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Chapter 1An Overview of Written Business Communication商务书面交流概述Training and Simulation练习与模拟(I) 根据上述课文的内容回答下面的问题:1. 当前的英文商务书面往来主要有哪三种形式,各自有那些特点?参考答案:书信、传真、电子邮件。书信从格式和内容上最为全面正式,但传递时间较传真和电子邮件长很多;传真较书信快捷,较电子邮件正式,便于传送已有书面材料(如:报告等);电子邮件收发方便,传递时间最短,成本低,内容、格式及措辞也较为灵活多样。2. 商业通信中的信函、传真和电子邮件分别由哪几部分组成?参考答案:正式信函一般由:信头、日期、封内地址、事由、参考、称呼、正文、结束礼词、签名、职务及联系方式十部分组成。传真一般由:信头、收件人/寄件人/日期和/标题、称呼、正文、结束礼语、签名、职务及联系方式七部分组成。电子邮件一般由:收件人/主题、称呼、正文、结束礼语、发件人名、职务/联系信息六部分组成。3. 商业通信中常见的三种书写格式是什么?参考答案:Full Block Style(完全齐头格式)、Semi-block Style with Indented Paragraphs(半齐头式)、Indented Style(缩行格式)4. 商业通信的拟写所遵循的七“C”原则是什么?参考答案:Clearness, Conciseness, Correctness, Concreteness, Courtesy, Consideration,Completeness(II) 根据所给信息按要求完成模拟练习:1. 根据所给寄信人和收信人名址按英文信封格式填写相关内容。Senders name: Lucy LuoCompany name: Elite Stationery Co., LimitedAddress: 15 Jian She Road, He Ping District, Tianjin, China 300067Recipients name: David OkamotoCompany name: Pilot Corporation3-6-22, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8304, Japan参考答案:Lucy Luo (Stamp)Elite Stationery Co., Limited15 Jian She Road, He Ping District,Tianjin, China 300067 Mr. David Okamoto Pilot Corporation 3-6-22, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8304, JapanChapter 2Establishment of Business Relations商务关系的建立Training and Simulation练习与模拟I. 将下列句子译成英文:1. 我们从洛杉矶的分公司获悉贵公司以经营儿童玩具为主。(We learn from our branch at Los Angels that you mainly deal in kids toys.)2. 我们从贵公司网站得知你们经营办公家具。(We learn from you web site that you deal in office furniture.)3. 很高兴上周与您在上海的轻工产品交易会见面。(We are glad to meet you at the Light Industry Products Fair in Shanghai. )4. 我们将于本周末将产品目录寄给您。(We will send you our catalogue by this weekend.)5. 在过去两年中我公司的年销售额增长到以前的两倍。(Our sales have been doubled in the past two years.)6. 我公司产品的质量为我们赢得了很高的信誉。(The quality of our products has won great reputation for our company.)7. 如果贵公司能尽快提供样品将对我们有很大的帮助。(It will be of great help you can you can provide us with samples.)8. 我们认为贵公司产品在中国的潜力很大。(We believe the demand for your product in China is large.)9. 我们期待您能尽快回复。(We look forward to your early reply.)10. 如有问题请随时打我的电话或发电子邮件给我。(Please call me or send e-mail to me if you have any question.)II. 将下列英文译成中文:1. This corporation is specialized in handling the import business of textiles. (这家公司专门经营纺织品的进口业务。)2. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light industry products. (我公司是一家专门经营轻工业品的国有公司。)3. Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan. (贵公司是由东京的商会推荐给我公司。)4. You can be assured that all your letters will receive our immediate attention. (请贵公司放心所用来函都将及时处理。)5. We thank you for your e-mail of January 5 and should like to discuss how to build up our business relationship. (很感谢贵方1月5日来电,我方愿意就如何建立)6. We have been in the line of plastic flowers for more than eight years. (我公司经营塑料已有8年多的历史。)7. For your reference, we attach our most updated brochure of products. (为便于你方参考,我们附上最新产品目录。)8. Most of our products are in great market demand in those areas. (我方绝大多数产品在那些区域拥有较大的需求。)9. Our business line ranges from planting, manufacturing to banking. (我公司经营从种植、生产到银行业的产品。)10. And we will be glad to provide you with our latest models in which you may be interested. (我们很高兴向你方提供我们最新型号产品,预计你方对该产品会有兴趣。)III. 请根据下列提示拟写相应的函电:1. 我公司是中国的电子玩具生产商,近日从新加坡电子玩具展览会公司名录得知贵公司经营各种电子玩具,希望建立业务关系。(electronic toy)Chapter 3Inquiries and Replies询盘与回复Training and Simulation练习与模拟I. 按照中文意思,用英文完成下列句子:1. As one of the largest extractors and processors of food oil in China, our annual demand(年需求量) for soy bean is 100,000 M/T.2. We sincerely wish to establish a win-win(双赢) business relationship with you, who are an important provider of soy bean in Brazil.3. We sincerely(诚恳地) wish to establish a win-win business relationship with you, who are an important provider of soy bean in Brazil.4. We will appreciate it(感谢) if you can offer us a competitive price.5. However, we have to ask you to quote us a more favorable price due to(由于) the stronger competition this year.6. For the similar(同类的) pens, the price is only 60% of that in last year.7. We are a main(主要的)importer of medical equipments in Tianjin, China.8. We are now looking for the opportunity to order ten sets(套)of Electron Microscope with a magnification of 80,000 times.9. As we maintain a long term and steady relationship with our clients, we only keep a very thin margin(利润).10. They are able to fulfill the requirements(要求) for regular blood and cell examination.II. 将下列句子译成英文:1. 非常感谢贵公司八月三日的询盘。(Thank you for your inquiry of August 3.)2. 由于强烈的市场竞争使得该产品价格下降了20%。(The price of the product has been lowered by 20% due to the strong competition.)3. 请向我公司发出七英寸灰色泰迪熊的离岸价,包装为纸板箱,每打一箱。(Please send us your quotation for 7 inches Teddy bear in grey color packed in board carton, every dozen per carton on a F.O.B. basis. )4. 随着市场份额的增加,我们未来三年中,每年的订货量会增加15%。(Our annual order will be increased by 15% in next three years together with the increase of market shares.)5. 尽管我们的销量在快速增长,但是利润却很少。(Although our sales increases rapidly, the margin is very thin.)6. 我们在此想提请贵方对市场潜力给予关注。(We would like to draw your attention to the potential market.)7. 如能收到贵方有竞争力的报盘,我方将立即向贵方发出500打电动玩具车的订单。(As soon as we receive your competitive offer, we will place our order for 500 dozens of electronic toy cars with you.)8. 由于同类产品价格已降至去年的80%,我们不得不请贵公司将价格削减到有竞争力的水平。(We have to ask you to reduce your price to a competitive level as the price of the similar line has been lowered to the 80% of last year.)9. 我公司在硅谷的合作伙伴将贵公司推荐给我们,来答复我们关于数据库系统软件的询盘。(You are recommended to us by our partner in Silicon Valley in reply to our inquiry for database system software.)10. 签于双方的长期友好关系,特向贵方报出优惠报盘,请在三月十一前答复有效。(In view of our long term friendly relationships, we make our favorable offer subject to your reply by March 31.)III. 将下列英文译成中文:1. We shall be glad to settle the deal with you if the price is lowered by another 5%.(如果你方能将价格再降5%,我们将很高兴与你方敲定这笔生意。)2. Please kindly quote us your CIF Xingang, Tianjin for package in wooden cases and carton board boxes, respectively.(请向我方报出包装分别为木箱或纸板箱的天津新港到岸价格。)3. It is highly appreciated if you could reply our inquiry at your lowest possible price.(我们将非常感谢如你方能够报出最优惠价格。)4. We enclose a copy of enquiry sheet which includes detailed information.(我司随信附上一份包涵详细信息的询价单。)5. We look forward to receiving your firm offer at your early convenience.(我方期望贵方早日报出实盘报价。)6. As soon as we receive your firm offer, we will inform you whether your price is acceptable to us.(一俟接到贵方实盘报价,我们将通知贵方是否接受报价。)7. Regarding your enquiry of September 1, please kindly advise us the quantity you require as soon as possible.(关于贵方九月一日的询盘,请尽快告知我方贵方所需数量。)8. Your company is recommended to us by our Embassy in New York.(贵公司是由我国在纽约的领事馆推荐给我方的。)9. We are a major importer of computer parts in China. (我公司是中国一家主要的)10. Meanwhile, please make sure that you include all requirements in your inquiry. (同时请确定贵方询盘中已包涵了所用要求。)IV. 请根据下列提示拟写相应的函电:1. 在收到一家美国公司关于电脑数据处理器的报价后,发现价格高出日本产品价格的30%,高出台湾厂商价格的50%。中国的进口厂商通过电邮要求美国公司降价,并在信中讲明自己为最终用户。Chapter 4Making Quotations & Offers报价与报盘Training and Simulation练习与模拟I. Please translate the following sentences into English(请将下列句子译成英文):1. 由于本次订单仅为小数额的试订单,希望贵方能报出优惠价格,以便尽快正常订货。(As this modest order serves as a trial order we expect you to make a favorable quotation so that we can place our regular order with you.)2. 如果你方接受我们的报盘,请以电邮方式给予确认,以便我方备货。(If our offer is acceptable to you please confirm by e-mail so that we can have the goods ready.)3. 上述报盘以我方最后确认为准。(The above offer is subject to our final confirmation.)4. 关于你公司十月六日的询盘,我公司特作出如下报价。(In reply to your inquiry of October 6, we make the following offer.)5. 上述所报货物均以现货供应,报盘以下周末前我方收到你公司的确认为准。(All goods offered are in stock. The offer is good if we receive your confirmation by next weekend.)6. 货物的包装为每打装入一个塑料袋,每六十件装入一个纸板箱。(Every dozen is packed in one plastic bag and sixty pieces are packed in one carton board case.)7. 我们在此提请贵公司注意上述所报价格均为我方天津仓库交货价。(We would like to remind you that all quotation is made on CPT Tianjin basis.)8. 请注意我方报盘为新加坡到岸价,不含保险,如需我方办理投保请尽快通知我方。(Please kindly be aware that our offer is on CFR Singapore basis and no insurance is included. Please advise us as soon as possible if you expect us to have the goods covered.)9. 如果贵方订单数量达到60,000件一批,我们将在原来报价的基础上特别提供5%的折扣。(We will give a special discount of 5% on the basis of original offer if your order reaches 60,000 pieces.)10. 我们需要特别强调的是所有安装调试及培训费用不包括在上述价格中。(We need to point out that all fees related to set up and training are not included.)II. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese(将下列英文译成中文):1. We shall appreciate it very much if you will quote us your lowest price for the goods above mentioned.(如果你方能对上述货物报出最低价格,我方将十分感谢。)2. We make you the following firm offer, subject to your reply reaching us before August 12, 2008.(我方向你方报出如下报盘,报盘以8月12前收到你方确认有效。)3. Should your price be competitive, we will place a trial order with you soon.(如果你方价格具有竞争力,我方将很快向你方订货。)4. For all the remaining items, the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but in no case would these dates be exceeded by 20 days.(对于所用剩余货物,所述货物发运时间为大致时间。但在任何情况下不会)5. Our quotation is based on the prevailing market price.(我方报价是在市场价格的基础上报出的。)6. We would like to direct your attention to the premium quality of our products.(我方在此提请贵方注意我方货物的卓越品质。)7. The earliest shipment date is around the middle of next May, we hope it is acceptable to you.(最早的发货日期为五月中旬,希望贵方能够接受。)8. As soon as we renew our stock, we will advise you a tangible shipment date without delay.(一俟补充新货,我方将及时告知你方。)9. We must point out the offer above mentioned will only remain open for five days due to the heavy demand.(我方必须说明由于大量订货上述报盘在五日内确认有效。)10. We have to ask you to increase the quantity of your order as it does not meet our minimum level according to e-mail yesterday.(我方不得不请贵方增加订货数量,因为贵方现有订单未能按照昨天电邮所约定的折扣。)Chapter 5Counter-Offers and Replies还盘与拒盘Training and Simulation练习与模拟I. Please translate the following sentences into English(请将下列句子译成英文):1. 你方价格与市场不符。(Your price is not in line with the market level.)2. 很遗憾你方还盘与我们的价格仍有很大差距。(We regret that there is a large gap between your counter offer and our price )3. 非常感谢你方的报价,如果价格能够削减5%,我方可发出试订单。(Thank you for your quotation. If you can reduce your price by 5%, we can place our trial order.)4. 由于我方价格已降至底线,所以无法再降价。(As our price has been lowered to the bottom line, we can not make any more price cut.)5. 如贵方无法再削减价格的10%,我们的市场份额将被其他公司占有。(If you can not reduce your price by another 10%, our market shares could be taken by other companies.)II. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese(将下列英文译成中文):1. We certainly accept your offer provided you could ship the goods during June. (如果你方能于六月份发货,我方一定会接受你方的报盘。)2. Although we are keen on meeting your requirements, we regret that we are unable to comply with your request for a further discount.(尽管我方非常希望满足你方的要求,但我方很遗憾无法按你方要求进行再次降价。)3. In view of our long business relationships and tight cooperation, we decide to allow you a special discount rate of 3%.(鉴于我们之间长期紧密的合作,我方决定给予贵方3%的特别折扣。)4. After studying our offer carefully, we believe it is closely in line with the market.(在仔细研究我方的报盘之后,我们相信我方报价与市场水平一致。)5. The price you counter-offered is not in line with the prevailing market price.(贵方还盘价格与市场水平不一致。)III. Please translate the following message into Chinese(请将下面的英文函电译成中文):1. While we appreciate your cooperation in giving us the information about the Indian supply in your market, we are regretful that we are unable to reduce our price to the level you indicated. We have to point out that your counteroffer is obviously out of line with the price ruling in the present market, as other buyers in your neighboring countries are buying freely at our quoted price. Moreover, the market is firm with an upward tendency, and there is very little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.(非常感谢贵方的合作告知我方你方市场上印度供货的信息,但很遗憾我方无法降价至你方所述水平。我方不得不说明你方的还盘明显偏离目前市场价格水平。因为贵方邻国买方正以我方所报价格大量成交。如果对我方报盘的确认再继续拖延,非常可能造成我方无货可供的局面。Chapter 6Acceptance and Orders受盘与订单Training and Simulation练习与模拟I. Please complete the following sentences with the proper words(请用适当的词完成下列句子):1. We appreciate your effort and trust; the shipment will prove to your entire satisfaction.2. We are glad to confirm the sale to you of 200 ton Green Beans resulting from our latest correspondence exchange.3. We are pleased to book from you 2,000 cases of plastic flowers.4. We expect to put through the deal.5. We are well experienced at this line and can place orders with you in large quantities if your prices are attractive enough.6. We appreciate your effort on pushing the sale of our products these years.7. We assure you that any of your further orders with us will always be attended to.8. We find your terms acceptable and now decide to place our order with you.II. Please translate the following sentences into English(请将下列句子译成英文):1. 十分感谢你方的试订单,希望此订单成为双方长期业务的开端。(We highly appreciate your trial order and sincerely hope it is the beginning of our long term business relations.)2. 我方将迅速处理贵公司十月十二日的订单。(We will process your order of October 12 promptly.)3. 由于双方的共同努力,我们终于达成了这笔交易。(Through efforts of both parties, we final conclude the deal.)4. 希望你方能对我公司后面的订单给予更优惠的价格。(We hope you will provide us with more favorable price for our coming orders.)III. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese(将下列英文译成中文):1. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend on us to effect delivery well within your time limit.(我们及时关注到贵方订单并将如期发货。)2. We enclose a trial order. If the quality is up to our expectation, we shall send further order in the near future.(我们附上一份试订单。如果货物品质令人满意我们将很快继续下单。)3. Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated.(我方将非常感谢你方对该事的及时关注。)4. We wish to refer to the recent exchange of messages and are pleased to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of 500 dozens of bed sheet.(参照近期邮件往来,我们很高兴地确认与贵方达成500打床单的交易。)IV. Please write a business letter based on the following hints(请根据下列提示拟写相应的函电):1. 非常感谢贵公司三月六日对塑料花的还盘。我们在此确认接受你方的价格。但是我们特别接受你方此次价格要求,是希望籍此获得你方今后的大额订单。对于所订货物请速开出信用证以便我方立即备货。Chapter 7Payment Terms支付方式Training and Simulation练习与模拟I. Please complete the following sentences with the proper words(请用适当的词完成下列句子):1. Payment should be made by sight draft.2. Payment by L/C is our method of doing trade in chemicals.3. Mr. Yin could agree on D/P terms.4. 90% of the credit amount must be paid upon the presentation of documents.5. You do not say whether you wish the transaction to be paid by cash or by credit.6. We shall be glad if you agree to ship the goods to us as before on Cash against Documents basis.7. In view of the small amount of this transaction, we prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped.8. We regret to say that the payment terms stipulated in your order are not acceptable to us.9. To amend the L/C would involve a delay of about two weeks in shipment 10. We extend to you this accommodation in view of our friendly relations.II. Please translate the following sentences into English(请将下列句子译成英文):1. 由于本次订单仅为小数额的试订单,希望贵方能报出优惠价格,以便尽快正常订货。(As this order only serves as a trial order in modest quantity, we expect you to make a favorable quotation so that we can place regular orders with you soon.)2. 如果你方接受我们的报盘,请以电邮方式给予确认,以便我方备货。(If you accept our offer please kindly make your confirmation by e-mail so that we can have the goods prepared.)3. 上述报盘以我方最后确认为准。(The above offer is subject to our final confirmation.)4. 为了避免随后修改信用证,务请做到信用证条款与合同条款严格一致。(Please make sure the terms of L/C are in full conformity with those of the contract to avoid any amendment in the future.)5. 非常遗憾我们尚未收到第3246销售合同项下的有关信用证,而按合同规定该信用证应于三月底前到达我处。(We regret very much that we have not received the L/C under the S/C #3246 yet. However, the L/C should have reached us by the end of March according to the contract.)III. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese(将下列英文译成中文):1. We shall appreciate it very much if you will quote us your lowest price for the goods above mentioned.(我们将非常感谢如你方能对上述货物报出最低价格。)2. We make you the following firm offer, subject to your reply reaching us before August 12, 2008.(我司报出实盘报价如下,以你方于2008年8月12日前回复有效。)3. In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped.(鉴于交易的金额较小,我方准备对发运货值接受D/P即期付款。)4. We regret to say that the payment terms stipulated in your order are unacceptable to us.(很遗憾地告知你方我司无法接受你方订单中的付款条件。)5. Please amend the letter of credit as requested; otherwise we cannot negotiate our draft.(请按要求修改信用证,否则我方将无法议付。)IV. Please write a business letter based on the following hints(请根据下列提示拟写相应的函电):1. 你公司向我公司订购400公吨化肥的五月四日来信收悉,谢谢。很抱歉,你方关于30天迟期信用证付款的建议无法接受。我们必须坚持即期信用证付款的我方一贯做法。如你方同意,请来电告知,以便寄送售货合同。请谅解我方并非给予照顾。 Chapter 8Packing and Shipment包装与装运Training and Simulation练习与模拟I. Please complete the following sentences with the proper words(请用适当的词完成下列句子):1. We wish to draw our attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching.2. The packing must be strong enough to withstand against handling.3. Please take the matter into consideration at once.4. We could not deliver the total quantity in one shipment.5. We shall be obliged to you will effect shipment as soon as possible.6. The cargoes were discharged at San Francisco.7. Folding Chairs are packed 2 pieces in a carton.8. Walnuts are packed in double gunny bags.II. Please translate the following sentences into English(请将下列句子译成英文):1. 男式衬衫用木箱装,每箱十打。(Mens shirts are packed in wooden cases, every ten dozens in one case.)2. 钢笔十二支装一盒,二百盒装一木箱。(One dozen of pens is packed in a small box and two hundred boxes are packed in one wooden case.)3. 货物早已备妥待运,但是,由于你方信用证延迟到达,货物不能按期装运。(The shipment is ready. But it can not be delivered in time due to the delay of your letter of credit.)4. 装运应从六月分开始,分三次平均装,在哥本哈根转船。(Shipment begins in June in three even lots and the transshipment is made in Copenhagen.)5. 你方未在规定时间内交货已使我方非常不便。(Your delay of shipment has caused us a great deal of inconvenience.)6. 我们愿意提醒你们开立有关信用证。(We would like to remind you opening the related letter of credit.)III. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese(将下列英文译成中文):1. We can assure you that the package is fairly fit for ocean transportation.(我方可以向贵方保证货物的包装非常适合海上运输。)2. Cartons are easier to handle because they are light and compact.(因为纸板箱重量轻体积小,纸板箱更易于搬运。)3. The plastic flowers under the captioned contract should be packed in plastic bags individually, five dozens to one carton.(标题合同项下的塑料花应单独装入塑料袋,每5打一箱。)4. The packing must be seaworthy and strong enough to stand rough handling.(包装必须适合海运运输,并且足够结实以适应较为剧烈的搬运。)5. We regret to inform you we are not able to effect the shipment within the L/C validity because of the delayed arrival of the scheduled steamer.(我司很遗憾地通知贵方由于所订货船的延误到达无法在信用证的效期内发货。)IV. Please translate the following message into Chinese(请将下列短信译成中文):1. We confirm having received your letter of October 5, for which we thank you. With respect to the 50,000 m/t wheat, 5 percent more or less at buyers option, we would like to say that the loading rate is 5,000 m/t per weather working day of 24 consecutive hours, Sundays and holidays at port loading included. Chapter 9Insurance保险Training and Simulation练习与模拟I. Please translate the following sentences into English(请将下列句子译成英文):1. 请将装运给我们的货物投保水渍险和战争险。(Please have the shipment insured against WPA an


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