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成都市2020年(春秋版)中考一模英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I wonder _.Aif Dr Ma still works on the ORBIS planeBhow much does the tallest man in the world weighCwhen Audrey Hepburn had entered the film industryDthat Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon2 . Its reallyyou not to tell your parents about the problems. Do you think you can solve them on your own?Asmart ofBsmart forCsilly ofDsilly for3 . 1 like musicians _ can write their own music.AwhichBwhoCwhereDwhen4 . Can you come to my birthday party? _!AOf course notBThank youCWhy notDYou bet5 . His father_his hometown for twenty years.He really misses it.Ahas been away fromBleftChas left6 . Do you like _ movie My people, my country? Yes. Ive never seen _ more meaningful movie before. I like it very much.Athe; theBa; anCa, theDthe; a7 . These robots are fun _.AwatchingBto watchCwatchesDwatched8 . Science is the subject that Im best at,it s a little boring.AasBuntilCalthoughDbecause9 . Excuse me, when can we play basketball in the playground? Not until the playground _ next week.ArepairsBwill be repairedCis repairedDwill repair10 . Which is _ to the Earth, the Sun or the Moon?AcloseBcloserCclosestDthe closest11 . 一Do you know how to the nose, the mouth and sharp teeth to make a pumpkin lantern?一Of course. Let me show you how to do it.Acut outBlook outCfind outDwork out12 . What did you say at the meeting yesterday?_. I didnt get ready for it.ANothingBAnythingCSomethingDEverything13 . _ important information you have given me!AWhatBWhat an14 . Tom, _patient. If your younger brother doesnt understand, you should explain it again.AisBdid beCdo beDdoes do15 . Life is very valuable,so we should always remember safety _ come first wherever we are.AcanBmustCmay二、补全短文6选5It was a cold afternoon, mom asked dad to go and buy some salt.16 . I thought this would be a great chance for me to get some practice. Dad bought the car half a year ago for his 54th birthday. He loved it very much .17 . .But after practicing for three months, I wanted to give it a try . Dad looked at me for a few minutes and finally agreed 18 . I happily got in the car and started it. However ,I was a little scared and started too quickly. The car hit moms car!19 . I got out of the car and looked at dad . I was really worried . I knew how much he loved his car.20 . I stood there quietly , but he said,” It is OK, Jenny. As you see, I love the car ,but I love you much more.”三、阅读单选Last week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new house in Arizona. He moved there a few years ago, and I wanted very much to see his new place and meet his friends.In my earliest memories my father was a tall, handsome and successful man. He loved his work and family, but was uncomfortable with his children. As a child I loved him; as a school girl and young adult I was afraid of him. He seemed unhappy with me unless I got_in my study and unhappy with my boyfriends if their fathers were not as “successful” as he was. Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to try hard to think up things to say to protect myself.On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my fathers friends for lunch. We walked along that afternoon, did some shopping, ate on the street table, and laughed over my sons funny talks. My fathers critical(挑剔的)air and strict rules were gone. He seemed so friendly and interesting to be with us.The next day my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me many stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, Im at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, Im happy with_My dad, in this new home in Arizona, is back to me from where he was.根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出正确选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)21 . The father was unhappy with the writer because_.Ahe didnt like herBhe expected too much of herCshe had a boyfriendDshe was uncomfortable22 . The underlined wordsstraight Asin Paragraph 2 mean _ in Chinese.A全优B及格C中等D不及格23 . When the writer went out with his father for a walk on weekends she felt _.AtiredBhappyCsatisfiedDnervous24 . What does the writer think of her father after visiting him in Arizona?AStrict and hard-working.BMore criticalCFriendly and interesting.DMore successful.25 . When the writer says “my new friend” in the last paragraph, she is talking about_.Aher sonBher fatherCher boyfriendDher fathers friend四、阅读判断根据短文内容。判断正误。正确“T”。错误“F。Climbing the highest mountains in the world is not an easy job. One has to fight bad weather, illness and fear. But the American 13-year-old boy Jordan Romero is not afraid. He will climb the worlds highest mountain, Mount Qomolangma. He set out on April 11. Hisparents and two guides will climb with him. He plans to take two months for his climb. “Im ready. But if I dont succeed, Ill try next time, ”he said. Jordan will also do his math homework and some book reports in the two months. He willwrite diaries about this climb. “My father told me that I can do this only if I can keep up my schoolwork, ”he said. Jordan has already climbed the highest mountains of six other continents(大洲). When he was 10, he climbed the highest mountain in Africa. If he succeeds this time, he will become the youngest person to the top of the worlds highest mountain.26 . Jordan is afraid of the bad weather and illness while climbing.27 . Five people will climb together with Jordan.28 . Jordans father allows him to climb the mountain only if he can keep up his schoolwork.29 . Jordan will set up a new world record this time if he succeeds in climbing up Mount Qomolangma.30 . Jordan climbed the highest mountain in Africa when he was 12.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)31 . July and August are the hottest _ in Shanghai. (month)32 . Can you recognize the _ boy from the left in the photo? (five)33 . He taught _ dancing on the Internet and finally became a famous hip-hop dancer. (he)34 . Mark is my favourite teacher. His class is always full of _. (laugh)35 . If you think out of the box, you will find the problem can be solved in _ ways. (vary)36 . Every Saturday afternoon, she sits _ in her armchair, reading a novel. (comfortable)37 . I still believe the best way to learn poems is to _ them fluently. (recitation)38 . Some people dont like traditional Chinese medicine mostly because of the _ smel1.(pleasant)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文B用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空(方框中有一单词是多余的)thousand, and, long, also, south, everywhere, tall, speak, centerMexico(墨西哥)is to the 39 . of the U. S. and its a very beautiful country. Most of the people there 40 . Spanish. Mexico is one of the most famous old cultural41 . in the world. The Maya Civilization(玛雅文明)was developed there. People can see many old buildings in Mexico, such as the Sun Pyramid and the Moon Pyramid. They are very famous places of interest,42 . lots of people from the world visit them every day. In Mexico, you can see cactuses(仙人掌) 43 . . There are about two 44 . kinds of cactuses in the world, and you can find more than half of them in Mexico. Some cactuses are about 17 metres 45 . and 40, 000 kilograms! Thats amazing, isnt it? So Mexico is called“The Nation of Cactuses”. Mexico is 46 . the home town of corn. The Mexican usually say, “We created(创造)corn and at the same time, corn created us. ”七、语法填空One summer evening as I was cooking dinner, there was a knock at the door. A bad-looking man came to see if I had a room for just o47 . night. He came for a treatment this morning from48 . (east) shore, but theres no bus till next morning. I was told that he had been searching but was not very s49 . . I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest50 . the porch(门廊). I went inside and prepared dinner. When we were ready, I asked him if he would like to join 51 . (we). “No, thank you. I had plenty.” He said.After finishing52 . (have) the dinner, I went out to talk with him. It didnt take a long time to see this old man had an oversized(过大的)heart crowded that tiny body. He53 . (tell) me he fished for living to help his daughter, his five children and his wife who was ill and too weak to do anything. At bedtime, we put a bed in the childrens room for him. On his next trip, he 54 . /br:t/ a big fish and some fresh oysters(牡蛎)as a gift. And for years, there was never a time he came55 . /wat/ some fish or vegetables from his garden.I know it was thankful56 . our family to know him. From him we learned that to accept the bad with no complaint and the good with thanks.八、回答问题D. Read the passage and answer the following questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)The world is filled with many interesting sounds. Some are unpleasant to our ears while others are very pleasant to hear. In a single day you probably hear hundreds of different sounds. All sounds are different. Some may be loud. Some are high; others are low. Some sounds are useful. Without sound we cannot talk or listen to one another. The ringing of the alarm clock wakes people up. The hooting of a car warns people of danger.Some sounds are harmful. When planes fly low over the land, the very loud sounds can damage the houses. Very loud sounds can even make people deaf. We know sound travels about one kilometer in three seconds. In a thunder storm you see the lightning first and then hear the thunder. This is because light travels much faster than sound.Next time you see lightning, count the number of seconds before you hear the thunder. Divide this number by 3. This will tell you how many kilometers away the thunder storm is.57 . All the sounds in the world are pleasant to hear, arent they?58 . What may happen when planes fly low over the land?59 . How fast does sound travel?60 . Why do we see the lightning first and then hear the thunder?61 . Whats your favourite sound in the natural world?九、材料作文62 . 请“My dream” 为题介绍你家所在的社区的一些情况:1.我梦想是在市中心有一套公寓。我和父母一起住在一起。我所在的街区有许多高楼。2.在我家前面有一个漂亮的大花园。人们经常在公园锻炼身体,遛狗,和朋友聊天。3.邻居们都很友好而且乐于助人。他们经常到社区中心集中并分享各种不同的技能。他们帮助人们解决各种困难。4.我希望将来成为一名电脑工程师。在空闲时间,帮助人们检查和维修电脑。第 8 页 共 8 页


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