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沈阳市2020年(春秋版)七年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文6选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能选出空白处的最佳选项。Aunt Mary is on a trip to China. So there is no one to tidy the room at home.In the evening, Uncle Tim wants to read (阅读) his favourite book Say Goodbye for Now. But he cant find it. 1 . Uncle Tim thinks, Thats OK.I can buy one in the store. Where is my wallet(钱包)? 2 . ” Uncle Tim goes to his desk. but his wallet is not there. He looks for his wallet everywhere. After about an hour, he finds it in the bookcase. 3 . “It time to go! says uncle Tim.“I only need the car key, 4 . ” But Its not there.5 . He thinks. “ Oh.I must tidy my room first.”AHe is very happy.BSo where is my hat?CIt must be on the table.DAh, it must be on my desk.EBecause his room isnt tidy.FNow, Uncle Tim doesnt want to look for the key.二、完型填空V完形填空。“Can I see my baby?asked the new happy motherUnluckily,she found her baby had been_without ears when it was in her armsTime proved that the babys_was perfectHe got on well with his classmatesBut one day,he rushed home and said to his mother_tears in his eyes“A big boy_me a freak(怪胎)”As the boy_,he developed a talent for art and musicThe boys father had a meeting with the family doctor“Could anything_done?”He asked the doctor“I believe I could graft(移植)a pair of outer ears_you could get them,”the doctor saidHowever,two years_,nobody wanted to offer the young man earsThen one day the father said,“Son,_will offer his ears to youBut its a secret”The operation was a great_Time kept the secret,but the day did comeThe young man stood with his father_his mothers bodySlowly,the father held out a hand and raised the thick,brown hair_,the son found his mother had no outer ears“Mother said she was glad she_let her long hair be cut,”the father said gently“and nobody ever thought Mother_beautiful,did they?Real_ lies not in what is done and known,but in what is done but not known6 . AactiveBdeadCbornDawake7 . AspeakingBhearingCwritingDreading8 . AofBinCaroundDwith9 . AcalledBaskedCsaidDtold10 . Alooked upBgrew upCbrought upDcaught up11 . AisBwasCareDbe12 . AifBuntilCunlessDbecause13 . Awent downBgot overCwent byDarrived14 . AnobodyBsomeoneCanyoneDeveryone15 . AsucceedBsuccessfulCsuccessDfailure16 . AbetweenBbesidesCtowardsDbeside17 . AWith interestBTo his surpriseCIn silenceDWith anger18 . AalwaysBoftenCneverDsometimes19 . AlessBmoreCmostDleast20 . AideaBfriendshipCthoughtDloveI live in a small town. My house is a townhouse _ a yard. It has two floors. This kind of _ is very common (普遍的) here. We can _ them everywhere in the street. There is a bookstore _ to my home. There are many books in it. I often go there and _ books, because they are very _. Many _ are in the street, too. Sometimes my parents _ me there to have dinner. I like fish and noodles. There are some _ shops, like supermarket, clothes shop and so on. All the people in my hometown are _ to each other. I love my hometown. I want to make it beautiful.21 . AinBhaveCwithDat22 . AhouseBstreetCgardenDfloor23 . AlookBseeClook forDlook at24 . AbehindBcloseCnearDacross25 . AseeBwatchCreadDlook26 . AinterestingBbeautifulCwellDdifficult27 . AbanksBrestaurantsChospitalsDlibraries28 . AbringBtakeCgetDmake29 . AanotherBotherCthe otherDothers30 . AkindBusefulChelpDeasy三、阅读单选Help for ChildrenWe need help at the childrens home .Do you have time on the weekend ?Can you sing ?Can you dance ? Can you play the piano ? Can you tell stories in English ? Are you good with children ? Can you play games with them ?If yes ,you can come and join us ! Our children are about ten years old .I am sure you can bring happiness to them .Its interesting and fun ! Please e-mail us at tomlucky163.com .Help with English-speaking StudentsAre you busy on Sundays ? No ? Can you speak Standard Chinese(Putonghua) well ? Yes ? Can you speak English ? Yes ? Then we need you to help some English-speaking students with their Chinese .Its easy for you .And you can get $ 5 an hour .Please come to Room A in the school building or call us at 63004546 . Sunny Language Center is right here waiting for you !31 . How old are the children in the childrens home ?AAbout one year oldBAbout 15 years oldCAbout 10 years oldDWe dont know32 . The students in Sunny Language Center needs help with their .AEnglishBChineseCsingingDdancing33 . How much can you get if you work for 3 hours in Sunny Language Center ?A$5B$10C$15D$2034 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage(文章)?AYou dont need to be good with children in the childrens homeBYou can come to the childrens home on SaturdaysCYou only need to speak Chinese in Sunny Language Center .DSunny language Center is in Room BThere are four people in the Brown family. They live in New York. What kind of life do they live? Let me tell you. Mr. Brown works in an office, and his work time is from 9:00am to 6:00am. Before his work, he goes to an English class. What about Mrs. Brown? She is at home and she looks after their son and daughter. They often go to school from 9:00am to 3:30pm. They are never late for school. In the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Brown takes a walk after dinner.On Saturdays, their children also go to school . they need to take a piano class from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. The piano lessons make them very relaxed and happy. Mr. Brown is free on Sundays, so he can take the family to the country to have a rest. Sometimes they will do some running and fishing in the country.35 . The Browns live in _.AAmericaBEnglandCChinaDCanada36 . The underlined(划线的) word “they” refers to (指的是)_.AMr. and Mrs BrownBthe son and daughterCthe familyDthe classmates37 . Mr. and Mrs. Brown _ in the evening.Ado some runningBdo some fishingCwalk to schoolDhave a walk38 . The children have piano classes at _A3:00 amB3:30amC3:30pmD4:30pm39 . Do the children like the piano classes?AYes, they do.BNo, they dontCYes, a little.DWe are not sure.Im Alice. This is my ruler. Its yellow. Its 2 yuan.Im Cindy. This is my map. Its a map of the world(世界)Its 5 yuan.Im Bob. This is my black pen. My mother bought(买) it for me. Its 10 yuan.Im Grace. This is my cup. Its blue. I like the color, Its 8 yuan.40 . The_is yellow.ArulerBmapCpenDcup41 . The map is_.AAlicesBCindysCBobsDGraces42 . How much(多少钱)is the pen?A2 yuan.B5 yuan.C8 yuan.D10 yuan.43 . Grace likes_.AblueByellowCwhiteDblackBill is in Class Two. You can see some pens, jackets and rulers in it. This green pen is Bills. That black pen is Jennys. Is the red jacket Bills? No, its Jennys. The size (尺码) is S. Bills jacket is green and the size is M. Whats that? Its Marys ruler. The ruler is black and white.44 . The black pen is _AJacksBJennysCBillsDMarys45 . What color is Jennys Jacket? AblackBwhiteCredDgreen46 . Bills Jacket is in size_ASBLCXLDM47 . You can not see _AmansBjacketsCpensDrulers48 . You can see _ABills pen is blueBthe jackets are orangeCMary is in Class TwoDthe ruler is Jennys四、根据首字母、中文提示填空B)根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词。49 . Do they have three _ (模型) planes?50 . These are my grandparents. This is _ (他们的) room.51 . Davids hat is _ (在下) the table in the room.52 . Here is a _ (收音机) for you.53 . My sisters room is very _ (整洁的).五、语法填空I have a good friend, and his name is Jack. He is 54 . Australia, Its Sunday today. He gets up at half 55 . five. And then he begins(开始) to do sports at six oclock. After breakfast, he does his homework from eight oclock to eleven thirty.In the afternoon, he goes to the zoo with his uncle. They see many56 . like elephants, 57 . (monkey) and tigers. He likes pandas very much. And he thinks 58 . (them) are very nice. His uncle says, “59 . come from China. I like them, too. ” They have 60 . good time in the zooIn the evening, Jack 61 . (watch) Animal World on TV at half past eight. Its about two baby (幼小的) pandas. 62 . (They) names are Tuantuan and Yuanyuan. They are six 63 . ( month) old. He drinks a glass of milk(喝一杯牛奶) and then goes to bed at ten oclock.六、书信作文64 . 假定你是李华,你学校的英语角正在招募志愿者,你想报名参加。请根据招募信息写一封应聘信,介绍自己的情况,并表示愿意且能够胜任志愿者的工作。词数90词左右。Volunteer WantedDear students,The English Corner is eager to find student volunteers. If you are interested in it, please send your application(申请) letter to ECV2020163.com. The following information should be included: Personal information. Do you have volunteer experience? Why do you want to be a volunteer? Requirements (要求) 1)Excellent spoken English 2)Ability to work with others参考词汇:apply for 申请提示:1.开头已给出,不计入总词数;2.短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。Dear Sir/ Madam,I have learned from your advertisement that some volunteers are needed._Im looking forward to hearing from you.Yours, Li Hua第 9 页 共 9 页

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