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九年级下学期月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What color are the socks? yellow and brown.ATheyreBThem areCItsDIt be2 . Miss Lin is handing out the exam papers. Lets go and help_.AhimBherCyouDthem3 . My father is ill . He is still in _ hospital . Im going to _ hospital to see him .Athe; theBa; theC/ ; theDthe ; /4 . _?I am doing my homework.AHow are youBWhat about youCWhat are you doing5 . Excuse me,is the way to the supermarket?Go down until the end of the road.AwhereBwhichCwhy6 . -Would you like _ tea? -Yes, _.Asome, pleaseBany, pleaseCany, I willDsome, I would7 . How long may I _ your book?For a week. But you mustnt _ it to others.Aborrow, lendBkeep, lendCkeep, borrow8 . Could you go shopping with me tomorrow?. My father and I will go to Wuhan tomorrow.AYes, I hope soBIm afraid soCSorry, Im afraid not9 . I like playing _ football and he likes playing _piano.Aa , theBthe , theC/ , theDa, a10 . I think English isuseful than before.AmoreBmostCmuchDvery11 . The shop _ at 8:00 amand it _ for ten hours every dayAopens; is openBis opened; opensCis open; has openedDopened; opens12 . We should take our turns to _the bus after it stops at the bus stop.Aget offBput offCturn off13 . My father gave me an important present. is a kind of _ structure.AS+V+IO+DOBS+V+OCCS+V+DO+OCDS+V+P14 . The traffic was very heavy, but nobody was late, _ me.AexceptBaboveCthroughDbelow15 . Who is _ girl in front of the library?The one with _ umbrella? She is our monitor.Athe; aBthe; anCa; anDa; the16 . Its reported thatmedical examination (体检)will help us find out health problems as early as possible.AnormalBgeneralCregularDcommon17 . Is that _ ruler?No, it isnt. Its _ ruler.Ayou; myByour; hisCmy; youDshe; her18 . (题文)- Does your sister eat hamburgers?- No. She _ eats them. She thinks they are unhealthy.AalwaysBusuallyCsometimesDnever19 . Tom doesnt like math, _ he likes Chinese a lot.AandBbutCorDso20 . - I like the program Man and Nature.- But I _Sports News.AwantBchooseCpreferDmiss21 . Are you for or against zoos in the center of the town?AbuildingBto buildCbuild22 . When did you see him? .ATomorrowBTwo hours laterCIn an hourDAn hour ago23 . I think the shop will be closed _ 22:00.AonBinCat24 . She is standing inmiddle of the students, withflag in her hand.Athe; theBthe; aCa; theD/; /25 . This room is a mess (混乱)! Lets_ those things.Ahurry upBwait forCput awayDturn on二、完型填空Bob _ 14 years old. _ likes playing _and he has a great sports collection(体育用品收藏). He has ten _,twenty basketballs and thirty baseballs. His brother John _ sports,too. But he has a small sports collection. He has five basketballs,six baseballs and _ one soccer ball. They _ a nice computer,but they _ like computer games. They say it is _ and its not _ for their study. They are really sports fans(迷)but not computer fans. Dont you think so?26 . AbeBamCareDis27 . ASheBHeCTheyDIt28 . AsportBa sportCsportsDone sport29 . AsoccerBvolleyballCsoccer ballsDsoccers balls30 . AlikeBis likeClikesDis likes31 . AhaveBonlyCbutDof32 . AhaveBhave notChasDhas not33 . AarentBdontCdoesntDisnt34 . AfunBgreatCboringDinteresting35 . AfunBbadCniceDgood三、阅读单选My grandma had a wonderful day yesterday at my moms house for Thanksgiving. She didnt remember our names or the last time we were all together. She asked us a million questions, most repeating from just moments ago. What my grandma did know at that point was love. The whole family were focused on her laugh and her smile.Grandma raised all of us. She let us ride mattresses (床垫) down the stairs, ski on the little hill in her backyard. and watch movies at late night. She taught all 9 grandkids how to swim in the pool. She taught us how to be creative, make Christmas cookies, and help those less fortunate (幸运的 ) than us. Its hard to believe that she doesnt remember our names or other childrens. But for her sake its all OK. I tell her that its just all right and thats how its supposed to be. As long as shes happy, the memory doesnt need to be here.Theres one name she does remember, though. She called him by his name: Charlie. Her Charlie. We miss what my grandma used to be and we miss her Charlie. But yesterday was a wonderful day for us. We had her laugh and through that laugh and the way she said his name, we had grandpa there too.36 . What does the underlined word raised mean in Chinese?A筹集B抚养C支持D捐助37 . Grandma taught the kids the following things EXCEPT _.Ahow to swim in the poolBhow to be creative and make Christmas cookiesChow to help those less fortunate than themDhow ot get on well with other children38 . Whats the writers attitude(态度) towards his grandma?AHe didnt care about his grandma.BHe was worried about his grandma.CHe was thankful to his grandma.DHe was angry with his grandma.Hi!My name is Maria. Now I am in China. My life is busy but very happy. I like reading, so I often go to the library when I have no classes. Who is my favorite teacher? She is Ms. Green. She often helps me with my writing. I work hard at every subject, but my favorite subject is P.E., because I like playing tennis. In the evening, I am busy doing my homework. I often do my homework for two hours. After that, I play the piano for an hour. Sometimes I take a walk with Dad. On weekends I usually help old people with my friends. What about your life? Share(分享) it with us, please.39 . Where is Maria ?AIn the classroom.BIn China.CIn Beijing.DIn the library.40 . Who is Ms. Green?AShe is Marias mother.BShe is Marias P.E. teacherCShe is Marias teacher.DShe is Marias friend.41 . Whats Marias favorite subject?ATennisBMusicCP.E.DPiano42 . How long does Maria play the piano in the evening?AHalf an hourBAn hourCTwo hoursDTwenty minutes43 . Which of the following is NOT true?AMaria sometimes walks with her father.BMaria likes reading.CMaria does her homework in the evening.DMarias life is boring and busy.The villages of Momai and Bugolyak are next to each other and hidden in the remote (偏远的) high mountains of Tajikistan. Life in the village has been peaceful. There are about 40 families in Momai and 18 in Bugolyak. The villagers live on crops and farm animals. Their connection to the outside world is a hilly road. The villages have no electricity. The villagers use oil for lighting.It seems that many years ago the power company considered building a power line to the village. However, it was put off or maybe given up because of the high construction(建设) cost and low return for the investment(投资).Thankfully, Asian Development Bank decided to carry out solar power system projects in Tajikistan at that time. At first, the progress was rather slow. It took them two years to complete studies.The real project started in Jan. 2016 and was finally completed in late 2017. The poor road conditions in the village also made it difficult to bring materials.The villagers are very happy about the solar power systems. They can watch television at their homes for the first time. Children can now see the outside world without going out. Batteries provide power during the night or when it is raining. In addition, a solar power system has been set up in the school and it can send water to homes.Mr. Karimov, a volunteer, taught villagers how to keep solar power systems and use electricity safely. Although this project has been a success, there are many people who still have no electricity to use. Finding money for such projects is not easy. However, there are many people like Mr. Karimov who are working hard to create a better and greener future.44 . How many families are there in Momai and Bugolyak?AAbout 18.BAbout 40.CAbout 58.DAbout 98.45 . The company gave up building a power line many years ago because .Avillagers were so poor that they wouldnt use electricity.Bit didnt think it was worth building the power line.Cvillagers were not used to using electricity in daily lifeDit was difficult for the company to get back its investment46 . How long did it take Asian Development Bank to build the real project?AFor about one year.BFor about two years.CFor about three years.DFor about five years.47 . We can mainly learn from Paragraph 4 that .Agreat changes have taken place in the villageBmany villagers want to go to the outside worldCvillagers seldom use batteries during the nightDvolunteers help build the solar power systems48 . What does the writer think of Mr. Karimov?AHe helps create a better and greener future.BHe helps find money for such great projects.CHe is a good teacher for kids in the villages.DHe is one of the greatest scientists in the world.四、阅读判断Jane was from a small village in Southern America. Her family was poor and noodles were often their only food. Her parents couldnt afford to pay the electricity bill (电费), so she had to study by candle light.What was worse, to live on, her parents moved to a faraway village with the other four children. As for Jane, she didnt want to give up learning and she dreamed to enter a famous university. She stuck to living alone in her village.After Janes parents left, she lived a really difficult life. Having no place to live in, the homeless girl had to sleep on the back seat of the school bus. Luckily, Mrs. Brown, the caring school bus driver, learned about Janes situation and invited her to live with her family. Soon, Jane found a job in her school. She worked from 6 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. before the first school bell rang. She swept floors and picked up rubbish again in the afternoon. With the money she got from the work, she paid for her education. And she stayed up late in the evenings studying for all kinds of exams day after day.Janes hard work made a difference to her life. She finished high school with unexpected results. She was accepted by Harvard, one of the worlds most famous universities with full scholarship (全额奖学金).The 18-year-old girl created her own future with her never-give-up attitude and hard work.根据短文内容判断正、误。(注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”)49 . The 18-year-old girl who created her own future was from Southern America.50 . There were six people in Janes family.51 . The kind school bus driver helped Jane find a job in the school.52 . Jane worked for 100 minutes for the school in a day.53 . The passage tells us that we can get success by working hard and never giving up.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空54 . He _(be) a teacher after he leaves college.55 . There _(be) fewer children in peoples homes in 10 years.56 . Do you think _(predict) the future is difficult or easy?57 . His sister always plays a part in _(save) the animals.58 . I look forward to _(swim) in the river because its too hot.59 . Now the _(pollute) is very serious.60 . We should plant _(many) trees than before.61 . It _(seem) that its going to rain.62 . There are _(hundred) of people planting trees on the hill.63 . The elephants are in great _(dangerous); people shouldnt kill them any longer.六、语法填空用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整2019 is the Year of the Pig. Many people believe that pigs are lazy and dirty, but people in ancient China liked pigs and pigs big head and ears 64 . (regard) as a symbol of good luck.However, today it 65 . (seem) that pigs are more popular among people. On Jan 17, 2019, a short video titled What Is Peppa?made Peppa 66 . (know) by more people. It is about an elderly mans search for a cartoon character in the countryside in China. The cartoon character is Peppa which 67 . (become) more and more popular on the Internet now. In fact, Peppa is a lovely pig. The video got praise for its moving but funny story ahead of Chinese New Year.The short video achieved huge success and it 68 . (bring) many hot topics on the Internet in the past few months. Moreover, many people want 69 . (buy) a Peppa Pig toy made out of metal, similar to the one in the short video.第 10 页 共 10 页

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