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拉萨市2019版七年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tims mother often takesto the park on Sundays.AhimBhisCheDhimself2 . I think _ boy is not serious enough.Aa eighteen-year oldBan eighteen-years-oldCa eighteen years oldDan eighteen-year-old3 . _ did you do with the leftover food?I threw it away.AHowBWhenCWhatDWhere4 . - Good afternoon, Miss Li. How does Mike feel?- Hes tired. Hea lot of work.Adoes; this morningBdoes; this eveningCdid; this morningDdid; this evening5 . Write _ and try not to make any mistakes.Aas carefully as you canBas careful as possibleCmore carefulDcareful6 . -Would you like to go shopping with me? -_3ASure, that seems greatBNo, I wouldntCYes, I wouldDI dont want do go with you7 . _her parents names ?Bob and Mary.AWhatsBWhosCWhoreDWhat are8 . is the computer? It s $ 500.AHowBHow muchCWhatDWhere9 . He said he was having a birthday party _ his father_ Sunday night. .Afor; onBfrom, inCwith; atDof; under10 . When is your mothers birthday? It is on _.AFebruaryBJuly the fourteenCFebruary 7thDMarch nineth11 . -Thank you very much for showing me how to use the new mobile phone.- _ANo problem.BDont mention it.CNever mind.DNo way.12 . _, he had to escape to the USA because a war _.AIn his twenty, broke downBIn his twenties, broke downCIn his twentieth, broke outDIn his twenties, broke out13 . Which of the following doesnt have the same meaning as the sentence “The visit is more interesting than the journey”?AThe journey is not as interesting as the visit.BThe journey is not so interesting as the visit.CThe journey is less interesting than the visit.DThe journey is more interesting than the visit.14 . Does Daniel _ after school?Ago to home on footBwalk to homeCwalk his homeDwalk home15 . How many pen pals_ she have?AdoBareCisDdoes16 . is my friend.name is Lucy.AShe;HerBHer;SheCHe;HisDHis;He17 . It is suchwonderful advice that I would be glad to take it without a word.A/ B. a C. an D. the18 . (题文)Where are my keys? I must _.Afind itBthink themCfind themDthink it19 . Peter isnt coming to the partyhe has got too mach work to do.AbecauseBuntilCalthoughDSo20 . -_ in Moscow ?-Its snowy.AHows the weather likeBHow does the weather likeCWhats the weather likeDWhat does the weather like二、补全对话5选5根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。A: Hi, Jim! How was your party? B: It was wonderful21 . .A: Im sorry. I had planned to, but I had a high fever that day. B: Sorry to hear that. Are you all right now?A: Yes, thanks.22 . B: Well, we had many different kinds of food, such as chicken, pizza, salads. A: Did you have a birthday cake?B:23 . A: What about music?B: It was great! As you know, Lindas brother is a famous DJ, so she brought lots of good CDs with her. We danced till two oclock in the morning 24 . A: What time did the party end?B:25 . I couldnt get up the next day.A: Well, it sounds that you enjoyed yourselves.B: Yes. I like having parties because they can make me happy and relaxed.AYes,a big chocolate one.BWhy didnt you come?CAt half past two.DWe had an unforgettable time.EWhat did I miss at the party,anyway?三、完型填空Its half past four in the afternoon. _ is ready. There are many things_ the tableplates, bowls and glasses. We can see some meat,eggs and fish_ the plates. There are some dumplings,noodles and rice. Oh,there is a big round cake in the middle of the _.There is _to drink, five glasses there._of the glasses is full of milk, two of them are full of coffee and the others_full of Coke. There are two bottles of apple juice. Thats great. They _our favourite food and drinks. Id like_them very much. Why are there so many nice_? Today is Bills grandmas birthday.26 . ABreakfastBLunchCSupperDMeals27 . AinBonCunderDat28 . AonBinCatDto29 . AplatesBtableCbowlDbottle30 . AanythingBthingsCsomethingDnothing31 . ASomeBOneCTwoDThree32 . AareBisChaveD/33 . Aall areBare allCare bothDboth are34 . AhaveBto haveChasDhaving35 . AthingsBthingCsomethingDanything四、阅读单选Here are two letters to George and his answers.Dear George,Im fourteen and Im much shorter for my age. Whats worse, Im very fat. I want to loseweight to be 55 kg and to be taller and then I can go to the school basketball team and enjoymyself. Can you help me?BobDear Bob,Dont worry if youre shorter than your friends. Teenagers(青少年)grow at different times.It doesnt matter how heavy you are. You are still the same person. Plan your meals with yourmum, and she can help you lose weight. Also, try to take more exercise.GeorgeDear George,Im learning French but I dont get good marks. I dont know why. Sometimes I want to giveup. But I know I shouldnt because languages are going to be very important. What should I do?AliceDear Alice,You are right. You should never give up, and Im sure that youve made more progress thanyou think. You can talk to your teacher and ask her what you should do to get a better grade. Talk to your friends who are good at French. Find something that helps you.George36 . According to the letters, we know that George is _.Aa teacherBa doctorCa person who can give others adviceDBob and Alices friend37 . The weight of Bob is _ now.Aabout 50 kgB55 kgCmore than 55 kgDless than 55 kg38 . Alice is worrying about _.Aher friendsBher marksCher heightDher weight39 . Bob should _ according to Georges letter.Atake more exerciseBtalk to his friendsCjoin a basketball teamDlearn some French40 . George advises Alice to talk to _ for help.Aher motherBher teacherCBobs teacherDBobs friends根据表格所提供的信息,选择正确答案。Here are four, students habits. Lets look at them.NameActivityDavidLindaTinaJackExercisingTwice a weekTwice a weekNeverEvery dayDrinking milkNeverTwice a dayEvery morningThree times a dayEating fruit and vegetablesTwice a dayEvery dayOnce a weekEvery dayEating jun k foodOnce a weekTwice a weekFour times a weekNeverSleepingSeven hours a daySix hours a dayFive hours a dayEight hours a day41 . From the form, we know_habits may be the best.ATinasBDavidsCJacksDLindas42 . What does Tina never do?AShe never exercises.BShe never drinks milk.CShe never eats vegetables.DShe never eats junk food.43 . How often does Jack exercise?ANever.BEvery day.CTwice a day.DTwice a week.44 . How long does David sleep every day?AFor five hours.BFor six hours.CFor seven hours.DFor eight hours.45 . What does Linda do twice a week?AShe has vegetables and milk.BShe eats junk food and fruit.CShe exercises and eats healthy food.DShe eats junk food and plays sports.五、句型转换句型转换每空一词46 . That boy is under the tree. (对划线部分提问)_ that boy?47 . Are these your pens? (作否定回答)No, _.48 . This is a box. (改为复数句)_ are _.49 . Do you like pears? (作肯定回答)_, I _.50 . That girl has a nice notebook. (改为一般疑问句)_ that girl _ a nice notebook?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词。51 . A new _(国际的)school will be built in our city next year.52 . Each different part of China has its own special _(形式)of traditional art.53 . I saw many colors of _(气球)flying in the sky in our neighborhood.54 . The market is quite _(生机勃勃的)in the morning.55 . I need to cut the paper with a pair of _(剪刀).七、材料作文56 . 请根据下面中文提示写一篇介绍双胞胎 Lucy和Lily的英语短文。80字左右。1.Lucy 喜欢喝牛奶,吃蔬菜和水果;Lily喜欢吃垃圾食品;2.Lucy 喜欢游泳,她每天都和朋友去游泳;Lily 只喜欢在电视上看球赛;3.Lucy 最喜欢的电视节目时情景喜剧,她觉得情景喜剧很放松;Lily 无法忍受谈话节目,她认为他们太放松。第 10 页 共 10 页


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