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国际会议主持词目录第一篇:国际会议chairman主持词第二篇:国际会议第三篇:国际会议第四篇:国际会议中心第五篇:XX国际会议通知正文第一篇:国际会议chairman主持词the first china unconventional gas summitdistinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,good morning!i am the chairwoman of the china unconventional gas summit. it is a great pleasure for me to wele you to beijing to discuss various aspects of unconventional gas. i hope that this summit will provide opportunity for academic exchange and contribute to the development of unconventional gas in china.now i declare the china unconventional gas summit is open!please allow me to introduce todays speakers. they are yuan dandan and hu ying, who both are professors of china university of petroleum. they will jointly deliver a speech titled “prospect and development of shale gas in china”. lets wele them.thanks professor yuan and professor hu for their excellent presentation. do you have any questions about it?any other question?thank you again for your excellent explanation.okay, as time is limited, i am sorry to say that this session has to stop here.now we e to the end of this summit. on behalf of all the members of the organizing mittee, i wish to express our sincere gratitude to all of you who have so actively participated in this congress to make it such a success.and now, i declare the china unconventional gas summit closed. thank you!第二篇:国际会议国际会议:XX 2nd international conference on environment science and engineering(icese XX)post by:XX-7-24 19:09:28 只看该作者XX 2nd international conference on environment science and engineeringmay. 26, XX news! the icese XX papers are available in the vol.8 of ipcbee. (click)mar.16, XX news! the conference program of icese XX is available now. (click)wele to the official website of the XX 2nd international conference on environment science and ed during april 7-8 XX, in bangkok, thailand. icese XX, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, ehe practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.change and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of environment sciethe conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and expsensors and related areas. icese XX will be published in one volume of ipcbee, and all papers will be y digital library, and indexed by thomson isi (we(请您继续关注好.)b of knowledge).call for papersXX 2nd international conference on environment science and engineering, icese XX is the premier forum for esearch results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied environment science and engineering. the confereers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. topics of interest for submission include,environmental science and technologyenvironmental dynamicsmeteorologyhydrologygeophysicsatmospheric physicsphysical oceanographyglobal environmental change and ecosystems managementclimate and climatic changesglobal warmingozone layer depletioncarbon capture and storagebiofuelsintegrated ecosystems managementsatellite applications in the environmentenvironmental restoration and ecological engineeringhabitat reconstructionbiodiversity conservationdeforestationwetlandslandscape degradation and restorationground water remediationsoil decontaminationeco-technologybio-engineeringenvironmental sustainabilityresource managementlife cycle analysisenvironmental systems approachrenewable sources of energy-energy savingsclean technologiessustainable citieshealth and the environmenthealth related organismshazardous substances and detection techniquesbiodegradation of hazardous substancestoxicity assessment and epidemiological studiesquality guidelines, environmental regulation and monitoringindoor air pollutionwater resources and river basin managementregulatory practice, water quality objectives standard setting, water quality classification public participationeconomic instrumentsmodeling and decision support toolsinstitutional developmenttransboundary cooperationmanagement and regulation of point and diffuse pollutionmonitoring and analysis of environmental contaminantground water managementwastewater and sludge treatmentnutrients removalsuspended and fixed film biological processesanaerobic treatmentprocess modellingsludge treatment and reusefate of hazardous substancesindustrial wastewater treatmentadvances in biological, physical and chemical processeson site and small scale systemsstorm-water managementair pollution and controlemission sourcesatmospheric modeling and numerical predictioninteraction between pollutantscontrol technologiesair emission tradingsolid waste managementwaste minimizationoptimization of collection systemsrecycling and reusewaste valorizationtechnical aspects of treatment and disposal methods (landfilling, thermal treatment etc) leachate treatmentlegal, economic and managerial aspects of solid waste managementmanagement of hazardous solid wastewater treatment and reclamationdisinfection and disinfection by- productsmanagement of water treatment residualsaesthetic quality of drinking water (taste, odors)effect of distribution systems on potable water qualityreuse of reclaimed watersdexed by thomson isi (web of knowledge).important date advanced treatment of water and secondary effluents (membranes, adsorption, ion exchange, oxidation etc) icese XX will be published in one volume of ipcbee, and all papers will be included in engineeringpaper submission (full paper)before december 10, XX notification of acceptanceon january 1, XX final paper submissionbefore january 15, XX authors registrationbefore january 15, XX icese XX conference datesapril 7 - 8, XXsubmission methods:1. electronic submission system; ( .pdf)if you cant login the submission system, please try to submit through method 2.2. email: icesecbees.org ( .pdf and .doc)第三篇:国际会议invitation letterdear professor li,on behalf of the peking university and the ieee puter society, i would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthing XX international conference on parallel data processing to be held in beijing, from march 25 to march 28, XX.you are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. your participation will be among the highlights of the conference.we sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. if you can e, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. we are looking forward to your acceptance.sincerely yours,wang yangreply letterdear professor wang,many thanks for your letter dated 15th february, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthing XX international conference on parallel data processing to be held in beijing, from march 25 to march 28, XX.much to my regret, i shall not be able to honor the invitation because i have been suffering from a disease since this summer. i am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.i feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of puter science. i wish the conference a plete success. sincerely yours,li minginquiry letterdear sir,thanks you very much for accepting our invitation. i am writing to ask for information about your beijing travel for the session. you will arriver at march 24, and please let me know that your arrival time and specific ways, so that we may arrange person to pick you up. we are looking forward to your arrival.sincerely yours,wang yang第四篇:国际会议中心国际会议中心长隆酒店配有国际会展中心,这是华南地区最大的国际会展中心之一,独立的一整栋楼供您举办商务宴会、商务会议、主题婚宴等等。首层6,000平方米无柱中心大厅,配备全广州唯一一座8米升降舞台,可引入各种炫目表演。39个各种规格的豪华多功能会议厅,功能齐全的多媒体会议厅,可做论坛分会场及各种中小型研讨会。15分钟直达琶洲会展中心。商宴、主题婚宴中可将长隆国际大马戏的精彩表演带入您的宴会。主题婚宴独有豪华、童话式的开宴仪式:?幸福天使:它们是传说中可爱迷人的小天使,由天堂降临人间,挥动洁白的羽翼,只为 您送上最诚挚的祝福,在唯美的童话中,留住最美的一刻。吉祥鼓舞:激动人心的锣鼓,无与伦比的喜庆与热闹,是龙凤呈祥的祝福和欢乐。在充满中式婚礼的热情氛围中,您与爱人永结同心、白首不离。喜乐玩偶:在碧荫森林中的宫殿漫步,在绿野瑶池的仙境中起舞,热情的卡卡虎为您带来甜美的祝福和欢乐,瑞兽百鸟为您吟唱浪漫的爱情赞歌。唐朝高杆宫灯盛宴:宫廷盛宴婚宴风格,喜庆、壮观、豪华。梦幻晶莹旋转木马:童话式梦幻晶莹婚宴风格,浪漫、梦幻、唯美。英伦仪仗豪华马车:英伦皇族婚宴风格,气派、壮观、独有。珍馐美宴:当您在亲人好友的祝福声中步入华美的宴厅,红绸锦缎,明黄垂幔,在龙凤烛光的照耀下,享用中式美食珍馐。或有海蓝的轻纱、金色的弦琴、古希腊典雅的廊柱,直接将您送入欧洲贵族的宫殿,品尝风味独特的西式菜肴。花好月圆、美满良缘、龙凤呈祥、百年好合,四大各具特色的飨宴,献给您永生难忘的味觉盛宴。长隆国际会议中心是一个国际化,具有岭南本土特色的多功能场所。中心拥有6000平方米,高度10米的宴会厅。国际会议中心的设计主题是百鸟归巢,大厅的设计运用高科技的手法,利用声、光、电全方位营造各种舞台效果与场景。室内设计立面的陶砖的立体拼接,重现棕榈树干的粗旷肌理,天花与地面以鸟与植物为背景,寓意百鸟归巢的盛大场景第五篇:XX国际会议通知XX/2nd international conference on energy and environmentalprotection (iceep XX)XX年/第二届能源与环境保护国际会议是由内蒙古大学、香港工业技术研究中心联合发起组织的国际性学术会议,将于XX年4月20日-21日在桂林举行。本届会议旨在为参会的专家学者提供一个高水平的学术交流平台,共同探讨可持续能源与环境工程及相关技术在全球的发展以及能源、环境相关产业面临的新机遇,从而推动国际能源的技术创新和环境的可持续发展。在此,我们诚挚地邀请海内外专家、学者以及相关行业的朋友们参加本次学术会议!本次会议所有录用的文章将以正刊出版在advanced materials research上,全部被ei核心与istp同时索引,全文截止日为XX年4月5日。论文要求如下:1、必须符合本次会议征文主题2、流畅的英文撰写,符合英文写作规范,可读性好3、结构严谨,有实用性和创新性4、原创的,未曾出版会议主持词会议主持词会议主持词会议主持词会议主持词第 12 页 共 12 页


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