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八年级上学期期末考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The policeman told the boys _ in the street. It was dangerous.Anot to playBdont playCto playDplaying2 . I wonder if Tomin his business. He will if hemore chances.Awill succeed; will be givenBwill succeed; is givenCsucceeds; will be givenDsucceeds; is given3 . Im good at English,and I want to learn _ foreign language.AotherBanotherCthe otherDothers4 . If you have any trouble, be sure to call me._.AIm sorry to hear thatBI will. Thank youCI have no troubleDIll think it over5 . I want to know if there _ an English speech contest next month. If our school _ it, I must get ready for it.Awill be, holdsBwill be, will holdCwill have, holdsDis, will hold6 . -Who is _ man in a black hat?-Its Jim Brown. We often play _ basketball together.Aan; aBa; /Cthe; aDthe; /7 . _ students will go to the beach for the picnic.ATwo hundred ofBTwo hundredCTwo hundreds ofDTwo hundreds8 . A tsunami(海啸) _ in some southern Asian countries in December, 2004._ homeless people had to stay in the open air.Ahappened; Thousands ofBhas happened; Thousands ofChappened; Twelve thousands9 . My brother is asas me. We both like telling jokes.AoutgoingBmore outgoingCmost outgoingDmuch outgoing10 . The little boy was blind birth. We should have pity him.Aat; forBat; onCfor; onDat; at11 . By taking an online spoken English course,I find much simpler to speak EnglishAthisBthatCitDone12 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronounciation from the others?AWhat animal jumps highest?BHere is an invitation from a clubCMy father is a businessmanDHe found it was a dull party13 . Sorry, Ms Wang. I left my homework at home. Must I hand it in today?No, you_ . You_ bring it here tomorrow.Amustnt; shouldBneednt; mustCmustnt; mayDneednt; can14 . Since 2008, China_ a powerful high-speed railway network.AdevelopBdevelopedChas developedDwill develop15 . This red sweater is _ that blue one, but _ than the blue one.Aas nicer as; cheaperBas nice as; much cheaperCas nicer as; cheaper二、完型填空During an experiment, a biologist put a shark into a large tank and then put several small fish into it, too. As you would_, the shark quickly swam around the tank(容器). When it found the smaller fish, it _ began to attack and eat them. The biologist then placed a strong piece of _ glass into the tank, creating two separate parts. She then put the shark in one part of the tank and a new group of fish in _. Again, the shark quickly attacked. This time, however, the shark knocked into _ glass divider and bounced off(弹回). The shark kept repeating this behavior every few minutes but it _. Meanwhile, the small fish swam around _ in the other part. About an hour later, the shark_ up. This experiment was repeated several _ over the next few weeks. Each time, the shark got less aggressive(攻击性) and didnt want to _ attacking the small fish, until the shark got _ of hitting the glass divider and simply stopped attacking. The biologist then removed the glass divider, _ the shark didnt attack. The shark was trained to believe there was a barrier(障碍) between itself and the small fish, so the fish swam wherever they wished, without _. In fact, many of us, after experiencing setbacks and failures, emotionally give up and stop trying. Like the _ in the story, we believe that because we were unsuccessful in the past, we will always be unsuccessful. In other words, we continue to see a barrier in our heads, even when there is no “real” barrier _ where we are and where we want to go.16 . AworryBfearCexpectDremember17 . AheavilyBquicklyCcarefullyDbusily18 . AdirtyBdarkClightDclear19 . AanotherBotherCthe otherDothers20 . AaBanCtheD(不填)21 . AwantedBfailedCleftDhit22 . AhappilyBquietlyCsafelyDpolitely23 . AtookBgaveCputDcut24 . AminutesBmonthsCgroupsDtimes25 . AallowBstopCforgetDtry26 . AtiredBexcitedCusedDsurprised27 . AandBsoCorDbut28 . AdeathBdangerCinterestDhope29 . AsharkBfishCglassDtank30 . AamongBfromCthroughDbetween三、阅读单选(题文)School Programs31 . (小题1)Which school offers Music Programe?AHillbrook SchoolBEmerson SchoolCMonarch SchoolDAlmaden School32 . (小题2)If you are interested in group classes in art ,you can callA650-968-5957B650-903-0986C650-403-3575D650-720-167733 . (小题3)Which program helps improve thinking skills?ASports ProgramBArt ProgramCDevelopment ProgramDWoodshop Program四、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required. ( 按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词。)34 . We have the dress with the white spots in your size. (改为否定句)We _ the dress with the white spots in your size.35 . Dongping National Forest Park is on Chongming Island.(对划线部分提问)_ Dongping National Forest Park?36 . Tom began to work as a postman several years ago. (保持句意不变)Tom _worked as a postman _ several years.37 . My sister never gives up her English. (改为反义疑问句)My sister never gives up her English, _?38 . They can buy videos in Fun Videos on the third floor.(对划线部分提问)_ they buy in Fun Videos on the third floor?39 . Simon, pocket, never, wastes, a lot, money, has, Although, it, of, he, ( 连词成句)_.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)40 . Those two firemen saved a boy from the burning building but lost their _. (life)41 . Children, dont play with fire, or youll hurt _. (you)42 . The man escaped from the prison to search for _. (free)43 . Many people choose organic (有机的) vegetables because they are _ to our body. (harmful)44 . The modern fashion in education is to let the child _ everything on their own. (decision)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文短文填空。根据短文内容从方框中选择单词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文意思完整。每空一词,每词限用一次。have sun vegetable watch neverMr. Smith is an English teacher in a school. He works in Chengdu. Its a summer afternoon. The weather is hot and it is 45 . here. Mrs. Smith is washing 46 . in the kitchen. She is cooking for her family. What is their son Bill doing? He is doing homework in his room, its a quiet place for studying. Bill is a good boy, he 47 . fights with other students at school. He always follows school rules at school. Bills grandparents are 48 . boat races on TV in the living room. Bills sister Mary isnt at home. She went on a school trip with her classmates last week. They visited Qionghai Park in Xichang. They 49 . a good time there.七、单词填空短文填空Next,we 50 . to a restaurant to have a quick meal.On the way ,we met some Disney51 . characters ,such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse . They were so52 . .Wall Street ,the world -famous trade 53 . ,is here at the southern end of Manhatton 54 . .There are many big 55 . and international banks here.56 . on is Times Square .Every year,thousands of people 57 . here on New Years Eve. Its58 . to see the huge glass ball falling 59 . the darkness.八、回答问题The rules(规则,常规) in American schoolsGreetingsYou neednt greet your teachers when you come into a very big class. If you are late for class, you may go into the classroom quietly. But you should say sorry to the teacher after class.Answering questionsDont talk when somebody else is speaking. If you have something to say, you have to wait. When someone is speaking, you shouldnt interrupt him or her. If you want to answer the teachers questions, you may stand up and speak loudly. Its impolite to keep quiet when your teacher asks you questions. If you dont know the answers, you can say “Im sorry”.Other interesting rulesSome American schools dont allow students to wear caps, sunglasses or too large trousers. And they cant bring any bananas to school. The school bags for the students are usually sheer (透明的), so teachers can find whats in it easily.60 . If you are late for class in American schools, what should you do?_61 . Is it polite to talk when someone else is speaking?_62 . When students want to answer the teachers questions, what should they do?_63 . In some American schools, students cant do any things. Give an example._64 . Why are the students bags sheer in some American school?_九、话题作文65 . 书面表达86. 如今,中学生的学习时间长,压力大。上周我班学生对如何减压、放松进行了讨论。大家提出了许多种减压、放松的方法。请根据提示,以How Can We get relaxed为题,写一篇短文。词汇:压力pressure要求:(1)词数:80100个。(2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥How Can We Get RelaxedThese days, many students study too long every day and suffer from great pressure. Last week, my class had a discussion on how to get relaxed and reduce the pressure.第 9 页 共 9 页


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