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,Lead-in,1.What countries are the major producers of automobiles? 2. How many kinds of cars are there according to their functions or designs? 3. Do you know some famous car brands? What are they?,Words to know,saloon ambulance taxi roadster wecker, beat-up car, jalopy notchback trailer station wagon compact car light-van garbage truck automobile carrier fire engine tractor sports car formula car mail car bloodmobile,轿车 救护车 出租车, 计程车 敞蓬车 老爷车 客货两用车 拖车 小旅行车 小型汽车 小型货车 垃圾车 货运卡车 消防车 牵引车 跑车 方程式赛车,方程式汽车 邮车 血浆车,camper police car wrecker first gear reverse diesel-powered license plate windshield wiper SRS Supplemental Inflatable Restraint System,露营车 警车 清障车 一档 倒车档 柴油驱动的 汽车牌照 雨刮 汽车安全气囊,China surpassed the United States to become the worlds largest automobile market in 2009. A record 13.9 million vehicles were sold in China in 2009, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, compared to 10.43 million cars and light trucks sold in the United States. The Chinese figures was well above the countrys target for 2009 of 10 million vehicles. The American figure was 21.2 percent less than the previous year and a 27 year low.,The Car Industry in China,Part A Preparatory Activities,The Car Industry in America,The United States has one of the largest automotive markets in the world and is home to many global vehicle and auto parts manufacturers. After vehicle production dipped below 6 million units in 2009, production more than doubled to over 12 million passenger vehicles in the United States in 2015. The United States is the second largest vehicle producer in the world, behind only China in 2015. U.S. vehicle sales declined to 10.4 million units in 2009. However, vehicle sales have steadily risen each year since and reached 17.4 million units in 2015. Overall, the United States is the worlds second largest market for vehicle sales.,Part A Preparatory Activities,Car Brands,Clip One Morgan Cars Clip Two 2012 Ford Focus kinetic design premium compact cylinder six-speed dual clutch automatic transmission turbo charge dashboard back-up camera rain sensing windshield wiper,Part B In and Out,Part C Moving on,Make a survey in a group using the following questions: Do you commute with your own car or using public transportation service? Which way is more costly? What kind of fuel would you like to use if you drive a car? What brand do you prefer? What would you prioritize in choosing your car? ,Clip Five Men or Women- Who Drives Better DUI self-fulfilling prophecy Clip Six Natural Gas Vehicles flurry in step with fleet retrofit compressed NGV America lobby pop up Amoco scrap unleaded BP Homework: Introduce your favorite car.,Part B In and Out,


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