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英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:选词填空姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题1 . 根据图片,选出正确的单词补全句子。finished helped listened played washed watched1. I _ with my .2. I _ my.3. Sam _ to the .4. Amy _.5. Lingling _ her .6. Daming _ his.2 . 用and或but连接下面的句子。1. He spent about 21 hours in space. He made a video. _2. My mother has got a new watch. She never wears it. _3. I bought a new book. I liked reading it very much. _4. I read a book. Then I watched TV. _5. He is eating dinner. The doorbell rings. _根据句意,选择合适的内容填空。3 . How was the weather yesterday? It was _ (sun / sunny).4 . Please no _ (smoke / smoking) here.5 . My father is a _ (drive / driver). He is good at _ (driving / drive).6 . Jack is good at _ (draw / drawing). He wants to be an _ (artist / art).7 . We _ (caught / catch) some big fish yesterday.Read and write. (根据提示,写单词。)8 . Eating more vegetables helps make you h_.9 . One of his _ (tooth) is bad. He ate too much candy.10 . A_ breakfast, I go to school.11 . Lin Tao jumps h_.12 . There are sixty minutes in an h_.13 . 选择正确的短语填空,完成句子。Aa great dayBgo intoCa lot ofDspace travelEproud of1.They are very _her.2.The taikonaut did _work in space.3.We met our grandpa yesterday. It was _.4.Little Tom wants to _space someday.5.I like the_ video in space in 2003.14 . 看图选词(1)_(2)_(3)_AborrowByourCmarker选词填空。blue time pants Mikes these15 . Its _ to go to school.16 . What are _?17 . My hat is _.18 . Are these _?19 . I like those _.用词的适当形式填空20 . He is blind. So he _ (can) see.21 . My dog made my room _. (mess)22 . Are you ready _(run)? Yes, I am.23 . He _ (look) happy.24 . The prince thought she was the _ (beautiful) girl of all.选择合适的词填空。A. eatB. exercisesC. forD. WhenE. shopping25 . _ do you go to school?26 . I often go _ with my sister.27 . I usually do morning _ at 8: 30.28 . I _ breakfast at 7: 00.29 . I want to go _ a walk this evening.选词填空。fourpipa season twelve swim30 . There are _ months in a year.31 . My favourite _ is autumn.32 . There are _ seasons in a year.33 . I often play the _ on the weekend.34 . I can _ in summer.35 . 写出下列单词的适当形式。【小题1】do (单三式)_【小题2】go (单三式)_【小题3】shop (现在分词)_【小题4】this (对应词)_【小题5】swim (现在分词)_36 . 选词填空1. Look at _ (we/ our) T-shirt. Theyre nice.2. I dont have _ (some/ any) toy lions.3. How many _ (mango/ mangoes) do you have?4. Would you like _ (some/ any) eggs?5. Do you have _ (some/ any) pears?二、选内容补全对话Read and choose. (选词填空。)goes to school washes her face gets uphas an English class does her homeworkKim 37 . at 6:30. Then she 38 . and has breakfast. At 7:30, she 39 . . She 40 . every school day. She likes English very much. After school, she goes home. Then she 41 . . She works hard.42 . 补全对话。AWhere is Tom?BShes reading a book. CShes under the tree with me. DHe is playing catch with his friends. EWere having a picnic.A: Look, this is a photo of my family. B: What are you doing?A: _B: _A: Hes at the beach. B: What is he doing over there?A: _B: Where is your mother?A: _B: What is she doing there?A: _B: Oh, I see(我知道了).43 . 补全对话Amy: Hi, John! Did you stay at home last Sunday?John: 1. _ I visited my grandparents in the countryside. And there was a big river near their house. Amy: 2. _John: No, I didnt. 3. _Amy: 4. _John: I went boating with my grandpa. It was fun. Amy: Really? Are you going there next Sunday?John: 5. _AYes, I am.BDid you go fishing?CNo, I didnt.DI didnt like fishing.EWhat did you do there?第 7 页 共 7 页


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