九年级英语Unit 10 Section B(1a-2e)课时练习(青岛专版)

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九年级英语Unit 10 Section B(1a-2e)课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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九年级英语Unit 10 Section B(1a-2e)课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The new technology helpedof people to learn English.Athe large numberBthe large numbersCa large numberDlarge number2 . -What do you want to be _ ?-An English teacher.Aof the futureBon the futureCat the futureDin the future3 . The boy under the tree has big eyes and a square face. He looks _.AprettyBdangerousChandsomeDbeautiful4 . I thought _ easy to finish the work by myself. But I was wrong.AhisBitCthatDits5 . Will you _ me if you go to London? Certainly. I will call you or write to you.Alook forward toBkeep in touch withCgive a hand to6 . We all went mountain climbing Linda. She had to take care of her little sister at home.AwithBaroundCexceptDsince7 . -Dont skate on the lake!-Why not? Isnt it thick enough_?Ato skateBskating onCskatingDto skate on8 . Dont _ shy. Everyone may make mistakes at the beginning.AamBisCbeDare9 . Sandy got up so late _ she missed the school bus.AthenBthatCbutDwhere10 . My parents tell me_at home all day. I need to do more outdoor activities.Ato stayBnot to stayCdont stay二、补全短文6选5Hello! Im Gina. Im a middle school student. Its nice to meet you here. Let me tell you something about my family. There are five people in my family. They are my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and me.11 . His name is Jack Smith. So our last name is Smith. He works in a big factory and he goes to work by car.12 . Her name is Mary. She teaches in our school but she doesnt teach us. All her students like her very much.13 . He is Tom Smith. My mother often calls him Tommy. He works in a shop near our home.14 . Her names Jane Smith. Her first name is Jane. She is a middle school student. She is good at English.15 . My sister and I are in the same school. But she is in Grade Three and Im in Grade One. We go to school in our mothers car every day.AMy mother is a teacher.BIm also a student.CMy brother is a teacher.DMy father is a worker.EMy sister is a student.FMy brother is a worker, too三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词16 . They went to the mountain to look for _(财富).17 . Truth is often stranger than _(小说).18 . The children are playing with _(沙子)by the sea.19 . Jack is interested in science and _(科技).20 . Mr. Smith is an Englishman, but he speaks _(法语).21 . Some paper books were huge ones with thousands of _(页).四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。call in, leave out, drive, examine, be friends with22 . When the telephone rang, the doctor _ her patient.23 . One day, a doctor _ to examine the king.24 . What Tom said _ his mother mad.25 . We _ each other since we entered the university.26 . He _ if he is friendly to us.五、多任务混合问题Do you know Stephen Hawking? Stephen Hawking was born on 8 January, 1942 in England.When he was older,he went to Oxford University.Stephen wanted to study maths, but maths was not available(可得到的) at University of Oxford. So he studied physics instead. After three years , he went on to do research at Cambridge University. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 , Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.When he was 21 years old, he caught a serious disease.He had to“walk”in his wheelchair living his life. He continued to do his research in the field of science and he got his Ph.D. He devoted himself to his scientific research. He continued to explore the universe and travelled around the world to give lectures. In 1988, he wrote the book A Brief History of Time. Readers were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand. The book explains how science works , tells the readers how the discoveries work and how they change the world. In 2002, Hawking visited China and spoke to university students in China. He told the students about his theories and thoughts on some of the greatest questions,“What is time, how did the universe begin, and what exactly are black holes?” Stephen Hawking died on 14 March ,2018.He was one of the greatest scientists in the world.We can learn his exploring spirit from him.27 . 从A,B,C中为在处选出恰当的选项,使文章通顺,连贯,合理。ABut he didnt give up his dream.BThen he worked in the Institute Astronomy .C.Hawking became famous in the early 1970s._28 . 将文中划线句子译成中文。_.29 . At the age of _,he caught a serious disease30 . 写出文中能替换划线词语died的英文短语。_31 . What can you learn from Stephen Hawking ?_第 4 页 共 4 页

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