英语七年级上册 Module 5 Unit1 同步练习

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英语七年级上册 Module 5 Unit1 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Hello, Li Hua!My name is Peter.Id like to introduce (介绍) myself first. Im a boy. I come_England. I live in the_of London. It is the_of England. I live with my family in a flat on a busy street. There_eight people in my family._are my grandparents, my parents, my two sisters ,my younger brother and I.Our house is very_It has 10 rooms. I_a bedroom with my younger brother. We often listen to music in our bedroom. My_place is the balcony. I can play games,_comics and chat_friends there. When my mother_meals for us in the_, I often go there to help_There is a nice_room. After dinner, we like to watch TV there. It is very beautiful and quiet here. Our neighbours are_to us and we are happy to live here. Please write soon.Best wishesYours, Peter .1 . AonBofCtoDfrom2 . AcentreBtownCstreetDcountry3 . AshopBcapitalCrestaurantDschool4 . AisBareCamDhave5 . ATheyBHeCYouDShe6 . AlargeBsmallClittleDcheap7 . AliveBamCsitDshare8 . AlikeBloveCenjoyDfavourite9 . AlookBbuyCreadDreading10 . AwithBofConDand11 . AcookBcooksCdoDmake12 . AkitchenBbalconyCcupboardDtable13 . AsheBherCheDhers14 . AreadingBdrawingCsittingDwalking15 . AsadBexcitedCfreeDfriendly二、阅读单选In American schools there is something called Home-coming Day. Many high schools and colleges with a football team have a home-coming game. This can be the most important event of the year except graduation (毕业) day. Students plan Home-coming Day for many weeks in advance.Several days before Home-coming ,students start to decorate (装饰)the school. There are signs to wish luck to the team, and many other signs to welcome all the graduates. Many people still come to Home-coming twenty or thirty years after their graduation.The members of school clubs build booths (摊位) and sell lemonade, apples and sandwiches. Some clubs help to welcome visitors.During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school.Everyone soon comes to watch the football game. When the game is half over, the band (乐队)comes onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment is when the Home-coming Queen or King appears. All the students vote a most popular student Home-coming Queen or King. It is a great honor to be chosen.Home-coming is a happy day, but it is not perfect unless the football team wins the game. Even if the team loses, the students still enjoy Home-coming. Some stay at the school to dance, and others go to a party. For everyone it is a day worth remembering.16 . The most important event of the year in high schools and colleges is_.AHome-comingBthe football gameCgraduationDwinning the game17 . When do students begin to do everything for Home-coming?AThe day before Home-coming.BMany weeks before the day.CWhen the guests arrive.DSeveral hours before Home-coming.18 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提及) on Home-coming Day?ATo see old friends.BTo visit teachers they remember.CTo watch the football game.DTo go home to see their family.19 . Who can probably become Home-coming Queen or King?AThe teacher who is kind to the students.BThe student who is popular with the students.CThe visitor who is famous to the students.DThe player who plays best in the football game.20 . Whats the best title of this article?AHome-coming DayBA Happy DayCThe Most Important EventDHome-coming Queen or KingOn April 19th, a pottery (陶器) exhibition was held at Wuhan Optical Experimental Valley School. Many pieces of pottery in different sizes were shown at the school. Some were a bit broken, but all of them were beautiful works of art created by the students.At the end of last year, the school started a project that called on teachers to collect disused or broken pieces of pottery from the countryside. So far, they have collected about 3,000 pieces.Pottery used to play an important role in the daily lives of Chinese people. school head Ma Guoxin told the reporter. By pottery painting, the students can improve themselves in many ways. They can better understand the history of the pottery, put their creativity into the pottery and show the love for life and beauty. Students turned the pottery into different works of art .They were all encouraged to paint pictures on the pottery, even though some students didnt know how to paint. Wang Zixuan, a student from Grade Eight, with little knowledge of painting, painted a beautiful night scenery on a piece of pottery. It was so nice that many students loved it.Almost every classroom has coloured pieces of pottery. They are either used as flowerpots or pen containers(笔筒). The school has also set up several art corners to show the pottery. For example, the students have put up some pottery on bookcases outside of a lecture hall(报告厅) It has become an enjoyable place for students to rest and read.21 . On April 19th, a _ exhibition was held at Wuhan Optical Valley Experiment School.AflowerBfilmCpotteryDcostume22 . According to the passage, _ were encouraged to paint the pottery.Athe students who painted very wellBthe students who got good gradesCthe students who didnt know how to paintDall the students in the school23 . By pottery painting, the students can improve themselves in many ways EXCEPT _.Aknowing how to collect potteryBbetter understanding the history of the potteryCputting their creativity into the potteryDshowing the love for life and beauty24 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AThe school has collected about 2,000 pieces of pottery so far.BWang Zixuan was a student from Grade Seven.CWe cant find any coloured pottery in their classrooms.DThe students enjoy resting and reading at the art corners.25 . In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?ASports news.BTraditional art.CHealthy living.DPopular music.三、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,完成下列句子,前四小题每空格限填一词)26 . A thief stole Mr. Lis purse in the bookstore. (改为一般疑问句)_ a thief _ Mr. Lis purse in the bookstore?27 . My father will come back in a week. (划线提问)_ will your father come back?28 . The children hardly have any eggs for breakfast every morning. (改为反意疑问句)The children hardly have any eggs for breakfast every morning, _?29 . The Wondering Earth is a very exciting film. (改为感叹句)_exciting film The Wondering Earth is30 . A robbery happened in the quiet street at midnight yesterday. (保持句意基本不变)A robbery _ in the quiet street at midnight yesterday.31 . be, is going to, next week, there, an art exhibition, in our school (连词成句)_.四、填写适当的单词补全句子Complete the sentences with prepositions (使用适当的介词填空)32 . There are five people _ my family.33 . I usually look _ my little brother when my father and mother are out.34 . Ann is playing tennis _ her sister now.35 . Its my birthday _ Saturday.36 . There is a photo _ my family and me.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写37 . _(告诉)me about a festival in our country.38 . We are getting _(准备)for Spring Festival.39 . We are _(打扫)the house.40 . There is a big Christmas _(树).41 . I get a lot of _(幸运)money from my aunt and uncle.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)42 . _, she walked right over to me and, without a word, handed me her name card.(sudden)43 . There must be some other way to settle this _.(argue)44 . During the summer holiday, many _ come to the Shanghai Disney Resort.(tour)45 . Several young men were under arrest because of _.(thief)46 . He moved through the _ of people to see what was happening.(crowded)47 . All of a sudden, the man _ that he was in the middle of nowhere.(real)48 . The thief _ entered the room to see whether there was somebody in it.(quiet)49 . The police officer opened the bag, only to find the _ watch lying in it silently.(steal)七、填空Tom: Hello, Li Lei! This is Tom.Li Lei: Hi, Tom. Where are you?Tom: Im in Toronto. Im studying here.Li Lei: Thats great! Hows it going?Tom: Not bad. How about you?Li Lei: Pretty good. Hows the weather there?Tom: Its cold. Its snowing outside.Li Lei: Snowing? Hainan is sunny and hot. The weather is quite different in different places.Tom: Youre right. What are you doing?Li Lei: Im helping my mom clean the room.Tom: Oh. Really? Good boy.NameHows it going?Whats he doing?Hows the weather?Tom50 . 51 . 52 . Li Lei53 . helping his mom clean the room54 . 八、其他单项选择55 . Eat _vegetables and do sports, and you can be healthy.AlotBlots ofCmuchDa lot56 . Whats the English for 7:15?Its_.Aseven past a quarterBa quarter past sevenCa quarter to sevenDseven to a quarter57 . Your classroom is very tidy.Thanks, we _ it every day.AcleanBwriteCwalkDplay58 . _do you usually dance?After school.AWhat timeBHowCWhenDWhere59 . Either my sister or I _in the store to help my mum.AareBamCisDworks第 9 页 共 9 页

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