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听说教程2参考答案及听力材料整理者:李拥军 班级:学号:姓名:注意:1、 内容若有不完整的地方请结合自己的实际情况补充完整。2、 由于时间原因,内容若有错误的地方请改正,还请您多多谅解!3、 此资料为内部资料!整理者:李拥军Q Q: 2669873598、1469168328E-mail: srpeggd126.com手机号: 18238772572、15038408976目录Unit 1 Introductions “Youll really like him.”Unit 2 Personality “What do you like about him?”4Unit 3 Home “The view is great”7Unit 4 Technology “How does it work?”10Unit 5 Nationalities “All around the world”14Review Unit 117Unit 6 Identify “Whats your number?”20Unit 7 Family “I really take after my dad.”24Unit 8 Directions “Are you lost?”27Unit 9 Jobs “The benefits are great!”29Unit 10 Style “It means a lot to me.”32Review Unit 235Unit 11 Travel “They lost my luggage!”38Unit 12 Food “Whats for dinner?”40Unit 13 Schedules “Ill pencil it in.”43Unit 14 Weather “Its raining cats and dogs.”46Unit 15 Lifestyle “Its so convenient.”48Review Unit 352附 录55听说教程2听力材料及参考答案Unit 1:Introductions “Youll really like him.”一、Warm Up:Key:g c e a f d h bListening material:1. A : Hello, my name is Elizabeth. Im Amys friend. B : Hi, Elizabeth. My name is Jason. 2. A : This is my friend Taka.Hes an exchange student from Japan. B : Hey, Taka. How is it going? 3. A: Id like to introduce our new director, Andrea Williams. Shes been with the company for twelve years. B : Its good to meet you, Ms. Williams. 4. A : Youve met Jane before, right? She works at the bank. B : Oh, yeah. Long time no see.5. A : Mom, Dad, Id like you to meet Sheila Howara, my new roommate. B : It s nice to meet you, Sheila. 6. A : This is my husband, John. Hes a professor at the college. B: Its good to meet you, John. What do you teach? 7. A : Bob, this is Tulla. Shes visiting from Finland. B : Really? How long will you be here? 8. A : Hello, Im Sam. Ill be your tour guide today. B : Great!- 92 -二、Listening Task:Key:First Listening: first ; first ; second ; second.Second Listening:1.Its good to meet you. 2.Nice to meet you.3.Oh,yeah,weve met.4.Hi.ORAL PRACTICE:1. Yes,Sandy McCray.Just call me Sandy.2. Welcome to our university./Nice to meet you.3. Of course.Im from .4. Me too./Nice meeting you,too.Listening material:1. A: Good afternoon, Ms.Watson.This is Jim Bauman from Hyundai. Hes visiting from their New York office. B :Its good to meet you, Mr. Bauman. C: Its nice to meet you, too,Ms. Watson.2. A : Mom, Id like you to meet John Lee. Hes a classmate of mine. B : Hi, John. Im Norma. C:Nice to meet you, Ms. Gray. B : Oh, please call me Norma.3. A : Kiri, have you met my good friend James? B : Oh, yeah, weve met. C : We have? B : Yeah, at Sherrys New Years party! C : Oh, thats right. Long time no see.4. A: Hi!My name is Kathy!Ill be your server tonight. B : Hi, Kathy. What are the specials tonight? 三、Real World Listening:Key:Part1:TTFFT Part2:T?T?1.At first she did not remember they had met before. 2.He was always late/always came in late at the Spanish class. 3. Jeans friend/An exchange student. 4.To help him practice/learn Spanish. 5. Because he wanted to visit a girl he liked very much in Spain that Christmas. Listening material:Part1:Jean and Alicia meet Robert.Jean: Hi,uh,Robert?Robert: Yeah? Uh, oh, um, hi. Jean: Sorry to bother you, Robert: No,no, no. Its fine. Jean: You know, actually, I dont think weve met. Robert: Yeah, we have. Youre Jean, right? Jean: Im Jean. Wait, where? Robert: You were in my Spanish class last semester. Jean: Oh. Robert: I sat in the back row, remember? Jean: Yeah, thats right. You were the one that always came in late. Robert: Uh, yeah. Thats me.Jean: Um, anyway, Robert.Id like to introduce you to my friend Alicia.Robert: Oh, hi. Jean: Alicias an exchange student from Mexico. Robert: Cool. How long are you going to be here? Alicia: How long? About a year. Until May. Robert: Cool! Alicia: Yeah? Robert: Im wondering. Could you help me practice my Spanish? Alicia: Uh, sure. Robert: Really? Nice! Alicia: If youre not busy tomorrow morning, we could practice here. Robert: Perfecto!Part2:Alicia and Robert meet again.Alicia: Hi,Robert.Hows it going?Robert: Hey, Alicia. Uh, thanks a lot for doing this. Alicia: Doing what? Robert: Teaching me Spanish.Alicia: Oh, yeah, right. Robert: Yeah, really love your. Alicia: Um? Robert: Uh, your language. Alicia: Oh, oh Spanish. You love Spanish? Robert: Yeah, yeah. Te amo, uh, uh, yo lo amo? Is that right? Alida: Sure, close enough. Robert: Cool. Ive been practicing a lot. Alicia: So, Robert, why do you like Spanish so much? Robert: Well, um, theres this girl. Alicia: Yeah? Robert: And she was an exchange student here last year. Alicia: Oh. Robert: So, Im going to visit her in Spain this Christmas. Alicia: Oh, great.4、 Video 1 Course selection:Key:Watch for Main ideas:1. Introduction to Psychology and Environmental Biology.2. Because it is more relevant and practical.3. Shes not decided yet./Shes still hesitating. Watch for Details:1. its been ages;a pleasant2. are singing up;hesitating between3. In the sense;in the news4. go to the ocean;water pollution Listening material:Rachrel : Hi Phil,how are you? Long time no see!Pill: Rachel,my old friend, its been ages, hasnt it? What a pleasant surprise! Rachrel : This is my friend Cindy.Cindy: Nice to meet you, Phil. Phil : Its a pleasure to meet you too. What are you both doing here? Rachel : We are singing up for next semesters courses,but are hesitating between Introduction to Psychology or Environmental Biology. Phil : Those are two fantastic courses! Ive taken them both. Cindy : Really? Which one do you prefer? Phil : Hmm, probably Environmental Biology.It felt more relevant.Cindy : Relevant? In what sense? Phil : In the sense that the course dealt with issuesthat are commonly in the news, and important problems that are affecting our environment. In fact, we had the opportunity to go to the ocean and conduct tests on water pollution. Cindy : Wow, that sounds fascinating. I am going to sign up immediately! 5、 Video 2 Asking for advice:Key:Watch for Main ideas:(Column A-a,b,c,d,e;ColumnB-f,g,h,i,j)Watch for Details:1. agreeing to meet with 2. you advice on a project 3.on air pollution;how to structure our talk 4. What youve said;we will structureListening material:Rachel: Phil, thanks a million for agreeing to meet with.We need your advice on a project for the Environmental Biology course we are taking. Phil : No problem,my friends. What can I do for you? Cindy : We are preparing a group presentation on air pollution but do not know how to structure our talk. Phil : I can help with this. Have you created an introduction yet? Rachel : Yes, but we dont know what it should contain. Phil : Well, your introduction should give some background information on your topic, define your topic , and preview the content of your presentation. Cindy : How many main ideas should our presentation have? We need to speak for 15 minutes. Phil : Dont cover too many ideas or you wont have the opportunity to provide enough detail. You should have about 3 or 4 main points. Rachel : Do we need a conclusion? Phil : Absolutely. This should sum up your main points and offer solutions to the problem of air pollution. Cindy : Thanks Phil. What youve said is extremely useful. I feel we will structure a great presentation!Unit 2 Personality “What do you like about him?”一、Warm Up:Key:1. honest,sincere,dependable; 2.outgoing,friendly,shy; 3. easygoing,mature,kind-hearted; 4.assertive,cheerful,critical.Listening material:Emilie:Welcome back to the show. Im Emilie, and todays topic is compatibility. Were asking callers to tell us what they look for in friends. What type of person are you compatible with? NO.1:Lets take the first caller, Angela from Green Harbor. Angela: Hi, Emilie. I think friends have to be honest. I cant stand it when my friends dont tell the truth. If my friends are sincere I know theyre dependable, too. I can count on them, you know? Emilie: I bear you thete! NO.2:And what else do you look for, David from Springfield? David: I seem to end up with people who are a lot more outgoing than I am the friendly type, you know, talkative and friendly. Im kind of shy and quiet Myself,so I let them do the talking. Emilie: Whatever works, I guess.NO.3:Now we have Amy from Oakview. Amy: I like people who are easygoing, but mature enough to be responsible for themselves. Life can be so stressful. I need people who are kind-hearted and can help me when Im in trouble. Emilie: Sounds like youre a really down-to-earth person yourself. NO.4:Lets finish up with Ali from Fairfax. Ali : Thahks, Emilie. I have a lot of friends on my soccer team who are pretty assertive-even aggressive. But we win a lot,so that makes me happy. Im usually cheerful, so I dont like being with people who are too critical-always complaining about things. Emilie:I know just what you mean, Ali.Isnt that annoying? Anyway, we have to take a short break, but well be right back. 2、 Listening Task:Key:First Listening:2.her brother; 3.her boss; 4.her boyfriend; 5.her coworker; 6.her roommate.Second Listening:1.generous,kind hearted; 2.critical,moody; 3.energetic,creative; 4.down-to-earth,sincere; 5.dependable,hardworking; 6.laid-back,easygoing.Listening material:1.A : Whats your dad like? B : Hes really generous, treats me like a princess. And so nice. Weve got a great relationship. 2.A : Tell me about your brother Garth. B : Well, hes kind of moody, critical, you know. Sometimes he can be a real jerk. 3.A : Whats your new boss like? B : Mm, shes really energetic, always doing lots of stuff. And creative.shes got a lot of great ideas for the company.4.A : Lizette, whats your new boyfriend like? B: Oh, the new one? You know, I tend to attract weirdos, but this guy is really down-to-earth, sincere, so sweet. 5.A : So youre working with Jenny on that new project, right? Whats she like? B : Shes a hard worker. Dependable. she always does what she says shes going to do. 6.A : Whats your college roommate like? Whats her name? Sophie? B : Oh, shes really cool. Really easygoing, laid-back. Shes easy to get along with. 三、Real World Listening:Key:1.watch a movie; 2.work on projects; 3.go to a nice restaurant;4.get a new piece of electronics; 5.work in a group; 6.have a question.Listening material:Part 1: Heres a short personality quiz. This quiz will show some of your basic personality tendencies. Are you ready? Listen to each question, and then circle “a” or “b”. Lets begin. 1 : When you watch a movie, do you like to watch it with other people or alone? 2 : Do you like to work on projects by yourself or with a group of other people? 3 : When you go to a nice restaurant, do you make reservations first or do you just go and hope you get a table? 4 : When you get a new piece of electronics,like a camera or a computer, do you read the instructions before you connect it or just connect it without looking at the instructions? 5 : When you are working on a group project, do you ofrer ideas first or wait until other students give their ideas? 6 : When you have a question, do you ask it during the class or wait until another student asks the same question? Part 2: OK, lets see how you answered. Questions 1 and 2 are about independence. If you chose “a” on both of those questions, this shows that you are basically independent. If you chose bon both of the questions, this shows that you are dependent. You like to depend on others. Questions 3 and 4 are about organization or creativity. If you chose “a” to these questions, you are organized. If you chose “b” youre creative. And 5 and 6 are about leadership. If you chose “a” s, you tend to be a leader. And if you chose “b” s, you tend to be a follower.So what kind of person are you? 四、Video 1 Talking about friends:Key:Watch for Main ideas:Rachel is down-to-earth talkative energetic helpful easy-goingSteve is hardworkingWatch for Details:1. several friends;hang out with 2.basically;about anything 3. help each other out 4.Sounds likeListening material:Lisa : So what are your friends at university like? Dan : I have several friends, but I usually just hang out with Rachel. Lisa : Whats she like? Dan : Shes really easygoing and down-to-earth, I can basically talk to her about anything. What about you, do you have nice friends at work? Lisa : Oh, I get on really well with Steve. Dan : Whos Steve? Your boyfriend? Lisa : No, hes just a friend. We usually help each other out when we encounter problems. Dan : So whats he like? Lisa : Hes really hardworking, energetic and talkative. Dan : Sounds like a nice guy to me. 五、Video 2 Talking about ones family:Watch for Main ideas:1. Five. 2.Open-ended. 3.Open-ended. 4. Open-ended. Different member has different personalities.Watch for Details:Mom is bossy,warm-hearted,thoughtful; Dad is wise,generous,strict;Sister is aggressive,cheerful; Brother is mature,laid-back.Listening material:Dan:Whats your family like? Cindy: Well, my mum is really thoughtful and warm-hearted, but can be a bit bossy at times. Dan: What about your dad? Cindy: My dad is really wise and generous, but can be quite strict. Dan: Do you have any brothers or sisters? Cindy: I have one brother and one sister. Dan: What are they like then? Cindy: My brother is younger than me. Hes quite mature for his age,but is a little laid-back. Dan: And your sister? Cindy: My sister is older than me. Shes a cheerful person, but can get aggressive when shes in a bad mood!Unit 3 Home “The view is great”一、Warm Up:Key:1. housing,apartment,roommate,sharing; 2.studio,available,furuiture,rent,reasonable;3.check,deposit,move out,refund.Listening material:1.Rob and Jeannie are talking after class.Rob: Hey, what are you doing after class? Jeannie: Im going over to the housing office. Rob: Looking for an apartment? Jeannie: No. we need a roommate. Rob: Oh, youre sharing a place? 2. Jorge is talking to an agent in a real estate office. Agent: We have a studio thats available. Thats one large room, basically. Jorge: Is it furnished? Agent: No,you have to bring your own furniture. Jorge: How much is the rent? Agent: Its very reasonable. 3. Hoon is paying the deposit at his new apartment. Hoon: Heres the check, Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Anderson: Thanks. That will cover your deposit. Hoon: Will I get that money back when I move out? Mrs. Anderson: Yes, if nothing is broken, youll get a refund. Hoon: OK,Ill be careful.二、Listening Task:Key:First Listening:1.with his parents; 2.in a dorm; 3.with a roommate; 4.alone with his dog. Second Listening:1.his family relationships; 2.the convenience; 3.noisy roommates; 4.the high cost of rent.Listening material:1.A : Can you go out to dinner with us after class on Friday? B : Yeah, sure. But what time are we gonna go out? I have to be home by ten, or Ill get in trouble. A:You live with your parents? I remember what that was like. B:I dont mind. I like being with my family. 2.A : Hey, David. How do you like living in a dorm? B:Its great! A:But dont you miss your privacy, living with three other guys? B:Yeah, I do. But Im on campus, so Im hardly ever late to class. 3.A : Reina, you look tired. B:My roommate came home with some friends about three last night. A:Again? B:Yeah, I think Im going to have to look for a new apartment. A : Why dont you just ask her to move out? 4.A : Hey, Nate. Hows your new place? B : Oh, its pretty good. A:Cool. B:I mean, the rent is really high, but its just me and my dog, Jack. No roommates. A: That must be nice!三、Real World Listening:Key:1. Apartment:quiet,private,convenient,clean; Shared house:fun,messy,crowded,loud.2.Good thingsBad thingsApartmentquiet,private,convenient,cleanNot furnished,rent is highShared houseHas some furniture,fun,cheapmessy,crowded,loud(or student choices)Listening material:Part 1:Agent:All right, heres the apartment I told you about.As you can see, the building is clean and pretty quiet,so no one will bother you when youre studying.Youll have to get some furniture, but not much.Hye Jun: Hmm, I was really looking for a furnished place.Agent: Well, sorry. This is all we have.Hye Jun: Oh,its OK. I coud buy some furniture.The view kind of nice, and its big. And thats a subway station on the corner, right?Agent: The B-Line. Its one stop from downtown.Hye Jun : Oh, that s good.Um, how much is the rent again? Agent : Nine fifty a month. Hye Jun: Hmm. Thats kind of expensive. Agent: Well, that includes utilities. Hye Jun: Oh, OK, well, I have to look at one more place, so Ill think about It? Agent: Sure. Just call me when you decide. But this is a great place, and I dont think itll last long. Part 2: Sara shows Hye Jun a room in a shared house. Sara: So heres the room. The last girl who lived here left her bed, so you can use that. And theres an old desk in the garage you could have.Hye Jun: Hmm, that would be good. Sara: And this is the bathroom. There are three of us,so it gets crowded in the morning sometimes. Hye Jun: OK. Sara: And heres the kitchen. Its kind of messy today. Sorry. We had a great party last night. It was totally fun, but now we have to clean it up. Hye Jun: Hmm. So whats the rent? Sara: Three hundred a month, and we pay for water and electricity, too. Its kind of like fifty a month each. Hye Jun: Thats not bad. Sara: Its a pretty good place. And we have a lot of fun here. Hye Jun: How long does it take to get to the university? Sara: Oh, I ride my bike, so its only about, um, ten minutes. Hye Jun: OK, well, let me think about it. 四、Video 1 Hunting for a flat: Key:Watch for Main ideas: T F F T FWatch for Details: 1.for a place,if possible; 2.an open plan,a studio flat; 3.a bedroom,a single unit; 4.come with.Oral Output:1. It combines a bedroom, kitchenette and living room into a single unit.2. Because he would like to arrange the layout of the by himself.3. Open-ended.4. Open-ended.Mark is eager to make an appointment with the agent to have a look at the flat.Listening material:Agent:


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