英语七年级下册Module12 Unit 2同步测试卷

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英语七年级下册Module12 Unit 2同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its _ in China to eatzongziduring the Dragon Boat Festival.AtraditionalBimpossibleCpersonalDserious2 . terrible environment! The pollution here is even more serious than I.AWhat a; thoughtBHow; thinkCWhat an; thinkDHow; thought3 . Tony often stays at home and watches TV at _ night.AaBanCtheD/4 . Xian Xinghai is famous the song The yellow River.AforBatCwithDin5 . The hall is full. We cant _ any more people now.Atake outBtake awayCtake inDtake off6 . Kelly wants to be a_to save peoples lives in the future.AdoctorBengineerCviolinistDperformer7 . Its really _ to leave a 12-month-old baby at home alone.AdangerousBhelpfulCdifferentDfunny8 . _ exciting volleyball match!Yes. The China womens national volleyball team did so well in the Rio Olympic Games.AWhatBWhat anCHowDHow an9 . lovely the squirrel is!AWhat aBHowCWhatDHow a10 . Is thereelephant in the zoo?Yes, there is one and itsIndian elephant.Athe;aBan;theCthe;anDan;an11 . My cousin wants to be alike Lang Lang. He likes playing the piano, too.AplayerBwaiterCmusicianDteacher12 . _ people came to the concert by Deng Ziqi last month. AHundred ofBNine hundredsCHundreds ofDNine hundreds of13 . My sister never fights with her classmates over small things, ?Adoesnt sheBis sheCdoes sheDisnt she14 . May I use your _? I want to take some photos of the flowers. Sure. Here you are.AcrayonBcomputerCwatchDcamera15 . This hat is too big. I want a one.AlongBshortCsmallDnice二、补全对话7选5补全对话ANo, I dont.BI like piano music,but I dont play the piano.CYoure Toms brother, arent you?DYes, I do.EBut you play another instrument, dont you?FYou play the guitar, dont you?GHow do you know Tom, Liu?A:Hi. 16 . B:Yes,I am,My names Jay.A:Hi,Jay. Im Liu.B:17 . A:Oh,were in a music group together.B:Oh,yes.18 . A:Yes,I do. Do you play the guitar?B:No,I dont.A:Do you play the piano?B:Well,19 . A:20 . B:Oh,well,I play the violin.三、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)Last year, over 11,000 abandoned dogs were put down by government dogcatchers. Why? Because there was too little kennel space to keep them. Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) is a charity that rescues and finds homes for unwanted dogs. Its a huge task and if this_had received more support last year, fewer dogs would have been put down.To support the efforts of HKDR, the Social Service Club held a fun festival last weekend. We hoped the festival would raise money and also raise peoples awareness of the point of abandoned pets, said Louise Wong, the club president.The club organized stalls_second-hand clothes, delicious homemade cupcakes and even the fashions to keep pet dogs warm in the winter. Although there were fewer stalls than last year,_items were sold. Louise explained that this was because prices were not set too high this year.The festival also_performances by the school choir and the hip hop group HK Boys. The crowd was extremely excited, and some members of the_said there was too much noise to hear the performers. Louise admitted that everyone would have been able to hear if there had been better sound equipment.The most interesting part of the day was the dance challenge, with contestants(选手) showing off some amazing moves. This year there were more contestants than last year. According to Louise, that was because the prizes, including G. E.M. concert tickets, were better._, this years fun festival was a big success. It raised far more money than last year: a record HK$12,000. And the festival also raised joy among the special guests some of our four legged friends from HKDR!21 . AteamBgroupCclubDorganization22 . AsellingBbuyingCofferingDdelivering23 . AfewBfewerCmanyDmany more24 . Aput offBput onCput outDput up25 . AfamilyBbandCaudienceDcommunity26 . AFaithfullyBGenerallyCImportantlyDRecently四、阅读单选My name is Julia. Im an American girl. Now Im in Changchun, Jilin with family. We all like Chinese food. For breakfast, my parents ask my two brothers and me to have eggs and milk. After that, my mother always gives us some apples. My brothers and I dont have lunch at home. We have it at school with our classmates. For lunch, I always have rice and vegetables. After school, I like to play volleyball with my friends. Then I go home and have dinner at 6:30 p.m. We usually have vegetables and porridge. After dinner, we always have some fruit. We think it is good for our health.27 . Where are Julias family now?AIn Shanghai.BIn Changchun.CIn Beijing.DIn Xian.28 . There are _ people in Julias family.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix29 . What does Julia always have for lunch?ABread and chicken.BEggs and milk.CBread and milk.DRice and vegetables.30 . What does Julia like to do with her friends after school?ATo play volleyball.BTo play baseball.CTo play tennis.DTo play soccer.31 . What do Julia and her family have after dinner?ASome vegetables.BSome ice-cream.CSome salad.DSome fruit.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空请根据括号内的汉语及首字母提示写出所缺单词。32 . Theres no _(危险)now. We are safe.33 . We should take an active part in _(保护)environment.34 . Pandas dont have many _(幼儿).35 . Sichuan is in the _(西南)of China.36 . However,there arent many of them _(剩下,余下).37 . Lindas legs are t_ and long.38 . WWF chose the panda to be its s_.39 . The panda p_ five baby pandas last week.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空B) 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。40 . Last Sunday I saw an (a) _ (please) thing in the parkrubbish lay everywhere.41 . It was_ (high) possible that he appeared at the scene of the crime.42 . You can see more than one street_ (music) at the corner of the street.43 . The disease _so quickly that it drew the governments attention. (spread)44 . There are no train_ (serve) on schedule now because of the accident.七、完成句子根据汉语意思补全句子45 . 许多老人喜欢喝下午茶。Many old people enjoy _.46 . 他们正在一家餐馆吃晚餐。They _.47 . 吉姆正在给家里打电话。Jim _now.48 . 玛丽正下班回家。Mary is _ work and _ home.根据课文内容及提示完成句子49 . We have some _ and _ you this term.这学期我们为你们安排了一些有趣又好玩的事情。50 . _ September 2lst, we _ a school trip _ the afternoon.在9月21日下午,我们进行学校旅行。51 . Your parents can _ our school.你们的父母可以来我们学校。52 . This is _!这真是一个很繁忙的学期!53 . _ Childrens Day? _ June lst.“儿童节是什么时候?”“它在6月1日。”八、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给词的适当形式填空give,do,and,find,like,good,while, but,play,listenOne day. Mozart saw an old blind street-performer(街头卖艺人)54 . the violin at the street corner with a hat in front of him. He55 . the old man was playing one of his compositions(作品).The old man played for a56 . ,57 . nobody put money into his hat. Mozart asked the old man, “Do you often play compositions by Mozart?”“Yes,sir,”answered the old man. “Now everyone knows Mozart58 . they love his music.”“ Do you make a living(谋生)by playing the violin? ”The old man said he59 . Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began to play. He played so60 . that all the passers-by(过路人) stopped to61 . the wonderful music and62 . them money. Soon the old man felt surprised that the man could play so well. He asked Mozart,“Who are you,sir?”“ Your colleague(同行), a poor musician63 . you.”Then Mozart gave the violin back to the old man and left.第 7 页 共 7 页

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