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英语初一上学期期末试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There _ great changes in this small village over these years.Ahave hadBhave beenCwereDhad2 . As we all know, Heze is _ its peony(牡丹). It attracts millions of visitors from home and abroad every year.Apopular withBwell-known asCfamous forDpopular to3 . -Are these_ books?-No, those books are _.Ayours; herByour; hersCyour; herDyours; hers4 . We are going to have a tennis match. I hope our team will _ the game.AwinBbeatClose5 . Nowadays,many TV programs encourage people _ smoking.AstopBstoppingCto stopDstopped6 . _ Roses grandma very _?Yes, she is about 90.AIs; longBIs; oldCDoes; long7 . The children _ winter uniforms today because its very cold.Aare putting onBput onCis wearingDare wearing8 . - Would you like to go to the zoo with me tomorrow?-If it_, I_.Adoesnt rain; goBwont rain; will goCdont rain; goDdoesnt rain; will go9 . Where is Mr Brown, do you know? Oh, sorry. He is out. He _ back in an hour.AcomesBgoing to comeCwill comeDshall come二、补全短文5选5One summer,an American family moved to Toronto,Canada.10 . On the first day of the school,the boy tried to be on the school basketball team.When he went back home,his mother was cooking dinner.Later,the family sat down to have dinner together.11 . “Great,” said the boy.“I was on the school basketball team.12 . ”“Thats because you have a very tall mother,” the father said.Then the son said,“The teacher also said I could play better than any of the others on the team.13 . ”“Oh,thats because you have a great and smart father,” the father said happily.“And the teacher said I had long legs.14 . ”“Thats because youre 16 years old,my son,” the father smiled.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。AAnd I could run very fast.BAnd the teacher said I was tall enough to play basketball.CTheir only son went to a middle school there.DI will be the best player.EAt that time,the boys father asked how he was at school that day.三、完型填空I had a trip to Australia on my vacation. We _ the Holiday Hotel in Australia at about 1:30 am. We were pretty happy _ it was our first trip to Australia. The flight (飞行) was fine and the bus ride was great. We stayed at the Holiday Hotel. We saw the rooms one by one because we wanted to have a room to _ the sea (海洋). I would say that the beach was crowded, but the weather was awful every day. _ the Holiday Hotel, it was okay with us. The room was clean, the waiters were friendly and the food was good. I disliked the food of the hotel restaurant. One night we had _ at the Moomba Restaurant. It is on the third floor. The food there was really good. The Moomba was a good place to play. I hoped to go there again.15 . AleftBarrived atCwalked16 . AbecauseBwhenCbefore17 . AseeBvisitCtalk about18 . AAboutBOnCTo19 . AbreakfastBlunchCsupper四、阅读单选I hate being overweight. My husband said he didnt mind, but I knew he still hoped I had a beautiful body. Everything from my waist(腰部) to my legs was overweight. Finally, just after Christmas last year, I decided that something had to be done.I met Dr. Wallace, and she told me I had to stop eating fast foods. It was very hard for me because I was eating them three of four times a week:pizza,hamburgers,whatever I could get. But I said to myself at the start that I would try my best to do itand I did. I even gave up the boozesomething I used to have two glasses of it with dinner.My best friend, Rachel Waterman, said I had to walk 10,000 steps every day. That was very hard for me at the beginning. I was used to driving everywhere, but I started to walk everywhere instead. I walked in the morning before work,and I usually took a walk in the park with my husband after work. Now I never go to bed until Ive done my 10,000 steps.Six months has passed, and I made it. Last week, my husband bought me an MP4 as a gift. the weight is wonderfulI feel like a different person now, and I can buy my favorite clothes in the shops. I am so proud of myself because everyone thought I wouldnt be able to make it including myself.I love my new body, and Ill never let myself go back into my old ways.20 . When did the woman decide to lose her weight?AAfter she had a baby.BAfter Christmas last year.CBefore Christmas last year.DWhen she got a gift from her husband.21 . The underlined word “booze” in Paragraph 2 means _.AwineBmeatCvegetablesDfast foods22 . What can make the woman overweight according to this passage?APizza, vegetables and wine.BPizza, hamburgers and wine.CPizza, vegetables and water.DPizza, hamburgers and tea.23 . Why did the womans husband get an MP4 for her?ABecause it was Dr. Wallaces suggestion.BBecause her husband liked it.CBecause it was a gift for her success in losing weight.DBecause she asked her husband for it several times.24 . Who helped the woman lost her weight?ADr. WallaceBHer husband.CRachel Waterman.DAll of the above.五、阅读判断Mr. Miller comes from America. He has two children, Dave and Anna. They live in Hangzhou now. Mr. Miller can speak Chinese well; He can swim and write stories. But Mrs. Miller can draw and play Chinese chess. They often go swimming and play chess. On Sunday morning, Mr. Miller does Chinese kung fu.Dave and Anna like playing the guitar. They often play the guitar with their friends. Daves uncle work on farm near America. He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in Hangzhou.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。25 . Mr. Miller has three children.26 . Mr. Miller can speak Chinese.27 . Mrs. Miller can draw and play Chinese chess.28 . Dave and Anna like playing the guitar.29 . Daves uncle doesnt like swim.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空第一节: 单词拼写根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完整形式(每空限填 一词)30 . In Hangzhou, which movie thas the biggest IMAX screen?31 . I can do it m. Dont worry. Its OK for me.32 . Some think the game . Pokemon Go is great, but others dont. Which side do you awith?33 . - How much hdo you need for this salad? -One spoon.34 . Be careful. Dont make this kind of cmistakes any more.35 . WMr. Wus help, we cant work it out so quickly.36 . The air pollution this year in Hangzhou is becoming bthan it was last year.37 . Amany people didnt believe Trump could win,he made it in the end.38 . Just speak q. Dad is sleeping in the next room .39 . The Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui first ain Rio 2016 and soon became a popular star.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文has or doesnt big some play glass watch health inRick is a fat man. He gets up late _ the morning. He has a _ breakfast every morning. He has some meat, three _ four eggs and some pieces of bread. He drinks two _ of milk, some apple juice, a cup of coffee and some fruit. His wife, Vicky _ a cup of tea, a piece of bread and a banana for breakfast. Rick _ like any ball games. He thinks they are too hard for him, but he likes listening to the music and _ TV and he doesnt do _ housework. Vicky _ sports every day. In fact, she is in a swimming club. So she is very _ .40 . _41 . _42 . _43 . _44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _八、回答问题Island University has a competition for middle school students.Read about the competition on their web site.School CompetitionStudents! Here is your chance to help the physically disabled(残疾人). Think out a robot or a machine to help them live better. Therell be three prizes. The winning schools will each get $15,000. Read the information below:What do you have to do?Try to know problems faced by the physically disabled in Hong Kong. Write a 200-word article on the difficulties these people have to suffer each day.Try to know modern inventions that help the physically disabled. Then think out a robot or a machine that will improve the lives of the physically disabled. Draw your invention. You can make as many drawings as you like to show your invention. You can even make a small model of your invention. Write a short description of your invention.Who can join?All middle school students in Hong Kong.So, come on! Join the competition, and get the chance!50 . Where can you find the information?51 . Why is the school competition held?52 . What prize will each winning school get?53 . How many words should be written on the difficulties the disabled have to suffer each day?54 . Who can join the competition?九、多任务混合问题阅读短文,并按要求完成各小题。I am Li Kai and I come from Wuhan. Last summer vacation, I went to Happy Valley(欢乐谷) Wuhan with my friends. Its a wonderful park in our city. We a bus there and got there at ten in the morning.Then we started to enjoy ourselves.There are lots of interesting activities for visitors to enjoy. First, we wanted to try the roller coaster(过山车). I sat in it, Sometimes it went up and sometimes it went down. 我们感觉我们像鸟。Then we took a ride on the super big pendulum(超级大摆锤). It was quite an enjoyable ride! After the ride, we felt a little. So we found a restaurant in the park and had something delicious there.In the afternoon, we first decided to go on the merry-go-round (旋转木马). But it started to rain. All of us left our umbrellas at home.We didnt want to get wet, so we went to watch a 4D movie in the cinema. However, the movie was not interesting at all.We went back home at 7:00 p.m.by bus. When I got home I felt a little tired. But I was very happy, too.任务一,请在文中和处分别填入恰当的词。55 . _任务二,请将文中画续句子译成英语。56 . _任务三,请将文中面线句子译成汉语。57 . _任务四,找出并写下第二段的主题句58 . _任务五,精答问题。59 . When did they go back home?_十、材料作文60 . 一个快乐的人总能发现生活的美妙和乐趣。但是怎样才能让自己成为一个真正快乐的人呢?你和几位好朋友有不同的看法。请根据下面表格中的内容,以“What makes one happy?”为题写一篇报道,给你校的校报投稿。WhoWhat makes one happyWhyMatt学业上取得进步和很多人交朋友变得更努力泄气时给你鼓励,带来快乐Dave发展兴趣爱好参加学校活动提高自己充实生活You要求:1. 短文必须包括以上表格的提示内容,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2. 文章中有关“你”的部分内容,须用2-3句话展开合理想象,做适当发挥;3.90词左右,短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。What makes one happy?A happy person can always find the beauty and pleasure of life. But how can you make yourself become a truly happy person? A few friends and I have different opinions._第 9 页 共 9 页

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