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Unit 11. Which group of people enjoy American music?D All of the above2. Why is American music so popular in all countries?D Because it has a fast pace and rhythmic beat 3. What can be learned from the passage?C The blues is usually played by black musicians 4. What do you know from the passage?C Rock music was influenced by the blues and country music 5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?C The words of songs differ, and so does the enjoyment of American pop musicUnit 21. How long a paid vacation can Americans enjoy every year?A Two weeks2. How many days are there about public holidays for Europeans in a year? C Eight days 3. Where do Americans usually go for fun in the sun?D Florida4. Where do Americans usually spend their holidays for culture?C Europe5. British people usually go to Spain for holidays. What for?B For skiing1. Who changed the date of the New Year from March 1 to January 17A Roman ruler2. When does the Jewish New Year begin?D At the end of summer3. Why did people make noise in ancient times when they celebrated the New Year?D To drive a way evil spirits from their home4. According to the speaker, how do the children in Denmark celebrate the New Year?A They throw broken piece of jars or pots against the sides of friends houses 5. In which country do children receive gifts of money on New Years Day?B ItalyUnit 31.When was the World Trade Organization established?jannuary 1, 19952. What is the aim of establishing the WTO?To promote a free-market international trade system3. According to the passage, how many member countries does the WTO currently have?1344. Which of the following statements is NOT true?The wtos top level decision-making body meets at least once each year5. What does the WTO do if a trade barrier is found to be unfair in a certain country?The WTO authorizes the imposition of trade sanctions on the countryUnit 41. What does the speaker mainly talk about?B Post-Civil War developments in higher education in the USA 2. How many major educational changes does the speaker discuss?B Three3. How many foreign students have studied in the United States since 19457C Over one million4. Which university took the lead in providing graduate study for the students?D Harvard and John Hopkins University 5. What can you infer about the education for women in the United States before the Civil War?D It was not highly developed.1. According to the passage, what do the compulsory education laws require in Canada?B Students have to attend school until the age of fifteen or sixteen.2. Which province in Canada maintains a dual school system?C Quebec3. What institutions offer four-year honors degree?A Traditional universities4. What are all the traditional universities concerned about?B The relationship between their curricula , the economy and society5. What can you infer from the passage?D Education in Canada is unique because of its bilingual and bicultural heritageUnit 51. Whom does the speaker address? C. international students 国际学生2. What does the speaker mainly talk about? d. the advantages and disadvantages of living on and off campus 3. Which place would a student most likely choose if be wants to have easy access to campus facilities? A .a residence hall 学生宿舍4. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of living on campus? B. having much privacy 5. What is the disadvantage of living off campus? D. wasting time in transportation 1. Which of the following statements about the Residence Hall is NOT true? B. the residence hall is very far from the sea 2. What is NOT included in the rooms of the Residence Hall? D .a computer 3. On which floor is the laundry? A. on the first floor 4. According to the passage, who is responsible for the cleaning work?D. a group of well-trained staff 训练有素的员工5. Which of the following statements B. students are required to have meals in the dining hall 食堂Unit 61.According to the passage, what are the main types of the sound of birds?Singing,crying and voice imitating2.which of the following cannot be used to describe the singing of birds?Short and unchanging3.IN the passage, which is not mentioned about the function of birds singing.To attract the attention of other birds4.What is implied in the passage The types of birds sound5 which of the following is true according to the passageIt is still unknown why birds imitate the singing and crying of other birds1. How many pandas are still living in the wild? A. about 1000 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. pandas eat slowly but a lot 3. Which of the following is the reason that pandas get starved? A. only a few species of bamboo can grow in their habitat栖息地 4. How much does a panda eat per day? B.15% of their body weigh 5. Which of the following has caused the shrinking 萎缩of pandas habitat栖息地? D. all of aboveUnit 71. What does the passage talk about? Theme/main idea A. the importance of the quality of the environment in hospitals 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? B. the artists are helping hospitals to transform the environment because they enjoy the job very much 3. What is Peter Senior? C. An artist 4. How many visitors would a typical hospital waiting room have each week? B. 5000 5. According to the passage, what would happen to patients if the environment in hospitals is improved? B. they would need less pain killers1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? B. in Britain, everyone goes to GP全科 to receive treatment接受治疗 2. What is the possible disadvantage of the NHS in Britain? D. the patients may have to wait a long time before they can see a specialist专家. 3. Under the NHS in Britain, what should a patient do first if he wants to see a specialist? A. See a GP first 4. What do you know about American health care services? 医疗保险服务 C. the cost of medical insurance is high to some people 医疗保险成本很高5. In America, what does a person usually do when he is ill? A. go to see a GP or an internist l.内科Unit 81. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as childrens sports and outdoor activities?Stap collecting2. Which of the following youth organizations has the biggest membership?Boys scouts3. What activity is NOT conducted by boys and girls in farm areas?To learn how to grow vegetables4. How do secondary schools help students develop their talents and skills?Clubs for photograph music theater collecting nature science debating. Orchestra, music band 5.How do school-age student earn money according to the passageBy delivering newspapers and baby-sitting1.Why should one choose an occupation before choosing an curriculum in high school?Because good careers need special training.2.Why do some people change jobs during their working lives?All of the above3.What kind of people can choose their lifework well.Those who know the jobs and themselves well4.Accoring to the author, what kind of jobs should most young people consider?Mechanical and manual work5.Whats the main idea of this passage?What to consider in choosing an occupationUnit 91.Which is NOT true about the food served in “more common restaurants”?It isnt nourishing2. Why does English food have a bad name abroad?In many countries other than Britain, breakfast is a snack rather than a meal.3. What is NOT true about traditional English breakfast?When eaten with fish, coarse oatmeal porridge is tasty and nourishing 4.Which of the following dishes is NOT so satisfactory sometimes?English veal5. What is an excellent ending to an English meal, especially in winter?Puddingsl. According to the passage, what does American food mean to many people?Hamburgers, hot dogs, fried chicken and pizza2. What is a typically American food?Thanksgiving turkey3. In discussing regional style of cooking, which of the following is NOT mentioned?Egg rolls,4. According to the passage, which of following is a kind of junk food?Fried Chicken5. According to the passage, why can a variety of food be found in American?There are various kinds of imported foods in AmericaUnit 101. Which of the following statements is NOT true?2. Who has to make the decision if one wants to apply for admission to Cambridge University?3. What grades do the majority of entrants have ?4. During the Open Days, which of the following is NOT likely to be discussed?5. Traditionally, what do Cambridge students do when they graduate ?Unit 111. What is implied in the passage?In the west, more people get divorce now than in previous years2. Who would be the intermediary of a young couple in India?Usually a married lady3. In what way is the marriage custom of Japan similar to that of India?都是安排的4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?In Africa. A man may have great reponsiblity for his wives5. What is not mentioned in the passage?In the western world, the young people usually choose their marriage partners by themselvesl. Who gave Jesus presents after his birth?Wiseman2. How did the wise men find the child Jesus?An unusual star 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?Joseph was a shepherd4. When did the legend of Santa Claus start?around 300AD5. Which is NOT true according to the passage?Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year for all peopleUnit 121. Which sport is regarded as typically British?Cricket2. Which of the following is the most popular sport in Britain?Football3. What sport comes next in importance to cricket in the summer?Lawn tennis4. Considering the unsuitable climate, which of the following sports is impossible in Britain?Skinning5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?British people dont like gambling1. When did Baron de Coubertin present the first Olympic flag?1914 at onlypic congress2. How are the rings of the lower row on the Olympic flag arranged?From left to right are yellow and green3. Where was the Olympic flag flown for the first time?Alexandria4. When was the Olympic flame finally reintroduced to the Olympic Games?1924 Amsterdam Games5. Who suggested transporting the Olympic flame to the host country by a torch relay?Carl Diem. Unit 13l. Who is the speaker?A park service employee2. According to the speaker, who originated the idea of the public park?A small group of explores3. What does the speaker say about Yellowstone National Park?It was the first national park in the world4. How many parks are there in the US National Park System?More than 3605. According to the speaker, which of the following is not duty of a park service staff?To train other staff members1. Why were zoologists reluctant to join in the celebrations?.而且公认熊猫会在10年内灭绝。2. Which of the following are considered by Dr. Chen as surrogate mothers for pandas?Black and sloth bears3. What do you know about Dr, Chen Dayuan?He is from chinas academy of sciences4. What can you learn from the passage?Not everyone in china is in favor of trying to clone pandas5. What is the main reason that pandas are endangered according toHuman has destroyed a larger part of their habitatUnit 141. What does the passage mainly talk about?A short history of the movie industry in Hollywood2. Which of the following is NOT true about the first movies?They were a great success3. According to the passage, what happened with the continuous development of the movie industry?Previously men and women became stars overnight.4. What movies were popular in the 1940s?Patriotic movies5. What can people do when they visit Manns Chinese Theater?Step into the concrete footprints of famous stars1. When did the Academy Awards start?19272. Who gave the nickname Oscar to the gold-plated statuette?An academy member3. In which season is the Academy Award ceremony held annually?Spring4. Which of the following statements is true?Only by invitation can be a person become an academy member5. What do you know about Sam Mends?He had been a theatrical director before he won an OscarUnit 151. How much gasoline is consumed in transportation by America every year?About 429191 million liters 2. According to the passage, why do many people working in the city enjoy living in the countryside?Because transportation is very convinient3. What is NOT included in the roadside businesses?Regional control centers4. What is implied in the passage?Streetcars are not so widely used as before5. How many scheduled airlines are there in the USA?98 scheduled airlines1. According to the passage, what was once suggested to solve the problem of traffic jam?Share their cars and give each other lifts2. Whats the real function of parking meters?To discourage motorists from leaving their cars in the streets all day3. Who are in charge of the parking meters?Traffic wardens4. What will happen to the driver if the time he has paid for is finished?Will be fined5. According to the passage, what may be the drivers reaction at the sight of a printed form on his car?Surprise(妈个比的)


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