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长沙市2019版八年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空I was ten that year. One cold night after I finished my work, I hurried to the flower shop. When I arrived there, Mr. Rocco was_ the door. “Please Mr. Rocco,” I asked, “will you open up? I just want a _. Mothers Day is tomorrow. I hope to make my mom happy. And I want the most beautiful one in your shop.”Mr. Rocco stood there _ for a long time, looking at me and said nothing. It seemed that he was making an important_. Finally he showed me a plant on the shelf and said, “I can give you this.” “But it looks like grass! Flowers cant come out!” I felt sad and_cried. “Now trust me, my boy. I _that tomorrow morning you will find your most beautiful flower. Now put this paper bag over it_ you can keep it from the cold.” he said to me softly.I ran home quickly. Mom was badly sick and she seemed to be _. I walked into her room quietly not to wake her up and put the plant on the table _the bed. I wanted her to be _ when she woke up on Mothers Day.The next morning when I _ Moms room, she was staring at the plant. Wow! There was a big purple flower. It was the flower I really wanted! When I walked to Mom,_smiled with tears in the eyes. She held out her hand, _ me close and hugged me.My mom left me forever the next night, but the plant has been in blossom all the time in my heart. I am_to Mr. Rocco because his beautiful flower helped me _ the moment when my mom hugged me and I could feel how much she loved me. Thats the most wonderful moment of my life.1 . AlockingBopeningCrepairingDanswering2 . AbookBpaperCflowerDcard3 . ApolitelyBsilentlyChappilyDsuddenly4 . AspeechBoperationCdiscussionDdecision5 . AalwaysBalmostCstillDnever6 . AagreeBsuggestCpromiseDexpect7 . Aas long asBeven thoughCas ifDso that8 . AawakeBasleepCafraidDalone9 . AinsideBunderCbesideDbehind10 . AsurprisedBsafeCrelaxedDdifferent11 . AleftBenteredCcleanedDpainted12 . AyouBweCsheDI13 . ApulledBpushedCcarriedDstopped14 . AhelpfulBcarefulCmeaningfulDthankful15 . ArememberBfillCdiscoverDchange二、阅读单选Speak English like an AmericanWriter: Amy Gillett Price:$24.95 Fare(运费):$3.99(Ships from and sold by Amazon.com.) INTRODUCTION (介绍)9Lesson 1: Bobs Day at Work11Lesson 2: Bob Returns Home with Bad News17Lesson 3: Teds Day at School23Lesson 4: Nicoles Day at School27Lesson 5: Ted Goes Out for the Evening33REVIEW: Lessons 1-5 3716 . The book was written by _. A. Amy Gillett B. Bob Gillett C. Ted 17 . If Tom wants to buy this book from Amazon.com, he has to pay _. A. $3.99 B. $24.95 C. $28.94 18 . If you want to know about Teds Day at school, you should turn to Page _. A. 11 B. 17 C. 23 19 . If you want to know about Bobs day at work, you should read _. A. Lesson 1 B. Lesson 2 C. Lesson 3 20 . You can probably read this passage _. A. in a textbook B. on the Internet C. in a storybookA proverb is a simple saying that explains a general rule or feeling. Four people share their favorites:Sarah /England My favorite proverb would have to be Dont judge (判断) a book by its cover. I think it can be used in many daily situations. Obviously, when you meet new people, you always need to give someone a chance. So, I think that a chance is always good for someone, probably better than judging on first impressions (印象)Gareth / EnglandMy favorite proverb is Hear and I forget; see and I understand; I do and I know. I like it because it means until you actually do something, its hard to really, truly know it. I believe that a lot of the times when youre learning by hearing, its very difficult to get that knowledge. When you see something, it gets a little bit better, but when you do something, thats when you really truly know something.Lindsay / United StatesI really like the proverb, The grass is always greener on the other side. I think thats really true, and I find that its always like that. I always want what I cant have, and then when I get that, then I find out that its not as great as I had hoped it would be. So, because of this, I try to always keep that in mind and be happy for what I have.Warren / CanadaI think What goes around, comes around is what comes to mind for me. I think it is really true. Basically, if you do something good, good things will happen to you. And if you do bad things, bad things are going to happen to you, maybe not right away but after a long time.21 . The underlined word proverb probably means.A个人B人们C谚语22 . Who thinks it is important to learn by doing?ASarah.BGareth.CLindsay.DWarren.23 . Jill: My job is so boring. I wish I had my own business, like Katie does.Jane: Katie probably wishes she had as much spare time as you do.ADont judge a book by its cover.BWhat goes around, comes around.CThe grass is always greener on the other side.DHear and I forget; see and I understand; I do and I know.People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields(战场)or religious shrines(圣殿).Others are looking for cultures, or simply want to have their pictures taken in front of famous places. Most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.Residentsof northern cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the days are so short. And much of the rest of the year is in the rain. This is the reason why the Mediterranean(地中海)has always attracted them. They all come for the same reason: the sun!But there are signs that the are is getting more tourists than it can deal with. The Mediterranean has already been one of the most polluted seas on Earth. And with the increasing numbers of tourists, its getting worse. However, none does harm to anyones fun. The Mediterranean is getting more and more popular every year with tourists.24 . Why do most European tourists travel?ABecause they want to see battlefields or religious shrines.BBecause they are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.CBecause they are looking for cultures.DBecause they want to have their pictures taken in front of famous places.25 . The Mediterranean has always attracted Northern European because of.Athe sunBthe seaCthe beachDthe sky26 . What does the underlined word residents in Paragraph2 mean in Chinese?A地方B旅游者C居民D气候27 . What problem does the Mediterranean have because of too many tourists?AMoneyBCrowdCNoiseDPollutionTom went to see his grandparents with his father. In the train Tom often put his head out of the window. His father said, “Tom, dont put your head out of the window.” But Tom went on putting his head out of the window.His father took Toms hat quietly and hid it behind his back and said to Tom, “You see your hat is gone.” Tom was afraid. His father said, “Well, whistle(吹口哨)once. Maybe your hat will come back.” Tom whistled. His father put his hat on Toms head quickly. “Oh! Its wonderful!” Tom laughed and said. He quickly took his fathers hat and threw it out of the window. “Now its your turn to whistle, Dad!” he said happily.28 . Tom went to see his grandparents with his father _.Aby busBby trainCby planeDby ship29 . Tom often put _ out of the window.Ahis hatBhis fathers hatChis headDhis fathers head30 . _ and his hat was on his head.ATom whistledBHis father whistledCBoth of them whistledDThe conductor(售票员)whistled31 . Tom took his fathers hat and _.Ahid behind his backBthrew it out of the windowCput in under his seatDput it on his own head32 . At last Toms fathers hat _.ACame backBlostCIn his headDin Toms head三、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次cover celebrate dig mix serve33 . -Where are your classmates?-Oh, they _ holes to plant trees outside.34 . The restaurant often _ specials to students on weekends.35 . She often _ a lot of fruit together to eat.36 . Linda felt very shy and _ her face with her hands.37 . Toms parents _ his 12th birthday tomorrow.四、单词填空angry change children because success try without go sense proud but easyYoung people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say their parents dont understand them. They often think their parents are too strict with them.Parents often find it difficult to win their 38 . trust and they seem to forget how they themselves felt when they were young. For example, young people like to do things 39 . much thinking. Its one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can solve any difficult problems. Older people worry more 40 . . Most of them plan things ahead and dont like their plans to be 41 . .So when you want your parents to let you do something, you will be 42 . if you communicate enough with them before you really start doing it.Young people often make their parents 43 . by the clothes they wear, the music they enjoy and something else. 44 . they dont mean to cause any trouble. They just feel that in this way they can be cut off from the old peoples world and they want to make a new culture of their own. And if young people are not satisfied with their parents, they just stay at home alone instead of 45 . out with their parents.If you plan to control your life, youd better 46 . to get them to understand you. If your parents see that you have a high 47 . of responsibility, they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do.五、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。What can be both red or green, round or sharp, big or small, and more importantly loved or hated by someone? Yes, the answer is chilies (辣椒).Many of us in China enjoy adding chilies to our food, 48 . did you know that this spicy (辣的) vegetable could also be dangerous? A 34yearold man49 . (recent) ended up in hospital after eating a Carolina Reaper, the spiciest chili people 50 . (know) so far. After taking just a single bite of one, the man had serious headaches in the following days, reported BBC News.In fact, eating spicy food causes stomachache and headache. But if chilies are 51 . (harm), why do people like to eat this vegetable? So 52 . makes people love chilies so much? The human body 53 . (influence) by natural chemicals that produce “a sense of happiness”, noted BBC News.And chilies do good to people 54 . another way. Scientists find that people who eat spicy food once or 55 . (two) a week live longer than those who eat it less than once a week. This 56 . (encourage) people to eat more spicy food to improve health and bring less health risk at 57 . early age. So, dont worry if you love spicy food. It seems that chilies are actually good for us.六、填空摘录要点根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺的信息,每空不超过3个单词。Heidi Hankins is a 4-year-old girl, and she comes from Hampshire ,England. In many ways, she is like many girls of her own age. She likes playing toys(玩具), and she is always reading books. But she is different in other ways. Her IQ is 159, just one point below that of Albert Einstein.Heidis father Matthew is a university teacher. Her mother Sophy is an artist. Heidis father said, “We always thought Heidi was really smart because she began to read at a very early age. At the age of one,she could turn on the computer. When she was 14-month-old, she could draw animals. By 18 month, she could play chess and read on the computer. When she was two years old, she could count(数数) to 40, draw pictures of people and read books to 7-year-old children.” When Heidis parents chose schools for her, they hoped that their daughter could skip(跳过) a school year.Information about Heidi HankinsAge61. 58 . years oldWhere she is fromHampshire, EnglandWhat she likesPlaying toys and 62.59 . Special talents*Aged one: she could turn on the 63.60 . .*At 14 months: she could 64.61 . *By18 months: she could 65.62 . and read on the computer.*Aged two: she could count to 40, draw pictures of people and read to seven-year-olds七、书信作文63 . 假如你是李涛,收到远在美国的笔友Peter的电子邮件,请阅读他的电子邮件,给他写一封回信,帮助他解决烦恼。要求:1.词数在80100词之间。所写内容要积极、向上,能够解决实际问题。3.字迹工整,语法正确,句型丰富,条理清晰,行文连贯。ent soon.第 10 页 共 10 页

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