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中考一模(上学期期末)英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . “I”_a letter.AamBisCareD/2 . All of the Chinese are proud of the great changes in China.It will be even _tomorrow.AgoodBwellCbetterDbest3 . Have you found out the _/rat/ way to solve the problem?AwriteBrightCwrittenDlight4 . - Listen ! Who _in the room?-Lets go and see.Ais cryingBcryingCcryDcries5 . The film is so _ that we are all _ about it.Aexciting, excitedBexcited, excitingCexciting, excitingDexcited, excited6 . am a girl.name is Wang Lei.AI;IBI;MyCMy;IDMy;i7 . _ matter with you? I have_ sore back.AWhats; aBWhats the; /CWhats the; a8 . I _ sure you _good at English if you try your best.Aam; will beBam; areC不填; will beD不填;will9 . _ wonderful news program you showed to me!Its my honor that you like it.AHowBWhatCWhat aDHow a10 . _ your English teacher _? She is slim and beautiful.AWhat is, /BWhat is, likeCHow is, likeDHow does, like11 . Anna doesnt want _to help her do the work. She thinks she can do it by _.Aanyone; herselfBanyone;hersCsomeone; herself12 . Did you have a sports meeting yesterday?No, we didnt. It was put off _ the heavy rain.Ainstead ofBbecause ofCas forDacross born13 . Its very dangerous to look at the mobile phone when we walk across the street.Youre right. We _ be too careful while crossing the street.AmustntBmustCcantDcan14 . Shirley, can you sing a song at my party this evening?_. Theres something wrong with my throat (喉咙).AOf course I canBIm afraid I cantCI dont agree with youDSounds like a great idea15 . Letsto the new zoo.AgoBto goCgoingDgoes16 . Do we have a soccer game this week? Yes. Its _ Friday, June 15th.AonBinCatDto17 . - _. Can you tell me the way to Xinhua Bookshop?- Well, its just around the corner.AIm sorry.BOKCExcuse meDThank you18 . Mr. Smith enjoys photos. He always goes out with his cameras.AtakeBtookCto takeDtaking19 . We will be late for meeting _ we take a taxi there.AunlessBwhenCbecauseDand20 . -Are there any halls in your school? -AYes,therereBNo, there arent CYes,they areDNo, they arent二、完型填空We all know that it is _to keep healthy. But not all people know_to keep healthy. After five days hard work, we need to have a good rest at weekends. But it seems that some dont know how to spend weekends in the right way. They enjoy _cards at night and dont go to bed until midnight or even later. Some gamble (赌博) all night. They forget that to get _sleep is necessary for health. Some never get up early in the _and take some exercise. It is true that doing exercise is very important for us to keep_Some smoke a lot. They forget that _ smokers are more likely (可能的)to have lung cancer (肺癌) than those who dont smoke. Some drink too much wine. _too much is harmful (有害的) to the body. Some eat too much fat, they may always _tired. Vegetables are good to the body. But some dont like eating vegetables._is also very good to body. As a saying goes: “An apple every day keeps the doctor away.” So dont forget to eat some fruit.21 . AimportantBgoodCniceDhappy22 . AwhenBhowCwhatDwhy23 . Ato playBplayCplayingDplays24 . AmuchBmanyCa littleDenough25 . AmorningBafternoonCeveningDday26 . AhealthBhealthyCclearDup27 . AlightBheavyCgoodDstrong28 . ADrinkBDrinkingCEatDSmoke29 . AareBkeepCsayDfeel30 . AWaterBMilkCTeaDFruit三、阅读单选Takashi is 99 years old. He lives in Okinawa (冲绳县) in Japan. In Okinawa people tend to live a very long time. They are seldom ill. Many people are over 100 years oldlonger than most people in other parts of the country and the world. What is their secret (秘密)?The Okinawans eat vegetables, fruit, fish and rice. They usually have seven different kinds of fruit and vegetables every day. People dont usually drink much alcohol (酒) or smoke. They dont eat much meat or fast food.Sports are very important for the people of Okinawa. Walking, traditional dancing, and gardening are very popular with people of all ages. More important, the people in Okinawa are seldom worried or angry and they never make themselves too busy. They are relaxed and take their time. Buses often come late, and people often arrive an hour late for meetings. Every evening hundreds of people, young and old, go to the beach to watch the beautiful sunset (日落). They talk, smile or laugh to each other.Another important thing is that people often work until they are 80, sometimes even until 90! In the Okinawan words there is no word for “out of work”. Old people dont stay at home they go out and meet friends.When journalists ask local people what their secret of long life span is, they always answer, “We are happy, we are always relaxed, and we are never in a hurry.”31 . What can we know from the first paragraph?ATakashi came to Okinawa from Tokyo many years ago.BMore people of over 100 years old live in Tokyo than in Okinawa.CPeople in Okinawa seldom go to hospital when they are ill.DTakashi is a Japanese old man.32 . What do the Okinawans usually have for meals?AMeat and alcohol.BMeat and fast food.CFish, rice, fruit and vegetables.DDifferent kinds of seafood.33 . What does the underlined word “relaxed” mean in Chinese?A放松自在的B紧张忙碌的C激动人心的D丰富多彩的34 . What do the old in Okinawa often do in the day?AThey stay at home and watch TV.BThey help to look after their grandsons and granddaughters.CThey have a drink with their friends and talk happily.DThey visit friends and chat with each other.35 . What is the secret of the Okinawans long life span?AThey have healthy diets and often do sports.BThey sleep and get up early every day.CThey are seldom worried or unhappy.DThey enjoy talking and watching the sunset.四、句型转换将下列句子变成被动语态36 . Mother gave me a new desk as a present._37 . I made my little brother a model ship last week._38 . Ann must finish her homework first._39 . He often passes me the pen._40 . Did he buy you the book you wanted?_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空B)请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。41 . Many people teach _ English by watching American TV series. (they)42 . We shall never make such an important _without much thought. (decide)43 . Nothing is_”means everything can happen if you make efforts. (possible)44 . A car bumped into a tree after the driver reportedly _gas for brake. (mistake)45 . People like the TV channels with funnier programmes but _advertisements. (few)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Usually I spend the summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be 46 . (Adifferent;Bthe same) because Im going47 . (Aon;Bin) a summer camp in Sydney, Australia. Im going to stay with an Australian family and speak English. Were also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach.A. rain heavily B. looking forward to C. make friends withD. any more E. have a picnic F. take a walkChinese people love public holidays very much. And there are more holidays than before. At weekends they dont stay at home48 . . Old people usually 49 . or climb the mountain to keep healthy. But young people prefer (更喜欢) to 50 . with friends, or have a barbecue (烧烤) because they dont like eating at restaurants. From Monday to Friday Children are 51 . the trip. Of course, they are always happy for they can 52 . other kids and play during the trip.七、单词填空Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺每空格限填一词,首字母已给出)Selfishness can sink your friend “ship”Im sure that you have seen the cartoons on the Internet. Two penguins sit on either side of a small boat. They are friends, but each does something selfish which c53 . their friend “ship” to sink.The cartoons have become very popular and have been viewed millions of times. And their popularity shows how much people value friendship and sometimes worry that they may lose their friends. An old saying goes that a close friend is w 54 . a thousand distant relatives. It is p55 . right. Even more than your family, a friend is someone you can share your happy and sad moments with. A friend is someone to talk about d56 . feelings. And with a good friend you will never be a57 . . However, maintaining friendships isnt always easy. Sometimes we may take our friends for granted and, like the two penguins, act selfishly. The key to k58 . your friend “ship” from sinking comes down to three simple things: sharing, caring and communicating. Good friends like to share everything with each other. They share their snacks, they share their knowledge about schoolworksometimes they even share their clothes! And good friends also care about each other. They do whatever they can to make their friends happy. But the most important part of friendship is communicating.Communicating means talking to your friends and always being honest with them. It also means that you keep in touch with your friends even though they may be in different schools or live far away. A lack of communication is the surest way to send your friend “ship” to the bottom of the sea.Friendship makes life happier and more meaningful, but remember, “the only way to have a friend is to be o59 . .”八、回答问题Have you ever heard of a girl of 15,who set up a company of her own?Wendy Wong is the girlShe started the business two years agoShe has already written several successful computer gamesThey are so popular that over half a million games are sold every yearNow all of her family work in her business,and she is still at schoolShe gets up early in the morning,and then she talks with her family about the business over breakfastEvery day she goes to school in her own car with a driver,for she is not old enoughShe enjoys her school,but some of the work is too easy for her to feel interestedShe usually gets“A”grades in all her subjects,so the other students often ask her for helpShe finishes her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her homeAfter dinner,she goes to her office and goes on working on her computer,writing games until 2 a.mShe does not usually need so much sleep as other children根据短文内容,回答问题。60 . When did Wendy Wong start the business?_61 . What has Wendy Wong already written successful?_62 . How does Wendy Wong go to school every day?_63 . How about her grades in all her subjects?_64 . How long can she finish her homework?_九、话题作文65 . Writing (作文) Write a composition with at least 50 words about the topic My favourite season(以“我最喜欢的季节”为题,写一篇不少于50词的短文,要求内容适切,意思连贯,标点符号不一占格。)Suggested questions:1. What is your favourite season?2.What do you like it best?3. What do you usually do in this season?._第 9 页 共 9 页


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