吉林省2019-2020学年英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 4(I)卷

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吉林省2019-2020学年英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 4(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mom doesnt let me eat hamburgers.They are not AtidyBboringChealthy2 . You dont know the way. Why _ the policeman for help?Adont askBno askCnot askDnot to ask3 . Although they seem to lose the game, they still try their best _ it.AplayBplayingCto play4 . Please remember your notebook here tomorrow.AbringingBto takeCto bring5 . I admire Mother Teresa because she _ everything for _.Agave up; the othersBgave; the otherCgave up; othersDgave up; other6 . The bus waswith people and I could hardlyit.Acrowded, get onBcrowded, get inCfull, get onDfull, get in7 . Itis_ _ofyoutohelpsomany peopleanditisimportantustobekindto others.Aright; ofBkind; forCclever; forDhard; of8 . I joined in the 2017 Nanjing Marathon (马拉松) race, _ I couldnt run as fast as a real athlete. Thats really great! You are my hero!AthoughBuntilCunlessDif9 . You had better _ jeans. If you dont, we wont let you in.AwearBput onCto wearDto put on10 . The Wangs invited us _ part in their party yesterday.AtookBtakeCtakingDto take二、补全短文7选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题)Mary is sixold-year- girl. She often goes to the shop and goes to the church(教堂) with her mother.11 . One day, when they are in the church, the pastor(牧师)asks,Who wants to go to the heaven(天堂)? Please put up your hands. All the people but Mary put up their hands. 12 . I want to go home with my mother, answers Mary.When they get home, it is dark.13 . She is very busy. She washes some clothes. She cleans the table and the chairs. Then she wants to sweep the floor. But the broom(扫帚) isn t in the room.Could you help me, Mary? Would you like to go out and bring the broom for me?14 . Never fear, God can help you.15 . She puts her hand out of the door.AId love to,but its too dark outside. And I feel fear.BWhere do you want to go,my girl? the pastor asks.CShe likes following her mother.DPeople are so surprised.EMary opens the door and says,Oh, my dear,God!Please pass the broom to me.FHow about you?GHer mother begins to do housework.三、完型填空Do you have a computer? Can you use the computer? The computer is a _ teacher. You can learn so much on_.First, you can use your computer to learn_. You can make a pen _from an English country. You can write email to him _ English. You can also _ to him on the Internet.Next, you can learn many great _ on the Internet. You can watch TED Talks (TED 大会) on line (在线). Many great people _ their ideas there. You can also read peoples blogs (博客) about all kinds of things.Finally, the Internet has lots of books you want. It is like a big _. You can read them on your computer. But dont use your computer to_too many games. The computer can help you to be a better man (更棒的人).16 . AbusyBfirstCgood17 . AmeBitChim18 . AmathsBmusicCEnglish19 . AfriendBteacherCstudent20 . AatBonCin21 . AtalkBtakeCthink22 . AgamesBideasCbooks23 . AknowBworkCshare24 . AofficeBroomClibrary25 . AplayBbeginCbuy四、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇填空26 . It is certain that Lydia is the youngest and _ (聒噪的) girl of the five sisters.27 . Sudden death is a _ (严重的)disease and does great harm to human beings.28 . Mr. Darcy really believed that if she did not have such poor relations, he might be in _(危险)of falling in love with her.29 . Each family has realized the importance of education, so parents try to _(提供)more chances of further study for children.30 . She is _(luck) enough to lose the most faithful friendship in the world.31 . Once the homeless man came to a group of _ (fisherman), and said, “God be with you.”32 . The doctor said to the young lady, “Dont you know health leads to _ (nature) beauty?”33 . Mary is terribly worried about her son because he refuses to tell her anything about his _(feel) and opinions.五、语法填空Health is very important to us. We should eat fruit and vegetables four or five 34 . (time)a week. What can we do35 . (keep) healthy? Let me 36 . (tell) you some good ideas. 37 . (one), its necessary for us to have a balanced diet(均衡饮食). In the past, people38 . (have) three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and39 . (little) meat and fish. But they were very strong and seldom went to the doctors. Now life is better. People eat more meat, fish, eggs and other food with more fat. They often eat in the restaurants with their families and friends. It makes them get ill 40 . (easy). We should eat a lot of vegetables and fruit and drink milk at home every day. The better eating habits we have, the healthier we will be. Second, we should be early to bed and early to rise. Young children should have ten hours sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. Third, we 41 . (do) more exercise every day such as playing soccer and swimming. Exercise helps the blood to move around our body. 42 . (do) exercise every day makes us strong.Good rest, less meat and enough exercise are important for our health. We should try our best to enjoy 43 . (our).六、材料作文44 . 假如你叫李丽,下面是你和Sam的对话,请你根据对话内容写一篇60左右的英语短文(开头部分不计入),给寄宿在你家的外国朋友Jack介绍一下Sam。Li Li: Hello. Im Li Li. Whats your name?Sam: Im Sam. Sam Green. Im from the UK.Li Li: Im 13. How old are you?Sam: We are the same age. Can you tell me what our first class is?Li Li: Sure. Its math.Sam: Oh, I like it. Math is my favorite subject. Its a little (有点) difficult but interesting.Li Li: Really? Math is too difficult for me. I like P.E.Sam: I like P.E., too. Tennis is my favorite sport. Li Li: The second class is P.E. We can play together (一起).Sam: Great!Hello, Jack. I have a new classmate._第 6 页 共 6 页

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