英语八年级上册Unit 3 单元检测

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英语八年级上册Unit 3 单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Could you help me _when the meeting will start?Just a minute. I will check it right now.Aturn upBhang outCput upDfind out2 . Dont put the things everywhere. Youd better.your room every day.Alook upBclean upCmake upDfix up3 . You should eat _ vegetables every day. Its good for your health.AenoughBa littleClittleDfew4 . My father is busy _ in the factory.AworksBworkCworking5 . Anna looks a bit _ today.What happened?I dont know.AblindBstrongCstrangeDfair6 . In Terrys opinion, is not fair to give Maria the prize.AitBthatConeDthis7 . What about _ to the China Science and Technology Museum?That sounds _ ,but its too far awayAgoing; wellBto go; goodCgo; greatDgoing; good8 . Helping others is a traditional Chinese virtue.We should help the people _ need.AinBwithCfor9 . She tries_meat every time because she wants to be thinner.Adoesnt eatBdont eatCnot eatDnot to eat10 . Do you have a telephone? No, but you can _ me at maryg2gfimail.com.AemailBaskCcallDthank11 . Do you have a(n)_? No, I dont. I am only 11 years old.AkeyBID cardCorangeDpencil12 . Im looking forward to _ my grandparents in summerAvisitBvisitingCvisitsDvisited13 . The exciting performance drew the passersbys _.AconfidenceBattentionCpatienceDtaste14 . .My aunt got married _ my uncle ten years ago.AtoBwithCforD/15 . What do you think of the book?Oh, excellent! Its worth_ a second time.Ato read B. read C. being read D. reading二、补全短文5选4A month ago the Brown family, who live in Lyndhurst, had a special experience. It was evening and after dinner Tina was in the kitchen. She was making coffee while her husband, Frank, was watching a comedy program on television. Upstairs(在楼上), their young daughter, Ruth, was sleeping in her room and their son, Mark, was doing some homework on his computer. 16 . However, at the end of the evening. Tina looked out of the window and saw some storm clouds in the sky. The Browns dog, Tily, was in the back garden. 17 . Shortly afterwards, Tina saw lightning(闪电)in the sky and then everything in the house went dark. Frank was unhappy because the television didnt work. 18 . Then they heard baby Ruth crying. Frank went upstairs to look after the baby, but when he climbed up the stairs(楼梯), there was a loud sound and the house seemed to shake. 19 . A big tree in their garden fell through the window of Ruths room! Luckily it missed the baby by just half a meter!AMark shouted from his room because he couldnt use his computer.BSuddenly there was a loud crack of thunder(雷声)and Tily quickly ran into the house.CThe little baby Ruth was just two years old and liked playing with Tily.DFrank ran into Ruths room and he saw something shocking.EThe weather had been very good all day with a lot of sunshine.三、完型填空A butcher(屠夫)is in his meat shop one day when a dog walks in. It has an envelope in its mouth. The butcher takes it out of the dogs mouth and opens it. Inside, theres 20, and a(n) _. It says, Can I have a dozen pork chops(猪排)and a steak please? The butcher is _. He gives the dog the _in a bag, and puts it around the dogs neck.The next day, the same thing happens. But this time, the butcher decides to _ the dog home. So, when the dog leaves the shop, the man walks after it. He watches when the dog stops at some traffic lights. The dog presses the button to cross the road and waits. The green man on the traffic light _ and the dog crosses, carefully watching for traffic. Next, the dog arrives at a bus stop. It waits _ again and jumps onto a bus when it comes. The butcher is very surprised and _ on his way.Finally, the dog _ the bus and walks to a house. The man watches from the street as the dog starts scratching(抓)at the door with his paw. After a couple of seconds, a woman _ the door and starts shouting at the dog. The butcher runs to the woman and says, Hey! What are you doing? This dog is fantastic. Hes the _ animal Ive ever seen. And the woman replies, What? This is the third time this week hes forgotten his key.20 . AnewspaperBnoteCe-mailDinvitation21 . AannoyingBangryCamazedDashamed22 . AmeatBvegetableCenvelopeDorder23 . AtakeBcarryCfollowDlead24 . AsingsBwalksCshoutsDwaves25 . ApatientlyBexactlyCquicklyDsuddenly26 . AstopsBcontinuesCavoidsDreturns27 . Agets toBgets onCgets offDgets down28 . AopensBclosesCbreaksDknocks29 . Amost healthyBlaziestCfunniestDsmartest四、阅读单选When the three children arrived at the tunnel, they looked up at the trees above it. “Whats happening?” Peter said, “Look at the trees. Theyre moving.”He was right. The trees were sliding down the hill. “Its a landslide,” Roberta said. There has been a lot of rain. The earth is soft. It is moving and bringing the trees with it.“They are going to fall on the railway line,” Phyllis said. “Therell be an accident if the train hits them. We must stop the next train.”“How do we do that?” Peter said. “The next train is arriving at 11:29. Thats in five minutes. And the train is only about fifteen kilometers away.”“We can run towards the train and wave to the driver,” Phyllis said. “He wont think there is anything wrong,” Roberta said. “We always wave to him.”“We need something red to wave,” Peter said. “Red is for danger.”“My skirt is red,” Phyllis said. “Ill tear pieces off.”“Mother will be angry if you do that,” Roberta said. “Skirts are expensive.”“People may die if there is an accident,” Peter said. “Skirts arent important.”Phyllis tore strips(条) from the bottom of her skirt. “We need sticks to tie the strips to,” Peter said. The children ran to a nearby tree. With his knife, Peter cut off three thin branches. He tied each of the strips of red skirt to one of the branches.“Now we have red flags,” he said. “When we wave these, the engine driver will know something is wrong. He will stop the train and ask us what the matter is.”The children ran through the tunnel and waited at the other side for the train to come. They had to wait for a long time. Peter thought the watch must be wrong, but it was the train that was late. Then, the train arrived. The children waved their flags. Roberta was so excited that she fainted(晕).The engine driver saw the red flags and the children. He knew something was wrong. He stopped the train. Peter and Phyllis ran towards the engine. They shouted to the driver that there were trees on the line. The engine driver climbed down from his engine. He hurried to where Roberta was lying on the ground in a faint. He picked her up and carried her to the train and put her in a comfortable carriage.30 . How did the landslide come into being(形成)?AThe earth was too thin to hold the trees.BThe heavy rain washed the earth away.CThe moving train shook the earth down.DPeople cut down many trees on the hill.31 . What was the danger according to Phyllis?AThe train was running too fast.BThere would be a train accident.CThe children were walking on the railway.DThe landslide was coming to an end.32 . What does Peter mean by saying “Skirts arent important.”?AThat kind of skirts arent popular.BThat kind of skirts arent expensive.CPeoples lives are more important.DChildren dont need expensive skirts.33 . What would happen to Roberta in the end?AShe was killed.BShe had a new watch.CShe moved the trees.DShe was saved.五、阅读判断The Peoples Republic of China took part in the Olympics for the first time in 1952. Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for China in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. China won 28 gold medals in the 2000 Sydney Olympics and 32 in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Beijing hosted the 29thOlympic Games in the year 2008. China won the most gold medals in history.根据短文内容,判断正误(对的写“A”,错的写“B”)。34 . It was the first time for The Peoples Republic of China to take part in the Olympics in 1952.35 . Xu Haifeng was the winner of the first gold medal for China in the 1984 Olympics.36 . China won 32 gold medals in the 2000 Olympics.37 . Beijing hosted the 29thOlympics Games in the year 2012.38 . The Olympic Games hold every four years.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语或首字母提示,填入恰当的单词39 . We should try our best to help the children in poor a_.40 . The boy fell a_ with a toy car in his arms.41 . Antarctica (南极洲) is an i_ land.42 . The Chinese national badminton team _ (打败) the Japanese team 3-2 in Australia on May 27.43 . The radio says there will be a heavy _ (暴风雨) tomorrow night.44 . This boy read books in the weak _ (光线).45 . Which is h_, the elephant or the pig?46 . The poor girl lighted all the _ (火柴) to make herself warm.47 . Who do you know set off the fire a_?48 . It is w_ now. Im afraid it is going to rain soon.49 . One day, I was walking down a street. S_, a car accident happened just in front of me.50 . You cant put your hands out of the w_ of the car. Its dangerous.51 . Last night the TV news r_ that serious accident.52 . Who b_ the window?Sorry, Ms. Clark. I did it.七、完成句子根据句意及汉语提示完成句子53 . 在老师的帮助下,我的英语学习取得了很大的进步。With the help of my teachers, I have _ great_ in English learning.54 . 里约奥运会上,中国女排的姑娘们尽了她们最大的努力。The girls of Chinese Womens Volleyball Team _ in the Rio Olympics.55 . 她的心里充满了幸福。Her heart _ happiness.56 . 我们都想过没有遗憾的生活。We all want to _ without _.57 . 对于大部分人来说,金钱并不意味着快乐。Money doesnt _ happiness _ most people.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文AaskedBinCnoteDbeforeEhardFbusyThe great American writer Jack London was often in great need of money when he began to write his books. He worked very 58 . , but it did not help him.Once he promised a New York magazine (杂志) to write a story for it, but he was too 59 . at that time and could not keep his promise. The owner of the magazine wrote letters to Jack London a few times and 60 . him to send the story. At last he went to the hotel where Jack London lived. The owner sent him a 61 . , “Dear Jack London, if I dont get the story 62 . twenty hours, I will come up to your room and kick (踢) you downstairs, and I always keep my promise.” Jack London read it and answered, “Dear Dick, if I could do my work with my feet like you, I would keep my promise.”九、看图作文63 . 下列图片描述的是上周日下午,刘强和赵磊所经历的一件事,请根据这些图片写一篇作文。要求:1.字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥;2.词数不少于80.第 9 页 共 9 页

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