英语七年级第一学期Unit Eleven My food project Test

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英语七年级第一学期Unit Eleven My food project Test姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I _my brother since two o clock this afternoon.Aam waiting forBwait forCwaited forDhave waited for2 . Please _ the hall quietly if late.AenterBchaseCinterviewDcelebrate3 . Oh, The Old Man And The Sea! _ book is it?- Its _.AWhos; mineBWho; myCWhose; mine DWhose; my4 . They_ football on the playground tomorrow afternoon.AplayBare playingCare going to playDplayed5 . My project is about _ crisps.AmakeBmakingCto makeDmade6 . Look! Jim is swimming in the.AzooBhouseCpoolDshop7 . Im going to interview someone _ a noodle factory _ my project.Ain forBat toCin toDat for8 . Im very tired these days because of studying for physics.Why not _ music. It can make you _.Alisten to; relaxingBlisten to; to relaxClistening to; relaxDlisten to; relaxed9 . _do you need to interview for your project?AWhatBWhoCWhoseDWhen10 . You were not listening, _ I stopped talking.AbutBwhenCsoDor11 . -Did you buy anything for_, Lucy?-No, I bought nothing for _. I think they are too expensive.Ayourself; myselfBmyself; yourselfCme; myselfDyou; yourself12 . Lets have some orange juice,_?Ashall IBwill youCshall weDdo we13 . You look pretty in this yellow dress. _ADont say so!BJust so so!CThank you!DCertainly.二、完型填空Henry is a little fatter than he _to be. He wants to lose some weight. He tries not to eat too _ and he eats very little sugar because it will _ him fat. He is also taking some exercise every day. Now he is_ than before. Henrys sister, Susan, is healthier than Henry. She is _ younger and thinner than he is. She takes exercise every day. She doesnt eat much. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, because she thinks they are _for her.14 . ApastBusedClastDwas15 . AmoreBmuchCfewerDless16 . AtakeBcauseCmakeDlet17 . AfatterBsmallerClongerDslimmer18 . AtooBaboutCbutDalso19 . AgoodBbadCharmfulDbetter三、阅读单选More than two thousand years ago, in 360 B.C., the Greek writer, Plato, described a beautiful city. He said that it was lost somewhere under the ocean. He called this city Atlantis, This was the start of the legend(传说) of Atlantis.Plato said that the people of Atlantis had been rich and happy. There were amazing palaces and ports in the city. The houses had fountains with hot and cold water, and the walls were covered with silver and gold. Outside the city, farmers grew food for all the people. It was sad to think that no one would go there again.For two thousand years, everybody thought that Atlantis was just a fantastic story. They thought that Plato had invented it. But then in 1882 an American called Ignatius Donnelly wrote a book about Atlantis. He believed that there really was a beautiful lost city under the ocean. Thousands of people read his book and wanted to find the lost city.A lot of people believed that Atlantis was on an island in Greece called Santorini used to be much bigger than it is today. About 3,500 years ago, huge volcano(火山) erupted(爆发) and most of the island sank under the ocean. Some people say it was in Spain. Asia or even in England. People have been looking for the lost city for more than a hundred years, but nobody has ever found it.20 . Plato thought that Atlantis was _.Ain SpainBin SantoriniCunder the seaDon a volcano21 . According to the legend, people in Atlantis _.Awere rich and happyBwere beautiful and cleverClived under the seaDlived in palaces near the fountains22 . The famers of Atlantis grew food _.Ainside the cityBoutside the cityCunder the oceanDon an island23 . The underline word “fantastic” in the third paragraph means “_”.AinterestingBimpossibleCpleasantDordinary24 . _ wrote a book about Atlantis in 1882.AThe people in AtlantisBA writer from EnglandCAn AmericanDA Greek writer25 . Why is Santorini much smaller than it used to be?ABecause there was not enough food.BBecause Santorini is no longer rich.CBecause the people made it smaller.DBecause some of it went under water.四、阅读判断Hey! Im Zhang Ming. Dave is my English name. Im a middle school student. English is my favorite subject. My favorite sport is tennis. I usually play tennis for two hours every day. On Sunday I go to the tennis club. And I usually play tennis for four hours.My favorite tennis player is Roger Federer. Do you know Roger Federer? He is one of the best tennis players. He is from Switzerland(瑞士). He is 186cm tall. His birthday is August eighth. Federer likes playing tennis. He also likes playing golf(高尔夫)and soccer. And he likes music, too.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)、误(F)。26 . Zhang Ming is Daves good friend.27 . English isnt Zhang Mings favorite subject.28 . Dave goes to the tennis club on Sunday.29 . Roger Federer comes from China.30 . Roger likes sports and music.五、句型转换句型转换31 . How can I get to the museum? (改为同义句)_ is _ the museum?32 . The bus comes here. (改为倒装句)_ the bus.33 . Please show us your new bike. (改为同义句)Please _ your new bike_ us.34 . They reached the bus station at five oclock. (改为同义句)They _/_ the bus station at five oclock.35 . His house is near the Spring Park. (改为同义句)His house is _ the Spring Park.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,每空限填一词)36 . I took many _ during my stay in Beijing last summer. (photo)37 . Benny held a party to celebrate his sons _ birthday yesterday. (five)38 . Our teacher taught _ English in an interesting way. (we)39 . The _ of his daughter in the traffic accident made him very sad.(die)40 . Mike will _ be a singer because he sings very well. (possible)41 . Millions of _ come to visit Shanghai every year. (tour)42 . _ food is very popular in western countries now. (Asia)43 . I will take a _ trip to the USA tomorrow. (fly)44 . This sign means you can _ this building. (entrance)七、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标完成句子)45 . We_/fri: z/the fish to keep them fresh.46 . We take away the_/skn/and bones.47 . We need to_/rfrdret/the fish first48 . We want to interview someone at a_/der/.49 . My favourite food is_/nu: dlz/.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only beused once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。A. rings B.safety C. smaller D.earliest E. latesLocks help protect our homes and the things inside them from thieves. Keys that open those locks are really important to home 50 . !Some of the 51 . keys, dating back to 700BC were large and made of wood. They opened palace gates and looked like giant toothbrushes.Hundreds of years later, the Romans made 52 . metal keys. In fact, rich Romans wore some of them as 53 . . They locked boxes that contained valuables with these keys.AexistBdropCdesignDtraditionalEelectronicKey styles became more artistic in the 14th century. Some European locksmiths became famous for making beautiful keys. Kings invited them to54 . their castle keys. As European cities grew in the 18th century, so did the number of thieves. The locks and keys became better at preventing thieves from breaking in.Today, office workers and hotel guests open doors using 55 . keycards, cards that are used as keys. There are even smartphone apps for gaining entry to ones home without a key. Though56 . metal keys may one day disappear, the need for security will 57 . .Do you take keys with you every day?九、单词填空. 根据所给的音标, 中文意思或语境完成下列短文。People around the world have different eating 58 . (习惯)AIn North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or59 . /m: /courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eatAIn the 60 . / s(r)n / part of China, people eat rice a lot, 61 . in the north people often eat noodlesAIn the central and 62 . (west) parts, people are far63 . from the sea, so they dont eat much 64 . (海鲜)ABut all Chinese use65 . (筷子)to eatAIn parts of India, people use their fingers to 66 . / pk / up the foodAIn Thailand, people eat 67 . a spoon and a fork and they dont use knives at allA十、信息归纳Read the conversation and complete the shopping list. (阅读对话并完成购物单)(每空不限填一词)Lisa: Tomorrow is Toms birthday. Lets have the birthday party on the beach. We can swim in the morning. Then we can have a barbecue. We can have sausages and chicken wings. Jane: Its going to be very hot!Well need a lot of water. And we mustnt forget birthday cake. Joe: No,its too windy. We can have the birthday cake in the evening. Lets have a surprise birthday party at home. We can invite someone dressed up as Superboy to give birthday presents. Lisa: Good idea. What food and drinks shall we have at the surprise birthday party?Jane: Lets have some spring rolls and tuna sushi. We can drink Coke.Joe: No,soft drinks are too sweet. Id rather have orange juice. Lets have a fruit salad,too.Lisa: Good!Id like to take some photos at the birthday party. I need to buy a film for my camera. Joe: Id like to decorate the room for the party. I need to buy some balloons. Lisa: You may also need to buy some candles and matches. Shopping List Food:68 . ,chicken wings,spring rolls,tuna sushi,69 . ,70 . Drinks: water,71 . orange juice Others: film,balloons,72 . ,matches十一、将所给单词连成句子连词成句73 . kick ;the ;I ;ball; will ;you; again(_)_74 . mind; would ;if ;you; try; I ;again; it( ? )_75 . long ;been; how; have; like; you; this( ? )_76 . we ;must; to; prevent; exercise; flu; the( ? )_77 . it ;cause ;cancer ;may ;even(_)_十二、材料作文78 . 书面表达寒假生活即将开启,为倡导同学们过一个愉快而有意义的假期,Teens英文报本周特开辟了名为“My Winter Holiday”的专栏。请用英语写一篇文章讲述你通常过寒假的方式,并向此专栏投稿。要点如下:1每日早起锻炼:2不打电脑游戏,因为:3和家人庆祝春节,通常:4午后读书2小时,因为:5希望大家都过得开心。注意事项:1稿件须包括以上要点,省略处须补充细节、作适当发挥:2词数在60个左右。稿件开头已给出,不计入总词数:3文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息;4稿件必须写在答题卡对应的位置上,写在试卷其它部分无效。The winter holiday is coming. I am glad to tell you something about winter my holiday._第 10 页 共 10 页


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