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七年级第一学期末英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lei Haiwei, the winner of Chinese Poetry Competition III,from Hangzhou anda big dream(梦想).Ais; haveBis; hasCare; haveDare; has2 . Yes, its said that 80 per cent of fish in this river _ live long.AdoesntBdontCisntDarent3 . American First Lady Michelle Obama arrivedChinathe afternoon ofMarch 20, 2014.Aon; onBin; onCin; inDat; in4 . I _ open this window. I think its stuck.AcantBneedntCmustntDhad better not5 . -Will there be more cars in the future?- _ .AYes, there willBYes, there beCNo, they wontDNo,it wont6 . Hello! Could I speak to Betty, please?Hello! _ACan you help me?BAre you OK?CThis is Betty speaking.DHave a nice day.7 . No one knows when those visitors will _. Heavy fog has caused the flight delay.AarriveBreachCget toDarrive at8 . The _ from the sun and wind is very cheap and it will never run out.AenergyBnoiseCheatDlight9 . Robert is _ friend. _ in Class One.AI, HesBmy, HesCmy, His10 . I was born _the morning _ June 2nd, 2003.Aon, inBon, ofCin, ofDin, on11 . _ is it from your home to school? About 10 minutes ride.AHowBWhereCWhat timeDHow far二、阅读单选Last summer, 15yearold Bob had a problem. Like a lot of children, Bob was interested in doing many things. He liked dancing most and wanted to join a dancing team. But Bobs school didnt have a boys dancing team. It only had a girls. So he tried to join the girls team. And he made it.Bob thought his problem was over because he was a member(成员) of a dancing team. But a bigger problem was just starting. The school asked Bob not to stay in the girls team. “If we let Bob stay in the team,” the school said, “Other boys will want to join. Soon, there wont be any girls in the team.”Bob was very angry about it, so he decided to look for another boys dancing team.12 . Bob likes _ most.AsingingBdancingCdrawing13 . It was difficult for Bob to join the school dancing team because _.Athe school only had a girls dancing teamBthe school didnt let boys danceCthe team had enough dancers already14 . The school worried that _ if Bob stayed in the team.Anobody would watch their danceBother boys would join and the girls might leaveCother schools might laugh at them15 . At last Bob _.Astayed in the teamBleft the teamCasked the girls to leave16 . Which of the following is TRUE?ABob likes dancing.BHis school only had a boys dancing team.CBobs parents let him leave the dancing team.Mr. Zhang is on business in France. Here is the hotel (旅馆) card for him. According to the information on the card, choose the right answers.W17 . The hotel is_.Aon King Street near a bankBnext to a museumCnear a train stationDon George Street18 . _ buses can reach the hotel.ATwoBThreeCFourDFive19 . If Mr. Zhang gets lost, he can_.Atake Bus 507 to the hotelBwait until the light is greenCgo back to the hotel to search the InternetDcall the hotel at the phone number on the card20 . Which of the following is true?AThe card is used for shopping.BThe card is used for seeing a doctor.CThe card is used to open the door.DMr Zhang can keep the card when he checked out.What do you think Americans in the early twentieth century (1900-1925) did on weekends? What do they do on weekends now?ThenOnce upon a time, people spent lots of time at home on weekends. Then, new inventions changed the weekends.People used electric(电动的) streetcars to travel in cities. On weekends, they rode the streetcars to parks. Young people liked roller coasters.The first movie lasted only one minute. Soon movies lasted longer. In the 1920s, movie theaters sold millions of tickets each week. In 1927, movies had sound. Sometimes, people stayed at home instead, and listened to another new invention radio.People in cities worked indoors during the week, so they wanted to be outdoors on weekends. Bicycling became a popular activity.NowWith more time, money and inventions, people have many more choices.They can visit large parks like Disney World and ride modern roller coasters that go higher and faster than ever before.They can choose from lots of different movies at a multiplex (a building with many movie theaters) or watch a video at home.Many people jog, bicycle, work out at the gym, or play sports. Others turn on their TV and watch sports.21 . Which of the following do you know is the newest invention now?ARadioBBicycleCMovieDVideo22 . What do you know about the first movie?AIt had no sound.BIt got longer.CIt sold well.DIt lasted minutes.23 . Which is the best title of the text?AMany More ChoicesBThe New InventionCThe Popular ActivitiesDThe Changing Weekend三、完成句子24 . 我会为有你们这样的好学生而感到骄傲。Ill_ _ _having you such good students四、回答问题Hello, my name is Helen. I am Bills aunt,Bills mothers sister. Im a doctor and now I am in China. I am 51 years old. I have two sons. They are Jim and Tim, Jim is a worker and he is in America. Tim is 13 years old. He looks like his father very much. He is a student in No. 3 Middle School in Shanghai.25 . Who is Helen?_26 . How old is Helen?_27 . Where is Helen?_28 . Is Jim Tims brother?_29 . What is Tims job(工作)now?_五、材料作文30 . 书面表达假如你是Grace的好朋友,根据下面的提示,写一篇文章介绍Grace. 要求:书写整洁、规范、清晰;开头已给出,不计字数。词数60左右。注意不要出现真实的姓名和学校。1. 今年10岁,生日是5月21日;2. 喜欢运动,有5个篮球,经常下课后和同学打篮球;3. 有好的饮食习惯,她早餐吃面包,喝牛奶,晚餐喜欢吃蔬菜和水果;4. 她最喜欢英语,她认为英语很有趣。Hello,boys and girls ! My name is Maria. I have a good friend. Her name is Grace.六、书信作文31 . 假如你是Tom,现就读于No.1 Middle School。你在英国的新笔友Alan给你写了一封信,想知道你的一些情况,请根据来信内容给Alan 回信。要求:1. 语句通顺,与语意连贯2. 词数:60词左右,开关和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tom, I want to make friends with you. Would you like to tell me something about you? How old are you? When is your birthday? Where do you study? What sport do you like? Could you tell me something about your parents? How old are they? Hope we can become good friends. Write to me soon. Yours,Alan第 8 页 共 8 页


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