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武汉市2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -How was the weather in Jiuzaigou ?-Not so good. I stayed there for several days, but its sunny on _ of the days.AallBneitherCbothDnone2 . Do you want _the chess club?AjoinBjoin inCto joinDto take part in3 . -Do you know today there are already robots_ in factories? -Yes. And I hope one day I can have one robot at home.AworkBworkingCworkedDworks4 . The population of China is _ than that of any other country in the world.AmoreBhigherClarger5 . I want to go to Yunnan next summer. . Yunnan is a good place to visit.ASo do I.BSo I do.CSo am I.6 . - Lucy isnt in the classroom. Where is she?-She _ to the playground.Ahas beenBhas goneCwill goDwas going7 . -How are you _ your cousins? -Very well.Aget along withBget on well withCgetting along withDgetting along8 . The program will _ water _ people in the western part of China.Aprovide forBprovide withCafford for9 . (2017 山东泰安)It is five years since we began to enjoy a _ spring holiday each year.Aten-dayBten dayCten daysDten days10 . Theres something wrong with my stomach. The food here is too hot.Sorry to hear that. Months later, youll _ it.Aget used toBturn overCfix on11 . - you ever the new museum? - No, I havent.ADo; visitBHave; visitedCDid, visitDAre; visiting12 . -Have your sister visited Disneyland _?-Yes, she has visited it_ .Ayet ; yetBalready ; alreadyCalready ; yet D yet ; already13 . He is _Chinese boy. _ boys name is Xiaoqiang.Aan; ABa; AnCthe; TheDa; The14 . _of the teachers at No.1 Middle school _ 100.AA number of ;isBA number of ;areCThe number of ;isDThe number of ;are15 . There wassnow last winter.Atoo muchBmuch tooCtoo manyDmany too二、补全短文5选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The purpose of students who come to school is to study. 16 . . The followings are ways for studying. The best time for reading is morning. Because in the morning, the air is fresh and our minds are clear. 17 . .18 . . If we dont understand a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next until we have learned the first one well. 19 . . We cannot read absent-mindedly (心不在焉地), or we could get nothing from the book while we are reading. 20 . . If we cant understand well, write it down and ask our teachers or parents, brothers or friends, in any possible ways. We must know it completely and then our knowledge can be used well. Though there are many ways for studying, however, the above mentioned (提到的) will be helpful if we can keep them in heart.AWhen we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book.BWe must always ask “why”.CBut studying needs right ways, or we would waste the time or the money.DWhen we study we must be patient.EFor that reason, we can get good results.三、完型填空Dear Pet, Without knowing more about you, its hard for me to give you some good advice. But first, I am sure that you are _. You said that nobody would care if you left home. What about your_ ? And other family members? It seems that you are very _ . Youd better go to a doctor or talk _ your parents. They will be able to help you. Second, Im sure theres someone else in your class who feels lonely,_ . You never know_ other people feel. Try to make friends with your classmates. And you could _ a club to meet new people and make friends, too. You _ find happiness in yourself. So my _ advice is to write a list of all the good things about yourself, learn to like yourself, and then _ will see your confidence (信心)and like you, too.21 . ArightBwrongCOKDclever22 . AteachersBclassmatesCparentsDfriends23 . ApopularBtiredCsadDhappy24 . AtoBaboutCofDwith25 . AtooBeitherCalsoDto26 . AwhyBhowCwhenDwhere27 . Atake part inBjoinCjoin inDtake part28 . AmustntBshouldntCneed toDcant29 . AfinallyBlastCendDfirst30 . AotherBthe otherCothersDanother四、阅读单选If you do not use your arm or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that, but many people do not know that memory(记忆力) works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor he really means that he does not give it enough chance(机会) to become strong. If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault(过错). But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame(受责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Do you find that some people cant read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things they can write down in a little notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories, so their memory is the whole time being exercised.(被训练) So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: Practice remembering.31 . The main (主要)reason for one with poor memory is that。Ahis father or mother may have a poor memoryBhe does not use his arms or legs for some timeChis memory is not often usedDhe cant read or write32 . If you do not use your arms or legs for some time, Ayou cant use them any moreBthey will become strongerCthey become weak and wont become strong until you use them againDthey will not change33 . Which of the following is NOT true?AYour memory works in the same way as your arms or legs.BYour memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you dont give it enough chance for practice.CA good memory comes from more practice.DDont learn how to read and write if you want to have a better memory.34 . Some people cant read or write, but they usually have better memories, becauseAthey have to use their memories all the timeBthey have saved much trouble(麻烦)Cthey have saved much time to remember thingsDthey cant write everything in a little notebook35 . Give a best title for this passage.ADont stop using Your Arms or LegsBHow To Have a Good MemoryCStrong Arms and Good MemoriesDLearn from the peopleDid you notice the number on the book in a library? That number is part of the system used by libraries to organize their collections of books. And its used in many countries. The number on each book tells you exactly what kind of book it is. This system is also useful for knowing where to go in the library to find a book.In this system, there are ten large groups of books. Each of these groups has its own number, such as 100, 200, etc. So, for example, any books about language will have a number 400. On the other hand, any books about history will have a number 900. So, a number in the hundreds place tells you what general group a book is in. If you find a book that has a number in the 500s, you know it is a book about science.However, science is a big group, so the tens place is used to make a more detailed set of science books. For example, math books are included in the group of science books. Math books all have numbers between 510 and 519. Books about the history of Africa have numbers between 960 and 969.The system uses the ones place to give a more exact limit for the subject of a book. A book on the history of South Africa will have the number 968.As you can see, it is a simple system to use as long as you understand what the numbers mean. With this system, the library can keep its books well organized, and people can easily find the book that they want.36 . The reading is about.AlibrariesBworking in a libraryChow numbers are organizedDhow books are organized in libraries37 . The number system is NOT used to.Afind where a book isBtell you the title of a bookCtell you what kind of book a book isDorganize the collections of books in libraries38 . According to the reading, which sentence is TRUE?AThe number on a book cant be bigger than 900.BThere are ten big groups for books in this system.CHistory books can have any number between 500 and 900.DThis system uses both numbers and letters for some books.39 . A book about math can be found in the same group of books as.Areference booksBschool booksCscience booksDart books40 . Which two numbers would indicate a book about language and a book about science?A439 and 493B439 and 568C530 and 560D563 and 436There are too many net bars around us and almost every family has a computer. The Internet makes our lives interesting. Many of us like going online very much. We can learn English, talk with friends, or read some news to know more information around us. When we send e-mails to our friends, they can get them right away. It can help us keep in touch with people easily.But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all the time. It takes them too much time to play online, so they do worse in their lessons and they dont study well anymore. I think we mustnt go online when its time for us to study. We can do it during the holidays. And I think we should go online with our teachers or parents. At the same time, if we have lots of free time, we can do some activities. I hope we can spend more time on our lessons or on such kind of things. Then we can learn a lot and spend less time on the Internet.41 . What can we do when going online according to the passage?(1)learn English (2)read news (3)send e-mails (4)play computer games (5)talke with friendsA(1)(2)(3)(5)B(1)(2)(3)(4)C(1)(3)(4)(5)D(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)42 . What does the underlined word “It” refer to?AA learning activity.BAn e-mail.CThe Internet.DEnglish.43 . Which is the reason that students do worse in their lessons?ASpending too much time playing on the Internet.BSpending too much time on their holidays.CSpending too much time reading newspapers.DSpending too much time with their parents and teachers.44 . Which is NOT the writers advice?AStudents can go online during the winter holiday.BIts better for students to go online with parents.CStudents should do some activities in their free time.DStudents shouldnt go online in their free time.45 . Whats this passage mainly about?AThe activities after school.BSome good and bad things about going online.CThe advice of playing computer games.DThe plans of summer or winter holidays.The Best Way to See Lakeland46 . What can you see if you visit the Lake District?AYewdale ValleyBConiston WaterCCastlerigg Stone CircleDBeatrix Potters Hill Top farm47 . How much will Simon, a boy of 12, and his father pay if they visit the Lake District?A62.00B72.00C36.00D26.00五、语法填空Are sharks dangerous or in danger?Some people think sharks are 48 . (scare) and dangerous. They dont love sharks in the way that they love dolphins, pandas, elephants, and tigers.49 . now sharks are in danger. Here 50 . (be) the facts.There are 390 51 . (kind) of sharks, but only 10% are dangerous.Sharks are very smart. They dont always kill people because they dont like the taste.Last year, sharks 52 . (eat) 4 people around the world.Last year, people killed around 100 million sharks.People usually kill sharks 53 . their fins(鱼翅). Shark fin soup is 54 . popular and expensive dish in many Chinese restaurants. In fact, it is 55 . popular and expensive that sharks are now in danger.Lets do something 56 . (help) sharks.Join save 57 . (we) Sharks today!六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子VI.看图写话根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子58 . be strict with_59 . upset , because , be lost _60 . be afraid of _61 . environment, affect, mood _62 . not , as, carefully_七、汉译英:整句Put the following into English. (将下列内容翻译成英语)63 . These are my _(家人和亲戚).64 . _(别的什么)do you do with your brother?65 . Lets go shopping_(和他).66 . 我有时候和我爸爸一起打羽毛球。_67 . 这些是我们的表兄弟们。_68 . 我经常和我阿姨一起骑自行车。_八、话题作文69 . (B)按要求完成大作文(80词左右)节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。假设你是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生,请以“My Green Life”为题写一篇短文,简单谈谈“绿色生活”的重要性,以及你所倡导的“绿色生活”方式。写作要求:词数80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数,不得透露姓名等个人信息。第 11 页 共 11 页

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