七年级英语下册单元测试题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school

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七年级英语下册单元测试题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . She _ angry, so I like her.AneverBusuallyCis neverDis usually2 . My father_very late every day.Agoes to homeBgets homeCget to home .Dgo home3 . _ club do you want to _?Sports club.AWhat; haveBWhats; joinCWhat; joinDWhats; have4 . Can you swim? Then you can _ in our swimming club.AamBisCareDbe5 . She drove so fast at the turning that the car almost wentthe road.AonBalongCfromDoff6 . Liu Dehua, Zhou Jielun and Lin Junjie are famous _ their pop songs.AasBforCwithDof7 . Jim and I _ know the name of her dog.Aam notBis notCare notDdont8 . Hurry up, _ finish your homework!AorBbutCandDwhile9 . Body language is your gesture and the _ on your face.AexperimentBexpressionCimpressionDexperience10 . The bathrooms in my flat each _ two showers or more.Athere areBthere isChaveDhas11 . He leaves school 4:30. He will _ at about 5:00.Ain;get to homeBon;get to our homeCat; get homeDafter; get to home12 . _, it was still a small town.AIn 1990sBIn the 1990sCIn 1990sDIn a 1990s13 . -_they ever _to the history museum? -No, they have _ been there, because they were too busy.AHave, been; everBHave,been; neverCHas, been; never14 . Li Yang can speak English as _ as English native speakers.AwellBgoodCbetterDbest15 . I dont like summer, as it ishot and we have to dohomework.Atoo much, too muchBmuch too, much tooCmuch too, too muchDtoo much, much too二、完型填空Im Kate, and my_is Gina. Im tidy,_she is not. In our room, my books and tapes_in the bookcase. My keys are in my schoolbag. I have a clock, its_the desk. Ginas books are_on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair._white model plane is hers. Its under the desk. “Where are my_?_my schoolbag?” Gina always_We have_beds, her bed is_, and_is yellow._you see the photo of my family? Yes, Its on the wall(墙). Its very_My_, Gina and I, we are all in it.16 . AcousinBbrotherCsisterDaunt17 . AbutBandCtooDto18 . AisBamCareDits19 . AonBinCatDfor20 . AeverywhereBwhereCthereDhere21 . ATheBanCTheseDThose22 . AkeyBrulerCpencilDkeys23 . AWhereBWheresCWhere areDWhat24 . AsayBsaysCaskDasks25 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour26 . AcolorBthatCblueDthis27 . AmyBICmeDmine28 . ACanBHowCWhoDAre29 . AthingBniceCfineDwelcome30 . AmotherBfatherCgrandparentDparents三、阅读单选Renmin HospitalXia Zhanhui, Doctor68 Guangming Road, ShenzhenTel: 0755-6357617Email: xzh6357617126.comPudong No.1 RestaurantXu Guoqing, Manager(经理)66 Huangpu Road, ShanghaiTel: 021-5532678815823017699SDTV Station (电视台)Wang Tao, Office worker20 Quancheng Road(路), JinanTel: 0531-7645321018853106796Email: wangtao888163.com根据名片内容,选择正确答案。31 . Wang Tao works in _.ASDTV StationBPudong No.1 RestaurantCRenmin HospitalDShuntong Taxi Company32 . We can call Xu Guoqing at _.A0531-76453210B0755- 6357617C13872205368D1582301769933 . If your friend is ill (生病的), he can call _.AWang TaoBXu GuoqingCXia ZhanhuiDLiu Yong34 . You cant get in touch with (与联系) _ by Email.AWang TaoBXu GuoqingCXia ZhanhuiDLiu Yong35 . Liu Yong lives in _. He is a _.AJinan; workerBShanghai; managerCShenzhen; doctorDTianjin; driver四、句型转换按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。36 . They made special clothes for the emperor.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ special clothes for the emperor?37 . The emperor liked new clothes very much.(对画线部分提问)_ the emperor _ very much?38 . She doesnt like the story. Her sister doesnt like the story, either.(合并为一句)_ the sisters _ the story.39 . I wont help you unless you do it first.(改为同义句)I wont help you _ you _ do it first.40 . The story is too boring for many people to read.(改为复合句)The story is _ boring _ many people dont read it.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所用词的适当形式填空41 . The farmers are busy_(harvest) crops42 . Its even_(fog) here, I cant see anything at all.43 . He decided to do as much as he could_(help) protect wetlands.44 . We will go to Nanjing if it_(not rain) this Sunday.45 . We can understand better if you describe your plans_(clear).六、完成句子. 翻译句子46 . 您是如何找到写这本书的灵感的?How did you _ the book ?47 . 他为什么拒绝帮助你呢?Why did he _ you ?48 . 慈善演出获得了巨大成功。The charity show was _.49 . 你能把它们翻译成英语吗?Can you _English ?50 . 到目前为止,我学会了10首英语歌曲。I have learned 10 English songs _.51 . 那本书的销量是多少?Whats _the book?52 . 熊猫妈妈一次能生几个小熊猫?How many babies does a mother giant panda have _?53 . 这本书我能借多长时间?_the book?54 . 那部电影给了我很多自信。That film gave _.55 . 未来丹尼想旅行,并拥有令人激动的经历。Danny wants to travel and _ in the future.七、材料作文56 . 英语名字Alan年龄14相貌中等身高、有点胖、大眼睛、黑色短发上学方式骑自行车能力会踢足球,会拉小提琴爱好阅读、电脑游戏昨天活动爬山现在活动正在房间里听音乐_第 7 页 共 7 页


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