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长沙市2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文6选5阅读短文D,根据短文内容,从短文后面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Life in the future will be very different from life today Many changes (变化) will take place (发生), but what will the changes be?1 . There will be more people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.2 . There will be at least one computer in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in school then.3 . They will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much easier and cheaper. And more people will go to other countries for holidays.4 . Maybe no one will eat meat every day. Instead they eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier.5 . Robots will do most dangerous and hard work for people. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.APeople will work fewer hours.BThe population (人口) is growing fast.CComputers will be much smaller and more useful.DThere will be changes in our food.EWork in the future will be different, too.FThere will be more trees and beautiful flowers.二、阅读单选Summer vacation is coming. Most of students want to have a good trip this summer. Here is some information about trips for you.Trip 1 The Stone SeaBring your strong shoes for hiking in the beautiful Stone Sea. You can find all different kinds of stones and wild flowers in the area.Time: 8:00am6:00pm Tel:4325116Adult: 80.00 Child: 20.00Trip 2 The Pine SeaThis is a sea with a lot of pines in Mount Wu. Take your digital camera and enjoy the great sights here. It is a good place to avoid summer heat.Time: 9:00am3:00pm Tel:4258663Adult: 120.00 Child: 60.00Trip 3 The Big ValleyTake your swimming suits, and come for a night walk along the Big Valley. You can take hot spring and enjoy some folk music.Time: 10:00am11:00pm Tel: 4325611Adult: 160.00 Child: 120.00Under 12 years old for free.Trip 4 The Glass LakeWear your sun hats and enjoy wonderful sunshine. Of course, you can swim in the lake and take the boat to different islands for natural scenery.Time: 8:30am8:00pm Tel:4235711Adult: ¥60.00 Child: Free6 . You should call _ if you want to take hot spring.A4325116B4258663C4325611D4325711.7 . If you want to go to the Pine Sea, you cant enter _.Aat 10:00 amBat 6:00 pmCat 11:00 amDat 2:00 pm8 . If a couple with a 5-year-old child go to the Big Valley, they need to pay _ for the trip.A160.00B280.00C440.00D320.009 . You can go to _ for hiking.Athe Stone SeaBthe Pine SeaCthe Big ValleyDthe Grass LakeIn different seasons, Zhang Ming enjoys himself in different ways.In spring, when it is sunny, he often goes to the park and sits on the grass, reading a book or a magazine. When he feels tired, he simply lies on the grass and tries to get some sleep. He feels very comfortable when he is on the grass. In summer, Zhang Ming often goes swimming in the river in front of his house. Once, he stayed in the water for as long as two hours. In autumn, Zhang Ming often goes to a square near his home to fly a kite. Every time he goes there, he usually invites his friends to go there with their kites as well. In winter, he finds a lot of pleasure in having snowball fights and making snowmen with his friends.10 . How does Zhang Ming try to get some sleep when he feels tired in the park?ABy putting his head on a book.BBy lying on his coat.CBy sitting on the ground.DBy lying on the grass.11 . Where is the river which Zhang Ming often swims in?ABehind his home.BIn front of his house.CTo the right of his house.DTo the left of his house.12 . How long did Zhang Ming stay in the river once?AFor an hour.BFor half an hour.CFor two hours.DFor three hours.13 . Why does Zhang Ming often go to the square?ATo fly a kite.BTo play football.CTo have a run.DTo take a walk.14 . Which of the following is TRUE?AZhang Ming hates winter because he does not like cold weather.BZhang Ming enjoys making snowmen and having snowball fights in winter.CSometimes Zhang Ming also goes to the park on rainy days.DZhang Ming never lies on the grass because it is too dirty.Imagine 50 years from now. Imagine the perfect school. Getting to school is already difficult because of traffic. In 50 years time, it will be even more difficult. A solution is needed. Imagine one big school in your city, a big cyber school(网络学校), but the classes are in many different places. In fact there would be classes all around, both in the suburbs and in the city. You would never need to walk more than 10 minutes to get to school. Once you get there, there is no teacher speaking at the front of the classroom. Instead, there is a large screen playing a video of the teacher. There is a classroom helper who walks around helping you with your problems. You can get the best teaching there, and you have a helper who can help you understand your work. You listen to the teacher for only 15 minutes. Then you work in teams to do group projects and solve problems together. The days of pen and paper are gone. You each have your own computer and you do all your work and assignments on it. After classes finish, you can stay there and talk with your school friends. You each have a locker to keep your personal things. There is a fridge to keep your lunch and a microwave to warm it. There are sofas to sit on when its time to read a book. Your classroom would always be cool in summer and warm in winter. There is solar and wind power on the roof of the building. Each room is kept at a comfortable temperature automatically. The school of the future is hightech, but it is a friendly place to be.15 . How long might it take you to walk to a cyber school in the future?AMore than ten minutes.BLess than ten minutes.CMore than thirty minutes.DLess than five minutes.16 . If you have a problem in class, who can you ask for help?AYour classmates.BYour teacher.CA classroom helper.DA large screen.17 . What can we learn from the passage?AStudents listen to the teacher for only 15 minutes.BThere are no sofas to sit on when its time to read a book.CStudents can keep their lunch in their lockers.DStudents still use their pens and paper.18 . Which of the following can be a proper title for the passage?ALife in the FutureBThe School of the FutureCThe Computer of the FutureDThe Classroom of the FutureIts 14:00. The house is quiet(安静的). “Tom?” Mom says. No one answers.Mom comes to Toms room. He is not in the bed. But his model plane is on the desk. “He is not in his room, and he is not in the yard(院子),” Mom thinks. Then Mom comes to his grandparents room. Tom likes to play with Grandpas tape player. But he is not there.Mom looks for(寻找) him everywhere. But where is Tom? Mom is worried. She wants to call Dad. She comes to the living room to get the phone.“Whats that?” Mom sees something(某物) black under the sofa. Oh, its Paul, Toms dog. It loves sleeping(睡觉) there. But what is next to Paul? Its Tom!19 . Where is Toms model plane?AIts on the chair.BIts in the yard.CIts on the desk.DIts on the bed.20 . The underlined word “worried” means “_” in Chinese.A担心的B悲伤的C兴奋的D生气的21 . What can we learn from the passage ?AToms room is next to his grandparents room.BTom is under the sofa in the living room.CPaul loves sleeping on the sofa.DMom sees Tom playing with Paul.三、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成短文,使短文完整、通顺。walk,take,have,off,near,from,come,how,minute,orDear Rose,Im very glad you are22 . to visit me.Now I will tell you 23 . to get to my home.After you get 24 . the train at the railway station,you can 25 . the No.8 Bus to Yingbin Road.It may take you 30 26 . to get to the bus stop.The bus stop is 27 . my home.28 . you can take a taxi if you like.Thats much faster.By the way,its not far 29 . my home to the beach,so we can30 . there every day.I hope you will31 . a good time here.Best wishes!Yours,Mary四、多任务混合问题阅读表达Do you often go shopping? What do you often buy and how much money do you often spend? Its important for you to be a clever shopper.Next time, when you go to a clothes shop, you should first decide(决定) how much money you can spend on the new clothes. Then you must think about the clothes you really need. And look for them in the shop. Dont buy anything that you dont need.Many clothes must be drycleaned(干洗). Dry cleaning is very expensive. So before you buy new clothes, you should look at the labels(标签) inside carefully. You must find out(弄明白) if(是否) they need dry cleaning. If you dont want to spend too much money, dont buy those clothes.Some clothes cost much money, but they are not always good. Some clothes look nice only on models_模特). Some cheap clothes may fit you better. So expensive things are not always the best.32 . What should we first decide when we go to a clothes shop?_33 . Why shouldnt we buy the clothes that need dry cleaning?_34 . 在空白处填上适当的单词, 每空一词。We should look at the labels_ carefully before_ new clothes.35 . 将画线的句子翻译成汉语。_36 . What is the passage mainly (主要地) about?_五、材料作文37 . 书面表达虽然许多人喜欢网上购物,但也有人依然对超市购物情有独钟。请联系实际,根据下列提示信息写一篇英语短文,向大家介绍超市购物的优缺点。提示:优点缺点1. 能看到商品,还可以试穿衣服;2. 支付安全; 3. 购买后可以马上带回家;1. 不总是营业的; 2. 花费很多时间;要求:1. 包括所给内容,可适当发挥; 2. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确; 3. 70词左右(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)。提示词汇: right away 马上There are many ways of shopping, and supermarket shopping is one of them. 第 8 页 共 8 页

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