仁爱英语8年级下册Unit 7单元复习试卷英语试题

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仁爱英语8年级下册Unit 7单元复习试卷英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -How often do you go to the library? -_.ATwo daysBThree timesCTwice a weekDTwice2 . My grandpa always _ funny stories and they make me _.Asays; laughingBtalks; to laughCspeaks; laughsDtells; laugh3 . Peter is 15 years old. He is _ than his father.AtallBthe tallestCtallestDtaller4 . I cant wait_ the nice picture.AbuyBto buyCbuyingDbought5 . Can you tell me _ ?Ahow does ORBIS get enough moneyBhow ORBIS does get enough moneyChow ORBIS get enough money doesDhow ORBIS gets enough money6 . I have_, so I often eat chocolate,sugar and so on.Asweet toothBa sweet toothCsweet teethDa sweet teeth7 . Dont you find it hard to realize our dreams?Perhaps, but dreams will come true without doubt as long as we _ them.Aturn offBstick toCcut downDshow up8 . The key doesnt _ any of the doors. Do you know why?AfeelBfixCfindDfit9 . If you like basketball, you may enjoy _ it even on hot day.ApractiseBto practiseCpractisesDpractising10 . The police found the lost car.Awith mistakeBby accidentCby mistakeDin accident11 . _Sure. Id like a bowl of fried noodles and a cup of tea.AWhat would you like to buy?BWould you like something to drink?CWhich kind of food would you like?DMay I take your order?12 . -What kind of animals do you like?-Pandas. They are_ cute.Aa kind ofBkind ofCkinds ofDa kind13 . Which of the following words matches the sound/kntkt/?AcontactBcontainCconnectDcontest二、完型填空Long long ago, there was a river. The river was very _. He had spent long time being alone and refusing to share his water with any fish, plant or animal. His life was full of loneliness and sadness.One day, a little girl came to the river. She was going to move to _ country and decided to put her favourite little fish into the river. This little fish, named Scamp, was a happy fish._ he fell into the river, he felt the rivers loneliness. Scamp tried to talk to the river and wanted to make the river _. But the river told Scamp to go away. Scamp didnt _. He kept asking and swimming in the river, and _ he started jumping in and out of the water. _ time went by, the river became happy and they became good _ . But one day, this little fish was caught by a little boy.The river spent that night thinking about how much_ it was to have a friend, and how much he had missed by not having him. Before, he was so _. From then on, the river became friendly to others and made friends with the plants and fish in the river.14 . AkindBunfriendlyCoutgoingDstrange15 . AotherBanotherCelseDthe other16 . AUntilBIfCBecauseDWhen17 . AbraveBweakChappyDsad18 . Agrow upBgive upCget upDcome up19 . AfinallyBslowlyChardlyDluckily20 . AWhileBSinceCWheneverDAs21 . AclassmatesBbrothersCparentsDfriends22 . AfunBtimeCmoneyDstress23 . AtiredBuntidyCstupidDValuable三、阅读单选Except for a few times, Americans are not big present-givers. Theres no exchange of presents among business people, and if one American tries to give another a present, it may look like that he wants to bribe (贿赂) him. Americans have learned that in some other countries people like to give presents to others, but among ourselves we dont see the need for presents.Even friends may never exchange presents. When I go to foreign countries, I try to bring back little things for close friends, but nobody would feel unhappy if I didnt. I dont often remember a friends birthday, and few people outside of my family remember mine. If someone gave me presents too often, Id get unpleasant. But a present from a foreigner - that kind from his or her homeland wont go wrong, except to government employees (政府职员) who cant be given presents.You usually open a present at once and in front of the person who gives it except Christmas and birthday presents. You should only say, Its so nice. Thanks when you get Christmas or birthday presents.You may want to bring a bottle of wine (葡萄酒) or flowers to a dinner party, but youre never asked to. Nobody will mind if you bring wine, but your friend may not use it that evening.At Christmas we often give presents to our family and sometimes our friends. We also give presents to people who have been helpful during the year- doormen, babysitters, housecleaners, newspaper senders anyone who has often helped us.24 . What does close friends mean in the passage?AThe friends who are very kind.BThe friends who live close to each other.CThe friends who were once classmates.DThe friends who you like most.25 . What kind of presents dont Americans usually open in front of the givers?AThe small presents.BChristmas or birthday presents.CThe expensive presents.DThe presents for dinner party.26 . Why do Americans also give presents to housecleaners at Christmas?ATo pay them.BTo help them.CTo thank them.DTo make them work harder.27 . Which of the following do you think is right?AAmerican business people dont want presents because they are rich enough.BThe writer of this passage must be an American.CEveryone must give presents to ones family and friends at Christmas.DGovernment employees can get little presents from a foreigner.28 . What is the main idea of the passage?APresent-giving in the United States.BCustomes in the United States.CAmerican people and present-giving.DWhen and how to give presents.Alien Books On Sale7th February15th February Ding Wangtai Book Market60% off if you buy more than 10 books#The BEST GIFT# for children during the Spring Festival SeasonName: Aliens are My Homework Author: Bruce Coville Price: $ 6In stock(库存)Name: Aliens for Lunch Authors: Stephanie Spinner& Jonathan Etra Price: $ 4Only 18 left in stock Name: The Three little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot Author: Margaret McNamara Price: $ 7 Out of stock 29 . How much should you pay if you buy 12 Aliens are My Homework?A$ 72B$ 28.8C$ 43.230 . How long will the book sale last(持续)?A7 daysB8 daysC9 days31 . Which of the following is NOT true?AYou can buy the books as gifts for childrenBThere are less than 20 books by Stephanie Spinner&Jonathan EtraCThe most expensive book is availableLong, long ago the world was a happy place. Nobody was ever sick or sad.At that time there lived a little girl named Pandora. One day a fairy gave her a wonderful box. The fairy made Pandora promise not to open it. Pandora and her friends often looked at the box and wondered what was in it.For a long time Pandora kept her promise, but at last she couldnt help herself. She opened the box a little. Then hundreds of bad fairies flew out. They stung (刺伤) Pandora and her friends. The bad fairies flew out of the door and stung all the children in the land. Then Pandora heard a voice crying, “Let me out, and I will help you.”She opened the box again, and a beautiful fairy flew out. She told Pandora that her name was Hope. She kissed Pandora and her friends, and made them feel well. Then she flew away to help the other children.Until now, when people are sick or unhappy, the little good fairy, Hope, comes to comfort them.32 . The fairy who gave Pandora the box asked her.Ato look after a little girlBnot to hurt the children in the landCto open the box quicklyDto keep the box closed33 . What didnt the bad fairies do after they flew out of the box?AThey hurt Pandora.BThey hurt Pandoras friends.CThey stung all the children in the land.DThey kissed Pandora and her friends.34 . Which of the following statements about Hope is TRUE according to the passage?AShe was a beautiful fairy.BShe was a bad fairy.CShe was a friend of Pandora.DShe was an unhappy child.35 . Whats the best title of this passage?AA happy world.BBad fairies.CPandora and her friendsDPandoras box四、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空, 使短文完整、通顺。choose, for, get, with, and, ever, another, one, where,surprised, flu Mr. Green was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor examined him carefully and said, “Well, Mr. Green, youve got the 36 . You need to 37 . some injections (注射). After that youll feel much better. A nurse will come38 . give you the first one this evening. Then shell give you 39 . one tomorrow evening.In the evening a young nurse came to Mr. Greens bed. She said to him, “I am going to give you your 40 . injection now, Mr. Green.41 . do you want it?”The old man was very 42 . . He stared at the nurse for a moment. Then he said, “ No one has 43 . let me choose that before. Are you really going to let me44 . now?”“Yes, Mr. Green. Where do you want it?” the nurse replied(答复). She was in a hurry.“Well, then,” the old man answered 45 . a smile, “I want it in your left arm, please.”五、填写适当的句子补全对话词汇部分46 . Thanks for(teach) us English.47 . My classmates are very(friend) to me.48 . Look! The children(swim) in the river.49 . He usually sleeps and(relax) 20 hours every day.50 . There(be) some new chairs in the room.51 . It is a _ (rain) day.52 . My mother always tells me _( do ) my homework after school.53 . Lets _ (go) to the movies on Saturday evening.54 . I think pandas are kind of _ (interest).55 . Mary is my _ (brother) friend.根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A:Good evening!Come in,please!B:Good evening!Thank you for inviting me.A: Oh,lets have supper. 56 . ?B:A hamburger,some French fries and a glass of orange juice.A:57 . What about Coke?B:It isnt my favorite drink. Well,give me a glass of water.A: Theres some apple juice in the next room.58 . . . ?B:Yes,please. I like it. What would you like for supper?A:Id like some dumplings. And I like eating them best.B:Dumplings?59 . ,too.A:Would you like some then?B:But the hamburger .A:60 . . I can put it in the fridge.六、材料作文61 . 书面表达。Tom邀请Li Ping参加他这周日的生日宴会,但Li Ping的父母出差要到下个月才回来,奶奶又卧病在床,需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,因此,无法前去参加生日宴会。Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写信辞谢。请你帮Li Ping完成下面的辞谢信。要求字数6080。Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.Id love to go but I cant.My parents_Yours,Li Ping第 9 页 共 9 页


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