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九年级下学期4月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its ten oclock. I must _ .Ago bedBto go bedCgo to bedDto go to bed2 . - When did Uncle John Aunt Alice?- At the end of the year 2004. They for more than ten years,Amarry; have marriedBmarry with; have marriedCmarry; have been marriedDmarry with; have been married3 . What do you think of the new cinema in our city ?Great!I am especially satisfied with the high _of its service.AspeedBpraiseCpriceDlevel4 . We can _ the word in the dictionary if you dont know the meaning.Aput awayBlook forClook upDtake off5 . This is one of my favorite TV dramas that _ this year.Ahas been shownBhave been shownChave shown6 . I get used to using_side of paper.Great.Youre a green person.AallBbothCeither7 . (2017年安徽)Hold your dream, _ you might regret some day.AandBorCbutDso8 . Im afraid the T- shirt is too dear for me. Could I have it at_price?Sorry. The silk produced in Suzhou is perfect, so it cant be any_.Aa higher, cheaperBlower, expensiveCa cheaper, more expensiveDa lower, cheaper二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从下面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。AAre you sure you are ok?BWhy were you shouting?CWhat do I have to do?DCould you do something for me, please?E. It is lucky. F. We cant take Polly with us.G. Ill take good care of (好好照顾) it.W: 9 . M:Sure! What would you like me to do?W:Well, do you know Im going to England nextweek for a holiday?M: Yes.W: Well, Tom,10 . Could you look after(照顾)her for me when were away?M: Im glad to.W: 11 . M: Yes, of course. Im sure. I would love to look after her. Glad to help!12 . W: I write it all down on this list(清单).M: Good. Dont worry.13 . W: Im sure you will.三、补全短文7选5Most people dont have interest in rainforests. 14 . Secondly, they seem dark and dangerous. There are snakes and dangerous plants everywhere. However, Jeff Corwin is different from most people. He has been interested in rainforests since he was a child.Rainforests produce much of the air we breathe every day. 15 . Since then, he has had one goal: to tell people the importance of rainforests. Besides, he is most interested in the special animals living there.16 . Many of the animals there cannot live anywhere else. The rainforests are important to these animals, and these animals are important to the rainforests, too. They are good for the forests, as each one plays a role in keeping the rainforests healthy.Rainforests are disappearing very quickly. 17 . The plants and animals that used to live in these forests either die or must find a new forest to call their home. The good news is that there are a lot of people who want to save rainforests. The bad news is that saving rainforests is not going to be easy. It will take the efforts of many people working together.18 . He has started clubs for young people. The clubs teach ways to help protect rainforests. Jeff believes education is the best way to protect rainforests. When people learn more about rainforests, they will try to help save them.AJeff learned this fact in primary school.BFirst of all, they seem so far away from us.CThe largest rainforest in the world is in South America.DPeople are cutting down rainforests for the following reasons.EJeff wants to help people understand the valuable information.FEvery year a large area of rainforest is cut down and destroyed.GRainforests are home to half of the animal groups in the world.四、完型填空“I cant believe what Im hearing!” I thought to myself. Jeff was the last candidate (候选人)for president of Student Council. My best friend Tony came to me and said, “Im sorry, Mike. I really thought you should be_”Later that day, I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room. I offered him a_“Congratulations” and walked to my usual table. To my surprise, Jeff put his plate beside mine.“Im, erIm just wondering if you would consider coming to work on my team,” he said_“You are really smart, and you would be a great manager.”“I dont think so,” I replied, feeling unsure.“Well, if you change your mind, we are meeting tomorrow,” he said before moving to another table.All that night, I thought about the offer from Jeff. Maybe being a part of the election process(选举过程) would give me a_to make important changes at our school. I decided to join them.My first goal was to_an attractive advertisement. Within a few days, we designed a poster with Jeffs pictures showing him in a number of activities. No one could walk through any hallway_passing Jeffs smiling face.My next step was to_which new activities students would like to have at our school. Many of them wanted a chess club and a volleyball team.With the information I had collected, Jeff met with the headmaster. The headmaster_to add these activities to our school program.An eighth grader said, “Itll be like attending a new school with Jeff as president.”Hearing these words made my heart filled with_I had wanted to become president of Student Council to make a difference. I achieved that and more by working as a member of Jeffs team. He became the most popular candidate and I was large part of his_The fact that it has made a difference in other peoples lives is the real prize. What a great feeling!19 . AheardBchosenCinvitedDfollowed20 . ApoliteBloudCwarmDcheerful21 . AproudlyBquicklyCnervouslyDregretfully22 . AsuggestionBchanceCmessageDchange23 . AprintBinventCcreateDsend24 . AwithBbyCthroughDwithout25 . Acarry outBtry outCwork outDfind out26 . AagreedBwantedCexpectedDasked27 . AprideBsurpriseCpatienceDhope28 . AluckBspiritClifeDsuccess五、阅读单选Most of the heat gets trapped (抑制) by glass of the greenhouse and keeps the inside warm.The rise in temperature is a result of the greenhouse effect (温室效应). Andithelps keep the earth warm enough for people, plants and animals to live on. There are some natural gases like CO2 around the earth. These gases create (产生) something like a blanket around us. The blanket lets in the heat (热量) of the sun and keeps it near the ground. It is like how a real greenhouse works.It is important to understand the greenhouse effect. Some of the things we do every day can change the temperature of our earth. If factories, cars, and other things are making lots of new waste gases, the earth will get warmer. In the end, it will become too hot for us to live on.29 . The underlined word “it” in the passage means _.Athe temperature of the earthBwhat many scientists thinkCthe greenhouse effectDthe gas around the earth30 . The blanket around us is made up of _.Awood B. plants C. gases D. sunlight31 . Which is the best title for the picture?AHow a Greenhouse WorksBPlanting Flowers in a GreenhouseCWhy the Heat Gets TrappedDThe Importance of the Sun32 . Where is the passage probably taken from?AA weather report. B. A fashion magazine.BA doctors diary. D. An environmental article.What is “walk to School?”Now we are working on a programme of “Walk to School”. We would like as many parents and children as possible to take part, even if in a small way. Children who walk to and from school along with their parents can learn essential(基本的)road safety and life skills.You can take part by.Walking to and from school with your child every day.Walking for one or two days during the week.Encouraging(鼓励) others to walk, if you already do.Walking is great!Walking is great exercise! A walk is good for your body and can keep you fit.You wont have to waste time looking for a parking site(停车点).Its pollution free.Its a good chance to talk to your children and to meet other parents, too.Enjoying walking to school!Here is some advice to help you and your child enjoy walking to school.Plan a safe route(路线)together.Teach children what a kerb(马路牙子)is and what it means.Encourage your child to help you choose the safest places to cross the road.Look at and discuss the things you see on your way - especially road signs and what they mean.Walk to school! Thousands of parents and children take part, could you?Please go to www.walktoschool. org. uk for more information.33 . By walking to and from school, children can learn _.Adriving skillsBrunning skillsCroad safety and life skillsDknowledge about science34 . What is the first thing to do if you want to enjoy your walking to school?APlan a safe route with your children.BLearn what a kerb is and its meaning.CChoose the safest places to cross the road.DFind road signs and know their meanings.35 . According to the writer, you can learn more about “Walk to School” by _.Areading a newspaperBmaking a phone callCgoing to the InternetDhaving a traffic lessonAmerican boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the television. Some even watch television for eight hours or more on Sundays.Television is like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from it. Some shows help children to understand the news and places of other countries or other times in history. With television a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play,a concert or a game at home.Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programs show crime and other things that are bad for children,so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do.36 . Some children spend _ a day in school.Asix hoursBmore than eight hoursConly a few hoursDfour hours37 . Some children spend eight hours or more _ on Sundays.AstudyingBplayingCwatching TVDhelping their parents38 . On television children can see _.AgamesBbig animalsCoceansDalmost everything39 . “Television brings many places and events into our homes.” means _.Atelevision makes things happen at homeBwe can know places and events without going to see themCwe can see houses and buildings on TVDwe can find them easily40 . Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is _ for children.Aa bad programBan animalCa gameDa boring filmChoose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)One young excellent person was applying for a high position in a big company. It was the manager who would make the final decision.The manager discovered that the young man did an excellent job in his college, which aroused the managers curiosity (好奇).The manager asked, “Who paid for your college?”The young man answered, “My father passed away when I was one year old, so it was just my mother.”“What did your mother do?” The manager seemed surprised.“She is a clothes cleaner,” the young man answered, with no emotion.“Have you ever helped your mother wash some clothes before?”“Never. My mother always wanted me to study and read more books. She can wash clothes faster than me,” the young man seemed puzzled when answering.“Well, now I have a request. When you go back home today, clean your mothers hands and see me tomorrow.”The young man was happy when hearing this because he felt that his chance of getting the job was great. When he went home, he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange but happy. With mixed feelings, she showed her hands.The young man cleaned his mothers hands, with tears falling. It was the first time he noticed that his mothers hands were so wrinkled(有皱纹的), and there were so many bruises(伤痕). This pair of hands enabled him to go through college. This pair of hands was the price that his mother had to pay for his life and his future.The next morning, the manager asked the young man, “Now tell me what you have learned yesterday.”After hearing what the young man said, the manager knew the young man had learned his lesson. “This is the man whom I am looking for. You are hired(聘用了).”41 . What attracted the attention of the manager when he was interviewing the young man?AThe young mans clothes.BThe young mans high position in company.CThe young mans father.DThe young mans excellent job in college.42 . The manager asked the young man some questions because he wanted to know .Awho enabled the young man to finish his collegeBhow the young man got the job in the companyCwhy the young mans father wanted him to studyDhow fast the young mans mother could wash clothes43 . The manager asked the young man to clean his mothers hands because .Ahe wanted the young man and his mother to have a talkBhe wanted the young man to know his mothers love for himCthe young man felt sure he would get the job in the companyDthe young man had never wanted to study or read more books44 . After the young man washed his mothers hands, he knew .Awhen he would get the job offer from the companyBwhy his mother could wash clothes faster than he didCwhat his mother had done for his life and his futureDwhy his mother didnt want him to wash her hands45 . Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?AThe young mans father died when he was only one year old.BThe young man got the job on the first day he met the manager.CThe young mans mother worked hard to pay for her sons college.DThe young man learned his lesson after washing his mothers hands.46 . Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?AMothers handsBA big companyCMixed feelingsDThe managers bruises六、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. fought B. together C. in the past D. brighter E. made up ofF. congratulated G. for example Donald Trumps Victory SpeechThank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. Thank you very much.Ive just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She 47 . us. Its about us. And I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign(竞选). I mean she 48 . very hard. Hillary has worked very long over a long period of time.It is time. I pledge(发誓)to every person of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me 49 . , of which there were a few people, Im reaching out to you for your help so that we can work 50 . . As Ive said from the beginning, ours is 51 . millions of hard-working men and women. They love their country and want a better, 52 . future for themselves and for their family.七、材料作文53 . 旅行是学习的最好方式之一。请以“Travelling”为题,根据以下思维导图的提示,写一篇短文,并发表你的看法。注意:1. 要点齐全,适当发挥;2. 从思维导图Sayings部分,选择恰当的格合理利用在短文中;3. 词数:100词左右;第 12 页 共 12 页

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