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中考模拟考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . .He knows little about Canada, _ he?AdoesntBdoesCdont2 . _ your father at home now?AAmBIsCAreDBe3 . Do you feel like _ anything?Ato eatBeatingCeat4 . You can see _ “u” and_ “e” in the word excuse.Aa, anBan , theCan, a5 . How soon will you finish the work?In a week. We _ about 80% of the work so far.Ahave completedBcompletedCwill completeDare completing6 . The boy can speak both English and Japanese_ he is ten.Wow. What a clever boy!AifBbecauseCalthoughDso7 . Your father has gone to Shenzhen on business, hasnt he?Yes And he _in two weeksAwill returnBhas returnedCreturnedDreturns8 . What are people in Japan supposed to do when they meet for the first time?They are supposed to_.AbowBkissCshake handsDhug9 . How do you like Yi Yangqianxi?A cool guy! His music _ really beautiful.AsmellsBtastesClooksDsounds10 . Im afraid that I cant do it.Oh, you should believe in yourself. You wont know what you can do _ you try it.AuntilBbecauseCifDwhile11 . I wonder _ you said to him before he came.AthatBifChowDwhat12 . This is _ “J” and thats _ “F”.Aa; anBan; aCa; aDan;an13 . What does your brother look like?_ .AHe is outgoingBHe is really tall and thinCHe is a studentDHe is in hospital14 . Great changes _ in our school in the past few years .Ahave taken placeBtook placeCtake placeDwill take place15 . He always makes a banana milk shake _ us _.Amake; eatBmake; to eatCto make; to eatDto make; eat二、完型填空One day, when an old man _in a street with his horse, it was raining hard. The old man was_because he was walking in the rain.He wanted to stay in a restaurant. It was a quarter past three in the afternoon. The old man_a small restaurant. There were a lot of people in it. The old man couldnt come near the fire. He thought and thought. At last he said to the waiters, Take some fish to my horse. The waiter and the people were very surprised. The waiter said, A horse doesnt eat fish. The old man told the waiter, This horse is very_. It can sing, dance and do all kinds of things. It can eat fish, too, So the waiter brought the horse some fish. All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except (除了)the old man. Now the old man sat beside the fire. After a while, the waiter came back and said. Your horse didnt eat any fish. The old man said, All right,_the fish back and put it on the table. Ill eat it.16 . AwalkedBwas walkingCwalksDwalk17 . AcoldBhotCangryDhappy18 . AarrivedBget toCarriveDgot to19 . AsurprisingBexcitingCinterestingDimportant20 . AtakeBfindCsellDcall三、阅读单选WANT ADS(1)WANTEDAre you hard-working? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is“Yes”,then we have a job for you as a waiter.(2)SUMMER JOBDo you like to talk with people ?Do you like to write stories? If you want to work for our magazine as a reporter . please call Karen at 558366.(3)HELP WANTEDDo you like babies ? Can you look after one baby for two days? If you are sure to take good care of him/her , call me at 766588 . $80 or more . Today !Hurry !(4) CLEARER WANTEDCan you make a large house clean and tidy ? If you hope to get the job paid at $20 once, call me this evening 18:00-20:00 Tel:63380021 . The ads(广告) above are probably fromAa newspaperBa story bookCa science bookDa guide book22 . If you like children and have two days free, you can call atfor a job.A556779B558366C766588D63380023 . If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his/her house twice a week, how much will the cleaner get in a month?A120.B160.C200.D240.24 . are needed in AL Hotel.ATeachersBWorkersCSingersDWaiters25 . If youre a college student of English who enjoys writing, during your summer holidays you will be more interested in the job inAad. (1)Bad. (2)Cad. (3)Dad. (4)Arriving in New yorkThere are three airports in New York. When you arrive at one of them, you can take a bus or a taxi to any place in New York.Eating OutThere are many kinds of food in New York and you shouldnt eat at McDonalds every day. There are good restaurants in Little Italy and China-town, for example.HotelsThere are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is The Plaza on Fifth Avenue but you dont have to pay a lot to stay in the city. There are lots of smaller hotels and the YMCA near Central Park is great for young people.Public TransportIn New York, theres a good bus and subway service. If you are planning to use the subway a lot, you should buy a subway ticket for the journey because its cheaper. But you dont have to use public transportthere are lots of places you can go to on foot, such as the Empire State Building, Fifth Avenue and Central Park. The New York taxis are a part of the city experience, so you should take at least one taxi during your visit!Places to seeFinally, there are a lot of places to see in New YorkTimes Square, the Statue of Liberty . And you shouldnt go home without climbing the Statue of liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city.ShoppingShopping in New York is fun. There are big shops on Fifth Avenue. They are open seven days a week. but be careful when you look at the prices; you have to pay a special 8% tax(税) on everything you buy in New York.Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.26 . How many kinds of public transport are mentioned in the passage?ATwo.BThree.CFour.27 . What do the underlined words “The Plaza” here refer to?AA restaurant.BA hotel.CAn airport.28 . Where do young people like to live when they travel to New York?ALittle Italy.BTimes Square.CThe YMCA.29 . How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of $ 10 in New York?A$ 10.8.B$ 10.08.C$ 18.30 . What should you do when you visit New York?AStay at the best hotel.BTake a taxi whenever you go out.CClimb the Statue of Liberty.When you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak. When you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory (记忆 ) works in the same way.When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault (过错). But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents may be blamed (责备 ) , and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people cant read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write but they have to remember things, they cannot write them down in a small notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories, so their memory is being exercised the whole time.So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practice remembering things in a way as other people do.31 . Someone cant have a good memory if_Ahis parents dont have a good memoryBhe cant read or writeChe doesnt use his memoryDhe doesnt use his arms or legs for some time32 . If you do not use your arms or legs for some time, _Athey become weak and wont become strong until you use them againBthey will become strongerCthey become weak but they slowly become strong againDyou cant use them any more33 . Which of the following is true?AYour memory works in the different way as your arms or legs.BYour memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you do not give it enough chanceto practice.CDont learn how to read or write if you want to have a better memory.DA good memory comes from less practice.34 . Few people know that it is only_if a friend has a poor memory.Ahis grandmothers faultBhis parents faultChis teachers faultDhis own fault35 . The writer wants to tell us_ .Ahow to have a good memoryBhow to read and writeChow to use our arms or legsDhow to learn from the people四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。36 . Are these your books?Yes,they are _(I).37 . We have(有)two _(library)in our school.38 . Jack is my good friend.I often(经常)help _(he).39 . My father _(lose)his keys yesterday(昨天).40 . Are _(that)your rings?No,they arent.五、完成句子41 . Blue can represent_(悲伤)When youre feeling sad,you may say Im feeling blue42 . Some studies show that there is a _(关系)between diet and cancer(癌症).43 . Never eat too much fast food, _ (otherwise)youll get sick easily44 . These _ (手提包)are very expensiveWe cant afford them45 . Please think twice before you make a_ (决定)46 . They_ (need) him to keep it a secret.47 . He only got a C because of his_ (care).48 . This book is_ (suit) for all ages.49 . She is_ (patient) and never explains things to me well.六、单词填空根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词、用所给单词的正确形式填空或在空白处填写一个正确的单词。Hello, everyone! My name is Judy. Im in Green Middle School. My favorite subject is science. Its interesting. I dont like math. I think its boring. But my parents say its u50 . . I have classes from Monday to Friday. I always have four lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon. Then after that I have a music class 51 . an hour. School 52 . (finish) at 4:30.I like s53 . , too. And my favorite sport is soccer. I often play it with my father on Saturday and Sunday. We can play soccer very 54 . (good).七、填空阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。In that my from too books same year class EnglandIm Tom ,and Tom is my55 . name.I come from Beijing, China.This is56 . friend,Alex.He is twelve57 . old and58 . America.Hes in Beijing International School,59 . We are60 . Grade Seven.We are not in the61 . class,he is in62 . Eight,but we are good friends.Look!63 . are his English64 . .He likes(喜欢)English very much. 八、回答问题Dragon Head-Raising Day(龙抬头)is a traditional Chinese festival. It falls on the second day of the second lunar month. In the year 2018, its on March 18th.On this day in old times, people put ashes(灰)into kitchens, and around water vats(大桶). This was to take the dragon into the house.On this day people eat noodles and dumplings. All the days foods are named after dragons. For example, people eat dragon whisker(须)noodles and dragon teeth are in fact dumplings.In some old Chinese stories, dragons have power over the wind and rain. They often bring rain to world on the second day of the second lunar month. It is said that after that day there will be more and more rain. This is why the day is often called Spring Dragon Day. People hope that with the help of the dragon, farming will be easier and people will have a good harvest(丰收)in autumn.根据短文内容回答问题(每题不超过6个单词)。65 . What is Dragon Head-raising Day?_66 . When is Dragon Head-raising Day in 2018?_67 . Which kind of food has the name of dragon teeth?_68 . Do dragons have power over the wind and rain in some old Chinese stories?_69 . With the help of the dragon, what will people have in autumn?_九、话题作文70 . 根据中文,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的英文短文。假如你是某国际学校学生社团的负责人,请你根据以下提示用英语写一则通知,通知你校学生本周六参加一次去敬老院献爱心的公益活动。提示:1. When and where will you meet?2. How will you go to the old peoples home?3.What will you do there?4.Whats the significance (意义) of this activity?要求:短文须包含以上提示要点,可适当发挥Fellow students,Well visit the old peoples home in our city this Saturday_第 11 页 共 11 页

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