七年级英语下册Module 6 Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?

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七年级英语下册Module 6 Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?_第1页
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七年级英语下册Module 6 Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its cold outside. Please _your coat when you go out.Aput onBdressCwearDbe in2 . Mary sits _ my left and on Bens right. So she sits_us.Aon;behindBon;betweenCin;nextDin;behind3 . _ go shopping tomorrow?AWhat aboutBWhy dontCHow aboutDWhy not4 . Please be careful when you walk _ the street. There are so many cars.AwithBoverCacrossDbehind5 . Could you tell me how _ the bookstore? Sorry, Im new here. Im not sure.Aget toBto getCto get toDto arrive二、补全对话6选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有一项为多余选项。A: Excuse me. 6 . B: The bookshop? Its near the flower store, but its a little far from here.A: 7 . B: Let me see. Its about six kilometers away. You can go there by bus.A: 8 . B: Yes. Bus No.16 will take you there.A: 9 . B: Go down this road and turn right at the crossing. 10 . A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.AHow far is it from here?BSorry, I am new here.CWhere is the bus station?DCan you tell me which bus I should take?EYou can see it on your left.FCan you tell me the way to the bookshop?三、完型填空Everyone wants to have a wonderful birthday party. How to get ready _ it? Here are some ideas for you.First, make the _ of your party. The earlier you plan it, the _. Having a party on your birthday may be great, but sometimes some things wont let you do that and youll have it _ before your real birthday.Second, _ who you want at your party. You can choose close friends, family members, relatives and so on.Now its time for the best part -planning your party! First and the most important, youll _ invitations to your guests.Next you have to decide what kind of party you will give-Will it be a crazy activity that everyone will _? Will it be in the hotel _ a restaurant? But you should let everyone be happy as possible as you can.Then decide what _ you would like to serve Cake is good birthday food, but _ foods like pizza are also popular.Last, you should get out there, greet your _ and throw an unforgettable, amazing party. Maybe your guests will talk _ for days But remember dont have your party be too _.Guests have other things to do more than a party all day.If you decide to have your party at night, you can have it at restaurant or other funny places _at your house. If you dont, the _ and music could annoy your neighbors.11 . AtoBforCinDwith12 . AplaceBdateCpeopleDfood13 . AgoodBbestCbetterDmore better14 . AsometimeBsometimesCsome timeDsome times15 . AchooseBtakeCbringDtalk16 . Agive outBsend outCput outDtake out17 . AhateBspendCenjoyDdislike18 . AorBandCsoDbut19 . AfoodBclothesCmusicDactivities20 . AelseBotherCothersDthe others21 . AfriendsBrelativesCclassmatesDguests22 . AtheyBthemCitsDit23 . AbeautifulBbigClateDwonderful24 . Atake placeBinstead ofCtake place ofDinstead25 . AnoiseBfoodCdrinksDgames四、阅读单选When you wear something, you are often saying, Look at me! Your clothing communicates to the world what you want the world to think of you. For example, when you go on a job interview, you might choose clothes that make you seem sincere. When you go to a party, you might choose clothes that make you look exciting._1In Scotland and parts of the countries of East and Southeast Asia, men as well as women wore skirts. In Turkey and China and among the Inuit, both men and women wore trousers. But in ancient Greece, men who wore trousers were thought to be savages(野蛮人).In the United States today, both men and women wear pants._2Over the centuries, anthropologists(人类学家)have learned that the clothing people wore was connected to the position they held in society. In most societies, important people put on special clothing to show their power. In the 18th, kings and queens wore special clothing, often specially made and difficult to keep clean. Since poor people could not afford to wear this kind of clothing, it became a symbol of wealth._3Today some people still wear clothing that represents their position in life. Sometimes clothing clearly shows the organization that a person works for. Postal workers, airline attendants, and some factory workers wear uniforms. Others wear expensive clothes that show their social position as wealthy people.4Now many teenagers and adults buy clothes from a certain designer or company. They may like the good name of the designer or the company and want to share that name. But one basic reason for choosing clothes is the same as it has always been. People choose their clothes to tell others who they are and what they like.26 . The sentence In different civilizations(文明)at different times, different kinds of clothes have been acceptable(可接受的). can be put in Blank _.A1B2C3D427 . Why do some people buy clothes from a certain designer?AThey like the designers good name.BThey work for the designers company.CThey want more people to know the designer.DThey think it makes it easier to choose clothes.28 . In the sentence But one basic reason for choosing clothes is the same as it has always been. one basic reason probably refers to(指的是)_.Atheir workBtheir wealthCtheir appearanceDtheir position29 . According to the article, you may believe that _.Apeople might not look attractive in new clothesBeach new period brings some changes in clothingCclothes from good designers or companies sell wellDpeople who belong to organizations must wear uniforms五、句型转换. 句型转换30 . One day people will go to the shops no more. (改为同义句)One day people _go to the shops _more.31 . Mary pays 10 dollars for the toy. (改为同义句)Mary _10 dollars _the toy.32 . Lingling is going to buy a present for her mother. (对画线部分提问)_is Lingling going to _for her mother?33 . There are some new ways to go shopping nowadays. (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)_new ways to go shopping nowadays? _34 . Online shopping is good for our life. (用bad改为选择疑问句)_online shopping good _for our life?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。35 . His room is untidy. The things are e_.36 . It is not Erics schoolbag. H_ is in the classroom.37 . -Hey, Timmy! C_ here and meet my friend, Rose.- OK.38 . -Can you h_ me with my English, Mary?- Yes, of course!39 . Red and blue make p_.40 . What do you call your m_ sisters?Aunts.41 . There are two English-Chinese d_ on the bookcase. If you dont know the new word, you can use them.42 . These are my books, and t_ are his books.43 . My uncle and aunt have three children so I have three c_.44 . I lost a set of keys. I must f_ it.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空45 . He _ (drink) some milk and ate some bread.46 . Remember _ (close) the windows when you leave school.47 . I heard Daniel _ (not pass) the Maths exam.Oh, really?48 . No one except (除了) his parents _ (know) where he lives now.49 . What did you have for your breakfast this morning?I _ (eat) some bread.50 . Yesterday the teacher _ (tell) us that the Earth moves around the Sun.51 . We found a new way _ (work) out the Maths problem.52 . Father is interested in _ (climb) up the mountains on sunny days.53 . Thanks for explaining (解释) and _ (give) us so much help.54 . Look! How fast Wang Ming is running!I _ (not know) he could run so fast!八、完成句子完成句子55 . 老师要求他的学生为考试作准备The teacher asked his students to _the exam56 . 橄榄枝是和平的象征The olive branch is_57 . 当雨停了的时候,诺亚让一只鸽子飞出木船When the rain stopped,Noah let a dove_ the ship58 . 地球上有许多江河和湖泊There are many rivers and lakes_59 . 请接受这本书作为我们友谊的信物_this book_ a pledge of our friendship60 . 我们今天吃鱼而不吃肉怎么样?What about eating fish_ meat today?61 . 对成员来说达成一致并不总是容易的It is not always easy for the members to_62 . 你能告诉我怎样解决这个问题吗?Can you tell me how to_?63 . 对我来说让我的父母满意是困难的It is difficult for me to_ my parents64 . 联合国已经派出军队维持那两个交战国之间的和平The UN has sent armies to keep peace between the two_ countries九、用单词的正确形式完成短文综合填空。从方框中选择适当的词,并用其适当形式填空。at, from, also, not, early, around, believe, miss, late, travel, arrive, inDo you like traveling by plane? I 65 . many people will say “yes”. But I 66 . like it at all. First, an airport(飞机场)is usually far 67 . the city. Itll take me a few hours 68 . at the airport or go back to the city. Second, planes are often 69 . . Third, I cant open the windows on a plane and the food there is not nice.I like 70 . by train. Trains are safe and fast now. High-speed trains can travel 71 . a speed of 250 kilometers to 300 kilometers an hour. And railway stations are usually in the center of the city. If I 72 . a train, I can take the next one right away. On the train, I can walk 73 . and open the windows. I can 74 . enjoy the scenery(风景)on the way. Its interesting.第 9 页 共 9 页

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