九年级英语Unit 11 Section A(3a-4b)课时练习(青岛专版)

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九年级英语Unit 11 Section A(3a-4b)课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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九年级英语Unit 11 Section A(3a-4b)课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There is a bridge the river. Be careful when you cross it.AacrossBonCoverDthrough2 . Look at the small man with gray hair. I guess he is _ 60 years old.Aat firstBat leastCat timesDat last3 . Which do you prefer, green tea or coffee?_, thanks. Id like a glass of water.AEitherBNeitherCBothDAll4 . What you said made me_.I couldnt help crying.AangrilyBangryCboringDbored5 . How long have you _ here? About four years.AcomeBleftCarrivedDstayed二、完型填空Toms grandfather is already 70 years old. He will stop working in two weeks. Tom and his parents planned to have a surprise_for the old man.Tom loves his grandpa and he wants to do_special for him, He remembered that his grandpa gave him a business card(名片)when he was in Grade One. He_that his grandpa would not have the job on that card again,_he decided to make a new one for him.Soon the big party came. Tom took the_with him all that evening. He didnt want to put his gift together with the others. When all the other people_, he gave the gift to his grandpa. When his grandpa_the gift, tears (眼泪)came into his eyes. It was a business card with his_job: Full- time Grandpa!Now your full- time job is to be my grandpa! said Tom.Well,_will you pay me? asked Toms grandpa.Many hugs(拥抱)! With these words, Tom gave a big hug_his grandpa.Oh. thank you very much, my dear. Now I think Im the happiest man in the world! said Toms grandpa excitedly.6 . ApartyBtripCprizeDcompetition7 . AnothingBsomethingCanythingDeverything8 . AforgotBknewChopedDcared9 . AbecauseBorCalthoughDso10 . AcardBwatchCbookDphone11 . AleftBreachedCsleptDmoved12 . AsawBsentCwonDchose13 . AlongBshortColdDnew14 . Ahow manyBhow longChow muchDhow often15 . AwithBtoCforDat三、阅读单选Sometimes you get so angry that you feel like you are going to burst! It may seem like your anger (生气,发怒) will be the boss of you. What can you do to control your anger and how to keep yourself and others healthier and safer? Here are some ideas to help you.Take a deep breath before your heart slows down again.Count from 1 to 10 slowly in your mind before you open your mouth. Then count another 10. Think about what to do or say before making a choice.Walk away from the place that makes you angry. Go somewhere else until youve thought about what you can do.Use your words to tell your feelings. Dont hurt anyone with your hands or feet.Say what you feel in a low voice, not in a loud voice.Sometimes you need to do something to let those angry feelings out. For example, doing a chore that you hate is a very good idea. It can get rid of (消除) your anger and you can feel better when that chore has been done. In this way, you will make anger become something useful.16 . Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word burst in this passage?A绽放B爆炸C分隔D闯入17 . What will happen if you are the boss of your anger?AYou can burst.BYou can shout loudly.CYou can keep calm.DYou can be dangerous.18 . How many numbers should you count to control yourself before making a choice?A10B20C30D4019 . Whats the best title of this passage?AHow to control your anger?BDont hurt anyone with your hands.CDo some chores that you hate.DHow to make a good choice?四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句子意思及首字母提示写单词20 . He doesnt want to eat anything because of his_(疾病)21 . Many people like spring because its beautiful and the_is pleasant22 . I will feel_(紧张)when I speak to strangers.23 . Young people like shopping by_(use) the Internet.24 . David is searching the_(最近的)news about the accident.25 . The earth has a perfect_(环境)for humans to live.26 . His joke makes all the students l_.27 . The scientists have_(发现)the secrets of Mars.28 . How many apples are there in the basket?Lets c_them.29 . I cant a_the ticket to the USAIt is too expensive.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。30 . John is a well-known explorer and he has _ (explore) many amazing places.31 . In order to _ (prevention) people from killing tigers, she became a volunteer of Saving Tigers.32 . That lonely old man talks to others _ (rare).33 . Please go on _ (scan) to find the facts and numbers in the passage.34 . The up-to-date robot was _ (design) by a Japanese.第 5 页 共 5 页

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