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海口市2019年中考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Ill tell you everything _ I know.AwhichBwhoCthatDwhat2 . Hed like some _ and _.Abeef, tomatoesBbeefs, tomatoesCbeef, tomatoDbeefs, tomato3 . Lucy is quite a lovely girl.ASo is sheBSo she isCSo does sheDSo she does4 . (福建省龙岩市2015年中考英语试题)A few Chinese words, such as Tuhao and Dama,_to some English dictionaries in 2014.AaddedBare addedCwere added5 . Its windy today. _ go out to fly a kite?AWhy dontBWhy not toCWhy notDWhy dont to6 . I am thinking _how_.Aof; to help himBabout; to help himCof; help himDabout; help him7 . Do you hear there wasfire in the hotel last night?Yes.fire was terrible.Athe; TheB/; ACthe; ADa; The8 . After the rebuilding, our school is becoming.Amore and more beautifulBmore beautiful and beautifulCbeautiful and beautifulDthe more beautiful9 . Whats this _ Japanese(日语)?AonBinCwithD/10 . How heavily it is raining!What a pity!We have to _ our sports meeting.Aput offBput outCput onDput up11 . Where is Ms Li?SheLondon.Awent toBhas went toChas gone toDhas been to12 . _ nice day today!Yeah, lets take a walk outside.AHowBWhatCHow aDWhat a13 . -Were there any seals in the zoo?-_. AYes, there werentBNo, there werentCYes, there was14 . Mary had to sell the house. _ it was against her own wish.AhoweverBbutCeven thoughDbecause15 . Her mother hardly_ to work_ the bus every morning.Ago;byBgoes;byCgo;onDgoes;on二、完型填空TravellingI love travelling very much and I often travel in my holidays. Of all my trips I think the trip_ Xian is the most unforgettable(难忘的).Its sunny in the afternoon. In a _,I see an American girl. She has trouble(麻烦)in buying something _ she cant speak Chinese. I just know a little _ .But I still want to help_ .Then I say May I help you?She looks very _ .She tells me that she wants to _ a hat. I tell the shop assistant to _ her some hats. The girl picks one. But its difficult for me to help them when they talk about the price. Suddenly,I have a good _ .I ask the shop assistant to find a calculator(计算器).Finally the girl buys the hat and after that I _ the American girls friend.Its really a nice trip!16 . AonBforCtoDat17 . AshopBlibraryCcinemaDbank18 . AsoBbecauseCifDbut19 . AEnglishBChineseCJapaneseDFrench20 . AthemBhimCherDme21 . AhappyBangryCsadDhungry22 . AbringBmakeCsellDbuy23 . AtellBshowCpickDmeet24 . AstoryBhatCideaDjob25 . AhaveBgetCseeDbecome三、阅读单选Brooke wanted a dollhouse and some sugar cookies. So the 6-year-old asked Alexa to get them. Alexa wasnt her mom or babysitter. It was a voice-activated home assistant powered by AI(人工智能). And it made Brookes wishes come true. A few days later, much to her parents surprise, a $ 170 dollhouse and four pounds of cookies showed up. They ate the cookies and gave away the dollhouse to a local hospital. And thats not the end of the story. When a news reporter told the story of what happened on TV, Alexa devices(设备)in many listeners homes woke up and tried to order dollhouses! Alexa isnt the only AI willing to serve you. Apple Home Pod has Siri, Google Home has its Assistant, and the upcoming Galaxy Home device will have Bixby. People who have these devices use them mainly for listening to music, checking the weather, and setting timers. According to a report from The Information, nowadays voice shopping is rare. But many scientists predict a boom(增长)in voice shopping in the near future. Is that a good thing? . You can shout out an order as soon as you think of it, even if you are cooking, cleaning, or driving. In addition, people with disabilities who are unable to use a keyboard or mouse can shop without any help. But voice shopping has its disadvantages. Unwanted dollhouses arent the biggest problem. Its usually very easy to cancel an order or return products. The thing that worries some people is that these assistants are always listening. They have to be able to respond when you want them. So they listen for Alexa or OK Google or another order. When they hear it, they start recording the conversation. Some have worried about what happens shopping habits? And what if someone hacks(入侵)the device? The CIA found a way to hack smart TVs to turn them into spies that listen all the time. Others could do the same with any smart device. What do you think? Are you ready to start voice shopping?26 . From the passage, we know that Alexa.Acan look after the babyBcan cook delicious foodCis a toy doll sold onlineDis one kind of AI device27 . The underlined word rare in Paragraph 2 probably means.AunusualBexpensiveCharmfulDimpossible28 . Which of the following is the best to fill in the“ _” in Paragraph 3?AConvenience is the main advantage of voice shoppingBThe cost of voice shopping is lower than other waysCThe popularity of voice shopping is increasingDThe technology of voice shopping needs improving29 . Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that when people try voice shopping.AAI sometimes forgets peoples ordersBpersonal information might be hackedCits difficult to cancel or return productsDthe needs for products cant be satisfiedHigh-speed railways, Alipay, shared bikes and online payment are seen as the new four great achievements of China by young foreigners, according to a video survey by the Silk Road Research Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University. In the video, young people from 20 countries along Belt and Road Routes were asked to name great achievements that had influenced their lives in China. The following is what they said from 4 young people of them.Justin, from Bucharest, RomaniaIm from Romania. China is really a great country and its high-speed railways are very fast, convenient and tidy. It takes me only 6 hours from Beijing to Shanghai by train. It saves a lot of time and its cheaper than airplane. I wish we would have high-speed railways in our country someday.Yala, from Kathmandu, NepalIm from Nepa, I always go out by bike. A bicycle-sharing system allows people to borrow a bike from point “A” and return it at point “B”; Its not only cheap but also a low-carbon and healthy way of life. I like it very much.Archana, from New Delhi, IndiaMy life in Beijing is quite different from that in India. Here is China, I seldom take money with me when I go out. I can pay for almost everything by Zhi Fu Bao. Oh, its amazing. However, in India, if you dont take a wallet with you, you will be in a tough spot.Bond, from Bangkok, ThailandYou can find many wonderful things that we dont have in Thailand. We dont have Alipay or other online payment Apps with which I can go shopping without stepping out of the doors. If only I could bring them back to my country.30 . What does Justin think of the high-speed railways in China according to his words?AFast and tidy.BCheap and healthy.CCheap and amazing.DConvenient and wonderful.31 . What do “A” and “B” refer to in Yalas words?ATwo bikes.BTwo riders.CTwo shops.DTwo places.32 . What does the underlined phrase “be in a tough spot” mean?AGet into trouble.BLose your way.CStay in silence.DGet something for free.33 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the above information?AA bicycle-sharing system provides bikes for free.BTherere no high-speed railways in Romania now.CWe can pay for everything by Zhi Fu Bao in Beijing.DZhi Fu Bao is the only way of paying for things.34 . What conclusion can we draw about the new four great achievements?AThey are only liked by young people.BThey were created by young foreign people.CThey are the signs that China is improving rapidly.DThey were brought to the countries along Belt and Road Routes.四、完成句子完成句子35 . 如果你们现在不注意拼写,一会儿你们会做错的。If you dont _ to spelling now, youll get it all wrong later.36 . 当我看向窗外时,笔记本从桌子上掉了下去。My notebook _ the table when I looked out of the window.37 . 那家公司去年关闭了其海外办事处。The company _ its overseas office last year.38 . 我们曾经偶尔写信给对方。We used to write to each other _ or _.39 . 他正在思考如何帮助病人时,电话突然响了。While he was _ how to help the patient, the phone suddenly rang.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空go to the movies;twice a week; hardly ever; watch TV;on weekends40 . What do you usually do _?41 . I _ go to the concert,because its too noisy.42 . Would you like _ with me?Why not?43 . Lisa likes music,and she plays the violin _44 . Dont _ too late.Its bad for your eyes.六、单词填空Confucius(孔子) is known nearly by every human. He is not the one with the longest lifespan, while he is the one whose thoughts has 45 . the whole world for the longest time. he is not only the greatest thinker 46 . the greatest teacher. He had about 3,000 students. For more than 2,000 years, 47 . ideas have been around in peoples everyday lives. Even they have gone far into east and south Asia, people can still hear them today. Why are his ideas so 48 . ? Because they help in everyday life and in society. Confucius most important ideas are kindness and good manners. Confucius said young people should take 49 . of the old. People should 50 . up thinking of themselves and work for others. As 51 . great teacher, Confucius said that a kind person should be 52 . with yourself. 53 . and honesty are the best actions of the world today. People use his ideas to help themselves and society. Now, more than 100 Internet web sites are teaching people about him.As the founder of Confucianism and a great master of culture in Chinese history, Confucius has become the54 . of Chinese culture and spirit.七、多任务混合问题These days more and more young people wish to be more and more beautiful, so they want plastic surgery 整形手术 for help. They spend much money on these painful surgeries to fix 整形 their noses, to fix their eyes or to be thinner .Is it necessary or right to spend money on surgery ?In fact, most people are not happy about the way they look. Even the most beautiful actors often wish they could fix something about their look. Should we live our whole lives believing we are ugly丑陋?So we should believe that we are as beautiful as others. A smile is beautiful on any face,_1_.So lets feel happy that we all have beautiful and healthy bodies that do not need to others. If you to these, you will be happy ,beautiful and popular everywhere you go .任务一,阅读短文,根据其内容完成下列任务。55 . More and more young people want plastic surgery for help to be more beautiful .56 . Actors never worry about their looks.任务二,根据短文内容填入适当单词补全句子。57 . The writer thinks it is not_or right for people to spend money on surgery.任务三,根据短文内容,回答问题。58 . How can you feel happy, beautiful and popular according the writer ?_任务四,请把上文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。59 . _八、材料作文60 . 目前,许多中学生不重视课外阅读。请你根据下表内容写一篇短文,对这一现状进行分析并提出建议。要点:不重视课外阅读的原因1. 作业太多2. 没有读书习惯3. 时间花在电脑或网络上课外阅读的好处1. 更多地了解世界2. 学会如何思考3. 生活更加丰富多彩对学校或同学的建议(至少一点)注意:1. 词数: 80个左右(开头已给出的内容不记入总词数);2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译;3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;4文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons.第 10 页 共 10 页


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