内蒙古自治区2019-2020学年英语九年级上册Unit 8 Surprise endingsD卷

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内蒙古自治区2019-2020学年英语九年级上册Unit 8 Surprise endingsD卷_第1页
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内蒙古自治区2019-2020学年英语九年级上册Unit 8 Surprise endingsD卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He is going to be a scientist when he up.AgrowsBwill growCis going to growDgrew2 . The TV show is really .I dont like it at all.AinterestingBfunCboringDexciting3 . Youll be late for schoolyou hurry up.AunlessBasCifDuntil4 . Mum, I won the first prize in the school drawing competition._, Sam. Im proud of you!AHave a good time.BGood luck.CBest wishesDCongratulations5 . Whenever I make mistakes, my mother will point them out with.AenvyBcourageCpatienceDfear6 . May I have your _?Yes, a large bowl of beef noodles, please.AhelpBorderCnameDaddress7 . The earthquake_ when I_ some cleaning in the kitchen.Astarts; was doingBstarted; was doingCwas starting; was doingDstarts; were doing8 . I like this pair of shoes, can I_? Yes, of course.Atry it onBtry them onCtry on itDtry on them9 . I cant find my English textbook. Is it possible that you _ it at home?AlostBsawCleftDgave10 . These books will be equally among you students and dont worry about the matter.AproducedBrealizedCdividedDmade11 . Everyone looked when John didnt show up. Anyhow he came at last.AworriedBrelaxedCfinalDsleepy12 . Whats it on the board?Its a(n) _ saying that the meeting has been put off.AsentenceBmessageCnoticeDposter13 . It was raining _when my sister and I got to the museum.AbadlyBsoftlyChardlyDheavily14 . The tigers will protect their families if theres _.AdangerousBin dangerCdangerDin dangerous15 . The box was so heavy I almost it.AcaughtBaffordedCmadeDdropped二、用单词的正确形式完成短文据短文内容,选择适当的单词填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项只用一次,有两项剩余。for, child, when, favorite, October, piano, November, happy, month, first, dancing, year, party, footballDear Tom, My name is Liu Yun. Im a 12-year-old girl. Im the only(唯一的)16 . in my family. My birthday is in17 . . Its the18 . day of the tenth month. Its also National Day. My parents have a19 . for me on that day. My friends come to the party. They bring me lots of birthday presents(礼物), and they sing(唱) Happy Birthday to me. We eat some fruits: strawberries, oranges and bananas. My20 . fruit is bananas. We eat noodles and cakes 21 . dinner. We also play the22 . and dance. My friend Jim is good at 23 . . We have a24 . time!25 . is your birthday? Can you let me know? Yours, Liu Yun三、句子配对将正确答案序号写在相应问句前26 . What time do you go to bed?ANo, I dont.27 . Whose book is this?AThank you.28 . Where is your school?AI ate three apples.29 . Did you play badminton last week?AIts mine.30 . How long is the trip?AIts fifteen hours to Beijing.31 . What did you do last night?AIts behind the supermarket.32 . Do you like dumplings?AYes, I did.33 . How often do you go on a trip to Beijing? H. Because I like to swim.34 . Happy birthday. I. Usually once a year.35 . Why do you like summer? J .I go to bed at ten.四、填空根据下面的简报完成短文,每空一词。We want36 . good swimmers to be in our swimming37 . . Can you swim very38 . ? Do you want to learn about swimming? If you want to39 . us, please call us40 . 364-4577.五、回答问题阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。In 1990, Debbie Spaide and a group of children volunteered to water the garden for an elderly neighbour (邻居) in New Canaan, CT. A few weeks later, the same kids made 150 bag lunches for a soup kitchen (a place where people with no money and no homes can get free food). Debbie Spaide told her friends about her experiences. After just a few weeks, the group grew to over 50 young people. That was the beginning of GenerationOn Kids Care Clubs.GenerationOn Kids Care Clubs are groups of young people who work together to help people in need in their communities and around the world. GenerationOn Kids Care Clubs can be found in schools, churches, volunteer centres and many other centres. Today there are more than 1,800 registered (已注册的) GenerationOn Kids Care Clubs in the world and 80,000 kids in the United States and countries including Australia, Canada and China. Anywhere that there are kids working together to help others, there is a GenerationOn Kids Care Club in the making. If you are interested in starting a GenerationOn Kids Care Club, go to www.kidscare.org.41 . What did Debbie Spaide and the kids do for the soup kitchen?_42 . What did Debbie Spaides friends probably think of her experiences?_43 . Why do members of GenerationOn Kids Care Clubs work together?_44 . Are there any GenerationOn Kids Care Clubs in China? _45 . Why did the writer write this passage? _第 5 页 共 5 页


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