案)。第二十四条 甲、乙双方就本合同发生的纠纷,应通过协商解决;协商解决不成的,可提请房屋租赁主管机关调解;调解不成的,可向:深圳仲裁委员会申请仲裁;中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会申请仲裁;租赁房屋所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。(以上纠纷解决方式由双方协商选择一种,并在相应内打“”)第二十五条 甲乙双方约定一下通信地址为双方通知或文件的送达地址:甲方送达地址: 乙方送达地址: 如上述地址未约定的,以双方当事人签署合同的通信地址作为送达地址。送达地址未经书面变更通知的,一直有效。一方给另一方的通知或文件按送达地址邮寄视为送达。如按上述地址邮寄文件被邮政部门退回的,退回之日视为送达之日。第二十六条 本合同自签订之时起生效。甲、乙双方应自签订本合同之日起十日内到房屋租赁主管机关进行登记或备案。第二十七条 本合同以中文文本为正本。第二十八条 本合同一式肆份,甲方执壹份,乙方执壹份,合同登记机关执壹份,有关部门执壹份。甲方(签章):梁亚丁法定代表人:联系电话:银行账号:委托代理人(签章): 2010年10月15日乙方(签章):AIDIN HASSANZADEH法定代表人:联系电话:银行账号:委托代理人(签章): 2010年10月15日登记或备案人(签章):合同登记(备案)机关(签章): 2010年10月20日特别提示1. 签订合同之前,当事人双方应当仔细阅读合同,经双方协商可对合同条款的内容作增删、选择、填充、修改。合同签订后,未被修改的内容及当事人填写的内容(经双方当事人双方签字或盖章确认)视为本合同约定内容。本合同中的选择、补充、填充、修改内容以手写项的效力优先。2. 在签订合同前,出租人应当向承租人出示房地产权利证书或者证明其拥有房地产权的其他有效证件以及能证明出租人身份或者法律资格的证明。房屋委托他人代管的还需提供授权委托书;共有房屋出租的,须提供所有共有人同意出租证明和授权委托书;承租人应当向出租人出示承租人身份或者法律资格证明。3. 当事人签订、履行合同均应依法进行,不得违反法律有关程序规定或从事违法行为。4. 本合同一经签订,对双方当事人具有法律约束力。当事人须按照双方约定履行自己的义务,非经法定或约定不得擅自变更或解除合同。5. 合同中由当事人自行填写的内容,均应当使用碳素墨水或蓝黑墨水,用毛笔、钢笔、签字笔填写并签字或盖章确认。6. 本合同文本部分条款中有空白处(以下划线标出),可供当事人约定;还有部分条款可供当事人选择(以标出)。7. 签订本合同后,双方当事人应当及时共同到房屋租赁管理主管部门办理登记或备案。8. 租赁双方当事人可根据实际需要决定本合同原件的份数并在签订合同时认真核对,确保各份合同相互之间内容一致;在任何情况下,双方当事人都应当持有至少一份合同原件。9. 本合同内容发生重大变更、解除及合同文本遗失的,当事人应及时到原登记机关办理相关手续。10. 双方当事人可就租赁期满、解除合同后如何处置出租房屋内留置物品进行协商,在附页中约定。11. 本合同第六条“租赁房屋用途”应填写以下五大类之一:商业、办公、厂房、仓库、综合。深圳市房屋租赁安全管理责任书深圳市流动人口和出租屋综合管理办公室印制为贯彻执行深圳市人民代表大会常务委员会关于加强房屋租赁安全责任的决定,进一步明确房屋租赁安全责任,加强出租房屋安全管理,保障人民群众生命财产安全,根据相关法律、法规规定,特制定本责任书:一、本市行政区域内生产经营性用房(包括各类商品市场及其档位、柜台)、办公用房、住宅及其它房屋的出租人和承租人为出租屋安全责任人。二、出租人出租房屋应当有房屋权属证明或者市政府规定的其他证明文件。委托他人出租的,业主应当与受托人签订书面委托协议,约定各自的安全责任。房屋转租人、其他有实际出租行为的人和房屋出借人应当承担出租人安全责任。三、出租人应当保证用于出租的建筑物及其出入口、通道、消防、燃气、电力设施等应符合有关法律、法规的规定以及有关行政部门规定的安全标准。法律、法规规定需取得相关许可证或者批准文件才允许出租的,出租人应当取得。四、承租人利用出租房屋进行生产经营活动的,出租人应当要求其在开业前出示已办理消防手续的相关证明及工商业营业执照或者开业许可证书。五、出租人应当每季度不少于一次对出租房屋的安全使用情况和使用性质进行查看并做好书面记录,承租人予以配合并签字;因客观原因不能亲自查看的,应当委托他人查看。六、出租人查看发现出租房屋存在安全隐患和承租人擅自改变房屋使用性质的情况,应当向出租屋综合管理机构或者其他有关行政部门报告。七、出租人应当按照法律、法规的规定和房屋租赁合同的约定,安全合理使用房屋,不得擅自改变房屋的结构和使用性质;承租人发现出租房屋存在安全隐患的,应当立即通知出租人,并同时报告出租屋综合管理机构或者其他有关行政部门。八、承租人不得擅自改变出租屋使用功能,利用出租屋从事旅馆业、餐饮、娱乐、网吧、作坊等经营性活动必须符合有关规定;禁止利用出租屋从事赌博、吸毒贩毒、卖淫嫖娼、制毒贩毒、伪造证件、承印非法出版物、制造销售假冒伪劣商品、窝藏犯罪人员、窝藏和销售赃物等违法犯罪行为;禁止利用出租屋从事传销或者变相传销、无照经营、无证开办诊所、非法行医和非法从事再生资源回收等违法活动;禁止利用出租屋从事无证职介、婚介、培训、房地产中介等诈骗活动;禁止利用住宅出租屋生产、储存、经营易燃、易爆、有毒、放射性等危险物品。九、租赁双方应当协助和配合出租屋综合管理机构对出租房屋的安全检查和管理,如实提供相关材料和信息。十、出租人或承租人未依法履行安全责任的,导致他人人身、财产受到损害的,受害人可以要求出租人或承租人依法承担相应的赔偿责任。出租人:(签章) 承租人:(签章)受委托人、管理人:(签章) 联系电话:联系电话:出租屋综合管理所(盖章) 年 月 日Contract Registration (Filing) No:The Contract of House Tenancy of Shenzhen CityMade by Shenzhen Administration Office on House Tenancy合同范本Notice of Registration (Filing) of House Tenancy Contract1. Documents required for registration (filing) of house tenancy contract:1.1 The real estate title deeds or other certificates of property rights (usage right) (The original shall be presented by the applicants and the copy shall be preserved. by the department in charge of contract registration.);1.2 The certificates of identity or legal personality of the lessor and the lessee, including:1.2.1 EntityThe documents of establishment or business license of the entity (The original shall be presented by the applicants and the copy shall be preserved. by the department in charge of contract registration.)The original certificate of legal representative1.2 IndividualThe ID card or other certificates of identity (The original shall be presented by the applicants and the copy shall be preserved. by the department in charge of contract registration.)1.3 The certificate of the agents identity and the letter of authorization if the landlord entrusts an agent for management; the certificate of the agents identity and the letter of authorization if the landlord entrusts an agent to arrange for tenancy.1.4 The certificate that all the co-owners agree on the house tenancy and the letter of authorization if the premises are co-owned.1.5 The leasing contract.The letter of authorization (original) mentioned in subparagraph 3 and 4 shall be preserved, and the letter of authorization from parties abroad needs to be notarized or authenticated according to related provisions.2. Directions for Filing of House Tenancy Contract: If the leased premises cannot be registered according to Article 6 or Article 7(2) of Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on House Tenancy, the parties shall register in the department in charge with documents of the leased premises and certificates of the parties identity.Leasing ContractLessor (hereinafter referred as Party A): Address: Zip Code: Tel: Business License or ID Card No: Entrusted Representative: Address: Zip Code: Tel: Business License or ID Card No: Lessee (hereinafter referred as Party B): Address: Zip Code: Tel: Business License or ID Card No: Entrusted Representative: Address: Zip Code: Tel: Business License or ID Card No: Party A and Party B has reached the following contract through equal and friendly negotiation according to the Contract law of the Peoples Republic of China, Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Urban Real Estate Administration, Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on House Tenancy and its detailed implementation rules, Decisions of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal Peoples Congress on Strengthening the Safety Obligation of House Tenancy.Article 1Party A will lease to Party B the premises, which located at , House Number: (hereinafter referred as the “Premise”). The total area of the Premises is square meters. The total number of the floors of the building is .The obligee of the Premises is ; Title and number of certificate of ownership (usage right): .Article 2The rental of the Premises is RMB Yuan/square meter/month (capital form of the number: ), and the total rental for one month is RMB Yuan (capital form of the number: ).Article 3Party B shall pay the rental for the first period before . The rental is RMB Yuan (capital form of the number: ).Article 4 Party B shall pay the rental: Before the day each month; Before the day of the month of each quarter; Before the day of the month of each half year; Before the day of the month each year;Party A shall provide the tax invoice of the rental to Party B upon receipt of the rental. (Parties shall choose one from the choices mentioned above after mutual agreement with a in )Article 5 The lease term shall be from to . The agreed term shall be within the approved land-use term, and shall not exceed 20 years. The period beyond 20 years shall be invalid. Article 6The Premises shall be used for .Without Party As written consent, Party B shall not change the usage of the Premises.Article 7Before Party A shall devolve the Premises to Party B for use and handle relevant procedures. Party B could require for an extension of the lease term if Party A delays in devolving the Premises at the day mentioned above. The parties shall confirm the extension by signature and register in the department where they registered this contract. Article 8When Party A devolves the Premises to Party B, both parties shall check and confirm the condition of the Premises, attached facilities and attached properties, and list the details in the appendix. Article 9When Party A devolves the Premises to Party B, Party A could require for a security deposit of RMB Yuan (capital form of the number: ), which is equivalent to the rental for months.Party A shall provide the receipt after receiving the security deposit.Party A shall return the security deposit to Party B upon the occurrence of the following circumstances:2. The contract expires;3. The Premises and attached facilities are not damaged artificially;4. Party B pays up all the relevant expenses during the lease term, including costs for water, electricity, property management and so on. To satisfy one of the circumstances mentioned above. To satisfy all the circumstances mentioned above (Parties shall choose one from the choices mentioned above after mutual agreement with a in )Party B could refuse to return the security deposit upon the occurrence of any of the following circumstances:1. The contract is unexpired;2. The Premises and attached facilities are damaged artificially;3. Party B fails to pay up all the relevant expenses during the lease term, including costs for water, electricity, property management and so on.Article 10 Among the costs arising from the house tenancy, Party A shall pay the costs for land use, tax, property management and , and Party B shall timely pay the costs for water, electricity, cleaning, property management, TV, Internet, lease tax and so on.Article 11Party A shall guarantee that the safety of the Premises and attached facilities satisfies the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.Article 12Party B shall use the Premises and attached facilities reasonably, and shall not use the Premises for illegal activities. Party A shall not interfere with or prevent Party Bs normal and reasonable use of the Premises. Article 13If the Premises and attached facilities have damages which prevent safe and normal use and are not caused by Party B, Party B shall take positive measures to prevent further loss and notify Party A promptly. Party A shall start to repair (by itself or entrusting Party B) within days after receiving notice from Party B. Party B could proceed to repair if Party B is not able to notify Party A or Party A fails to perform the repair obligation within the agreed time limit mentioned above. In case of any emergency that instant repair is needed, Party B shall proceed to repair and notify Party A promptly.The expenses for repair mentioned above in this article, including the reasonable fee for party Bs repair work and the reasonable expenses spent to prevent further loss shall be borne by Party A. If Party B fails to notify Party A promptly or fails to take positive measures which results in further loss, Party B shall bear the repair expenses for the further loss thereof. Article 14If the Premises and attached facilities have damages which prevent safe and normal use and are caused by Party Bs improper or unreasonable use, Party B shall notify Party A promptly and be responsible for repair.Article 15 Party B could sublease the Premises or any part thereof to a third party during the lease term and register in the department in charge of house tenancy. The subleased term shall not exceed the lease term in this contract. During the lease term Party B could register in the department in charge of house tenancy with the certificate of Party As written consent to subleasing. The subleased term shall not exceed the lease term in this contract. Party B shall not sublease the Premises or any part of it to a third party during the lease term.(Parties shall choose one from the choices mentioned above after mutual agreement with a in )Article 16During the lease term, Party A shall inform Party B in writing a month before the transfer of ownership of the Premises (partly or wholly). Party B shall reply to Party A within days after receiving Party As notice. Party B shall enjoy the right of first refusal for purchasing the Premises under the same condition.Party A shall inform the new owner to perform the obligations in this contract if the ownership of the Premises is transferred.Article 17The contract could be rescinded or modified upon the occurrence of any of the following circumstances:1. The contract could not be performed due to force majeure;2. The Premises are expropriated, taken back or dismantled by government; 3. Both parties reach an agreement.Article 18Upon the occurrence of any of the following circumstances, for the damages caused, Party A shall: 1. Request Party B to restore the Premises to the original condition; 2. Claim damage compensation against Party B; 3. Refuse to return the security deposit; 4. Claim a penalty of RMB Yuan (capital form of the number: ) against Party B. (Parties shall choose from the choices mentioned above after mutual agreement with a in , but 3 and 4 cannot be chosen at the same time.):1. Party B fails to pay the rental on schedule for more than days ( month);2. The damages caused to Party A by delayed payment of the rental reach more than RMB Yuan;3. Party B uses the Premises to conduct illegal activities and damages the interests of third parties or the public;4. Party B changes the usage or structure of the Premises without consent from Party A;5. Party B fails to perform its obligation of repairing or paying for the repair in violation of Article 14 and causes serious damages to the Premises and facilities;6. Party B decorates the


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