英语七年级上册Unit 3 单元知识专练

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英语七年级上册Unit 3 单元知识专练姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Our body needs different living matter to work well. Try to learn something from the followinginformation.YogurtYogurt is made from milk. Some people cannot drink milk but can eat yogurt. Yogurt is_for us because is has lots of calcium(钙), which is good for our bones and _ Yogurt also helps us by_ some illnesses.PorridgePorridge is a dish made by adding oats(燕麦) to boiling water or milk (or both). Porridge is fastand cheap to make. It is usually eaten at _. Many people eat porridge because it is _ andgives them a lot of energy.Protein(蛋白质)Protein is _ very important to our bodies. It helps us by making us stronger and giving ourbody energy when we are _. Foods containing protein include fish, milk and eggs.Carbohydrates(碳水化合物)Carbohydrates give us energy so that we can play sports, think well and _the body workinghard during the day. With no carbohydrates, we would feel _ and sleep very quickly. Goodcarbohydrates _ rice, fruit and vegetables.1 . AphysicalBhelpfulCpersonalDtraditional2 . AteethBhair.Cears.Dnose3 . AsendingBpollutingCmixingDstopping4 . AdinnerBsupperCbreakfast.Dlunch5 . Ahealthy.Bcareful.CcreativeDbeautiful6 . AnothingBanythingCeverythingDsomething7 . AthirstyBhungry.CpoorDrich8 . Akeep.BmakeCtakeDadvise9 . AsurprisedBupsetCtiredDangry10 . Agrow upBtake upClook for.Dcome from二、阅读单选Jack,Thanks for your letter. How is it going with you? Its Friday today, but we dont go to school. Its sunny, so my friends and I are having a great time on the beach(海滩). Its a really nice place.The water is blue and clear. Many birds are flying over the sea. Many people are swimming in the sea. Some boys are playing games. Many people are sitting on the beach. A girl is drawing pictures on a chair. Another girl is taking photos. We are happy.What are you doing now?Write to me.Gao Ling11 . Hows the weather today?ACold.BSunny.CSnowy.DRainy.12 . Where are Gao Ling and his friends now?AAt school.BOn the beach.CIn a supermarket.DIn a cinema.13 . What are some boys doing?ASwimming.BDrawing pictures.CPlaying games.DTaking photos.14 . How is the water in the sea?ABlue and clear.BWarm.CDirty.DCold.15 . Which of the following is TRUE?AJack writes this letter.BIts Saturday today, so Gao Ling doesnt go to school.CGao Ling and his friends have a good time on the beach.DMany girls are taking photos on the beach.三、句型转换句型转换。16 . It was sunny yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_ the weather yesterday?17 . I did my homework last night. (改为否定句)I _ my homework last night.18 . They want to go to the movies tonight. (同义句转换)They _ to go to the movies tonight.19 . Anna took many photos at the museum. (一般疑问句)_ Anna _ many photos at the museum?20 . Is there a post office near here? (否定回答)No, _.四、完成句子用有关天气的英文单词完成句子21 . What is the w_ like today?Its cloudy.22 . Its kind of hot because its s_.23 . Hows the weather tomorrow?Its w_.24 . Whats the weather like today?Its s_.25 . Hows the weather in Shanghai?Its r_.26 . There are a lot of clouds in the sky. Its c_.27 . I dont like winter,because its too c_.28 . The water is w_.You can drink it at once.29 . I feel h_.Please open the window.30 . After these d_ days,everyone hopes for rain.完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。31 . 家里没有菜了,因此我们出去吃饭了。There werent any vegetables at home, so we _.32 . 他很懒,习惯依靠父母了。He is lazy and is used to _ his parents.33 . 她感觉被忽略了,因为其他孩子都不和他玩She feels _ because the other children dont play with her.34 . 她一个月清理一次她所有的抽屉。She _ all her drawers once a month.35 . 在瞬息方变的社会中,更多的中国人乐意为知识买单。In such a rapidly changing _, more Chinese people are glad to pay for _.根据所给中文完成句子翻译,并将答案写在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。36 . 什么时候举办运动会由你决定。When to hold the sports meeting _you to decide.37 . 我的好成绩与老师的帮助有关。My good grades _my teachers help.38 . 在圣诞节时我爸爸经常装扮成圣诞老人。My father often _Santa Claus at Christmas.39 . 我和苏珊有共同之处。Susan and I_.40 . 他的爱好与我的相似。_.41 . 每一个人都应该尽一份力来拯救地球。_.42 . 我期盼尽快收到你的来信。_.根据汉语意思完成句子43 . 请你别在这里吸烟好吗?_ you please _ smoke here?44 . (2016重庆中考B卷)你练习得越多,英语就会说得越好。_ you practise English, the better you will speak it.45 . 她每月花一半的薪水网购。She _ half of her salary _ online shopping every month.46 . 为了使房子看起来更漂亮,李夫人为我们提供了鲜花。Mrs. Li_ flowers _ us _to make the house look more beautiful.五、其他47 . 下列字母都是元音字母的是_。AAa, Bb, CcBBb, Cc, EeCAa, Ee, OoDAa, Hh, Ii第 6 页 共 6 页

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