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长春市2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I dont like eating meat _bread.AandBorCbutDso2 . If you dont walk along the,you might get lost.ApathBmapCmessageDguidebook3 . How much will you be paid?Tom, I do it not for money, but for experience. _, its a kind of volunteer activity.AHoweverBBesidesCFinallyDPossibly4 . Id like to congratulate you _ your good grades.AtoBwithCaboutDon5 . Why is he so upset today? -The police _ him for three hours before letting him go.AquestionedBaskedCspokeDtold6 . Alice found _ not easy to get a drivers license.AitBthatCThis7 . Would you like to visit the zoo with me now?Sorry, its _ the visiting hours. Lets go there tomorrow.AbeyondBthroughCduringDon8 . People may have different opinions about Ma Yun, but I admire him. _, he is a successful businessman.AAs a resultBAfter allCAs usualDFirst of all9 . Waste things can be put to good_ if we have a creative mind.AwayBlineCuseDrow10 . Shall we hang out in Great Bazzar(大巴扎) tomorrow?Im afraid not. _the final game of the World Cup on TV.AThere isBThere will beCThere will have二、完型填空(题文)Now and then you are not satisfied with yourself, thinking youre short of beauty, short of money or short of friendship._, all these are not necessary. Why not learn to love yourself?Loving yourself means loving everything in you, your height, your voice, your eyes, your hair, even including your mistakes. Dont feel ashamed that you will_at when you are wrong. As we know, no one is perfect. Is there anybody in the world who makes_mistake at all? Of course not. Always ask yourself, “Am I getting_just because of the mistakes I made?” Or “Do I have the courage to correct my mistake?”_the answer is yes or no, holding a positive attitude is of great importance. Face bravely the mistakes you made yesterday and try your best to encourage yourself to learn_them. They might be your best teachers. You dont need someone else to tell you how to correct your mistakes. When correcting the mistakes and making decisions on your own, you will find you are stronger and stronger with each passing day. Remember, the one who loves_can gain the love from others. You enjoy being liked and loved, but dont_everybody to like you. If somebody doesnt like you, it is still OK. Being what you are is the best way to show you love for yourself. All above will teach you how to grow up and bring you great_in your life.My dear friends, every morning when you open your eyes, its a gift from life. Get started_Never allow yourself to become discouraged. Since youre the only one in the world, love yourself and smile every day!11 . (小题1)AImmediatelyBCloselyCActuallyDSuddenly12 . (小题2)AlaughBbe laughedClaughedDbe laughing13 . (小题3)AsomeBanyCnoDfew14 . (小题4)AsadBexcitedCpleasedDsadly15 . (小题5)AWeatherBIfCWhetherDAlthough16 . (小题6)AonBfromCatDabout17 . (小题7)AhimselfBitselfCourselvesDyourself18 . (小题8)AhopeBletCexpectDmake19 . (小题9)AbehaviorBblindnessCkindnessDsuccess20 . (小题10)Afrom then onBfrom now onCfrom early onDsince then三、阅读单选Family fights are never pleasant. Whether you are dealing with a loud sister or a stubborn(固执的) mom or Dad, the situation can be bad.What if it could be different? What if family fights and conflicts(冲突) could be turned into chances to become closer? What if problems could be solved with everyone walking away feeling more deeply cared for and loved?Family fighting is, on one level, about power. Someone is telling someone else what to do. In a short moment, bad feelings can be brought out and the fight is on. You can go down that old road or you can try something different.In any fight, you have a need to be listened to and understood. People raise their voices and shout at each other because theyre not being listened to. You want your mom or dad to listen and understand. You want your brother or sister to listen and care. But you always seem to forget that the person youre fighting with has the same need to be listened to. So if you can put aside your need for a few minutes, the situation will change quickly. Give the other person some time to express his or her feelings, and youll have your turn to be listened to.And while you are listening, you have to listen for the right information. The best way to do this in emotional(情绪激动的) situations is to pay no attention to most of the words because many people cant express what they are feeling with the words alone, especially when they are not calm.But if the situation starts to get out of hand, it would be wise to just calm down and leave the problem until later because many fights happen at the wrong time. The situation will die down quickly, usually in less than 30 seconds. You can either move on to problem solving or reach an agreement to work on it at a better time.This way, everyone will feel respected and listened to, even when there is conflict, feelings will be understood and respected, and it will bring your family closer together.21 . From the first 3 paragraphs, we can conclude(总结) that .Apeople had better avoid family fightsBfamily members fight to control each otherCfamily fights can be turned into something goodDwhen relatives fight, its worse as they know each others weakness22 . In the writers opinion, the key to dealing with family fights is to .Asatisfy the need to be listened to firstBmake sure that you are the first to be listened toCpay no attention to what others say in these emotional situationsDstop quarrelling(争吵) when you feel you are giving orders23 . When the situation gets out of control, its best to .Await for a suitable moment to speakBlet the other person express their feelingsCwork on a written agreement firstDmove on to problem solving24 . The main purpose of this article is to .Atell readers that family fights are not that badBteach readers how to listen in family fightsCremind readers to show respect in family fightsDgive advice on dealing with family conflictsMy daughter Eyen is ten years old. She is in Grade Three in a primary school. She is a cute girl though(虽然) she has some strange ideas sometimes.One day she asks me, “Mum, what is your favorite subject?” I think for a while and answer, “It is difficult to tell. I love singing, so music is my favorite. And I am good at English. My history teacher also says I am excellent. Well, I can say I dont like science. But science is important for us, you know. So you must do well in it. What is your favorite subject , Eyen? Tell me something about your subjects, dear.”“ I like Chinese. It is easy. I like English because my English teacher likes me very much. I cant stand(忍受) Maths. It is serious(严肃的) and sad.”“Do you mean your Maths teacher is serious and sad?”“No, it is Maths, not the Maths teacher.”“Why do you think so?”“Because Maths has so many problems! Isnt it sad all day?”25 . The mother doesnt like _ though it is important.AmusicBMathsCEnglishDscience26 . The girl thinks _ is serious and sad.Aher Maths teacherBMathsCher Chinese teacherDChinese27 . Why doesnt the girl like Maths?ABecause it is too easy .BBecause it is difficult to learn.CBecause there are many problems in it.DBecause her teacher doesnt like her.28 . What does the underlined word “excellent” mean?AVery good.BVery sad.CVery bad.DVery easy.29 . According to the passage, which following is right?AEyen is in Grade three in a middle schoolBThe mother is good at English, history and Maths.CEyen doesnt like his Maths teacher at all.DSometimes Eyen has some strange ideas, but she is a lovely girlThe high school diploma (文凭) is losing its value quickly, as a growing number of students graduate (毕业) from school without the math and reading skills that colleges and companies require, according to a new report.The high school graduation exams that most states (州) require students to pass before they graduate remain far too easy. Most of the exams generally test eighth-or ninth-grade level work.Today, even high school graduates who are going to have blue-collar (蓝领) jobs need to study the math, research and writing courses. But in high school, only students who are going to college are now required to take these courses. “If you want a good job with a good pay, its a high-skill job,” said Michael Cohen, a leading member of the America Diploma Project.The project suggests that all graduates master a wide range (范围) of skills. “A high school diploma should mean something to a company and university,” said Ohio Gov. Bob Taft, who is Achieves co-chairman. In Tafts state, about 30% students who go directly to college from high school have to take_of English or math, he said. Its easy to see that the present high-school graduating standards are not preparing students for college education.And with high-skilled jobs increasingly headed overseas to places like India and Ireland, states need to act, he said.To prove why math and reading skills matter, the report includes real-life examples of problems students meet in college and that workers must solve each day on the job. Some states are taking actions to upgrade the high school diploma. In Texas, all high school students, starting with the 2008 graduating class, will have to take the college-prep curriculum (大学预备课程) - unless a parent agrees to an easier course load. Other states are planning similar moves.The report includes examples of reading and math skills that high-school students should have. Project leaders say they hope parents will use those examples to judge (评定) the coursework at their kids high schools.30 . Why is the high school diploma losing its value quickly?ABecause the number of high school students is growing fast.BBecause high school students fail to reach the standards.CBecause the graduation tests are easier than it should be.DBecause difficult courses are not required in high schools.31 . Remedial classesin Paragraph 6 mean classes_.Afor good learners to study quickly and betterBfor slower learners weak in the subjectCfor learners to be taught one by oneDfor learners to reach a higher standard32 . What can we learn from the passage?AColleges require higher math and reading skills than companies.BIt is easier for companies to find high-skilled workers in India.CMath and reading skills help little for workers to solve daily problems.DParents ask high schools to offer college-prep curriculum in Texas.33 . What can be the best title for the passage?AHigh School Diploma Means LittleBGive Students More High-skill JobsCMath and Reading Skills Really MatterDJudge Coursework at High SchoolsMr. Perkin stands at the bus stop and watches the cars go by. Many of the cars are Beta 400s, and most of them are yellow. Mr. Perkin likes to do what other people do. So the following week he buys a new yellow Beta 400s. He likes it very much and doesnt like the old red one any more.This morning Mr. Perkin parks his car in a big park at half past eight near his office. But when he comes out of his office at five oclock, therere so many yellow Beta 400s in the park. Mr. Perkin cant find out which car is his because he forgets its number and leaves his licence(执照)at home. He tries his key in some of the cars and people looks at him. He has to give up. Poor Mr. Perkin can do nothing. He waits nearly two hours until his car is the only yellow Beta 400s left in the park.34 . Mr. Perkins new car is _.AredByellowCBeta 4000sDBeta 40s35 . Mr. Perkin goes to his office _.Aat about eight thirtyBat fiveCat 7 amDat 7 pm36 . Mr. Perkin cant find his car because _.Athere are lots of yellow cars thereBhe cant remember the cars numberChis licence is at homeDhe carries his licence with him37 . He finds his car _.Awith the help of a policemanBby trying his key in every carCby going home to get the licenceDby waiting until there is only one yellow car38 . Which of the following is TRUE?AMr. Perkin doesnt like to have the same things as others have.BMr. Perkin can find his car at once.CMr. Perkin didnt find his car until about seven.DFew people have yellow cars in the city.四、语法填空Many children like watching TV. Its very interesting and they can see a lot and know many things39 . other people. Of course, they can learn over the radio. But they can learn40 . (well)and more easily with TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. Bur they cant watch41 . (something)over the radio.TV helps to wide42 . (children)eyes. TV helps to open their minds,43 . . They can find better ways to do things. Many children watch TV only44 . Saturday and Sunday evening. They are very busy,45 . they usually have a lot of homework46 . (do). But a few children watch TV every night, They go to bed47 . (late). We should remember:48 . (watch) TV too much is bad for their eyes.五、多任务混合问题AgeLooksFavorite actorAliceElevenBig eyes and a small mouthTom CruiseJennyThirteenA round face and short hairSun HongleiMariaTwelveA small mouth and long hairGe You49 . Alice has big_and a small_.50 . Jenny is_years_.51 . Jennys face is_and her hair is_.52 . Marias_is Ge You .53 . Alice and Maria both(都) have_.六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句54 . grade, you, in, are, which_55 . listening, I, in, free, my, like, to, time, music_56 . are, 6, on, classrooms, the, there, ground, floor_57 . late, dont, be, school, tomorrow, for_58 . a, people, us, candy, give, some, as, treat_七、材料作文59 . 书面表达假如你有一个好朋友Frank, 请根据下面表格提供的信息, 以“My Good Friend”为题目, 用英语写一篇介绍Frank的短文。名字Frank Brown年龄13电话号码05398322556生日3月25日食物喜欢面包, 鸡肉, 蔬菜(健康的)不喜欢胡萝卜, 冰激凌运动喜欢篮球(容易的, 令人放松的)不喜欢排球(困难的)最喜欢的学科地理、科学有用的, 有趣的最喜欢的一天周一上音乐课学校活动11月12号艺术节12月3号在图书馆举办特价售书活动要求1书写规范, 语句通顺, 语法正确。2要点全面, 内容充实, 构思合理, 可适当发挥。不少于60词。3不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其它相关信息。My Good Friend_第 12 页 共 12 页


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