初二英语仁爱版下册Unit 6topic1综合复习

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初二英语仁爱版下册Unit 6topic1综合复习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -I am sorry, Mr. Brown. I left my English homework at home. -It doesnt matter. Please remember it here tomorrow.AtakingBto takeCbringingDto bring2 . President Xi said that people in the world should build a community _ a shared future.AtoBatCwithDfrom3 . The boy didnt go to bed until he finished _ the article.AwritingBwriteCto writeDwrote4 . Im very lonely .Id like to find someoneAto playBplayingCto play withDplaying with5 . - Could you tell me _ it costs to fly to Beijing? - ¥500 one-way.Ahow longBhow manyChow much6 . Miss Wang _ the truth after three days.AfoundBfound outClookedDlooked for7 . Its necessary for us _ to our parents when we have problems.Ato talkBtalkingCtalk8 . I think listening to music is a good wayupAwakeBwokeCto wakeDwaking9 . I want to _ another two _.Abook; bookBbooks; bookCbook; booksDbooks; books10 . Im thirsty. Id like a glass of orange juice. What about you,Dad?I want a cup of coffee _ nothing in it.AwithBwithoutCforDto11 . Please tell me something _ your new teacher.AinBforCaboutDon12 . One way _ this problem _ search for some information on the Internet.Asolve; is toBto solve; is toCto solve; isDsolve; is13 . - -Why did Jean try so many clothes in the clothing shop yesterday?- Because she wanted to try out the lead role of the school play.Aon; forBout; ofCon; ofDfor; for14 . My father always asks me_ too much junk food.Ato eatBnot eatCnot to eat二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A. This is Mike speaking.B. The total cost is¥540.C. Do you have a standard room?D. What kind of room would you like?E. And how long will you stay?F. How much does it cost?G. Can I help you?A: Hello, Green Hotel. 15 . B: Yes, please. May I book one room now?A: Of course. 16 . B: A standard room with a bathroom. 17 . A: ¥180 one night. When do you want them?18 . B: From Monday to Thursday next week, three nights.A: All right. 19 . May I have your name, please?B: Jack Smith.A: Thank you. Mr. Smith. Youll feel comfortable in our hotel.三、完型填空A father and his son went to a kite-flying festival. The son was happy when he saw the sky full of colorful kites. He wanted to fly a kite, too. The father then _ a kite for his son in the store.The son started to fly the kite. _, his kite was high up in the sky in a few minutes. Then, the son said, Father, it seems that the string(线)is stopping the kites from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be _ and fly higher. Can we cut it? The father cut the string off of the reel线轴). The kite started to go _. This made the little boy happy.But then, slowly, the kite started to _. It finally fell to the ground. The son was _to see this. He asked his father, Why did it fall down? I thought that the kite would fly higher _cutting the string.The father explained, The string was not stopping the kite from going higher, but was helping it stay in the sky. You helped the kite go up in the right_ by using the string. But it can no longer support(支撑)the kite if you cut the string.We may sometimes feel like there is _ holding us back and stopping us from growing. But _, it might be the thing that supports us the most.20 . AboughtBpaintedCmadeDborrowed21 . AUsuallyBSoonCCertainlyDSadly22 . AsmallBbigCbusyDfree23 . AhigherBcloserCslowerDharder24 . Awrite downBturn downCfall downDcut down25 . AboredBinterestedCsurprisedDexcited26 . AafterBbeforeCduringDuntil27 . AsideBwayCspaceDtime28 . AanythingBnothingCeverythingDsomething29 . Aof courseBso farCin factDat least四、句型转换句型转换。30 . Get up early, or you will be late for school.(改为同义句)_you _get up early, you _late for school.You will be late for school _ you get up early.31 . I will be free next Sunday. I will go shopping. (用if连接为一个句子)_I _next Sunday, I_go shopping.32 . I think they had a good time at the party yesterday. (改为否定句)I _they _a good time at the party yesterday.33 . Tony will travel all over the world. (改为否定句)Tony _all over the world.34 . If you bring food to the library, the teachers will take them away.(对划线部分提问)_if you bring food to the library.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空35 . Boys, would you please calm _ (you) down? Its no use arguing loudly here.36 . Youd better take a map with _ (you).37 . The workers _ (they) are hard-working.38 . I cant speak Japanese, its hard to make _ (I) understood.39 . Please be careful, or it will hurt _ (you).六、用单词的正确形式完成句子三、用方框中所给词的正确形式填空sing, clean, visit, like, plan40 . My parents hope _ the Great Wall one day.41 . The girls can _ this song in English.42 . Do you mind _ the blackboard?43 . My sister doesnt _ sitcoms.44 . We _ to go on a vacation in Qingdao, but at last we went to Mount Tai.七、日记45 . 用英语写日记是学习英语的一个好方法,请你根据表格提供的信息,用英语写一篇日记。活动时间4 月 10 日(星期六)出发时间7:30 a.m.所需时间25分钟活动地点人民公园(the Peoples Park)交通工具公交车活动内容上午划船;下午做游戏;返回时间5:00 p.m.你的感受注意:1.文章必须包括表格的全部内容,可适当增加细节;2.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数,只需接着写;3.词数:7090。参考词汇:划船 boatSaturday, April, 10thIt was fine. I went for a trip with my classmates today._第 7 页 共 7 页

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