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长春市2019年九年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The old woman stopped _ . She was tired.AwalkBwalksCwalkingDto walk2 . Lian Zhan with his visitors _from Taiwan,_paying his first visit to the mainland of China.Awho come;isBwho is;isCwhich come;isDthat are;are3 . -Tina often goes toschool afterbreakfastAthe;theB;theCthe;D;4 . Dont be late for school again, _?Ado youBdont youCwont youDwill you5 . He wants to know _ it will snow tomorrow.AasBorCwhileDif6 . My grandpa _ playing table tennis after retiring.Atook downBtook offCtook awayDtook up7 . Look at the sign! Smoking _ here.Im really sorry. Ill stop right now.Aisnt allowingBdoesnt allowCisn t allowedDdidnt allow8 . Whose book is this?It _ Carters. It has his name on it.Amight notBcant beCmust beDcould be9 . This pair of trainers is nice Would you like to _?Atry it onBtry on itCtry them onDtry on them10 . The air in this area has a strange smell, but we it.Apolluted; used toBpolluted; are used toCpolluting;used toDpolluting; used to二、补全短文5选4阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。Is there anything you can do to keep germs(细菌) out of your body?11 . : through breaks in your skin, with the air you breathe and with the food you eat. How can you keep germs from coming in through breaks in your skin?In the first place, you can be careful, so that you do not hurt yourself. Once you have cut your skin, you must wash the cut at once with soap and hot water. 12 . .Can you keep germs from coming into your body through your nose and throat? You cant stop breathing, of course. You cant help breathing in some germs.What you can do is to stay away from people if they have colds and other sicknesses made by germs. Some kinds of germs move through the air. They go from one person to another. If you have a cold, you should try not to give your germs to others. 13 . .How can you keep germs out of your mouth? One way is by keeping such things as pencils and fingers out of your mouth.Another way is washing your hands before meals. Then you will not put germs on the food you eat. You should also wash your hands after you use the toilet.Never use a drinking glass that someone else has used. 14 . . Never bite from food if someone else is eating it.ABe sure to cover your mouth with a scarf when you coughBThink about the three ways that germs come into your bodyCSoap and hot water kill germs or wash them awayDWash your hands when you eat foodE. Germs are bad for our heath三、完型填空American President Roosevelts house was once broken into and lots of things were stolen. Hearing this, one of roosevelts friends wrote to him and _ him not to take it to his heart so much. President Roosevelt_back at once, saying, Dear friend, thank you for your letter to comfort me. Im all right now. I think I should thank God. This is because of the following three _: firstly, the thief (小偷)only stole things from me _did not hurt me at all; secondly, the thief has stolen some of my things _all my things; thirdly, most _ for me, it was the man_me who became a thief.It was quite unlucky for anyone to be stolen from. However, President Roosevelt was so_.It is_for anyone to be lucky and successful all the time as long as he lives on the earth. We should learn how to _ failure or misfortune bravely and to try to deal with it. Being thankful can bring us a better life.15 . ArequiredBadvisedCordered16 . AwroteBtalkedCcalled17 . AexamplesBstepsCreasons18 . AorBbutCso19 . Aahead ofBinstead ofCapart from20 . AluckilyBbadlyCsadly21 . Aless thanBmore thanCrather than22 . AsorryBthankfulCangry23 . AeasyBnaturalCimpossible24 . AfaceBvalueCfind四、阅读单选Sunshine TVGolden TV18:30 Cartoon World: Hello Kitty18:00 TV Classroom: Modern English19:00 Todays News18:30 Animal World19:30 Weather Report19:00 Documentary: In Asia 19:40 Food and Health19:40 News in English 20:10 Drama series: The Three Kingdoms20:10 Sports World: Football Match( England Italy )21:25 Game Show: Lucky Winner22:00 Chat Show23:00 China Music TV22:30 News Round-up23:30 On the Screen Next Week23:00 Film: Roman Holiday25 . “Modern English” is a program that.Atells you something about English classroomBlets you know English newsCteaches you English26 . If youre interested in football games, youll choosefirst.AFood and HealthBSports WorldCTodays News27 . Our class is going to have a picnic tomorrow. We should pay attention to the program at “”.A19:00 on Sunshine TVB19:30 on Sunshine TVC19:00 on Golden TV28 . Millie likes English movies very much. She can watch TV at.A20:00 on Sunshine TVB19:40 on Golden TVC23:00 on Golden TV29 . Li Mings grandfather likes watching TV news, but he goes to bed before 22:00 every day. How many times can he watch TV news on these two channels?AOnce.BTwice.CThree times.Rich Americans want to spend many dollars flying into space, according to a recent survey.Many rich Americans got bored of the things on earth. The survey said 19 per cent would like to pay $100,000 for a 15-minute trip into space.Derek Webber said, We made this survey in order to find out what rich people think of the space trip. He added, We will say these trips will cost much, but its exciting for you to feel space weightlessness and see the world from up there.”Webber also said if the price was $50,000, 16% more of rich people would be interested in these space trips. However, the tourists must have a strong and healthy body and get some space training first.30 . _of rich people would be interested in space trips if the cost was $50,000.A16%B19%C81%D65%31 . The underlined word weightlessness means _ in Chinese.AlighteningBwithout weightCover weightDlight enough32 . Why do many rich people want to fly to space?AFlying into space is very cheap .BIts good for their health.CThey feel tired of the things on earth.DIts dangerous but exciting.33 . You will need _ if youd like to travel in space.Aenough moneyBa healthy bodyCsome space trainingDall of the above34 . The article wants to tell us that _.Aits exciting to travel in spaceBrich Americans want to spend many dollars flying into spaceCspace trips are too expensive to go onDit is easy to travel in spaceThere are many ball games in America. Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the U.S.A. Children play baseball in sports fields or in parks. The baseball season(季节) goes from April to September. During this time baseball matches are shown on TV and members of the important(重要的) baseball teams become Americas heroes(英雄). At the end of the season the two top teams play against each other. Many baseball fans go along to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch television. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the game and the players in the game.35 . What popular ball game do they talk about?AFootballBBasketballCVolleyballDBaseball36 . How long is the baseball season?AIn April and SeptemberBFor two monthsCFor four monthsDSix months37 . During the baseball season baseball matches are shown on .AeverywhereBradioCtelevisionDtelevision and radio38 . The members of the important teams become ApopularBrichCgoodDnice39 . Which is right?AWhen the matches are over,people dont want to talk about themBA few people listen to the radioCAt the end of the season there are only two top teams playing against each otherDEveryone is happy to see the game in the baseball seasonYears ago, many zoos kept all kinds of animals in small cages. Small cages made it easy for people to see the animals, but a small cage is not a good place for an animal to live in.Today zoos keep animals in different kinds ofcagas. The cages are very big and open. They usually have plants and a little lake. The cages look like the animals living places.Zoos help to protect all kinds of animals. They protect animals in the zoo and animals in the wild (野外). How do they do this? Zoos tell people how animals llve in the wild. Zoos want people to help protect the animals wild living places.Why should we protect animals wild living places?Many plants and animals are going extinct.Extinct means that every one ora kind of plant or animal has died. The dodo is an extinct bird. There are no dodos anymore in the world. Scientists say that seventy-four different kinds of living things go extinct every day!Zoos are working together to stop animals from going extinct.40 . What are the cages in zoos like now?ABig and open.BBig and closed.CSmall and open.DSmall and closed.41 . What does the underlined word extinct mean?A驯服B绝迹C野生D濒危42 . Which sentence does the passage make us believe?APeople should not have zoos now.BSmall cages are good for animals to live in.CThere are only about 74 dodos in the world now.DTodays zoos are different from many zoos years ago.五、填写适当的句子补全对话三.补全对话A: Excuse me,1 43 . ? B:I was born on April 10th.A: 244 . ? B:I was born in Shenyang.A:_345 . ? Do you know? B:Yes,its March 13th,2012.A:Oh,we have football match today. Do you like to watch it?B:Yes, 446 . go.六、回答问题八、阅读与回答问题From changing your diapers (尿布) to paying for your school and college, Dad tries to do everything possible to provide you with an easier and more comfortable life. To thank him, why not do these things for him on Fathers Day.Give Dad a souvenirWhat can be better than giving him a souvenir? Nothing, I think. First, made a souvenir on your own. Then get a photo of you and your father and stick it to the souvenir. Before your dad goes to bed, give him the souvenir, saying “I love you” and give him a bear hug.Watch Dads favourite movie with himSpending the day with your dad is a nice thing you can do. Choose a nice film and watch the film with him. Dangal (摔跤吧,爸爸), the Pursuit of happyness (当幸福来敲门) (tips: after watching the film you will find out why they use happyness instead of happiness) and Dad, where are we going are good choices.Bring breakfast to Dads bedGo into the kitchen and cook breakfast for your dad. And make sure its your dads favourite breakfast. If you are good at cooking, the meal shouldnt be a problem. But if you are not good at it, the Internet is always helpful. Ordering the food online is not a bad idea.Wash Dads carIn fact, something small like washing Dads car is enough to express your love to him. In order to surprise him, try to wash the car well before he wakes up. That must make him happy.47 . How many pieces of advice does the writer share with us? _48 . In the writers opinion(观点), which is the best idea to thank Dad?_49 . Which films does the writer advise us to watch with Dad?_50 . According to this article, if you are not good at cooking, how will you bring food to your dad?_51 . What will you do to express your love to your dad on Fathers Day?_七、多任务混合问题If you think youre too shy in talks and want to be a little bit more confident, try the following. You can make it.Theres no need to hide it. When people get to know you are a shy kid, theyll understand you better. This also helps you feel more at ease in talks, that means you_be more relaxed. (16)When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. Remember that other people have feelings too and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face. (17)If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesnt it make you want to keep _ (talk)(18) to that person?Get your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy the party or the game. Dont waste time, worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not. (19)Each time after you say hi or smile at someone for the first time, say to yourself I did it !Or it could be something bigger, like buying yourself an ice cream.Never stop trying and one day youll never be shy when you talk to others.52 . 在文中画线句子中找出个可以替换句中at ease的词。_53 . Most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.People dont want to talk to the person who is _ . (将上句改成同义句)54 . 在此处填人括号内所给词的适当形式,以使句意通顺。55 . Dont waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not.(请将此句翻译成汉语)_.56 . 请为本文选择一个恰当的标题。AHow to Be More Confident in TalkingBHow to Be a Nice PersonCThe Ways to SuccessDNever Re Shy八、材料作文57 . 书面表达。根据提示,写一篇6080词左右的短文。注意:1. 语言表达正确,要点完整;2. 可作适当发挥。提示:1. 生活离不开水;2. 水的数量在减少;3. 水污染严重;4. 应该保护水源,循环再利用水。参考词汇:water suitable to drink(可饮用水);amount(数量)_第 11 页 共 11 页

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